By koookliete

13K 2.1K 660

welcome to madhouse, a place where everyone is a little mad. "now you know, be careful around the people you... More

#54 {BONUS}


198 33 7
By koookliete

i'm starting to question the security of this psychiatric. sneaking into the second floor to see yoongi wasn't hard, i just had to wait for the guard to go to the toilet.

while walking through the corridor, i regret coming here. it's so lonely and the silence is disturbing. the lights are off so early.

my eyes search for the room number yoongi told me: 28.

i gulp as i walk along the rooms..
25,26,27.. 28 min yoongi.

and there it is, the red circle under his name, what does it mean?

i look through the small window and i see him. he's sitting on a bed in the corner of the room, with a book in his hands looking completely immersed in it.

with indecisive hands, i turn the knob and open the door. i take a step inside and yoongi's peculiar eyes lift over the book, both icing my presence.

my heart starts beating faster. he closes the book and rests it on his lap, smiling.
"close the door."

"i don't think so."

"you're so distrustful."
he lifts his hand, showing a chain connected to the wall.
"i can't reach you, so relax a little."

"why do they have you so restricted again?"

his eyes shine in amusement.
"because i'm dangerous."

"is that why there's a red circle under your name?"

"well, well.."
his smile grows bigger.
"why are you so curious about me, y/n?"

"i just want to know if i shouldn't come to see you again."

"hmm, that means you were already thinking on coming to see me again."

i open my mouth but he continues.
"for now let's focus that you're already here, we'll worry about our next encounter later on."

"why do you always evade my questions? you always find a way to not give me answers."
i say frustrated.

"i don't owe you answers."
he answers, the coldness in his voice clear.
"let's make something clear here, sweetheart. i don't owe you anything, it just amuses me giving you bits of valuable information about you and your pathetic life."

that hurts.
"if my life seems so pathetic to you, why don't you leave me alone?"

"why do you keep coming to me?"

"because you're not telling me everything you know!"
i sigh.

"i'll tell you at the pace i want, however i want."

"is this a game for you?"

"everything is a game for me."

"then i won't see you again, i'm leaving."
i turn around and take the door knob in my hand.

"we both know you won't be able to cross that door, and even if you gather the courage to do it, the doubt of knowing whether the killer hit me or not will haunt you until you come back to me."

i clench my hand on the knob, knowing damn well he's right. i turn around and find his eyes staring at me.

"he came to you?"

he tilts his head.
"why don't you sit down?"
he points down in front of him.
"don't worry, i'm not going to kiss you."

i press my lips tight.
"where does your chain reach?"

he starts laughing.
"i'm not going to do anything."

"that's what you said last time when you.."

"bit that soft lip you have?"
he finishes but i don't say anything.
yoongi seems to have a lot of fun.
"okay, if it makes you feel more comfortable.."
he raises his chained hand and moves as far it can go, sitting on the floor.

cautiously, i sit in front of him.
having him closer, my eyes go straight into his. the different color of his eyes never stops amazing me.

"do you like my eyes?"

i lower my gaze.
"no.. they're just.."



he doesn't say anything for a while and my eyes fall to the book on his lap.
"that's a classic. i didn't know you liked reading."

his lips lift in a grin.
"i like many things you don't know about."

"but you seem to know everything about me."

he lets out a chuckle, but i don't find it funny.
"you're so distrustful of me but so trustful of those around you."
he shakes his head.
"if you keep going like this, you'll end up dead before i finish this book."

i'm getting tired of this.
"who hit you, yoongi? answer me."

"you know who hit me, or you don't remember my plan?"

i sighed.
"the killer.. do you know who the hell he is ?"

he smiles, showing his white teeth.

the moment the word 'yes' leaves his mouth, the second i know i'm a question away from knowing the identity of the killer. there's an instant of weakness in me, an instant of distraction that yoongi takes advantage of."

in fast movements, he extends his body towards me and takes the collar of my shirt with his feet hand, pulling me to him.

i land on the floor right under him, he quickly presses the chain on his wrist against my neck with enough force to hurt me.

i'm paralyzed, i can't even find my voice to scream. his eyes are all i can see, so close to mine. his breath caresses my lips and my heart starts racing in fear, i've forgotten how to breathe completely.

i take a big puff of air, the chain on my neck making it hard for the air to reach my lungs, and i start hyperventilating.


he places a finger on my lips while smiling.


"i could kill you right now if i wanted to."
he presses the chain tighter against my neck, and i whimper in pain.
"you understand that?"

i nod my head, shaking.

he looks satisfied.
"i just want to show you have fragile your situation is, how easy it'd be for the killer to end with you."
he continues.
"so stop playing at having a normal life, that everything is back to normal. because while he's out there, hunting you, you're not living, sweetheart. you're surviving."
the coldness in his voice surprises me and removes the chain from my neck but replaces it with his hand, holding tightly to keep me in place.

i stare into the depth of his eyes, and they make me realize something.
"you're not going to hurt me."

his smile widens.
"i won't, but there's someone that will and that's why you need to start acting like a survivor."

the moment i calm myself, that the fear disappears, is when i realize how close we really are. his body is practically on mine.

i clear my throat.
"you made your point.. very clear, now could you.."

"i'm ver comfortable."

"but i'm not, you just tried to kill me."

"simulated trying to kill you."

"do you know how messed up that is?"

he pretends to think.
"hmm, no."

i try to push him but he doesn't budge.

"i have to admit.. you look good underneath me, sweetheart."

my eyes open exaggeratedly.
"let me go, or i swear i'll scream."

he smirks.
"i'm sorry."

"why? what are you-"

the hand on my neck moves up to cover my mouth, and he buries his face in my neck. i scream, but his hand silences everything.

his lips make contact with my skin and i feel him sucking harshly. when he moves back, his lips look resided than before and he tilts his head to the side to look at my neck.

he finally lets me go and moves away. i stand up so fast and run towards the other side of the room, my breathing a mess.

i touch my throbbing neck, and glare at him angry.
"you sick bastard!"
i clenched my hands in fists.
"let me guess! another sign?!"

he claps.
"yes! you're learning!"

"if you already know who he is, why do you need to provoke him again? just tell me who he is!"

"what's the use of knowing who he is, if you don't have any evidence against him?"

"what are you talking about?"
i ask, still irritated and holding my neck.

"oh y/n.. you have so much to learn. do you think you can accuse someone of being a serial killer without any evidence?"

"but we do have evidence.. he came to you after seeing my lip.. remember?"

"and how would we prove that? with the testimony of an unstable patient like me?"

i open my mouth but quickly close it. he's right.
"but even thought i can't accuse him.. i need to know who he is, so that i can be cautious.."

he shakes his head.
"the moment you know who he is, you'll fear him, you'll change your attitude towards him. and the second he suspects you know his true identity, he'll kill you before you have any evidence against him."

"then do you want me to do nothing? just keep on happily talking to the potential killer without knowing?"

"ignorance can be a blessing, or in your case, your salvation."

"how can you analyze this so well? how can you know what he'll do?"

he sighs.
"because that's what i'd do.."


his eyes piercing through me.
"someday i'll tell you my story, when we eliminate your hunter and are out of this place."

"you'll take us out of this madhouse? is that a promise?"

"i'm not a man of promises.. i just say what i'll do and that's it."

i stare at him for a while.
"why are you helping me yoongi? what do you get out of it?"

"apart from how fun it is to watch this game between you and the killer, i'm waiting to be offered a deal from the prospector that brought me here."

"a deal?"

"yes, when you collaborate on a case so urgent like a serial killer, you can ask for things in return."

"but the police doesn't know you're helping me."

"who said they don't know?"

that leaves me speechless.
"wait what?"

"well, it's getting late. you better go to sleep, tomorrow will be another day to survive."
he gestures me to leave and i walk to the door, but before leaving i turn to look at him once again.

he relaxes his shoulders, accommodating the chain on his wrist, which already caused some cuts on his skin. for a moment, i can see how vulnerable and lonely he looks in that corner.

what did you do to end up like this, yoongi?

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