Sassi and Happy (Not For Ever...

By TheVampireMuse

11.5K 389 32

(Previously Don't Worry, Be Happy) " You looking to get inked, Sweet Butt? " He grunts out as the black liqui... More

End Of An Era
Eat It
Back Story
Welcome Home
Earn Your Keep
The Transfer
White Thursday
Black Friday
Growing Pains

You're Stayin'

835 33 4
By TheVampireMuse

Chapter Six


I try and fail to flex my fingers back and forth. Getting old is a bitch. My burner rings and I growl in irritation when my hands won't work with me.

" Yeah? " I say when I finally get the damn thing to open.

Just checking in.

" Yeah, I got held up I'll be there soon, brother. " I say before hanging up.

I'm running late. My old lady wanted to make sure I head out with a full stomach today. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast, and some strong coffee.

She wants something money can't buy I just know it.

" Sassi has really been helping me out this last week... " She throws out as she gets dressed for the day. " The garage has never been so organized and the bitches have never been more on their best behavior. "

And there it is. Damn, I'm good. " That's good, baby. "

" Maybe you should call Jury... " She says before getting up and making her way behind me. " See if we can't make her a more permanent space here in Charming for her. "

Pulling her leg a little I ask, " Why would I do that "?

" Because she knows what she's doing. When I leave the lot I don't have to worry about if things are getting done while I'm away. " She says while sliding her hands down my pecks in search of my cock in the way she knows drives me wild. " And I know a certain killer that has his eyes on her. "

Jesus fucking Christ. Little miss Match Maker has her sights set. " Happy doesn't need to be getting sidetracked by pussy. I don't care if she is my goddaughter. "

" Happy is still SAMTAC. He won't be here that often... There is no dulling his edge you should know that, baby. You know, Reese is a good girl. She has been around MCs her whole life she knows the deal. Besides, I think having her closer will work out for everyone. Including our Tigger. You know how hard that drunk bitch of an ex-wife makes it to see the twins. "

Coming around, she gets on her knees and undoes my fly before pulling me out and swirling her tongue over the head. I know what she's doing but at the moment, I'm powerless to stop it.

" Fuck, yes. " I gasp as her sweet lips wrap around and apply suction.

She hmms and my mind goes blank. My toes curl I know that I'm about to agree to whatever it is that she wants. Grabbing the back of her head I thrust up a few times before emptying my balls down her throat while simultaneously shaking.

" I'll bring it to a vote. We don't like asking Jury for too many favors. " I growl without thinking like she knew I would.

After swallowing she gets back up and gives me a smirk. " That's all I'm asking for baby. I'm going to head over to TM. Join me when you recover. "

Smart bitch. I can't blame her for wanting some competent help. With Bobby doing what he can on top of his club duties, the actual business aspect of the club falls on her shoulders. I can't lie and say having another strong woman around to keep the Crow Eaters and Sweet Butts in check doesn't sound good as well.

Sighing I dial the number.

Hello, brother.

" Jury, how are things? " I ask getting that piece of formality out of the way.

Better than ever, but I'm guessing that's not why you're calling.

He was never one to beat around the bush. " Yeah... I'm actually calling about Sassi. "

Has something happened?

" No- " I say chuckling. " Nothing like that. Just... You think you could lend her out to us for a while longer? She has really come in handy to have around. "

I can't say that I would be happy about losing my best mechanic... But for the mother charter, I can make do.

Nodding to myself I say, " You're the man, brother. I'll call you soon about that shipment. "

Flipping the burner closed I sigh with a smile. If I get another blow job like that when she agrees to stay it's all worth it. Dialing Tig, I wait for him to answer. It picks up on the second ring. Always so reliable and loyal, just like a little puppy.

" I'm on my way. Tell the boy's Church ASAP. "


Can't remember being in this good of a mood after Church before. It's fucking foreign.

So the mother charter wants little miss hot ass to stick around... Not a bad idea from where I'm sitting. Be good to come through on runs to see sex on legs. Be even better to come through and have them legs wrapped around me. I bet the little bitch can go all night. And if she's anything like her old man, freaky as fuck.

" So, I've heard some talking around here about you... " I hear miss hot ass say from over my shoulder.

Now I got the little Sweet Butt seeking me out? Good. Not that I actually see her that way, I just like riling her up. You spend enough time around MCs and you learn which women you can have fun with and which ones you can't or shouldn't. She just so happens to fall under the " shouldn't " category. But fuck do I love to imagine.

" All bad I hope. " I throw over my shoulder.

She laughs a little making my pants a little bit tighter. " You do runs for autism? "

I nod slightly while setting the catch pan where it needs to be so the old oil can drain.

" And cancer, HIV... " Chibs speaks up before popping a chip in his mouth. " He's a jack of all trades, lass. "

She leans against the large too box and says, " I think it's cool. Kids are the future after all. "

The office door opens revealing Gemma. " Hey, Chibs? I need your signature for the green Toyota. "

" See ye later. " He says before stubbing out his cigarette and heading into the office.


I barely register Chibs walking away because Happy shifts his arm and I see an awesome-looking tattoo. " I like this. " I say admiring the little blue demon on the back side of his arm.

" Drew it in prison bout ten years back. " He throws over his shoulder gruffly.

That's news to me. " Do any tattoo work? "

" Yeah. You looking to get inked, Sweet Butt? " He grunts out as the black liquid drains into the pan on the floor.

My eyes narrow instantly. " Is asshole your only setting? " 

" Is bitch yours? What do you want? " He asks while wiping his hands on a rag.

I shrug. " I was thinking my dad's inmate number. The one from the wall. Would that be inappropriate? "

" For Tig? " He asks with a smile. " Nah, he'd be proud. "

I shake my head. " Oh, you know he will be. "

My dad is definitely one of a kind.

" You ever inked anyone? " He asks while looking deep into my soul.

Have I ever inked anyone... " Yeah... Not nearly as much as I used to. A few years ago I kind of fell into some modeling for some of the major attractions on the strip and then got recommended for a bunch of other shoots all over the country. After that, I really didn't have the time. Add in a ten-year-old and my head started spinning. "

" She's a good kid. Bri, I mean. " He stumbles a bit. " I can't believe how good she is at basketball. "

That she is. " Liam taught her the game a couple of years ago. She was pissed when they wouldn't let her try out for the school team. No girls allowed. "

" I think they have a girl's team here in Charming... " He throws out smoothly.

I don't have time to think of a comeback because my dad enters the garage and makes a beeline for us.

" Hey, Hap. " He says before focusing on me. " I need to talk to you for a minute. "

Nodding we head out into the parking lot and I light up a cigarette. " What's up? "

" Well, I was thinking... " He throws out looking more than nervous. " I know your life is in Nevada and everything... "

Suddenly, everything makes a lot more sense.

" Uh, huh... " I lead knowing exactly where he's going with this.

I saw this talk coming from day one. After running a garage pretty much by myself I can spot disorganization quickly. This is a rather large business and they need more than Gemma keeping everything together. I'm just surprised it took them this long to say something. We're going back tomorrow.

" I was hoping maybe you could stay a while longer. Spend some more time with the old man? " He says looking as though he's expecting to be punched.

Squinting I ask, " how long are we talking "?

" Indefinitely? " He asks not even able to look me in the eyes.


Shaking my head I tell him, " I'll think about it ".

" I need a little more than thinking, baby. " He says as he turns me right back around. " We really need you here. Jury already okayed it. "

What the fuck?! He went behind my back and talked to Jury? Now I'm pissed the fuck off.

I go to give him a piece of my mind when we hear Gemma call, " hey, Sassi "?

Slowly backing away from a potentially volatile situation, I approach the open office door. " Yes, ma'am? "

" Baby, can you come help me with these invoices? " She asks sweetly with a smile.


Overhearing the father-daughter discussion I can't help but grin. I never had a doubt that Clay would get shit done. Never underestimate the power of a good blow job, ladies.

I've been watching things all day and when Reese marched her sweet ass over to Happy, it piqued my interest tenfold. Of course, I also watched them as she watches him change his oil. To give him credit, Happy actually threw her a few words over his shoulder every now and then. He's so used to sweet butts and Crow Eaters that he doesn't even know how to have a decent conversation with the opposite sex.

It seems my hunch was correct as usual. Happy is a predator in the wild, but here... Purely predictable just like any other man. Being awkward around a beautiful woman with her shit together must not be a feeling he likes too much. The whores from SAMTAC, SAMCRO, and the NOMADS get used up pretty quickly. Hard to find quality pussy around here when every woman has made their way through the brothers. On the other side of the coin, a regular woman would never understand his lifestyle. Or his natural roughness.

Once she's in the office I hand her a stack of invoices for her to read out while I enter the information into the computer. She sits down and starts reading over the first invoice.

Barely a minute goes by before I start fishing for information. " So what were you and Tigger arguing about? "

" Hmm? " She acknowledges before shaking her head. " Oh, he went behind my back and called Jury. He's trying to keep me here in Charming to help out. Not that I have any objections... I just have a ten-year-old girl that would have to be completely uprooted from the only life she knows. We know how well it worked for me when I was her age. "

Yeah... She lived in Charming for a couple of years when she was around Bri's age. That is until Tig did some wild shit for the club and Reese got kidnapped as payback. Jury was red hot when he got the news. He was always way more fatherly to her. He had her on the way back to Indian Hills not even twelve hours after SAMCRO got her back.

Not his finest hour.


Shaking my head, I sigh. " Don't get me wrong, I like it here in Charming... But I have to think about Bri. I don't know how big of a shock it will be for her to leave everything in Vegas. "

" Kids are more flexible than we give them credit for. " Gemma tells me quickly causing the wheels in my head to turn.

Now I know what's actually happening. " You're the reason I'm being commandeered, aren't you? "

" I may have said something to Clay this morning about having you around longer... " She says looking extra busted. " Look... Only you can make the decision. But with your dad wanting to spend more time with you and the garage needing a proper assistant manager it makes sense. It's a bonus that you get that child away from the brothel anyhow. "

Not believing the nerve of everyone in SAMCRO I want to scream and curse. Knowing that it wouldn't help but hurt me in the end, I bite my tongue and help her out for the rest of the day.


After getting the rundown from Juice, it seems that everyone is on pins and needles wondering if Reese will stay here in Charming. Being who I am for SAMTAC and the other surrounding charters, it's my job to make sure she does the right thing. Sure she can dig her heels in... But in the end, the mother charter always comes first. That's something she needs to learn.

Family comes first. Always.

Now that I have the plan, I'm going to personally make sure it's executed. So that brings me here sitting at the bar with a beer in my hand watching for the moment miss hot ass heads out. The kid is still out with Ope's skating but they should be back any time with the sun going down.


After the last invoice is entered into the computer I look at the time and sigh. Just in time. Stretching, I get up and gather my things. Donna is going to be dropping Bri off on the way home from the skating rink. She really has been enjoying her time here in Charming I can't deny.

Heading out into the parking lot I see a few bikes parked but it's clear that we're missing some people right now. Heading into the clubhouse I go to head to Jaycee's room when I feel something hit me on my ass. Hearing a metallic thud I look on the floor to see a beer cap. Looking toward the bar I see Happy sitting there with five empty bottles sitting in front of him and his eyes trained on me.

" Looks like Bri is going to get a chance at being on the basketball team, huh? " Happy taunts like the asshole he is.

I roll my eyes and almost gasp at the wide grin plastered on his face.

" It's not so bad here. Better than a brothel, that's for sure. And the kid will be better off. " He says before closing the distance between us.

Noting how close he really is, I say with a shaky breath, " so you're saying I should stay? "

" No, I'm sayin' you're stayin'. " He says while leaning down a bit closer.

Tilting my head up I ask, " why should I? "

" Because I fucking said so. " He bites out, every word making my lips trace mine slightly. Backing away he takes a deep breath and shakes himself. " Family helps family and yours needs you here so this is where you're gonna be. I'll borrow the truck and we'll head to Indian Hills in the morning. You can get your shit and we'll be back here by dinner time. "

And this ladies and gentlemen, is clearly why they made him an enforcer. I don't even have an argument to his caveman bs. Of course, I'm going to stay and help... I just don't know how to get Bri on board. With everything she has been through I just want her to feel like Charming could be home just as much as Indian Hills. Just because I had a traumatic experience doesn't mean she will.

" Reese? " Happy asks, using my real name for the first time making my stomach flip.

Looking into his deep brown eyes I damn near melt on the inside. " Yeah? "

" Can you make scrambled eggs for breakfast? " He asks as his cheeks redden just a bit.

Chuckling I ask, " you mean the eggs you originally didn't want "?

" Yeah... " He trails while rubbing the back of his neck. " I just like the way my ma makes them. But yours are pretty good too. "

I shake my head in amusement. " Okay. You're lucky that just so happens to be Bri's favorite breakfast as well. "


" Hey. How was skating? " I ask Bri the second she runs through the doors of the clubhouse.

She smiles big and her hair is all over. " Fun. Me and Ellie raced a bunch and had a giant soft pretzel. "

" That does sound fun. " I say knowing that at her age, it was the best time. " So, I need to talk to you about something important. " I say leading her back to Jaycee's bunk.

Looking worried, she asks, " Is something wrong "?

" No, nothing bad... " I say before thinking about how I should start. " Do you like it here? In Charming, I mean. "

Shrugging she says, " It's okay here. I like Ellie and most of everyone. "

" What do you think about moving here for a year or two? " I ask quickly like ripping a band-aid off.

She puts her jacket away and looks up at me in confusion. " You mean, not go back to Indian Hills? "

" Well, we wouldn't stay away forever. We always have a home there... " I promise. " I'm just needed here for a bit longer than I expected. I just want to make sure you're comfortable before making any big decisions. "

Thinking on it for a moment she says, " I think I'll be alright. I'll miss Uncle Jury but we can go see him. "

" Of course, we can. " I promise her. " He's family after all.

Looking around she scrunched her nose. " We don't have to live here, do we? "

I laugh at the notion.

" No. " I tell her shaking my head. " We'd have to find a place that's just ours. And get you enrolled at Charming Elementary. And I heard they even have a girls' basketball team. "

Her excitement shifts at that. " Really?! That's so cool. "

" I think you might just be in time for tryouts. What is there, a month and a half before school starts? " I say seeing that she clearly does like it here. " We could go up, see what the school is like, maybe take a tour... What do you think? "

What she thinks really is important to me. This kid is my life so if she's unhappy, I'm unhappy.

" Okay! I'm gonna go tell Ellie that we're going to go to the same school! " She says running off in excitement.

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