Harry Potter Tripped Through...

By rootin-tootin-sandy

26.3K 1.1K 165

Draco Malfoy buried his husband. Hadrian Potter had been a selfish man who cared only for himself. Draco was... More

Funerals & Death-Harry Potter Married Who?
Overalls & Runes-Harry Gets Groped In Diagon Alley
Mirrors & Parseltongue-Ron Is Spreading Malicious Rumors
Horcruxes & Hogwarts-Snape is his what?
If Malfoy Isn't Going To Stand Up For Himself, Harry Will Do It For Him!
Harry Encourages Children To Damage Other People's Property
Harry Goes Shopping & Draco Discovers Some Shocking Feelings
Flirting & Weasley's-Atticus Defends His Mother!
Duels & Flashcards-The Kids Are Up To Something
Public Humiliation & Sleepovers-Harry Loves His Thestrals Shaped Pancakes!
Stranger Danger & Toads-Harry & Draco are KISSING
Jealousy & Insecurity-Two Boys Spend Time with Their Mummy
Gossip & the Minstry: Where Is Draco Malfoy?
The Ball-Part One: Does Lucius Malfoy Have a Snake in His Pocket?

Lily & the Golden Trio-Harry REALLY Needs To Stop Breaking Mirrors

1.8K 79 14
By rootin-tootin-sandy

Harry could hear Ron muttering to himself as he pulled on a shirt.
"You called me, Harry! It's not my fault I'm not always dressed properly." Harry peeked through his fingers and let out a breath when he no longer saw naked skin.
"Why would you answer the mirror butt naked anyways? I always knew you were a pervert." He could hear Mione laughing in the background.
"Merlin's balls! Is that Cedric Diggory?" Ron gasped as he pointed at the other man.
"It's not polite to point, Uncle Ron." Scorpius said firmly as Atticus nodded his head. Harry bit his lip so he wouldn't laugh at the children.
"Yeah, Ron." Hermione came into view before she frowned at him.
"Ronald, if I hear one more foul word, I will be hexing your mouth shut." She paused before doing a double take.
"Is that Cedric Diggory?" Harry watched Cedric wave before giving a bow.
"You must be Ron and Hermione! It's nice to meet you." It was silent before Harry blurted out "Turns out you guys died in this universe." Hermione just nodded before commenting "I assumed we did. If not, I was going to suggest taking them out." She drew her wand across her throat.
"Uh what?" Fred said abruptly, his eyes wide.
"Merlin's balls, Fred? Wait, is that George next t-" Ron's voice cut out as his lips sewed together.
"Children, Ron! But honestly, it's so nice to see you two together again." Hermione beamed at the twins before continuing her tangent.
"You can't have us and our other selves running around at the same time! We need Harry and he needs us so of course we would get rid of the other ones." The children cheered before grabbing the mirror.
"We can't wait to see you in person, Aunt Hermy!" Atticus grinned brightly, his eyes sparkling. The children quickly began to plan out all of the fun things they could do before running out of the room, Scorpius dragging Conrad with them.
"Er, okay. Good talk." Harry muttered before collapsing on the couch.
"So how are you going to get your friends?" Zabini asked curiously and Harry shrugged.
"By doing whatever Mione tells me to do." Harry yawned before rubbing his eye, his head still throbbing from the night before.
"If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask." Draco said. Harry smiled at him, pleased with his offer. This Draco really was different from the Draco he had known.
"I should go see how the Malfoy's are doing." Zabini left and Harry mumbled "good riddance."
"Draco, you should let me kick his arse." The Twins laughed before sitting on either side of him.
"We'll hold him down for you!" Cedric snorted before calling out "me and Conny should get going. Don't be a stranger!" He waved as he left. Harry still couldn't wrap his head around an adult Cedric. It was nice, he thought. Cedric's death had been the first one he had experienced and he still got nightmares about it.
"So Harry, are we the coolest people you know in your dimension?" George asked as Fred posed with his hands behind his head. Harry's chest felt heavy as he avoided their gaze.
"Er, Fred died when I was seventeen and George died a year later." He picked at his nail before glancing up. The Twins looked horrified at his explanation.
"Merlin, Harry! No wonder you look like that." Fred gestured to him and he cocked his head to the side before looking at Draco.
"Like what?"
"Like life has beaten you down. It's in the eyes." George answered and Harry gave them an offended look.
"First off, that's rude! I'm perfectly fine. Second of all, your freckles are ugly." The Twins gasped in unison. Before they could respond, the doors were thrown open and he met the furious gaze of Lily Snape.


Draco knew he felt the wards ripple but he had assumed it was the Diggory's leaving. As his mother in law stormed into the room with James, Severus and the Black brothers behind her, he made sure to keep his eyes on her. Lily Snape was a lovely woman but when she was angry, people better watch out.
"Draco, what is going on here? Why is this imposter still here?" She snarled out the words, her wand in her hand.
"Excuse me? Who are you calling an imposter?" He didn't appreciate her barging into his home and insulting his friend.
"He doesn't belong here." Her knuckles were white from how hard she was gripping her wand.
"Lily, calm down! Actually think before you talk." James said before standing in front of her. She bared her teeth before scoffing.
"Calm down? I get a letter saying Hadrian has returned, only to find out it's a fake!" She stepped closer before shoving James back.
"And you're all pretending like everything is fine!" Harry stood up and patted James on the back.
"I'll take it from here, yeah?" Harry straightened his shoulders before looking at her.
"I can see how this is hard for you but-"
"Hard for me? My son is dead yet here you are wearing his face!" She shouted out, her arm wrapping around her stomach.
"I understand where you're-" Lily cut Harry off again.
"You don't understand anything! You have no clue what it's like to lose someone." Draco stormed forward, his eyes blazing. He loved Lily but she had no right to say such things to Harry. Harry had lost more than all of them combined.
"Take that back!" The door was thrown open again and his sons came in, the mirror held in Scorpius's hand.
"Atticus, you can talk?" Lily's mouth was hanging open as his sons charged forward. Scorpius stood protectively in front of Harry as Atticus faced off against his Gran.
"Mummy isn't going anywhere! We love him." Lily opened her mouth but Atticus wasn't done.
"We don't want Mother to come back! He didn't like us and he was mean to Scorpius. Mummy doesn't care if I can speak or not. Mummy likes us and you're trying to push him away. It's not FAIR!" He had screamed the last word and Draco felt a shift in the air as his accidental magic lashed out. There was a hiss before a large black snake appeared. Harry lunged forward and wrapped his hand around the snake's mouth, causing its fangs to dig into his hand.
"Merlin, Harbear! Always causing trouble." Ron joked from the mirror.
"It's a gift." Harry grinned at his friend.
"Now boys, you will be apologizing to your Gran." He said firmly and they gawked at him, Lily included.
"Harry, we'll worry about that when there isn't a snake eating your hand off!" Sirius whispered loudly and Harry blinked before flicking his hand out. The snake disappeared without a sound.
"You were saying?" Draco couldn't help but be impressed with his casual use of wandless magic. Atticus hunched his shoulders but didn't say anything.
"We won't apologize." Scorpius was scowling fiercely before adding "mummy is the reason Atty can talk. He was only speaking Parseltongue and mummy can speak it too."
"Parseltongue?" Lily said in surprise and Severus sighed.
"Darling, if you would actually read my letters instead of scanning them, we wouldn't be in this mess." She flushed but waited for him to continue.
"As I said before, Harry is from an alternate dimension. Both of his parents died when he was young. He never married Draco and he lives at Number Twelve with his house elf." Lily opened her mouth before closing it.
"We died?" Harry gave her a tight smile.
"Yes, my mum and dad sacrificed themselves so I could live. I'm sure you would've done the same." She flinched at his tone before pocketing her wand.
"Harry, not to interrupt but my rune circle is about to explode which would wipe out five blocks and kill us all." Hermione said while Ron gave them a thumbs up.
"Time to do your thing!"


Harry focused on his friends and tried to ignore his stinging eyes. He wouldn't cry. It was shocking to have his dead mum screaming in his face, that was all. He took a deep breath and met Hermione's warm brown eyes.
"Alright, Harry. I made a rune circle specifically targeting your magic. We will be using the mirror as a gateway. In theory, we should be able to walk through the mirror and end up on the other side."
"Wait, you're going to rip through the dimensions by using Harry's magic as an anchor? That's incredibly dangerous! It could drain his magic completely or you could get stuck in the void!" Regulus said and Lily nodded.
"There's no way that's going to work!" Hermione gave her a frigid smile.
"For you? No but for me? They call me the smartest witch of the century. This is child's play." Harry shook the mirror before stretching it out. He made sure to be careful. It would be his luck that he broke this one too.
"How are you doing that? That shouldn't be possible." Harry shrugged awkwardly.
"I just think it and do it." Lily looked frustrated by his answer but Snape smiled at him.
"Interesting! It seems your magic is almost sentient." Harry ignored him before looking at his friends. He paused before taking his wand out.
"Boys, don't cross this line okay? This will be dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt." He carved a line of pure magic on the ground and nodded to himself. Nothing would break through it.
"Oh are you finally getting your friends, Harry dear? How wonderful! Once they get here, we'll have to celebrate with a shopping trip!" Mrs. Malfoy said as she breezed through the door, Mr. Malfoy and Zabini behind her.
"Good luck with that! Harry hates shopping." He gave Ron the stink eye before smiling at her.
"Thank you but Hermione's bringing some of my things." She giggled before patting his back.
"Dear, I've seen what you wear." He wasn't sure if he should be offended or not so he just shrugged.
"Harry, the circle!" Hermione said and he started stretching as she chanted in Latin. He could feel a pull on his magic and waited for her signal. They pushed forward against the mirror and Hermione gave a grunt.
"Harry!" She called out, her voice slightly panicked. He thought hard before turning the mirror so it was in front of him. Leaning back, he shoved his foot forward and squawked when his foot went straight through it as his friends landed in a heap on the other side. He yanked his foot out of the frame before sighing.
"Great, I broke another mirror."
"I think I'm going to be sick. That was the worst." Ron groaned before sitting up. He stumbled to his feet and helped Hermione up.
"Harry!" They cried out and he was swept up in their embrace.
"We've missed you, mate! I know it's only been a couple of weeks but it's been awful without you."
"I've missed you too." He said around a mouthful of Hermione's hair.
"Well lookie here! Ronnie is all grown up." The Twins said and Ron gave a sniff before hugging them tightly. Ron dug a handkerchief out of his pocket and blew his nose. Harry smiled, happy that they were together again. The boys were bouncing on their feet as they waited to greet them. Hermione suddenly gave Ron a look and he coughed.
"Harbear, would you mind showing me to the bathroom? My stomach hurts." Harry narrowed his eyes but agreed. It looked like his friends were Up to Something.

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