What The Heart Wants Danny Ph...

By destinycopley134

2.3K 41 2

Alexis was always gifted ever since her birth. For Alexis her life has never been easy. Always running from d... More

Alexis Human Form
Alexis Wolf Form
Fright Night
Lucky in Love
The Fright Before Christmas
Flirting with Disaster
King Tuck
Kindred Spirits
Reality Trip PT 1
Reality Trip PT 2
Phantom Planet PT 1
Phantom Planet PT 2

Control Freaks

131 2 0
By destinycopley134

"Bye aunt Kate. I'm leaving." Alexis says as she goes outside onto the porch.

"Bye dear." Kate says as Alexis closes the door and sees Sam waiting impatiently nearby.

"About time you finally came outside. Hurry or we'll miss the show." Sam says as Alexis walks over to her.

"Tell me why it is again you talked me into skipping first period with you to go to this show." Alexis says.

"Because I kind of owe you for helping out with Danny and I also wanted to show you I accept you being in our group now." Sam says bluntly.

"You couldn't do this after school?" Alexis asks.

"Nope." Sam says as she grabs Alexis's wrist.

"Alright then." Alexis says as Sam pulls her along.


"Will you stop worrying. We won't get caught." Sam says as she and Alexis are waiting with the crowd to get into the tent.

"How do you know?" Alexis asks as she looks at Sam.

"Because I got some people covering for us. Don't worry it'll be fine. Ghost?" Sam asks as Alexis's ghost sense goes off.

"Danny." Alexis says as she and Sam look up and see Danny in ghost form floating above them.

"Well look who decided to slum it with the troubled teens." Sam says.

"What? I'm not in trouble." Danny says as he lands beside Alexis and Sam.

"Really now?" Alexis asks as she hears police sirens before Danny ducks behind some trash cans.

"Yes." Danny says as he comes out from behind the trash cans in human form as the cops go by them before a train car opens and Freakshow from the TV commercials steps out.

"Greetings fellow outcasts. I am Freakshow your master of ceremonies. Are you ready to smile, relax, and forget all your troubles amid the pleasant diversions of the circus?" Freakshow asks.

"No!" Goths shout.

"Then you've come to the right place! Prepare to be disturbed and appalled by a small sample of the bizarre and abnormal world of Circus Gothica." Freakshow says as performers come out and begin performing.

"This is the greatest moment ever. Nothing could ruin this for me!" Sam shouts happily.

"Parents of Amity Park!" A voice says revealing to be Mrs. Manson using a megaphone with a crowd of adults behind her.

"I know something that might." Alexis says as Sam looks over at the parents.

"Oh no." Sam says.

"We urge you to boycott this morbid assault on the morals of our children!" Mrs. manson shouts as goths boo at the parents.

"What are they doing here!? Why can't they have day-jobs like regular parents!?" Sam asks worriedly.

"Don't let the rantings of the closed-minded norms beat you down. Show them your true colors! And when I say colors I mean all black. Make them see you for who you are." Freakshow says.

"Make them see us for who we are..." Danny mumbles.

"What was that Danny?" Alexis asks as she looks at Danny.

"Hey everyone! Over here! We're Danny Fenton, Alexis Hathaway, and Sam Manson! We cut school and we're proud of it!" Danny shouts as the goths shout in delight before a male goth comes over and sprays his shirt black.

"You're one of us now." The goth says as Danny poses proudly.

"Sam?" Mrs. Manson asks.

"Alexis!" Kate shouts as Alexis and Sam nervously look at their families.


"Some might call this little act of rebellion a cry for attention but I call it a cry for detention. Isn't that clever?" Principal Ishiyama says as Alexis, Sam, and Danny are in the principle's office with their parents.

"Nice job Danny. Maybe I should have cried hey! It's Inviso-Bill!" Sam says annoyedly as she and Alexis look at Danny.

"Thanks a lot Danny." Alexis says annoyedly.

"I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me back there." Danny says.

"Bad judgment that's what! Next time think before you act!" Mr. Fenton says angrily.

"Obviously the apple doesn't fall very far from the over-bearing, orange-jump suited tree!" Mr. Manson says as he and Jack begin to argue.

"Samantha I forbid you from seeing this boy or any of your other troubled friends." Mrs. Manson says as she looks at Sam.

"My friends are perfectly normal!" Sam says.

"Alexis Hathaway you are grounded for two weeks." Kate says as Alexis looks at her.

"Two weeks?" Alexis asks before the door slams open with Mr. Lancer standing with Tucker dressed like Sam and Kwan dressed like Alexis.

"This is so wrong." Principal Ishiyama says.


"I wanted to experience something horrific and unimaginable. This isn't what I had in mind." Sam says as she, Alexis, Danny, and Tucker are in detention as Mr. Lancer is clipping his nails.

"No kidding." Alexis says.

"We can always go to the circus tomorrow. That is assuming we're not grounded and your parents let me within two-hundred feet of you two." Danny says.

"I'm grounded but I may be able to use my hunting time to go. I'll just have to make sure I bring something to show I was hunting and not with you guys." Alexis says.

"Guess we'll have to settle for the live web-cast of opening night." Tucker says as he brings up Freakshow on his device.

"Creatures of the night unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica!" Freakshow says.

"Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica..." Danny says as he gets up and heads towards the door.

"And just where do you think you're going Mr Fenton?" Mr. Lancer asks before Danny phases into him and locks him into the closet before coming out in his ghost form.

"Danny what are you doing? We're in too much trouble as it is!" Sam asks as Danny looks at her.

"No such thing as too much trouble. Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica." Danny says before phasing through the ceiling.

"Follow him?" Alexis asks.

"Yup." Sam says as the three quickly leave to find Danny.


"Why does this place gotta be so creepy?" Tucker asks as he and Alexis are walking around outside the circus tent looking for Danny.

"Would you relax? It'll be fine." Alexis says before the two hear a scream.

"That doesn't sound fine." Tucker says as he and Alexis run inside the tent and see Sam on a high wire with a hooded figure.

"Sam!" Alexis shouts before Sam falls off the high wire.

"Oh no!" Alexis says before Sam is saved by the hooded figure before the figure leaves as Alexis and Tucker run over to Sam.

"Jeez Sam. You nearly gave us a heart-attack! Can we take time off from your gothapalooza and actually look for Danny?" Tucker asks.

"Are you alright?" Alexis asks worriedly.

"I'm fine but that was Danny. Under the hood. Freakshow's controlling him with some kind of crystal ball! C'mon!" Sam says before she, Alexis, and Tucker run into Sam's parents.

"Sam! Shouldn't you be in detention?" Mrs. Manson asks.

"Umm... Lancer let us out?" Sam says as Danny's parents come over wondering where Danny is.


"Sam, Alexis did you catch the news? We gotta do something to save Danny!" Tucker says as he is video calling with Alexis and Sam.

"Yep." Alexis says.

"How ironic is it that I'm stuck under house-arrest while to a free Circus Gothica show?!" Sam asks angrily.

"Only slightly less ironic than the fact that they were right about it being evil." Tucker says.

"Well we should go get Danny. Who knows what will happen if we don't do something." Alexis says as she gets off the video chat before sneaking out of her house in wolf form.


"How are we going to get into this train?" Tucker asks as he, Alexis, and Sam arrive at the circus train.

"Like this. Hang on." Alexis says as she transforms to wolf form before picking Sam and Tucker up and jumping to the top of the train only to fall into a hole and land in a pile of gold, money, and jewels before seeing Freakshow's staff.

"There's the crystal ball! Let's grab it and-" Sam says before she, Alexis, and Tucker are blasted out of the train and see Danny with Freakshow.

"Danny! No!" Alexis shouts as the train begins to leave.

"Yes yes. Please scream. A shame anyone who might help you is busy enjoying my free show." Freakshow says before Alexis, Sam, and Tucker chase after the train.


"We have to jump." Sam says as she, Alexis, and Tucker are looking at the train below on an overpass.

"You crazy? I can't jump." Tucker says as she looks at Sam.

"And I just can't abandon Danny. He was the only friend I had for a good little while here before you two accepted me into the group. I can't leave him. I won't leave him. Even if I have to go after him by myself." Alexis says stubbornly.

"I guess we're doing this then. It was nice knowing you ladies." Tucker says before the three jump and land on the train.

"Plus we'll never hear the end of it if our parents learn they're right about him being evil." Sam says before the group begins running on the train cars before stopping as ghosts phase up in front of them and Danny phases up behind them.

"Danny it's us! Sam, Alexis, and Tucker! You're best friends remember?!" Sam asks as Danny's eyes return to their normal green color causing Alexis, Sam, and Tucker to smile.

"Tucker? Sam? I.. I.. I... ..am a.. ghost. I have no friends." Danny says as his eyes go red again.

"Don't waste your breath children. He's under my control now. Don't just stand there finish them!" Freakshow says as he appears on top with the group.

"Maybe you should try holding that thing up a little higher." Tucker says as Freakshow holds his staff up higher only for it to get knocked out of his hands by some scaffolding.

"nice thinking tucker." Alexis says before Danny blasts tucker and Sam into the arms of some ghosts before picking up the staff.

"Very good drone. Now bring me my staff. Come on bring it." Freakshow says as he makes kissing noises to call Danny over.

"No Danny! Fight it! He's not holding the crystal ball anymore you are! He can't control you any longer." Alexis says as she quickly runs over to in front of Danny before Freakshow blasts Alexis from behind causing her to accidentally shift to human form and fall onto the side of the train while hanging on.

"Silence! Obey me ghost! Give me my staff. Come on." Freakshow says angrily.

"Danny, Sam told me what you did up on that high wire. You were fighting him the whole time! Fight him now Danny! You're not just a ghost! Fight him! This isn't who you are. You know exactly who you are. Fight him!" Alexis says as she sees a gorge approaching and struggles to get back on the train.

"Quiet! All of you! I need to think!" Danny says as he holds his head.

"Stop her! Now!" Freakshow shouts as a ghost blasts Alexis off the side of the train and sends her falling.

"Alexis! No!" Tucker shouts.

"Alexis!" Sam shouts as Alexis closes her eyes preparing to hit the ground before she feels herself get caught and sees Danny holding her.

"Huh? What the? You saved my life." Alexis says as she looks at Danny seeing his eyes are green again.

"Of course. You're one of my best friends." Danny says as he smiles.

"Danny are you.. ya know.. you again?" Alexis asks nervously.

"I think so. It's all a blur. I did some bad stuff didn't I?" Danny asks as he stops smiling and flies toward the train.

"Nothing that can't be fixed." Alexis says as she smiles before landing back on the train with Danny as the other ghost's eyes return to normal.

"Good. Now maybe you can convince Tiny here to let go of us?" Tucker asks.

"H-huh? Where are we?" An eye patch ghost asks as he lets go of Sam and Tucker.

"Are we free? Finally free?" The dwarf ghost asks.

"Only one way to find out." Danny says as he and the other ghosts go after Freakshow before he changes back to human form and goes over to the group's parents as the train comes to a stop while some cops arrest Freakshow.

"Nice work kids. You caught that weirdo goth punk thief red-handed!" Jack says proudly.

"I'm just happy you're all safe!" Mrs. Manson says happily.

"More than safe. They're heroes!" Mr. Manson says.

"We're so proud of you." Kate says.

"BUT YOU'RE ALL STILL GROUNDED!" The parents shout in union angrily.


"Grounded shmounded! This is cruel and unusual punishment!" Grandma Manson says as she points to Sam while the group is in the library studying.

"I know but it was the only way I could convince them to lift their restraining order on Danny." Sam says.

"At least Freakshow is in custody and the stolen goods were returned." Danny says.

"So why do I feel like we're forgetting something?" Tucker asks.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Alexis says as she looks at Tucker.

"Yeah. You're probably right." Tucker says.

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