Sonic Legacy: Volume 2 (Statu...

By Projectcobra72

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Three years ago, Mobians and Demons fought side by side to save their worlds from a threat unlike any other... More

Act I Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: A Friend In Need
Chapter 3: Escalation
Chapter 4: Arcadia
Chapter 5: Checkmate
Act 2 Chapter 6: The Hunter
Chapter 7: A Different World.
Chapter 8: Inversion

Chapter 9: Dark and light

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By Projectcobra72

Eggman was in his lab when Orbot entered, him and some eggbots dragging a cart inside that had Neo Metal Sonic's body on it. Eggman turned, sighing as he stepped next to it.
"That's twice now that he's demolished you. How can one Mobian be so powerful!? Surge and Kit are gone now, you're... Not quite destroyed, and I'm running out of options!"
There was a cryo pod in a corner, him smirking as he walked up to it. Orbot slid next to him, hovering as he looked up at the doctor, Eggman's smirk turning into a grin
"But I'm not all out of options..."
"Wait, Isabel was Surge's prototype! You don't think she could fight him, do you!?" He asked, Eggman hitting a lever on the pod, causing it to hiss.
"No, but she can get Surge back and she can do it! Maybe not right now, but we can fix that... It'll take some time of course, but I can make do...."
Orbot sighed
"Of course sir... Anything you want us to do for now?"
"I'd like you to repair Neo as swiftly as possible. I didn't want to expose him to the world this early, but Surge and Kit were my main priority. Everything suggested that he'd at least be able to hold out long enough to get them back! Demon power is so... Intriguing..."
Orbot looked up at him
"Was that the point of the clones? To try and replicate that power?"
"Yes. Such power like that shouldn't be in the hands of someone who supports the chatoic ideals of somebody like Sonic! It should be in the hands of someone like me, who can enforce peace once and for all!"
Orbot's head tilted down, the electric blue lights of his eyes gently shining on the metal floor. He heard Eggman sigh
"Grab me my pen and drafting paper. I'll figure out something else in the meantime..."
"Yes, sir..." Orbot said, floating away into another room. It was a storage room, an older machine that resembled Metal Sonic laid dormant, it's visor for a set of eyes having been blackened for a while, indicated by the crust and dust having formed on it. Orbot shook his head as he looked around
"He scares me, with all this talk of 'enforcing the peace' and such." He thought to himself as he went to grab some pen and paper. Suddenly, he heard a book fall behind him. Looking over, he saw a scrapbook. Inside was pictures of the doctor when he was a child, with an older man that looked like him being shown as well. Some other pictures showed the doctor when he was seemingly in his late teens to adulthood, a small dark mustache being on his young face, some short black hair on the top of his head. Orbot recalled that he resembled something of an old fashioned gentleman, half expecting to see the lad riding a grand stallion in the next picture. For someone who was apparently 23, according to the label below the picture, he looked closer to his late 20s. That older man was there, alongside some girl that Orbot had never seen before. Long blonde hair, deep blue eyes that matched her dress... Orbot looked below the image and saw two names...
"Ivo and Maria Robotonick, the best granddaughter and nephew an old man could have! ~Gerald Robotonick" It read. Orbot seemed surprised at the description
"Maria was his cousin? He... I shouldn't waste his time like this!" He said as he hid the scrapbook, grabbing the pen and papers. Eggman sat at his table in the lab, pointing to the table before Orbot sat down the requested items.
"What is it you're planning?"
"Like I said, this'll take time. Size obviously won't beat him, so I need to somehow create something with a good enough size to power ratio to keep up with him, yet hit him hard..."
"I'm sure you'll figure out a solution!"
"Hopefully... With Sonic, I have his no killing rule to my advantage. Arnec isn't like that, he'll probably kill me with a smile on his face... So I can't just work around that. Go and get some rest, I'm sure carrying Neo has put some stress on your servos!"
"Yes, sir!"
Orbot hovered out of the room, Eggman sighing as he picked up the pen, looking at the piece of paper
"I can figure this out... I have to, to secure that world that Gerald wanted!" He said to himself as he looked at the paper, his eyes narrowing...


The husky that Scar had saved was in one of the burned out buildings, it looking like a house. She scrounged through it, trying to find something. Her hand shoved some rubble away and underneath was a sketchbook. She opened it and there was a drawing of Arnec inside, Chloe closing it and holding it close.
"Thank goodness you're still safe..." she said to herself. She got up and looked around.
"I'll find Arnec and we'll take Eggman down together!" She said to herself as she at the sky. She left the town, walking by a cave. She felt an odd sensation, like something was urging her to go inside. Walking in, she found the body of a jackal, a strange ruby being on it's chest. It felt like it wanted her to pick it up... After doing so, Chloe felt weird, like she had done some amazing accomplishment. Yet all she did was pick up a ruby... She slid it into her jacket pocket. Walking out of the cave, she pulled out the sketchbook and a paper map folded out, a base nearby being marked. She looked at the horizon, the sun having not been up long.
"Today's a new day.."
She said to herself before walking away, some sand gliding over the ruins. Meanwhile, Scar woke up in the Tsunala, Strangle being asleep by him. Everyone in the ship seemed to be asleep, Scar moving quietly to the living room area after kissing Strangle's cheek, the lemur letting out a little purr. His mind was on Arnec and the Silent Shadow ashe sat down on one of the chairs in the room, it being made of wood and twine. Something about the situation just felt wrong, the feeling nagging at him. He knew what it was though. It reminded him of Alastor, and the pain that the name brought to him. He heard Cerberus speak to him
"You alright, boy?"
He heard Cerberus sigh
"This bores you too, doesn't it?"
"It does."
Scar looked out a viewport and could see a Gecko family getting ready to leave. He couldn't hear them but one skill he'd learned over the years was reading lips. They were getting ready for school, one of the Gecko younglings running around its mother, with her telling them to settle down and get ready to go. Something about it made Scar feel weird. Some kind of tingling is how he'd describe it. It almost reminded him of Surge and Kit, having a similar energy. He opened his holo-pad, fiddling around with it as he searched the applications installed on the device. A calendar, calculator, even a card game of all things!
"Gotta be some kind of messaging thingy on this..." He mumbled before finding the one. He typed a message to Strangle and Scream, saying that he was going to be visiting Arnec before he left. Arnec was in Avalon tower, as per usual, speaking to a young chipmunk, her red hair shining from the sunlight entering the room. Her blue eyes matched her uniform, her speaking with an accent that implied royalty. Arnec crossed his arms
"What's the latest on the battleships?"
"Scharnhorst is finished, but we were wanting to use it as a testbed for our new laser cannons. Some of the men in R&D suggested that, as our railguns tend to over-penetrate their targets. I'm sure you know what that means."
"No damage, right?"
"Correct, sir."
Arnec nodded
"Never was a weapons expert. How's the Freya doing? I heard she was experiencing some... Engine trouble, I think?"
"Unfortunately, most of our old ships aren't in great shape, thanks to most of their blueprints being lost or experienced engineers being dead. We've made due, thankfully. Still, miles ahead from everyone!"
Arnec smiled a little
"Amadeus was right, recommending you. You understand the problems a lot better than someone like me does." He said, the chipmunk chuckling as she leaned a little
"Ain't much competition, but I'll take it. Anyways, I've been doing some research and found something... Odd."
"What would that be?"
"While we, as well as the Principality of Solia and Arcadia, have full navies, the Restoration does not. From what documentation I could scrounge up, most of their ships are stolen from Robotonick or formerly passenger ships, transports or late cold war era stuf modified into warships. Using decades old equipment would explain why they have a high failure rate...."
Arnec shook his head
"General Sally, I don't think we should be so hard on them. I've done my research as well. And when the war against Robotonick began, the Restoration wasn't a thing and most equipment was taken by mercenary groups or whatever government forces remained. So by the time they formed, there wasn't much left."
"Mercenaries? Mobius is under siege by a tyrant and people are just mooching off of other's misery!? How can someone live that like!?"
Suddenly they heard Scar
"Maybe you'd understand if you were in their situation. Scrounging for food, low on supplies, death hanging around every corner. Like a desperate rat, trapped with your back against a wall. Any opportunity to save your skin, you take it! The world doesn't care if you're suffering, as long as it's the one doing it..."
Sally looked over at Arnec
"Is that Scar?"
"Yes. We can finish this conversation later. You're dismissed."
Sally saluted, Arnec saluting back before she left. Scar smirked
"This the type of people you have under your command? People who don't even understand how the world works!?"
"She's young, she hasn't seen what we've seen. But she's good."
Scar grumbled
"For someone who's good, they sure don't know what they're talking about!" Scar said, rolling his eyes before continuing
"Anyway, want to talk to you about the situation."
"Alright..." Arnec leaned against his desk, crossing his arms.
"What is it?"
"So who is it you've got hunting for Scourge?"
Arnec turned
"Remember when I mentioned Whisper and her squad? Got them on the hunt."
Scar nodded, the two awkwardly looking away as Scar thought to himself
"Whisper... I wonder what she's like..."
"What did Scourge ever do to you?" Arnec asked, the wolf glancing at him.
"He killed a friend."
Arnec sighed
"I've lost people too, so I understand it. You want to talk about it, maybe get it off your chest?" Arnec asked, remembering how Tangle helped him open up. Scar wasn't having it though
"I'll tell you when you need to know."
"I understand. Anyhow, how are you finding the house, is there any problems with it?"
Scar shrugged
"Scream hasn't complained so I guess there's nothing wrong. Surge is... I don't know how to describe her. She seems to like you though!"
Arnec smiled a little
"So I could tell."
"Although I do wonder.... Why convert warships to houses?"
"Well, when the ships get old, they get weaker. And we need the top of the line as our bulwark. So we take old ships and rather strip them down to turn into houses, or we strip their weapons and turn them into cargo ships."
"I get that, but isn't there enough housing?"
"Not everyone can afford proper housing, especially Geckos. We're both blessed and cursed with their breeding rates, unfortunately. Economy isn't stable at the moment either."
Scar seemed to get it
"Free housing by converting unneeded warships, eh? Sounds smart I guess."
"Yeah, I'm trying."
"Can I ask you something?"
"I guess."
"What are you're parents like?" Scar asked. Arnec leaned back a little
"My father was a Demon Knight. He was seemingly kind, caring, and did his best to understand my problems, even though I was technically a Mobian. My mother was a former pilot before becoming a scientist to study some ancient artifacts. She learned they were demonic and met my father shortly after. Me and my brother were born not too long after. She was kind as well, but had some sass and knew her way around a gun. Unfortunately my father was also quite the liar..."
Scar smiled a little, Arnec being taken by surprise.
"They're gone, ain't they?"
Arnec nodded
Scar nodded as well, smirking
"Lucky... My mother was a prostitute that I never got to see and my father... There's some wounds I'd rather not open. Same for my brother."
Scar looked away, his lips twitching. Arnec narrowed his eyes, almost being able to feel the pain before getting up
"I'll go check on their progress."
Scar nodded and Arnec stepped out of the room, getting on his radio
"Whisper, you there?"
It took a few seconds but the wolf responded
"I'm here."
Arnec had a small smile on his face as he leaned against a wall
"How's Nagase?"
"Still knocked out."
Arnec shook his head
"Any progress on Scourge?"
"Some rumors."
Arnec smirked, scratching his head
"That's something I suppose. How's the Schenberen front?"
"Hell. Natural selection got to the Zeti so only their best are left."
"How's Tangle doing?"
Arnec smiled a little
"She's doing well. Got the farm set up and stuff so when I'm away she takes care of the birds."
He heard Whisper chuckle
"You sure that's a bright idea? I had to feed poor Adler whenever she forgot."
Arnec laughed a little
"Well, I don't want to bore her to death here, nor do I want her on the front lines where I risk losing her. So..."
"Talk about a lose-lose situation."
Suddenly an alarm went off on Whisper's end.
"Arnec, I got a mission to do. Talk to you later?"
Whisper hung up, Arnec smirking as he reentered his office
"Apparently there's been rumors about Scourge, but nothing solid as of yet."
Scar did a little nod, grumbling to himself as he looked at Arnec
"So, what is it you do around here?"
Arnec smiled a little
"Well, aside from being bored out of my mind? Not much."
Scar narrowed his eyes
"What do you mean? You lead your own army!"
Arnec chuckled
"Yeah? I'm stuck in this office most of the time!"
Scar smirked
"Yeah, that does sound boring."
"What is it you do back in your universe?"
Scar shyly glanced away
"Freedom fighter."
"Freedom fighter, eh?"
Scar let out an amused exhale
"I didn't name it! Strangle did when she was a kid..."
Arnec smiled
"How'd you two meet?"
Scar chuckled
"I tried to meet her, was crushin' on her for a while. I did meet her... And her fists... And her best friends, one threatening to kill me! How'd you and Tangle meet!?" Scar asked, wanting Arnec to answer before being forced to give away any other embarrassing experiences. For some reason, Scar felt something odd in his chest when he talked about his past, almost like a weight being removed. He still didn't want to talk about him yet though. Arnec had a slight blush
"Well, I was a bit dramatic and knocked out somebody they hated..."
"Who would that guy be?"
"This real piece of work named Mimic. Octopus, thinks he's cool when he's just an edgelord and called me a half breed! So you know, minor stuff!"
They heard a thud behind them and Mimic stood from behind a couch, looking confused. He saw the two wolves and looked like his heart skipped a beat from pure fear.
"And now he's in my office...?" Arnec grumbled. Scar's eyes glowed a little as he got up, like when he drew Barbatos, him grabbing a stapler from Arnec's desk before slowly walking towards Mimic
"So, you like calling people half breeds, do ya!?" The marked wolf asked, Mimic stumbling backwards
"I don't even know how I got here! I've died twice and would like to stay dead this time!"
Scar smiled sadistically, Arnec being taken aback by the sight. Scar chuckled as he raised the stapler, a sadistic grin on his face. Arnec could hear the clacks of the stapler as Scar bludgeoned Mimic to death. Scar dropped the stapler, it being covered in blood. Scar looked down at his hands, his eyes going back to normal
"W-what the hell...!?" He stammered as he thought to himself
"That... That wasn't me that killed him... Was it!?" He said to himself, grabbing his head. Arnec felt a pressure, like he could feel Scar's frustration with himself.
"Are you okay?" Arnec asked, trying not to look at the corpse. Scar shook his head, walking out the door. Arnec sighed, opening his holo-pad
"Reminds me of... Me..." He said before messaging Starline to get a cleanup crew in his office. Some hunters rushed in, grabbing the mangled corpse of Mimic and carrying him away.
"I need a team to watch over Scar, tell me if he does anything of note! DON'T hurt him!"
Arnec grumbled as he sat down in his chair
"Why does he keep coming back?" He asked himself. Mimic's returns seemed consistent, too consistent. Almost like a divine intervention kept bringing Mimic back to life, just to mess with him. He smirked
"Artemis, is this your work? I know you're the god of time, but this... This is just a bit petty, don't you think? Even I, someone who hates that piece of schiesse, would prefer him to stay dead..."
Starline entered his office
"There's somebody to see you."
"Let them in."
Arnec looked up and Chloe entered, the husky's heart nearly skipping a beat as she saw him.
"It's really him...!" She thought to herself, flashes of the photos she'd seen of him being in her mind.
"H-hello! My name is C-chloe!" The husky said, her cheeks a deep red as she struggled to look at him. Arnec smiled shyly as he stood up, trying to stand in the way of the large bloodstain on his floor
"A fan, I assume?"
"How did you know!?"
"The stammers remind me of somebody I used to know. "
Arnec said with a small smile, her behavior reminding him of himself when he met Tangle.
"Anyways, what is it you need?"
Chloe smiled a little, rubbing the back of her neck
"I uh... I want to join the Silent Shadow! You guys are looking for recruits, yes?"
Arnec looked surprised at her request, Starline raising an eyebrow before whispering to him
"You sure this is a good idea?"
"If she passes the tests, then I guess it's fine!"
"If you're so sure..."
Arnec cleared his throat
"We're always looking for more members for the cause. The Silent Shadow's recruitment criteria is stricter than most other armies, however, and requires great physicality. So to be accepted, you'll need to pass some tests to ensure you don't... You know, wind up having cardiac arrest on the field? Are you okay with doing this?"
Chloe thought to herself
"If it's anything like the Diamondbacks, I'll be fine!"
She nodded, Arnec smiling a little
"I'll send somebody to take you to the closest base for testing, good luck!" He said, Chloe taking her leave. She thought to herself as she walked through the halls of Avalon tower
"He looks so much better in person..." her legs felt weak as she nearly tripped and fell. Scar was by a door, leaned over. Chloe glanced over at him before speeding out the door, the wolf not noticing her.
"Eggman's attack give me schizophrenia or something!? I hope not, I have to pass this!" She said to herself. A Silent Shadow hunter in blue and silver armor stood by the door, approaching her.
"You're Chloe I presume?" The hunter asked, Chloe nodding
"Yes, that would be me!"
"Supreme commander Arnec asked me to escort you to the base where you'll be receiving your testing. Please, follow me."
The two walked by some military transports, a new model Vampyr flying by them and landing. Where the old one was bulky, this one was slimmed down, having a more aquatic aesthetic like most modern Silent Shadow vehicles. The rear door opened and the hunter led Chloe inside, the rear door closing as the dropship lifted off.
"You have any military experience?" The hunter asked as they sat down. Chloe smirked
"Well, does being part of a PMC count?" She asked, the hunter shrugging a little
"Depends. Ever taken a life?"
Chloe was taken aback by the question, it seemingly triggering a bad memory as she remembered something... The hunter put his hand on her shoulder
"That look gave it away."
The hunter took his helmet off, resembling a demon knight as he looked more avian than some of his more lizard-like brethren. He had some battle scars, with there being chips on his beak and face. Chloe looked at him
"Yeah, once... Not proud of it..." She said weakly.
"None of us are, not even the supreme commander... Those of us who claim to be are rather lying or insane."
Chloe felt some solace, hearing that. The hunter smiled a little
"First time in the demon realm?"
"What brings you here?"
"I was part of a PMC that got wiped by Eggman. Restoration didn't seem like a great choice..."
"I guess I can understand that. I don't know much about the Restoration, but it seems they have the heart, but they lack the strength."
Chloe nodded, failing to tell the soldier the real reason she wanted to join, that being Arnec. Her and Arnec were almost the same age, mere months separating them, and she remembered hearing his voice over a Silent Shadow radio her and her brother had recovered during a battle near Cahara, him giving speeches of how the Silent Shadow had risen from the grave and had become one of the leading superpowers. Plus, something about an introverted Mobian breaking through his chains and becoming leader to what is one of the strongest militaries just seemed... Like a fantasy, to be honest. But he was real, she saw him... She looked at the demon
"Who are you?"
"As in my name?"
"Gallus Veeri, lieutenant. Yours?"
"Chloe... Chloe Anders. No rank."
The hunter smiled a little
"Nice. What kind of training did you do as a PMC?"
"Stuff from old military manuals before Eggman invaded. Did some of the exercises and weightlifting stuff too."
"I've heard about some of the old regimes, Schenbere was the closest to Solia's power level. But when you wear fire retardant suits for fun, I guess it's difficult to compare to your cousin race. Reminds me of some old stories."
"We're here." They heard the pilot interrupt, them being at the base. The door opened and the two stepped out, Gallus sliding his helmet back on. Chloe looked in awe at the Silent Shadow fighters and transports making their way around the air base. As she walked around, she noticed some Mobians and Zeti wearing Silent Shadow armor, different markings and color bands indicating what branch, division, etc. they each hailed from.
"What do all the colors mean?" Chloe asked. Gallus chuckled
navy is bright blue, Army is green, marines are tan, Air force are ivory and some special units get their own colors. For example; Arnec's special forces are a dark blue and Silver."
"Wait, you're part of his special forces? That's cool!" Chloe said, Gallus smiling
"It's an honor, and it's one you can earn too if you impress him!"
Chloe felt her cheeks warm up at that thought. Her and Arnec, storming Eggman's facility together. She swiftly snapped back to reality, the two entering the base commander's office. In there was an older demon, a hunter like Gallus. His feathers however were turning gray, his reptilian skin showing his age with its roughness. Unlike the soldiers, he wore a fancy dark blue coat with silver linings.
"Commander Ferzega, I have someone that wants to join, orders came from Arnec himself!"
Ferzega looked up at Chloe
"More Mobians? Let me guess, you deserted from the Restoration because of Sonic?" The old demon asked, Gallus shaking his head
"No, she's a former PMC whom had her people wiped by Robotonick. She specifically sought us out."
Ferzega smirked
"Alright then. Fill out this form and we'll get you tested tomorrow. Make sure you eat and drink plenty beforehand, I don't feel like dealing with another Mobian puking on the asphalt!"
Ferzega handed Chloe some papers before looking up at Gallus
"Veeri, take her to one of the converted houses and show her around. I'll send you the door code to whichever one you pick."
"Yes, sir!"
Chloe and Gallus left the base, Gallus looking over at Chloe
"Apologies if Ferzega seemed a bit harsh. He doesn't like Mobians all too much. Something about old grudges." The hunter said as they entered the Vampyr. He looked at the pilot
"Got some coordinates."
"Just send the damned thing."
"Aight, cool yourself!"
Chloe watched as the pilot grabbed a cup of what appeared to be coffee, him taking a drink
"Least you get to hang out with all the pretty Mobian ladies! I get to stare at Geckos all day!"
Gallus smirked
"Well don't bump your knee on the bloody ground so hard and you'd be with me again!"
"Ah shut it!"
Gallus rolled his eyes before pulling out his rifle, fiddling around with it. Chloe watched as he removed the magazine, it being loaded with what appeared to be .300, him sliding the magazine back in before checking the chamber. He looked up at Chloe
"We always keep our weapons loaded, thanks to the Zeti invading us one time."
"I heard it was bad."
"Seeing those ships above, nearly blocking out the sun... Scares me. Then the commander came, and our dreadnoughts rose from the ocean... Kinda beautiful. Most of us are supposed to be getting the new plasma guns, but some of us get to stick with our old 762s. Unless you're lucky like me and get the special stuff."
"I've fired a gun like that before. Diamondbacks had cold war guns. Wood stocks and such."
"I had a hunting rifle once, it having a wood stock too. Kinda miss the feeling of wood on my gun... Yeah, I'm a rifleman. I don't usually get the fancy kitted out guns. But they gave me a Whisper since I'm in Arnec's unit and everything. That's the gun's name apparently. Personally I prefer the old Raven but I don't get to choose the names!"
For some reason, Chloe found their accents kinda funny. Not in an offensive way, but a charming way. Almost like some Mobians that the Diamondbacks encountered once, them being kinda nutty but about as kind as they come... Mostly. She'd never had sweet tea before then and now she craved some. She remembered a girl from one of their communities that Evan had grown close to, until they nearly had a shotgun wedding. She heard nothing came out of it, although some of the Diamondback soldiers heard rumors that they'd had a baby that Evan didn't know about. If that was true, then his fate stung that much more... Gallus looked over at her
"You okay?" He asked, his voice going into an almost low growl as he put his rifle away.
"I'm fine, just..." Chloe couldn't finish what she was saying, Evan's death feeling fresh in her mind. Gallus sighed
"I know that look. Remembering a fallen comrade, ain't ya?"
"I know of that feeling. Lost my best friend on the Schenberen front during the early war."
Chloe had a sorrowful look on her face as she looked down
"Sounds horrible..."
"Yeah... Watching your friends get picked off one by one is horrible."
Chloe looked up at the pilot
"What about your friend up there?"
"Kimarah? He hit his knee and little too hard and messed his leg up a few days before the attack, so he was back at home while we all faced the horde. He said he wishes he was there with us, but he wouldn't say that if he knew what it was like..."
"I'm sorry, Gallus. I can't help that clumsiness runs in my DNA!"
"Just get us to the house!"
Kimarah grumbled, Chloe looking at Gallus with a neutral expression
"So... What did happen there?"
Gallus glanced away
"A lot of good people died."
"I'm sorry..."
"I learned that day that war doesn't care who you are, it'll snuff you out like it will anyone else."
"So why fight?" Chloe asked. Gallus looked over at her
"Because then I can at least make sure I die in someone else's place. Don't got any family anyway!"
Chloe shook her head
"I'm sure you don't want to talk about them..."
"Tygrys killed them, I was the sole survivor of my people. Me and a couple of squads made a little community in a cave and that's where I spent my adolescence. Then, three years ago I heard that radio signal. That's when I heard the supreme commander's voice. He told us that we were needed to rebuild what we lost. That's what we've been doing, these past three years. The influx of Mobians joining has made that easier."
Chloe smiled a little. Maybe she could rebuild Cahara after this was all done... A few minutes passed and the dropship landed, them stepping outside and seeing some ships that had been converted to homes.
"Pick one out." Gallus said, Chloe just awkwardly pointing at the first one. Gallus got on his holo-pad and typed on it, nodding to himself before walking up to the door and inputting the code. The door opened and Gallus led Chloe inside, showing her the door code.
"Alright, I think that's about all I can do for now. I'll try and get you a holo-pad in a bit, but in the meantime, um... Good luck!"
Gallus left, Chloe making her way to one of the bedrooms. Unlike the ship Scorpius team had, this one was a smaller aegis class. She took out the papers and the sketchbook, setting them down on a table before hopping onto the bed, being exhausted from the traveling and other stuff she'd done. Surprisingly, the bed was actually comfortable and felt like an angel's warm embrace compared to the cots that the Diamondbacks had. Resting her eyes, all she could think about was Arnec. Images in her mind flashed as she remembered Evan telling her about him.
"So Mobius gets invaded by evil demons, and not even Sonic can stop them! But he shows up..."
"Arnec, right?"
"Yep! He shows up with the good demons, called the Silent Shadow, and kicks the bad demons back to hell! From what I've heard, he's kinda like you... Soft spoken, likes to wear jackets in hot weather..."
"You know I'm kidding... Anyways, the guy is amazing and I want to try and see if I can convince him to let us all join!"
She remembered Evan showing her some pictures, one being of Arnec during Operation Daredevil, the same photo Jewel had taken of Aquila Team and Silver...
"See them? That's Aquila Team, Silent Shadow special forces!"
That was the first time that Evan saw her blush. Chloe never admitted it, but Evan knew how she felt seeing Arnec's pictures and hearing about him. Chloe started having thoughts that were more... Steamy, and she rolled over to try and get comfortable and get the thoughts out of her head. She heard a knock on the front door and headed to it, Gallus being outside. He had a holo-pad in his hands, passing it to her
"Already got most of it set up, it just needs to sync to you."
Chloe took it and slid it on her forearm, the holopad switching on. It automatically synced her into its system, similar to how it did for Scorpius team.
"Anyways, I should probably get back to work." Gallus said, nodding at her before he left. Chloe closed the door and opened the holopad, noticing that it had a message for her. Opening it, it was a schedule. She walked into the bedroom and laid down on the bed, grabbing the covers and laying them over herself. A few minutes passed and she was asleep....

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Scourge and Shadow are what you would call rivals, the two most powerful Werehogs are always butting heads when it comes to who is the true ruler of...