Notice me for who I am

By laurenlime05

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Nick is the captain of a homophobic basketball team but things aren't quite simple. Nick is actually a closet... More

Author's notes
1- Hidden deepest secret
2-Drunk mistake
3-Operation set aside the girl
4- The brother knows
5-New girl in the picture
Valentine's day special
7- A plan that went too far
8-Revenge gone wrong
9-All alone with the crush
10-A very special birthday gift
11-When everything goes wrong
12-Finally mine
13-Secret relationship
14-First couple fight
Easter day special
16-New transfer student
17-A night at the fair
18-Secret group of friends
19-Fortune favors the bold
20-The calm before the storm
21-All hell breaks loose
22-Family tension
24- A matter of life or death
25-A few days full of saga
27-Too party hearty
28-School trip
29-On the serious side
Pride Month special
30-Epic final showdown
Special Ezra's pov
Ending notes
1st-year anniversary special

23-Not the end of the world after all

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By laurenlime05

23-Not the end of the world after all

Nick's pov

After practice, I get ready to leave with my gang but instead, I suddenly get surprised by a hand on my shoulder.

"God you scared me!" I turn around and notice Myung to my grand surprise.

"Yung? I thought you left already?" I say quite confused. Wait, he still wants to talk to me? Even after everything?

"No...I waited to talk to you..."

"Why? Why would you want to talk to me? You are clearly on their side."

"No...I'm not. The way the guys treat you..."

"Isn't right I know all of that but you are a part of that gang and that's fine."

"No, it's not ok!" I get cut off guard by the strength of his voice.

"Ok? Then, why do you want to talk to me?"

"Well, for instance, I don't agree with what the guys said to's too harsh and..."

"And what Myung?!"

"I don't mind you and Ezra dating..."

"Oh really? Are you sure about that? You used to say Ezra is weird."

"Well, he isn't what everyone is used to but I never said I was against you being gay."

" you're not homophobic and you're with the wrong gang. Where are we going with this?"

"Well for starters, I want to apologize for what I was mean of me...I shouldn't have listened to those guys."

"So you feel sorry for me? Or do you also feel sorry for Ezra?"

"For the both of you."

"Don't say that to me. Apologize to him."

"He won't want to hear it.."

"Maybe not but I'll make him understand."

"You sure he's gonna accept my apology?"

"I don't know for sure as he's stubborn as hell when he wants to be." Despite the seriousness of this conversation, I can't help but admit a small part of Ezra.

"Yeah...but how did you hide it for so long? I could never do that." It's my turn to chuckle.

"That I can't tell you for sure."

"Not fair..." I laugh this time around.

"How about I drive you back home?"

"You sure the others won't mind?"

"They'll have to accept anyways. What goes in my car is what goes in my car." We both laugh at that.

"I'm sorry you lost your captaincy."

"It's fine. I had seen this one coming. Now let's go!"

Instead, he hugs me into a crushing hug and I'm left at a loss for words. It's the rigging of my phone that reminds me I have a whole squad waiting for me.


The third day, simple as that. Yeah, that's not that simple at all.

It's the third day I have to go through the effects of my secret going out everywhere.

It is hell but it is starting to calm down a little. Everyone is realizing that this is serious and not a joke. It isn't some recent news to hear about anymore.

Yesterday was kinda awkward. I let Myung join us in my car. It was really awkward. The other ones didn't want to utter a word. They just stared at him coldly.

Ezra was the worse through. He was scaring Myung with his penetrating stare. He even dared to go as far as to kiss me in front of Myung just to get a reaction out of him.

Obviously, he was uncomfortable with everything but he didn't say anything.

I mean I didn't say a thing to them that Myung was joining us so I guess that's pay pack.

To our surprise, Myung joins us. So, we all get to school all together with Myung this time. I'm literally the only one that's talking to him. Awkward...

As usual, everyone stares at us, especially Ezra and I. They are mostly bothered by our hands locked together.

It's when we approach the guys that their eyes shoot fire gazers at us once they notice Myung around us. Leo and Aaron immediately go in our direction enraged by this.

Then, suddenly, I get approached by a figure I didn't hope to see. The principal...I thought he wouldn't talk to me. Here's there for me right?

The guys stop what they were about to do as soon as they notice the principal. They smile awkwardly.

"Hi, Mister Sanchez!" The principal can only shrug at Leo's attempt to be nice. I guess he knows what the guys were about to do.

"Good morning Gonzales. Hope you're not looking for trouble this morning?" Oh, he does know. Leo immediately panics.

"No, no sir! We weren't thinking about that. We are just about to discuss our new game plan! Right, Nick?" Myung wants to say something in return but I decide I'm not taking their side.

"Nah don't listen to him. He's spouting nonsense. We never do this in the mornings." Leo's fake smiling face drops and Aaron grits his teeth in anger.

"Oh, is that so?"

"No! He's just playing with you, sir!"

I notice Ezra is laughing at the scene and Taylor and Luke are just silently watching. Same thing for Myung. Leo is literally glaring through Ezra's soul but it doesn't phase him because he laughs even more.

"Mm, anyways I'm not here for you Gonzales. A word Breckner?" F**k, I hoped Leo could keep this up longer. I don't want to talk to the principal.

"Oh..." The two guys look defeated but then Leo grins.

"Yes sir..." I throw a look at Ezra one last time and mouth good luck. I smile despite everything.

I notice the principal nods in respect at Ezra. Huh? Why is that? I was sure the principal didn't like him all that much.

Then, I finally follow the principal to his office. We walk some more before we arrive.

"Have a seat."

The atmosphere is so tense..gosh I'm scared of what he has to say. I'm not afraid of a lot of people in life but I'm sure I am scared of Mister Sanchez the principal. Terrified even...

He is a tall tanned skin man with a threatening aura. Despite it all, he's nicer than he looks but I know what he's capable of too.

"You are probably wondering why I brought you here?"

"Um, yeah?"

"First of all, you are not in trouble. I know you're thinking that." I'm not in trouble? How is that possible?

"Well, we all know about that photo posted online.."


"First and foremost, I didn't expect that news on a Monday morning but I am disappointed you didn't take the matter into your own hands."

"What do you mean sir?"

"I know what you're capable of. I didn't think learning such a thing as..your sexual orientation by a simple photo not even shared by yourself was the best thing in the world."

"So, what are you trying to say, sir?"

"If that is all true, I wish you had announced on your own. I find it concerning that the truth had to go out like that."

"I can assure you sir it is all true." I can't deny it anymore anyways, why not admit the truth?

"Why didn't you say something before?"

" know how people are..."

"I know it must not be easy but I still wish that you'd come out on your own terms not forced to tell because of social media."

"Sir, I don't understand what you are trying to say?"

" know me, I don't hate you for your sexual orientation. You are still welcome in our school." What?

"I felt I needed to do that as you can tell the last few days weren't exactly that...welcoming." I smile faintly not trying to give me some hope.

"Sir...I thought you weren't happy about all this.."

"Not happy? Sure I'm not but not over you!"

"Not over me?"

"I have no problems with students that share a different sexual orientation. It just bothers me things had to go that way. I heard you are still on the basketball team?"


"You also lose your captaincy right?"


"As much as I'd love to give you back your role. I still trust Mr Smith. If he thinks that it's best for the team's organization, then, I have no choice but to let things go that way."

"So, you think I shouldn't get back my role."

"Well, you are still a great leader Nickolas. Your sexual orientation has nothing to do with that."

"Yeah...the guys don't think that...through."

"I want you to succeed. I want you to bring back the trophy here. I'll make sure you have the best chances to succeed with the Lions."

"Really sir?"

"Yes, Nick."

" got me there sir," I say in astonishment. He laughs.

"Sure, anyways I already know that you will play for the basketball team in your chosen university. You already got recruited a few months ago right?"

"Yes, I did..."

As if that single detail got forgotten. My future. My future career doesn't end here.

I've been so caught up with Ezra and everything that I forgot my damn future.

"That's great then. I have nothing to fear. Now make sure you study for the finals because as much as I love you Nickolas, I want you to graduate and succeed." I smile.

I give my thank you's to the principal then, I leave his office all smiles despite being none of that, out of his office.


After just a class, I am already annoyed with school funny enough. I'm just eager to get back to Ezra. It's break time too luckily.

"Hey," He turns and looks at me. Hmm, no smiles? Something must of happened when I was with the principal.

"What happened?" I then notice the others are all there. Myung mainly seems in a bad mood.

"You missed a ginormous thing earlier!"

"Oh yeah like what?"

"Your old gang was having a kerfuffle with Myung and almost fought him but Ezra saved him. You should have seen them yell at each other. It was heated." Luke says.

"Yes, but I didn't like that...I can't believe I used to be with them..." Taylor says.

"Damn, it was that bad. Did they bother you too Taylor?"

"Not really but Livia mostly did. She's annoying, She's such a pest." Taylor surprisingly admits.

"Yep, Do I have something to look out to?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Anyways Ezra, I'm surprised you protected Myung?" They both look at me confused but then they realize what I'm hinting at.

" was instinct. They were being rubbish at me too."

"Sure, sure you did it because of that." Myung looks between us confused.

"Nick? How did it go with the principal?" Taylor asks.

"Better than I thought. I'm not punished or anything."

"What? I was sure he would.." Luke says in return.

"No, he was talking about how he supports me and that he wants me to succeed with the Lions despite everything. Also, he kept mentioning that he wished I came out on my own terms? What was up with that?"

"But why didn't you do it, Nick?" Luke asks. We all stare at him knowing well why I didn't.

"If how the world has been treating me the last few days wasn't enough to realize why I didn't, then you must be living under a rock." Luke is shocked by my statement.

"I mean...I get why but..." Luke says conflicted.

Unfortunately, I would've loved to say more but the bell rings again..damnit...


This time around I convince Myung to finally apologize to Ezra. It's getting uncomfortable. He has to get this over with. I also mentioned to Luke and Taylor to eat just the two of them together just to let us have privacy.

I couldn't miss the fact that they were both embarrassed and flustered about the idea. I hope they'll talk it out. I mean they did it before but those two are so shy so, I don't know what to expect.

"Let's go find a place to eat," I mention and they only listen to my command.

We find a place and sit down.

"So Myung..." He lights up in an instant. Ezra frowns at that.

"Ezra...I forgot to say, that I'm sorry. The words I said and the actions I said in the past weren't right. I shouldn't have listened to the guys..."

I guess he won't mention the last part. He's too shy to say it right? What will Ezra say?

"I mean you can't take back the words you said. Anyways, it's fine. Everyone doesn't understand anyways."

"No, it's not fine!" Ezra gets cut off guard by that.


"Those words were so wrong. I never really accepted what the guys told me. I wasn't ok with their actions."

"Just like Nick?"

"Huh? Oh, um, yes?" He says slightly confused.

"What is it with you all not being able, to tell the truth? Is it because you actually despise me deep down?"

"No! I just find you to be a special case. You're the first to be like that so..."

"Like what?" Ezra challenges.

"To be so openly gay. Your personality...we don't see that every day."

"And is that supposed to be a good thing?"

"Yes, it is" Myung tries to say confidently.

"Hmm, I guess I do get where you're coming from. You're just not used to my expressiveness?"


"You know how touchy and expressive I am. Is that what bothers you?"

"Huh? No! Not at all!" I shoot a skeptical eye to Myung.

"So, you're hanging around us because you're close to Nick?" He asks half serious, half curious.

" seem like a fun person, I want to get along with you too."

"Mm, what about Luke and Taylor?"

"I already knew Taylor but no they seem sweet too."

"So, you're doing this because you want to get to know me or you feel obligated to because I'm Nick's boyfriend?"

Obviously, I can start to feel Ezra's questions going too deep so I put a stop to this.

"So, to summarize what he just said he is sorry about his behaviour towards you and regrets it. He wants to restart anew and wants to become a part of our gang. Like become friends with all of us." They both look intensely at me.


"Apology accepted." Well, that's surprising...


"Don't be happy this fast." That's what I thought Ezra doesn't trust anyone easily.


"Oh, come on don't be like Myung!" Ezra whines.

"Ok.." Ezra smiles and I do. Mission accomplished.


Sure enough, I come back home after an overwhelming practice and a full school day.

Basketball practice is still hell. The guys are still being jerks and now Myung is a victim to that too. I guess this morning really happened.

Speaking of basketball for the first time since they found out my parents looked happy. Yes, my mom kept her word. She'll be here more often but we all know it won't last.

I don't know why they are happy but then they suddenly come towards me all smiles on their faces.

"Mom, Dad? What's going on?"

"You got a letter from that University of yours." Oh? It must be a good one if that makes my parents all smiles.

I take the letter in my dad's hand and open it. I read the text.

After reading I can only be relieved. Why are my parents all smiles then?

The University just informed me that despite the circumstances they still want me on their team and I am not suspended nor kicked out of the team.

"Mom, Dad? Why are you smiling at the obvious?" Their smiles drop instead and get replaced by serious expressions.

"What are you talking about Nicolas? Of course, we would be all smiles." My mom says.

"I was worried you'd be taken out of the team because of your mistake." Oh, they are still saying it's a mistake.

"So, that way you still have a reason to be proud of me?" My dad instantly gets mad.


"What? It's the truth. You only care about yourself. You don't even care about my personal life really. You always prioritize your pride and your work first. You were the one that brought us here because of your ruthless job. I guess I can thank you for that because I did find my boyfriend."

My parents are both shocked at my statement and my dad is at a loss for words.

"How dare you say such a thing..? You think because you are 19, you get to dictate us?"

"I'm not dictating to you two. I'm only making you two gain consciousness about your old thinking ways and how you two are acting." They both glare at me but don't say a thing.

"I guess I'm out of here."

I get out of the living room and instead, head to my room. I realize Felix isn't in his room. How strange.

Anyways, as much as the last few days have been pure hell, maybe things are looking at for me. Maybe it isn't the end of the world after all.

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