Fear Town- The Chronicles

By ShootingTheBreeze

454 20 6

Fear comes in many forms. Some hidden and some open. Take a visit to Darkwood Sands, where the atmosphere i... More

Fear Town- The Chronicles
Chapter 1 (Darkwood Sands)
Chapter 2 (Blood is Thicker than Water)
Chapter 3 (Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?)
Chapter 4 (Family Ties)
Chapter 5 (QuickSands)
Chapter 6 (Pandora's Box)
Chapter 8 (Sweet Dreams)
Chapter 9 (The Caves)
Chapter 10 (Enter the Dragon)
Chapter 11 (Secrets Revealed)
Chapter 12 (A New Life)

Chapter 7 (Ancient Awakenings)

15 1 0
By ShootingTheBreeze

Abby was on her way back home from the library when she decided now was a time as any to check out this cave that was on the map on the family computer.  She got out the piece of paper that she drew the map on and jotted down the location.

(Abby walked to the entrance of the cave) “Wow, the size of this cave is huge!”  Abby said surprised.

Abby came to the front of the cave, it looked almost prehistoric in its view.  She stepped inside the cave, looking around and taking in the eclectic atmosphere.  As she walked around feeling the bumps in the walls, she noticed a symbol on the wall that was on the box in Pandora’s room. 

There were other cave drawings too.  One in particular stood out from the other drawings.  It was a picture of something that looked like people drawn as stick figures.  They were standing around a huge circle with what looked like a strong blaze of fire inside the middle of the circle with colors of red, orange, and a touch of blue.  There were also extremely tall, but misshapen stones behind them in a circular form.

Also, in the four corners of the tribal drawings were four stones along with the symbols for the five elements (Earth- plain blue circle, Water- light blue wavy horizontal lines,  Air- light white horizontal lines, Fire- strong orange & yellow vertical lines, Wind-white lined spiral with hints of black) by each stone.    Those four stones included:  Rose Quartz/picture of a light red flower in the shape of a rose & a clear white-colored crystal (Earth),  a plain clear stone/a blank white-colored stone (Water),  a Moonstone/a black-colored moon shape & a plain black-colored stone (Air), and a Sunstone/a bright yellow sun shape & a plain black-colored stone (Fire).    The fifth element just stood alone in the middle.

In another picture that was drawn not too far from the picture Abby was viewing, it showed a person lying down on what looked like a gurney (stretcher).  There was another person leaning over the gurney like they were operating on the person lying on the stretcher.  On the side of that picture was a syringe of blue fluid with the symbols for an ancient dagger, a glowing sun, and a word that looked like it said “wake”, but was spelled “waayke” below the picture.

“Dagger, sun, star, and wake?   What does that mean?...and what was with the four elements with those stones?  Very strange.  Especially the dagger part, that’s a little scary too.  I wonder what that is for?”  Abby whispered out loud while stroking her chin. 

Her mouth opened wide with double shock and awe at the advancement of the pictures.   “What is this really?  Could this really be true?  It can’t be.”  Abby said to herself as she examined the drawings closer.

She got out a notebook and drew the symbols down on the paper.  She scribbled down some notes on the drawings about what she thought they might be.  She put the notebook back in her bag and looked around the cave once more thinking how she missed this glorious wonder of treasures.

“I need to get back home, it’s getting late.”  Abby said to herself as she looked at her watch.  She quickly left the cave, went down to the deli/convenience store to grab a sandwich sub for dinner (already knowing she was missing dinner) and a juice drink.  Then, left for home with all the intriguing images she partook of.

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