Esoterico: A Hidden Land

By Asiannoz

280 33 166

" Magicademia is not just a magic academy, it is the generator of sorcerers;and the sorcerers are the chain w... More

Chapter One: Prologue
Chapter Three: The Admission Test
Chapter Four: The Glowing Tree
Chapter Five: The Haunted Hourglass
Chapter Six: New Buddies
Chapter Seven: The New Year's Ceremony
Chapter Eight: The Late Night Occurrence
Chapter Nine: An Uneasy First Day
Chapter Ten: The Culprit Is Out
Chapter Eleven: The Search For The Cure
Chapter Twelve: The Most Important Weekday
Chapter Thirteen: The Balcony Incident And The Note
Chapter Fourteen: Out On A Mission
Chapter Fifteen: The Dark Side Of Aracounis
Chapter Sixteen: Gotta Get Outta Here
Chapter Seventeen: Epilogue

Chapter Two: The Stabbed Man

38 6 27
By Asiannoz

It's been a long , long time since that incident. 12 years have passed between the defeat of the dark lord Hadeon Memphyss and the present days. In this interlude several things have changed. Guillermo Parapetauxaneus , the Head of the Seven Sorcerers at that time, is no longer alive now. One of his partners, Ulysses Armædéone has taken his place now. A few other members of the Seven Sorcerers that time are now dead too. 

Hadeon Memphyss did escape the prison, but his threat of returning didn't happen yet. Nobody knows where he and his companions are. Now nobody seems to care about that either. Maybe Guillermo Parapetauxaneus was right - maybe Memphyss truly never can return.

After 12 years the day where our scene shifts to was another peaceful day of Esoterico with no dark lords to spread fear. Everything was quiet and calm. It was a nice and beautiful winter day and snow was falling timidly from the sky. In this beautiful day our story goes inside a well-renowned, non-magic school of Scypherburgh. 

" Ryan ? Dude, are you sleeping?" 

" What ? " 

Ryan Caster jolted and woke up. He actually was sleeping though he wasn't supposed to. He was in the class and his friend Persie Swifthope was trying to wake him. He rubbed his eyes vigorously and shook his head twice.

 " What happened ? Did the teacher call me ? " He asked Persie . 

" Call you?  He didn't even notice you sleeping ! " Persie replied . 

" Oh, good . " 

"By the way, the bell will ring any second now. " As to prove Persie right , the bell rang - DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG .....

The pupils hurried off out of the classroom. Out in the corridor , Persie said, " Suppose what,man—the last period of the last class in this school and you fell asleep ! " 

" How could you  be so sure that this truly is our last day here? Ryan told him in reply," You can't be sure until you have passed the exam."

" C'mon dude , I've worked as hard as an engineer to pass this one. And I'm positive—" 

" You can't tell whether Sir Armædéone will count you worthy or not , " Ryan said casually . 

Persie didn't even pay heed to Ryan's word. He continued," Dude, you don't know how much I've done. I've studied until midnight while everybody was asleep and it was dark. I've studied in my room and in my sister's tower—I've gobbled up all I can about magic and everything. What in the world can stop me from succeeding? Besides, I've got that in my family too ! If my sister can pass that , why can't I ? " 

" All right - all right , I understand , " Ryan shook his head ," You've worked hard and you've got a sister to help you , but what did I get ? I couldn't work that hard and my father isn't alive to help me either . So how could you be so sure that it's my last class too?? " 

Persie put his hand on Ryan's shoulders , "Just have faith in yourself and see you and I both shall pack our bags straight to Magicademia next year. "

 This year Ryan and Persie both will attend the admission test for Magicademia, the magic academy run by the Seven Sorcerers themselves. This is the last class of the non-magic school this year and Seventh graders don't have any final exam because almost every pupil, after they finish seventh grade, attends the admission test of Magicademia. Tomorrow they are going to attend the exam and for this every seventh-grader of every school in Esoterico is excited. 

" Then," Ryan said," If you are so sure , what are you going to miss from this school ?"

"The girls, "Persie chuckled, "They're hot......."


"Just kidding, bro, "Persie laughed, "Actually I don't think there is anything I'm gonna miss.From childhood I was keen to attend Magicademia, especially ever since sis was enrolled in there. I just used to stare at that high and large red brick building, whenever Mom and Dad took me to get her home."

"All right, bye." Ryan said they walked out of the school gate, probably for the final time,"Best wishes for you."

 "And you too, man!" Persie patted his back and strode away.

Ryan walked the way home and thought about his possibilities of succeeding. Can he actually do it? He's been thinking about this all day today—that's the reason he's a little quiet today. Otherwise he is the most spirited and talkative boy in the whole class.

Ryan has doubts whether he can pass or not— he didn't even nearly as hard as Persie or any other friend of his.

Yes, he has got some of his dad's old books—but he still doubts. Thousands of boys and girls are going to attend this exam. Topping all of them, how can he—an ordinary boy with ordinary origins—possibly do this?

Yes, he was ordinary- not any different from the other boys in Scypherburgh. He had a light green skin, big blue eyes, brown ruffled hair and a face looking younger than he actually is. He was tall- not too tall, but not too short either. His eyes always showed immense curiosity and his legs bold for a long run, blossoming with green youth. He was well thin, but still he couldn't remember when he was sick last time.

However, Ryan tried to free himself from thoughts and entered through the gate of his house. 

His house was a good one. His maternal grandfather built this house and he seemed to have a very nice taste. The one-storey house had plenty of rooms and it looked beautiful with a big balcony with stairs in front. The windows had no bars and the doors were made of pure mahogany wood. The front garden was full of beautiful flowers and blossoms . The grass was evenly mowed. A couple of butterflies flew over the flowerbeds, and there on the balcony waiting for him was his mother. She was an ever-smiling woman with not more than thirty-six years of age. Her skin and her hair which hung down her neck shared the same color as her son. She possessed black eyes however. 

She smiled at her son and asked," How was your day, dear ?" 

"Good , mom." He casually answered as he entered home with his mother and started to unbuckle his shoes . 

"What's that matter which is troubling you?" His mother asked him as he threw his school bag as usual on his bed.

"Nothing," Ryan replied. 

"Don't lie to me," His mother smiled again , "I suppose you are nervous for the exam tomorrow. " 

Ryan couldn't help grinning . How does his mom become able to understand  the truth every time? Do all mothers possess that power ? 

"Yes, mom," He confessed, "I'm afraid I can't pass. " 

"You shouldn't be. You have it in your bloodline.Your dad was a warlock—you shouldn't forget." 

"But I haven't worked that hard like my friends ! " 

"That, " His mom continued, " has nothing to do with the exam. I reckon you'll have to know a little about the exam before you attend it. " 

 "I already know all of that already, mom." 

" I know that you know already,dear. But you have to go a bit deeper . But before that you have to change your clothes, while I serve your lunch. " 

" Mom, I don't feel like eating, " Ryan wheedled.  

"No excuses, Ryan—or shall I feed you ?"

" No - no- it's okay,"Ryan said quickly and went into his bathroom to change. 

 After he got changed and freshened up and appeared at the dining table where his lunch was ready and his mother was sitting in the chair face-to-face with him. He was five feet and six inches tall in height but still he was six inches shorter than his mom . His mom was taller than the average woman. However, he sat down on his chair and his mom said, " Now, tell me everything you know about the exam you're going to attend tomorrow."

Ryan thought a little and started, "The exam is in three parts—written, oral and practical. Among those who succeed the exam, the Head of the Seven Sorcerers selects 12 students to enter Magicademia."

"Hmm , go on." 

"Thousands of boys and girls from all around Esoterico come to attend the test . First they attend the written one and some questions are asked there—all about magic. The question papers are bewitched to question by themselves . Then comes the oral part. There the teachers themselves questions the students . The students have to answer the questions as impressively as possible in order to pass."

"Yes—go on , dear. " 

"Then comes the most important part - the practical part . Here they take the students into an auditorium or something where they have to face something." 

"Something what ?" Ryan's mom beamed at him. 

"Well, I don't know— you never told me."

Mother started to talk this time , " You surely know that about thirty three percent of the total magic community possesses a special power apart from magic ? " 

" Yes , I know . But why are you asking me this now?"

" Well , dear . One of those abilities is the ability to build optical illusions . In that auditorium , every student faces a menace. But those are nothing but optical illusions, created magically. The examinees are given fixed time to find three things hidden in the auditorium and use them in order to defeat that thing. The thing could be a giant , a monster , a werewolf or a vampire.Demons and gargoyles are also found. These are all illusions , though. You won't know what you're gonna face before you enter . The Seven Sorcerers will decide who tackled his or her foe most skilfully and select the victorians ." 

" Hmm , so that's it . " Ryan said , thoughtfully , " But what can make me succeed in all of these ? You know , I've gotta pass all of those in order to stay in the shortlist!"

"You'll never know before you find yourself in the test,"his mother beamed at him again," But some qualities such as honesty, sincerity, confidence and quick wit —are needed for the test. And haven't I taught you these before ?" 

"Yes , mom . Of course you did." Ryan said quickly.  

"So that should be it . I better gо while you finish your lunch. It's getting cold. Just free yourself of thoughts and go to the test confidently . But remember, overconfidence can make people fail easily. " 

Mother stood up from the chair but Ryan said , " Mom , I have some questions I never asked you before. "

"What is it, dear ? " 

" Why are we hiding ourselves like monsters from the humanfolk ? " 

" Well , that's been happening for a long time. Look, what are we ? Scyphers . Not just scyphers , we got ghosts , freaks , and also gnomes , elves , fairies , goblins , queer animals and birds , Spectrums like your pet Ben , and many more . These folk like us aren't acceptable to humans . They find us unusual, they desert us, they abhor us. Most of us , which means our ancestors used to live alone in small cottages in forests or swamps. Just because the people hated them, they thought they were monsters . Then think about the ghosts - people feared them . That's the original Seven Sorcerers , in order to keep us outcasts safe , happy and united , took our ancestors to this island and founded Esoterico . Since then we have been here , keeping both us and the humans in peace . " 

 "But - we - aren't - monsters ! " Ryan bellowed a little angrily . 

" Well , my dear son, many find this insulting to stay apart from mainlands, but well —as we are in peace here , why do we have to go back with the humans ? It's a deep point . Look , people like the dark lord Hadeon Memphyss got frustrated by this and wanted to punish the humans and rule them using his powers. But look—did he succeed ? People like him only suffer , son. So , even if you find this insulting , accept it and define your life with happiness."

" Mom , I understand . But one more question: Isn’t it Injustice to use magic only ourselves , while they don't ? " 

" Well , look - the humans have got immense knowledge of Science and technology and these are being upgraded day by day . And that knowledge is enough for them to lead comfortable lives even without magic . Apart  from that , they consider sorcerers as outcasts too . So , magic is just out of their civilization." 

" Thanks , mom . " 

"You are not eating , Ryan . Finish it fast while I go clean the library . It's getting dusty lately .... " 

"Shall I help you ? " 

" No—you finish your eating , that will be a lot of help to me ." 

 She strode back towards the home library.

Ryan finally looked down to his food. It was ice-cold , obviously in this weather, while snow is still falling and chilling breezes are coming ..... 

Before starting to eat , there was one final thing for Ryan to do. He called , " Ben ! " 

Ben the Spectrum came out from under the sofa. Ryan can't find where he hides—sometimes below the table or sofa or inside the cupboard or in the sink of the kitchen. Spectrums are fluffy little men almost looking like chicks . They constantly change color, that's why they're named like this. They Are the most useful pets there are, because of their brilliant shapeshifting abilities. 

"Yes, master Ryan. What can I do for you?" Ben said in a squeaky voice . 

 Ryan said , " Go help my mother with her work, I don't want her to clean all that stuff alone .... " 

"Yes , master Ryan . I shall go immediately. "

Ben sped towards the library . 

Ryan finally started his meal . If he waited a little longer it could have frozen .

After lunch, Ryan took a nap. Then in the evening, he went out on a walk with his maggot device in his ear which he called 'Maggie' (A Maggot Device was a tiny magic-powered device as small as a caterpillar used to listen to music).

His mother never forbade to do anything unless it was harmful to himself or someone else.

So Ryan frequently went for a walk this time—he loves to walk in the moonlight, particularly beside the rainbow River; that river looks wonderful whether it's a moonlit night or not.

Ryan went on a half-an-hour walk on the bank of the river. After the walk, he was returning through the nearby Jason Street while his Maggie was playing," You'll see the sun if you really want to.…" It was a song by Ridley Yekkerbell, a famous Scypher snger. 

The street looked almost deserted. Most people were home now after their work and not everybody liked to walk in the moonlight like him.

He entered a dark alley. Scypherburgh is full of these alleys and lanes and there were plenty of them which hid dark secrets and unsolved mysteries. Many of them were only accessed by sorcerers. And some of them, like the one Ryan entered, were completely quiet and ordinary.

Not a soul was visible in the alley. The alley was narrow and didn't have enough space for the moonlight to enter. 

Ryan strode while his ' Maggie' started to play Mickey Hardin's 'Killer'. He was walking while looking down. But suddenly a 'grunt' and a flurry of running footsteps made him look up and forward. 

The footsteps were created by a man, who was running crazily, while panting. He struggled to keep his balance.

The man was tall but skinny. He was brown-skinned and had black afro haircut. He had a thin mustache and a goatee. He looked like a non-magic person as he wore jeans and a t-shirt.

He ran and approached Ryan. And before Ryan could either think or say something, he grabbed both of Ryan's shoulders tightly. His eyes were getting overturned, he seemed to faint soon. 

He stuttered and said," H-He has a plan! "
"What plan?" Ryan asked in a shocked tone, "And who is he?"

The man was almost falling down. He seemed to lose even the strength to hold Ryan's shoulders.

He tried to answer, " H-h ............The..."

But he couldn't say more. He stumbled and fell down,senseless. 

Horror-stricken, Ryan noticed that as the man lay face down, a couple of stabs were visible on his back. 
The stabs looked fatal—crimson blood streamed in torrents, making his yellow t-shirt red- and he is probably dead now.

Ryan stood, petrified in shock. Then he noticed that he had a duty to do something. He strode out of the alley and saw that he was looking for—a Blackie watchman. Ryan called him in the alley and he ran there. He was,too, horror-stricken by the sight of the corpse.

He was nice enough. He said, " You better go home, boy. It's not safe now to roam here and there at night. I better call the Blackie Chief, they can investigate this case."

Ryan strode quickly on the way home. The moonlight didn't seem sweet anymore to him. Mickey Hardin's Killer' was still playing in his Maggie. but Ryan even forgot to turn that off. He has seen a killed person himself now.

Questions blossomed inside his mind—Who was the man and why was he killed? What was the plan he was talking about and who had the plan? Did the man have any secret? Is that the reason he was killed?

He entered through his house gate. His thoughts were engulfing him completely and he isn't going to share this even with his mother whom he tells everything to.

But however, these questions faded away from his mind gradually, due to the pressure of the next day's admission test.

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