The daily life of a passerby...

By pttcch

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末世路人甲的生存日常 / The daily life of a passerby in the last days Author: 对游绝 Pei Qinqin is an accidental book trave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92

Chapter 83

227 5 1
By pttcch

Chapter 83

    Qin Yiyang suddenly wondered: "Could it be that Li Qingzhou is the second-generation zombie in your mouth? Didn't you say that he is there?" He raised his chin and pointed towards Liancheng.

    Pei Qinqin felt the same way, and before expressing his agreement, Qin Chuan, who closed his eyes and rested his mind, denied it: "He is him, the second-generation zombie king is the second-generation zombie king, and only purebred zombies can suppress the bloodline of transformed groups. Li Qingzhou belongs to one of the transformed groups, and he cannot make other high-level zombies obey his orders unconditionally through blood suppression." What

    Qin Yiyang didn't understand was: "How did the purebred zombies come from? They are male high-level zombies and female zombies. Are high-level zombies born through|mating|mating? Same as humans? "Zombies still have such functions? !

    If there is, it is simply terrifying!

    What's all this mess?

    Qin Chuan opened his eyes in disgust, and explained unwillingly: "The purebred is the crystallization of the power of the infected group. It is conceived and formed through the zombie cocoon, and it is born with the ability to lead the zombies." "That's okay, I thought the zombies of the

    future And give birth.” Then the situation would never be clear.

    Pei Qinqin followed Qin Yiyang and nodded. If zombies can give birth to children, according to the current ratio of infected and survivors, the disparity in power will only widen.

    But she vaguely remembered that not only zombies were infertile, but even human beings with supernatural abilities also lost their fertility?

    "What are you happy about?" Qin Chuan, who was lying on the sofa, said bluntly: "Not only are zombies infertile, but human beings have not had a newborn for fifteen years." The number of survivors is decreasing year by year

    . , the place of residence is becoming more and more empty.

    Before he turned back time, the artificial womb was still in the improvement stage, and no one knew whether it was successful or not. Anyway, after three years of development, two years of scientific research and experiments have not solved the problem of newborns.

    Human beings not only have to face the mutation of animals and plants, but also worry about inheritance.

    Pei Qinqin sighed for his cousin, faced his cousin's gaze, comforted him and said, "Don't worry, cousin, you see that you have even developed holographic technology, and the child's problem will definitely be solved." Qin

    Qin Yi Yang was not very hopeful and said: "Holographic technology has existed for a long time, it's just that the energy source has been replaced to make the information transmission faster and more complete."

    Ah this? Pei Qinqin said that non-indigenous people do not understand it very well.

    "In addition, Qin Chuan said that no newborn will be born in the next fifteen years. He is a witness to the future. Can we still change history?" Pei Qinqin really wanted to say, "Why can't we change history?

    " Think, none of them are scientific researchers.

    Scientists have not been reborn from the future, scientific research and technology will not advance by leaps and bounds, and meals still have to be eaten bite by bite.

    Qin Chuan didn't rest well, and couldn't calm down to continue sleeping, so he simply sat up from the sofa and said, "Brother, give me the information about Liancheng." "What are

    you doing?"

    "Catch Li Qingzhou."

    What the hell? !

    Qin Yiyang subconsciously glanced at Pei Qinqin, who knew nothing, and said in a low tone: "You sound good, how are you going to catch him? What about the battle plan? What about personnel deployment?" If Li Qingzhou is so easy to catch , I caught him a long time ago, so why drag it on until now?

    Qin Chuan is used to fighting alone, and he doesn't count ordinary supernatural beings at all. If he can't keep up with him, no matter how many people he brings along, it will be a burden.

    He said indifferently, "Give me the information, and I can do it by myself." "

    Then you'd better go to sleep, you have everything in your dreams." Can he let him take the risk alone if he weakens?

    "Forget it." Qin Chuan glanced at Qin Yiyang, who had a firm look in his eyes, and thought to himself: If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have told him about the weakening of the power.

    Or how can I say that they are brothers who grew up together, Qin Yiyang knew what Qin Chuan was thinking when he saw the change in Qin Chuan's eyes, and opened his mouth to say, "Even if your powers haven't weakened, I can't let you go alone Zombie Base Camp!", but considering Qin Qin who had a strong sense of presence beside him, he temporarily swallowed these words back to his stomach.

    He kept in mind what Qin Chuan said, and he couldn't let Qin Qin lose control of his emotions, otherwise she would not be able to suppress the virus factor in her body. And what would become of the virus factor in his body if he couldn't suppress it, he had already seen from Qin Chuan's expression at that time, it should become a super terrifying big zombie.

    Originally, he thought that Qin Chuan was exaggerating in order to protect Qin Qin, but even the base issued a hunting order, which is enough to show Qin Qin's threat to human beings.

    Pei Qinqin was eating the milk strawberries he had grown, looked at his cousin and Qin Chuan, raised his hand and said: "I agree to catch Li Qingzhou, he is so perverted, he will definitely not let us go, if possible, try to strike first To be strong?"

    "It's really not possible, I'll go to Liancheng for a while, first to see if Li Qingzhou is in the city." "

    No." Qin Yiyang refused first and said, "Isn't this using you as a bait? You put What is my cousin doing? If you want to be the bait, I will be the one."

    Uh, Pei Qinqin stopped with a strawberry and said: "But if you go, cousin, you will not be as attractive as me. You are not like me, you can make a difference. If you can make zombies salivate, you can make Li Qingzhou show up."

    Qin Yiyang: "..." There is no way to refute.

    He threw the question to Qin Chuan and said, "Your man, you can persuade yourself."

    Qin Chuan yawned lazily. Although his ability was weakening, it was not weak enough to be ravaged by Li Qingzhou the point.

    Seeing Pei Xiao Qinyue's eager expression, he stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek and said, "Okay, we'll go to Liancheng later." "Okay!"

    Pei Qinqin fed Qin Chuan the sweetest part of the strawberry, and rubbed it with his hands Strong sitting on her shoulders.

    "No, Qin Chuan, you, you not only go by yourself, but also bring Qin Qin?" Crazy?

    Qin Yiyang couldn't understand.

    Pei Qinqin blinked his eyes and asked, "Can't he take me there? I won't be a hindrance."

    Qin Yiyang: "..." It's not a matter of delay, but inappropriate.

    But his own opposition could not stop Qin Chuan and Qin Qin's actions. Around noon, Qin Chuan took Qin Qin to go out.

    This made Qin Yiyang very helpless, so he could only let his deputy take charge of the team and keep up with Qin Chuan himself.

    Zhou Xing was also in the ranks of this operation.

    He sat on the co-pilot of the energy vehicle, fastened his seat belt earnestly and asked, "Are you sure it's just the four of us going to the zombie camp?"

    Qin Yiyang observed the road conditions and said, "Not sure, get out of the car."

    Zhou Xingxiao He smiled, adjusted his sitting posture to relax his body as much as possible, and said, "That's impossible, I want to protect your safety." " You should save your     life to

    protect Chen Xingmin's safety."

Pei Qinqin: "???"

    "Brother Zhou and Chen Xingmin are together?!"

    No way! Can someone be tempted by an official's staff around him?

    Qin Chuan found that she was biting her nails again, gave her a disapproving look, took out nail clippers from her small pocket, and trimmed her nails.

    The crisp sound of armor clipping sounded rhythmically in the compartment.

    Zhou Xing turned his head and explained: "No! We're not together, don't listen to my cousin's nonsense and ruin his reputation."

    Pei Qinqin couldn't see Zhou Xing's face in the back seat, so he could only say thoughtfully: "This way Ah, I thought Chen Xingmin and Yue Xiuyuan were a couple before, they work in harmony."

    Zhou Xing was silent for a moment, looked at the scene in the rearview mirror and didn't answer.

    Qin Yiyang turned his head to look at Zhou Xing, retracted his gaze and hooked his lips and said, "Of course the principal and deputy leaders of the SS-level supernatural team have a tacit understanding, but no one has reported that they are lovers. Ever since your brother Zhou was rescued once , I can’t forget Team Chen. Seeing how he is rushing to help others, I want him to transfer to the team there." "

    Cousin!" If he hadn’t seen him driving, Zhou Xing would have had a good time with him She made gestures and said, "You are exaggerating. She almost died trying to save me. Can I feel at ease not to repay her?" "     Of course not. Who are we? We are the successors of socialism. It is the basic virtue of being a human being. My brother is afraid that you will fall, you have liked strong girls since you were young, and Captain Chen is so heroic, hey!" Pei Qinqin said that he ate     a big melon.     Subconsciously, she wanted to ask Qin Chuan for confirmation, but when she looked at Qin Chuan, she realized that this brother's memory was not complete, and even if it was complete, she might not have preserved this aspect.     Seeing her looking over, Qin Chuan took her into his arms and trapped her.     The weather has turned cold, and Pei Xiaoqin, whose body temperature is always higher than ordinary people, has become a human|meat|heater, which is fragrant and soft to hold.     It's just this temperature...     Qin Chuan lowered his head and touched Pei Qinqin's forehead, let go of her and said, "You have a high fever."     Pei Qinqin said "ah", felt it carefully, and then reacted and said, "It seems so!"     Qin Qin Chuan looked at her deeply.     Zhou Xing and Qin Yiyang also turned around immediately and said concernedly: "Qin Qin has a fever?! Are you okay? How do you feel?" It     feels... nothing.     Pei Qinqin is in good spirits.     Qin Chuan pondered for three to five seconds, looked at Liancheng not far away and said, "There should be something threatening her inside."     "Very dangerous?" Zhou Xing asked.     Qin Chuan did not deny it.

    Qin Yiyang said: "Then let's turn around and go back! Qin Qin's health is not good, so I can't take her there again." "

    No." Qin Chuan took Pei Xiaoqin's hand and said, "Go, you can become stronger in actual combat. .” Don’t waste her potential, and having them around can ensure her safety to the greatest extent.

    Pei Qinqin made a timely statement and said: "That's right, cousin, my body is fine. I'm used to it heating up every now and then. It's just winter, and my whole body is warm when the temperature rises." Qin Yiyang and Zhou Xing: "

    ... ..." So high fever can have this kind of benefit? ?

    The three small alien plants have not been very peaceful since they got in the car. Except for Mianmian, the other two have been jumping around in the car mischievously. Probably because he disliked the small space in the car, Zhuang Zhuang left the back seat and jumped onto Qin Yiyang's shoulder, holding his ear to look at the road ahead.

    Qin Yiyang was surprised to find that Zhuangzhuang's little hands were actually hot!

    It's a pity that it didn't take long to warm him up, Zhuang Zhuang jumped onto the front window of the car like a sparrow.

    He sighed: "Qin Qin's exotic plants have already warmed up. If this continues, they will really become human."

    Pei Qinqin looked at the little blue mummy lying on the front window of the car and the mushroom on the head, which also had arms and legs. Yuanyuan, their evolution is indeed in the direction of human beings, or moving towards her.

    But what does it matter? Animals and plants have mutated, and there are zombies. There is no shortage of these anthropomorphic little guys.

    Pei Qinqin touched Mianmian who sat obediently in her breast pocket like a flower ornament, only Mianmian still maintained the thin appearance of a stick figure. It prioritized power, and she could clearly feel its desire to be stronger.

    And this idea is not in Zhuang Zhuang and Yuan Yuan, they are also evolving with time, but more of it is where they evolve, let nature take its course, and don't deliberately force it.

    It's really not self-motivated, these two can only be promoted to the seventh level thanks to the bonus of talent.

    Thinking of this, Pei Qinqin couldn't help giving Mianmian a special ability.

    Thank you for your hard work, I will give you a little reward!

    Suddenly receiving the "nutrition", the spikelet on the top of Mianmian's head suddenly lit up. It turned to look at Pei Qinqin, and shook the spikelet affectionately to express its gratitude.

    Qin Chuan looked at Mianmian as if aware of it, but didn't say anything about Pei Xiaoqin. After all, Setaria is showing one thing to another and hiding another thing to others, and is very sincere to Pei Xiaoqin, the master.

    It's just... He looked up at Zhuang Zhuang who was lying on the windshield and looking back, thinking that it must be going to make a fuss.

    As the first batch of alien plants born by Pei Xiaoqin and the only one who survived, Zhuang Zhuang has always been very possessive of Pei Xiaoqin.

    To use a bad analogy, it is the son of the legitimate son, Mian Mian Yuanyuan is the son of the concubine, and the other alien plants are distant relatives who cannot be ranked.

    It can't bear to be ranked behind other xenoplants. It has what other xenoplants have, and it has to have other xenoplants without it.

    But to Qin Chuan's surprise, Zhuang Zhuang didn't make a fuss this time, he just looked back at them for a while and continued to look at the scenery outside the window. Not only did he not make trouble, but he also pressed Yuanyuan against the windshield, who also wanted to look behind.

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