The Protector and her Sidekic...

By EJ-Morningstar

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"maybe one day I'll tell you about my shameful past Kiriko,but for now I'm just happy to spend everyday of my... More

daily shenanigans
this little misfortune will be your demise
A Wish,a dream and an answer
Cold and colder in the dead of night
I did it for love,did it for you
the future I dreamed of
You can have my heart,any place,any time.
there's no tomorrow..... carry on
I... Miss you...
The scarlet protector.
Do I really deserve a second chance at life ?
hold me close to your heart and never let me go.

this happiness...protect it at all costs!

530 9 11
By EJ-Morningstar

I'm physically destroyed after last night,Kiriko wasn't gentle at all...
somehow while she was resting I was able to sneak out of her room and toss myself into the couch in the living room to rest a little.
honestly I think she let me get away because she could 100% stop me if she wanted.
but I can't help but wonder,Is she going to be that merciless everyday from now on ? as I keep thinking about my possible new fate my brother entered the room and started speaking to me.

"(Y/n)! It's good to know that you survived the night after all!"
"ha ha very funny indeed...
but I can't say that I was prepared for her and her advances yesterday,she didn't let me rest at all...
I missed her too but damm I wasn't ready for that..."
"looks like you two had fun!
thankfully me and Yuki where too focused on our competition to pay any attention to the "love sounds" that you two were making throughout the night.!"
"god...we were being that loud ?"
"Yep, I think you two should try to be a little more quieter while having fun or just make the room soundproof that certainly works too!" he said while smiling a little.
despite his teasing he does have a point.
I'm truly shameless even trough I'm "complaining" I really enjoyed it...

"Let's stop talking about that shall we ? otherwise I'm going to die from embarrassment...".
"Okay I'll stop... for now...but changing subjects,do you know what we are doing tonight (Y/n) ?"
"Uhh no ?"
"we are blowing all of the cars and the Yacht that the Hashimoto clan owns!
we are sending a message to those clowns tonight!"
"hell yeah! But how are we going to do it ?"
"Me and Yuki are going to deal with the cars in the parking lot while you and Kiriko take care of the yacht,and after you two finish your let's all meet together and have a little celebration for our efforts!"
"Okay that can work! but you two be careful okay ?"
"don't worry (Y/n)... nothing bad will happen to us... I promise..."
"even though I'm worried I trust you brother..."
"Thank you! now if you excuse me I have to figure out a plan to get me and Yuki into that building without us getting seen first." and so he left probably to look for Yuki around the house, I on the other hand need to see Kiriko and tell her about what will happen tonight.
As I continue to lie down on the couch with my eyes closed someone touched me to grab my attention and it was... Kiriko's sensei from years ago...

"(Y/n) ? Is that really you ?"
"Hello there!
yes it's me I got back to Kanekaza a few hours ago and since you were sleeping I didn't want to bother!" to my surprise she then hugged me...
" How can you say something like that ? like everyone else I too was so worried about you...
Why did you decided to left everything and everyone behind ?"
"I'm sorry to have worried everyone, specially Kiriko...but I was once again a victim of my poor mental health,
funny that a few years ago my biggest problem was simply trying to have more self esteem,and today I constantly live with worries and anxiety!
having a low self esteem doesn't even come close to being a problem when compared to the problems I face today..."
despite being depressed I still managed to let out a weak smile.
"But I'm doing better now sensei... reuniting with everyone else made me feel a little better about everything that happened,so you don't have to worry about me!"
"Are you sure you'll be okay (Y/n) ?"
she's concerned,but It makes me happy to know that she still care's about me.
When I was still her student I wasn't that good compared with my siblings so I had no confidence in my skills but she always pushed me forward,and it's only thanks to the encouragement from my brother,sister and her that I was able to improve my swordsmanship.
but I didn't think that any of us predicted that I would become this deadly, although I have to admit I'm not as good as I used to be compared to 5 years ago...

I was a merciless killer,nobody that crossed my path was left alive, that was around the time I thought I didn't had any chance with Kiriko... so every fight I gave my all,I didn't feared death,if my enemies pleaded for mercy I gave them a even more painful and slow death.
but since I confessed my fellings and started living with Kiriko my heart softened and I'm thankful to her.
If it wasn't for her I certainly would have completely lost my humanity...
It's scary to even think about what I might have became...
"Yeah you can trust me sensei! I'm not running away like last time!
I'll face my worries and demons but I'm not alone right ? with the help of everyone I can certainly overcome anything that life throws my away!"
"I'm... speechless... it's been so many years since we had a deep conversation like this... I didn't expect that you had matured this much...
I'm sure that your parents would have been proud (Y/n)... I know that I am..." After finishing talking she gave me a warm hug with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you sensei... I really appreciate you and everyone else for not giving up on me..."
now I'm the one crying as I hug her back.
I can't believe I wanted to leave...
even if I did lost my brother and sister I still had Kiriko and sensei in my life...

all that time that I spent away from Kiriko made me feel miserable...and helpless...
life wasn't the same... without her I'm... nothing...
just an empty person...but she gave meaning to my life! gave me a reason to live... a reason to become a better person... that's why I would never make her cry again...she deserves nothing but the best... I'm still guilty about how I made her suffer so much because of my fear's... I want to make up to her but... how ?
as I keep thinking about what I could do to make her happy Kiriko's mother got my attention again.
"what is on your mind (Y/n) ? You look somewhat conflicted"
"Well... I... want to make up for Kiriko...
I want to make her happy after all the pain that I caused..."
before Kiriko's mother could speak anything we both got scared as Kiriko herself showed up suddenly.
"Just having you here is enough for me (Y/n)
Just never abandon me again okay ?"
but if you truly want to make up to me would you be willing to give me the pleasure of dancing with you ?"
"I cannot dance my dear I never learned how to."
"Then I can teach you!"
"But I will only end up making a fool of myself."
"Then we will be fools together.
I don't care about what anyone would think about us as long as we are together.
just us together forever and ever is what I really care about my love.
put your hands around my wrist and let's begin!"
I'm just speechless how can she always have the most sweet things to say to me ?
"how can I say no after you said such a sweet thing. but don't expect much from me,okay ?"
"don't worry with my teaching you will be a professional in no time!"
and so we started dancing trough the living room but as we keep going I couldn't help but to admire her beauty even more, that smile is something so precious to me... how lucky I am to have someone like her in my life.
I was only able to smile at this peaceful moment with her before we ended our little practice with a passionate kiss.
I truly enjoyed doing something I'm not used to! and now I know that dancing with someone you love is a wonderful experience.
"Bravo (Y/n) and Kiriko! you two looked really cute dancing!" I was so focused on the dance with Kiriko that I didn't realize that we had an audience watching us
"Your brother is right (Y/n)! you two performed great together!"
"thanks for the praise sensei although I'm a little embarrassed..."
"Why ? It was really cute! you shouldn't feel embarrassed about it (Y/n)!" Now it's my sister's turn to praise us I can't say that she's wrong but it's kinda hard to not feel embarrassed when you are a introvert like myself I just can't handle attention that well.
"Thanks for the praise everyone but I need to talk to Kiriko in private for a moment."
"Ohh are the lovebirds going to do the deed again ?"
Why does my brother always have to tease me ?
"No! we are not going to do that again!
At least not this soon."
"Shame, I was looking forward to it." Kiriko said while giggling and with a slight blush on her cheeks.
"What the hell ? how do you have so much stamina at your disposal Kiriko ?"
"I'm just that good! Simple as that!" she said while smirking.
"I won't even question it,let's just go back to your room and talk a little."
"Have fun you two!" Hayato said as he left the room.
"We aren't going to do anything!"
"Stop lying to yourself (Y/n) everyone knows what is about to happen!"
"shut the hell up Yuki."
"You both try to not go overboard!"
"seriously ? even you sensei ?"
"you can't blame me. I wanted to have a little fun teasing you like everyone else!"
I let out a frustrating sigh before taking Kiriko's hand and leading her to her room so we could talk.
"So (Y/n) what do you ne- ?"
I didn't let her finish as I kissed her,she was surprised at first before eventually melting into the kiss.
"I love you so much Kiriko! More than anything more than anyone!"
I wasn't planning do to this from the start but I'm glad I did.
I just suddenly had the urge to kiss her and show affection to the love of my life.
"That was... amazing! I better start getting undressed again then."
"No! I got a little carried away... I took you here so we could talk about two important things."
I can already see the worry on Kiriko's face...
"First would you like to go on a date with me ?
"Of course I would love to! To tell you the truth I was thinking about the same thing!"
she looks so cute and happy! My heart can't handle her cuteness.
"I know I've just returned but Hayato told me what happened to Kanekaza since I left..."
"He informed to me that the Hashimoto clan has ascended to power quickly since nobody was able to keep them in check and that's why tonight I'll be making their lives a little harder.
I'll be destroying their precious little Yacht,of course I'll be going to do it alone...
that's...all I wanted to tell you..."
I'm not really going to do it alone I just want to mess with her a little and see her reaction.

"NO YOU AREN'T! It doesn't matter how much you'll try to push me away this time that won't work!
I won't let things happen like last time I'm sticking to you wether you like it or not! I'm never losing you again (Y/n)... NEVER! DO YOU HEAR ME ?" she's furious but her expression quickly change to a confused one after I started to laugh.
"I know,I was just messing with you! But still be careful okay ?
You mean everything to me so please don't hurt or push yourself too much..."
"I'm mad about the fact that you were just messing with me but also happy that you aren't doing things alone anymore!
your privacy ends today (Y/n)! it doesn't matter where you'll go I'll be right behind you!"
"How much of my privacy is going away ?"
"All of it it!"
"Well I guess I can live with that... But I didn't expect you to become more clingy than before!"
"Then you better get used to it!
because this girl here is going to be by your side 24/7 from today on!"
"Well now that your motivacional speech about ending my privacy ended would you like to go to our date ?
It's nothing really special, just walking around the city before climbing the mountains and enjoying the view of the sunset by the lake."
"That sounds good,but I didn't even eat breakfast yet."
"We could pass into a sweet shop on our way to the mountains and buy the doughnuts that you love more than anything."
"Who said that I love doughnuts more than anything ?"
"Remember "that" night ?
the one that I was put into my place by food ?
I remember about that incident clearly miss Kiriko..."
"Uhh oops... but if that makes you feel better I didn't eat a single doughnut in the past month!"
"Oh ? then tell me the reason! I'm curious."
" It's really obvious! someone was missing...
someone that's more important than anything to me..."
"I wonder who that could be ?"
"Are you really making me say it (Y/n) ? Fine...
I don't care about stupid doughnuts if I'm not with you...
they don't taste the same if I'm alone..."
she's embarrassed which makes her cutter than usual,if that's even possible.
"now give me a hug and a passionate kiss! I'm not asking I'm demanding it!"
"I see no reason to not agree to that."
" good. now give me love and affection" she said while opening her arms. with a slight blush on her face.
if she keeps this being this cute she'll end up killing me with her cuteness.
"I really want to know how can you shift from being hot then turn into a cute spoiled child afterwards so easily."
"It's part of my charm after all!"
"Can't argue against that! It certainly adds to your charm my dear."
"Stop talking. hug and kiss me now (Y/n)!"
"Your wish is my command my queen!"
and so we hugged and kissed each other for a few minutes before stopping to regain some air.
"Your kisses are amazing as always Kiriko!" I said while caressing her cheek.
"I could say the same to you (Y/n)! but that would be a lie since somehow you seen to make every kiss be better than the last!"
"I'm flattered by your kind words!
but I have to say that you certainly have an similar effect on me my dear, because the more I look at you the prettier you become!
I'm really enjoying all the sweet talk that we are doing!"
but we better go to the kitchen and eat our breakfast before going out to our date!"
"Okay then to the kitchen we go!" she' said while holding my hand as she lead the way.
"Hopefully my sister already made breakfast,I'm to lazy to cook something at the moment."
and so we walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen where we found my siblings already waiting for us.
"Finally the love birds decided to appear!"
"let's leave them alone for now Yuki I'm pretty sure that they are probably tired after having so much fun don't you think ?"
" I'm 100% killing both of you if any of you mention anything related to THAT again!
We didn't do anything related to the deed.
we were just talking, nothing more nothing less!"
"Unfortunately (Y/n) is right we didn't do anything... such a bummer..."
"do you people have no shame in talking about that kinda of thing ?"
"I want to do more than just talk (Y/n)!"
I'm just speechless at this point... I'm the only normal one between us... and Kiriko is straight up horny.
"I don't know how you three don't have even a little bit of embarrassment when talking about this type of thing,but You all really enjoy teasing me about this way to much!"
"YES, infact teasing you probably extends my lifespan! so thank you very much for allowing me to tease you everyday (Y/n)!"
Hayato said as he keep smiling at my misery! I hate my brother so much!
"First I never allowed you to keep teasing me! And second I hate you all for toying with my poor and pure heart!"
"You aren't pure at all (Y/n)! you're just to embarrassed to admit it!" while Kiriko said that she took the opportunity to sit on my lap since I was with my guard down.
"Kiriko don't you even dare to say that I have impure thoughts! I'm basically an angel!"
"Don't lie we both know the truth!" and now she's basically making me caresse her hair
"Yuki can you give us breakfast already?
otherwise if we keep chatting about this I'll physically die from embarrassment..."
"you are no fun (Y/n)! but okay what do you want to eat ?"
"I just want a cup of tea..."
"are you sure ?"
"Yeah..." as my sister started to make my tea while cooking the breakfast for the others Kiriko touched my shoulder to get my attention.
"What happened ? you look a bit down..."
"I'm just a little worried about the future... like always..."
"C'mon don't be like that (Y/n)... we are all here by your side,and we'll always be.
don't fear the future... look forward to it...
for us..." as Kiriko finished speaking she kissed me,it wasn't a kiss of lust just a pure and loving kiss that calmed my soul...
I couldn't help but cry...
"I-I just want everyday to be like this...
messing around with my siblings and spending as much time as possible with you without having to worry..."
"and everything will be fine! I promise!"
she then gave me a comfort hug,it doesn't matter how much I'm depressed Kiriko always makes me feel better.
"now say ahhh I'm going to feed you!"
"but I said that only tea was fine."
"I'm not taking no for an answer (Y/n)!"
"You know Damm well that I can't say no to you... I'm to much of a simp after all."
"hehe yes you are! now let me feed you!"
As she kept giggling with pure happiness while feeding me both Hayato and Yuki keep laughing at my embarrassed face, like always... I'm so happy to be with them again...
Tonight I won't be careless or make any mistakes like before I want this happiness to last forever.

* author's note *

I'm really,really sorry about taking ages to update this mind haven't been at the right place lately so I'm struggling more than before to write new chapter's.
again I'm deeply sorry...but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

(I'm having a horrible writers block regarding this history so I deeply apologize for not updating it as much as I would love to)

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