The Pirate and The Prince

By insanepurplelove

4K 153 24

MagicKingdom!AU ScotEng ~ Long ago, in a magical world, there was a kingdom known as Gaia that flourished u... More

x Chapter One x
x Chapter Two x
x Chapter Four x
x Chapter Five x

x Chapter Three x

530 19 2
By insanepurplelove

I own nothing!!!

Arthur ran and ran as fast as his little legs could take him. He felt his heart beat in his chest; as fast as lightning and as loud as thunder. His hair was in a mess and he felt like he was going to trip over his own feet. Sweat trickled from his face and body, his world was in a blur. There was no one in the streets, and as he ran straight forward, he began to see a small brown make shift tent.

Diving in there, he felt his mind swarm with thoughts that began haunting him loudly. But it was when he fell to his knees did he finally register what he just did. He just left Allistor by himself to face the cruel pirates, alone and without anything to protect himself while he ran away like a coward. His bright green eyes dimmed down and became wide with horror as he felt his breath hitched up in his throat. He began shaking uncontrollably as he curled him self up into a ball.

He was supposed to be the prince of this kingdom, he was supposed to protect people. What good was he if he couldn't even protect his friend? If he takes over the crown, how is he going to protect them all? He can barely cast magic, he can barely stand tall, he can barely.. Do anything at all. Then his brothers, they could be in so much danger if he messes up. He's the crown prince of Gaia for crying out loud! ... So why did he feel so small, weak, petty in this make shift tent?

The tent was small, the floor was covered with covers and blankets, bits of the tent was coated with dust though. There was a box that was placed in the far right hand corner that seemed to be used as a table, as if hiding away from everywhere else, and sitting on it was a small picture of Allistor when he was around the age of five, dressed in the colour of Gaia, forest green. Beside the picture was a small silver amulet with something inscribed on it.

It glinted in the dimly lit tent, but it also seemed to call out towards Arthur. Like a curious puppy, Arthur reached forward and picked up the amulet gently. The amulet was decorated with strange patterns and odd gems that Arthur had never seen in his life before. The gems were a mix of blue and black, with the odd hint of gold. But the strange thing about them was that it seemed to give warmth, warming up Arthur's hands as he held it.

That day, Arthur waited within the tent until the sun set, his clothes managed to collect some of the dust that was stored in the tent, and his stomach was growling viciously. Poking his head out from the tent, he strained his ears, trying to see if he could hear any news regarding the pirates. But no one was outside though, so he crawled out of the tent, the amulet dangling from his neck.

He walked quietly in the streets, ignoring everyone that would glance at him. His eyes were trained on the amulet that was chained around his neck as he continued to fiddle with it, the jewels were shining in the bare amount of light that came from the sky. There were very few people around the town, and the journey back to his home wasn't that short. The shops were closed and at certain areas of the town, bullets would litter the ground.

Nevertheless, he knew he had to find Allister some how. There was no proof that he was dead, but there wasn't any proof that he was alive either. The only way to actually find out would be to... Well, he doubt he would be able to find any information from the civilians in the town, they were all cooped up in their homes or some where safe while Allistor was out there by the pirates. Honestly, the only way that he could figure out what happened to Allistor would be to ask the pirates themselves.

But then again, the pirates... They were just so...

Walking through the Ivory palace was like a dream of sorts for most people within the kingdom. It was filled to the brim with all sorts of luxuries, ranging from gold to amulets of all sorts. The maids and butlers were all dressed to their finest and the guards stood stiffly with their metal armours and a weapon in their hands. It was like a show case if anything.

Still, Arthur rushed through the palace, still clutching the amulet he found in Allistor's tent. Light foot steps would echo the hallow halls, and every now and then, a few of the servants would bow their heads down as Arthur swished by.

Quickly still, Arthur charged into the throne room, opening the wooden door and bowed stiffly to his father and mother that sat on their thrones with their royal robes decorating the ground around them. Their eyes were cold and hard as steel, but they still held a small smile that barely showed the warmth that parents should show to their children.

It was as if it was a normal occurrence for Arthur, to never have his parents greet him with a hug or a kiss on the forehead. As soon as he gave his curt bow, he continued to keep his eyes on the marble ground. To be honest, he never felt as though they were his family. It was always a tense atmosphere that coated the throne room whenever he would come in.

"Your highness," he began as his mother stared at him with curious eyes as she held a fan covering half of her. The lights flickered in the room ever so slightly as Arthur tried not to tremble. He could never deny it, he did find his parents quite intimidating at times.

"Speak," continued his father as Arthur gulped in a breath of air, trying desperately to calm down his nerves. He felt like he could just fall to pieces right now, it felt as though the whole world was watching him, and honestly, he hated it.

"I would like- Your highness, I would like to request to send a fleet out to search for a pirate crew," he stuttered as he caught a glimpse of his mother raising one of her perfectly plucked eye brows.

"And dear, prey tell why?" Came in the silky voice of his mother as Arthur's father began forming plans in his head.

"They rampaged within the kingdom and caused the civilians to-" began Arthur, allowing those words to flow from his mouth quickly.

"No, boy," interrupted the king as he held up his hand as Arthur stopped talking, "why do you want to send out a fleet?"

"Ah, surely, it is not for the good of the kingdom but for yourself, is that correct boy?" Smiled the queen beneath her fan as she leaned back in her throne slightly.

"I- Well, it is for the good of the kingdom as well!" Protested Arthur weekly as he heard his father sigh.

"You may leave," waved the king as the servants and knights bowed before marching out of the throne room hurriedly.

Placing her fan down, the queen smiled towards Arthur sympathetically as the king coughed loudly.

"Boy- no, Arthur, come here," whispered the queen as she watched her son with her green eyes.

Stiffly, Arthur walked slowly towards his parents, and stood just by the small set of stairs that led to their thrones. But with his parents urging him to come closer, Arthur walked the first few couple of steps before the queen caught him with her hands and gently placed him in her arms. Her small smile gracing her pink painted lips and her hair draping over her shoulders.

The king sat by quietly, his mind still filling in with plans and thoughts, he didn't even pay attention to his family that would glance him a curious glance every now and then.

"Arthur," said the king abruptly as he tilted his head, his eyes scanning his son that sat on his mother's lap. "Do you know that I hate pirates?" He asked bluntly as Arthur just stared at him.

"Ah," muttered the queen as she held Arthur tightly to her. "You mean Francis," she taunted slightly as the king growled lightly whilst the queen smirked. "He was such a nice boy though, right?" She laughed as Arthur just listened quizzically.

"He is a man whore!" Snarled the king as the queen quickly covered Arthur's ears with a pout, "and he is a bastard child and a con-man, you know that," finished the king as he gripped his throne tightly.

Taking a deep breath, the family still felt as though they could still hear the king's echos. "Listen, Arthur, you know you have to protect the kingdom. After generations of work, it cannot just slip away. Pirates are dangerous, they will take everything and give nothing," warned the king as the queen released her hands from the boy's ears.

"I guess that is true," smiled the queen as she continued, "they do have quite the habit of stealing anything they can, and this does include hearts dear," teased the queen lightly.

"And they have always found an interest with this kingdom somehow," growled the king annoyed, "so you have to protect this kingdom and your brothers. Matthew and Alfred is still too young to know the world, you're already eight or so, right boy?"

"What your father is saying is that he will allow you to send out a fleet to capture these pirates you speak of, and you will be able to see what they are like as an experience. What you need to protect the kingdom from. Is that alright dear?" Smiled the queen gently as Arthur nodded his head with his own smile decorating his lips.

"Thank you your highness," beamed Arthur as the queen laughed lightly.

"I'm your mother you know..." She whispered softly, her eyes glancing at the amulet that dangled from her son's neck, but she never did say anything.

"Your fleet will be sent out tomorrow at dawn. That shall give you a better chance to find these pirates," ordered the king as the final light from the night faded away.

That night Arthur was trapped in his bedroom, his hands clutching the amulet for warmth tightly as he closed his eyes. He was going to find Allistor, he was going to capture those pirates. This plan was perfect it seems, making his parents proud and getting Allistor all in the one go! But some how, he knew that this plan was so very brash, and that something bad was stirring.

It didn't matter though, right? Everything will be okay at the end of this all. Shaking his head, Arthur sighed a bit, all this was just too much thinking. All he wanted was his friend back. He knew that by the end of that day, he seemed like a hero to Allistor, right? He wanted someone to like him if anything, and he wanted someone he could play with. All the children in the palace were way too stuffy for him, and Alfred and Matthew- well, they were nice.

"Iggy," whispered Alfred as he walked quietly into his brothers bed room, the candles flickering lightly.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Scolded Arthur as Alfred just pouted and jumped into Arthur's bed.

"No way! Like, I want to stay up!" Yawned Alfred as Arthur just stared at his brother.

"Where is Matthew?" Questioned Arthur as he watched the quick progress of his brother becoming more tired within the minute.

"Oh... Mattie...? Oh, he's asleep. Like, you know?" Muttered Alfred as he tried to fight the tiredness that coated his body.

"And so should you then," said Arthur as he tried to drag Alfred out of his room, but it was only a futile attempt.

"You should lose some weight," muttered Arthur as he grabbed his covers from his bed and flung it around him and his brother.

"Hey," whined Alfred, "I'll tell on you that you're being mean."

Laughing lightly, Arthur and Alfred fell asleep.

The next morning, Arthur woke up at the crack of dawn to the racket that he heard outside. The palace was located by the edge of the sea, with canons always pointing towards the sea, ready to shoot down any ships that would come their way. But because of that, Arthur could always hear the commotion by the sea as well.

Staggering out of his bed, Arthur was careful not to wake up the sleeping Alfred. The servants were bustling around, attending their duties as Arthur walked out of his bedroom quietly. This was one of those rare days when Kiku, one of his servants that was mainly under his control, wouldn't have to wake him up. But nevertheless, he still felt half asleep.

"Ouji-sama!" Bowed Kiku as he stood outside of the prince's door, "ōsama has informed me to tell you to report to the docks after you have got changed. Ah, and also I shall be accompanying you on your adventure."

Charging back into his room, Arthur quickly rummaged through his clothing before picking out a green and gold outfit. He left his hair as it was and glanced at Alfred, still sleeping on Arthur's bed, before leaving the room once again. His black boots clicked against the marble ground whenever he would walk as he followed Kiku to the dock.

Floating in front of Arthur was a sleek black painted boat that glistened in the sun light just like the sea. It was already exploding with life as certain people were already working on board, all wearing the Gaia Royal Navy uniform.

Floating in front of Arthur was a sleek black painted ship that glistened in the sun light just like the sea. It was already exploding with life as certain people were already working on board, all wearing the Gaia Royal Navy uniform. Already, Arthur knew Ivan and his older sister, Katyusha. He heard that they had a younger sister before she was taken away from them by pirates, it happened quite some years ago, but it still left a nasty scar on their hearts. He also knew Yao who was running away from Ivan, and also Feliks who was just minding his own little thing.


ōsama - Japanese - King

Ouji-sama - Japanese - Prince

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