Duels & Flashcards-The Kids Are Up To Something

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Harry yawned as he stared at his ceiling, his body humming with excitement. Hermione liked to call him an adrenaline junky but he loved a good fight, probably because he had been fighting most of his
life. He had fought to survive the Dursley's and he hadn't stopped until he killed Voldemort.
It was five o'clock in the morning and his duel wasn't scheduled until eight. He was trying to decide if he should get up when he felt a presence outside his room. Slinking off of his bed, he crept forward and yanked his door open. Surprised blue eyes stared at him as Draco cleared his throat.
"Ah, Harry. I didn't know if you were awake."
"Course I am!" Harry was bouncing on his heels as he grinned at him, happy to see the older man.
"I hope I'm not bothering you. I was going to try and convince you to let me hire someone to take your place." Harry rolled his eyes but pulled Draco through the doorway. Draco sat on the edge of his bed before giving him a pleading look, his face full of worry.
"Draco, it will be fine!" Harry hadn't realized how common it was to hire people to duel for you. Apparently most families had professionals on hand for such a thing.
"We're friends, aren't we, Harry?" Draco asked suddenly before sliding closer to him.
"Of course we are!" He froze as Draco cupped his face gently.
"I don't want anything to happen to you."
"It would upset the boys." Harry said slowly and Draco nodded seriously.
"It would upset me too." Harry felt hot as he glanced away, unsure of the sudden tension.
"Draco, I know Hadrian barely used his magic but I've been fighting actual Dark Lords since I was eleven. I can handle anything the Botrel Family throws at me."
"Okay. I'll trust you know your abilities." Harry beamed at him before flopping back down on his bed.
"Good! I hope you like the duel. My magic has been feeling restless lately." He admitted, his eyes back to staring at his ceiling. Usually when his magic felt uneasy, something bad was going to happen. Thankfully it was just an idiot trying to fight him. The last time this had happened, Sirius had died and Voldemort had possessed him. He had felt dirty afterwards and it had been Ron who had helped him through it, his friend feeling the same way after Peter turned out to be his pet rat.
"The boys are rather upset they can't come. I'm surprised you're having your friends babysit. I had thought you'd want them at your side."
"Hermione and Ron can protect the boys if the Botrel Family tries to retaliate." Draco gaped at him before shaking his head.
"I didn't even think that they might retaliate. They were the ones who started it after all."
"And I'm going to end it." Harry grinned boldly at him and Draco dropped down beside him.
"I thought you were going to marry Collette." He admitted as he refused to look at him. Harry burst into laughter, his eyes watering as he tried to calm down.
"What? Why?"
"She's very beautiful." Draco said in disgust as he played with Harry's hand.
"So? I don't care about that stuff."
"What are you looking for in a partner?" Harry thought about it before replying, his voice soft.
"I want someone who only wants me, not the Savior of the Wizarding World." Draco looked serious as he opened his mouth. Whatever he was going to say, Harry wouldn't know because his door burst open and the boys ran in before stopping suddenly, their faces full of surprise.
"Father, we didn't think you'd be here." Scorpius looked thrilled as he shared a look with Atticus.
"I was just talking to Harry." The children crawled into bed with them and Atticus kept looking at him before looking away.
"Is something wrong, Atty?" He knew the boys were worried and wanted to reassure them that everything was going to be fine.
"Mummy, I've always wanted to have a sleepover with you. Can we have one tonight when you get back?" Harry cooed at how cute he was before agreeing.
"Of course we can!"
"Father can join us too, right mummy?" Atticus's eyes were big as he asked.
"I don't see why not! Right, Draco?" His friend was staring at their son, his smile sly.
"I would be happy to join you." Harry grinned, happy that he could make more fond memories with everyone.
"Alright, since we're all up, how about we go eat some breakfast?" They filed from his room towards the dining room, the boys chatting about what they wanted to do tonight.
"-and we can all share mummy's bed, right mummy?" Scorpius asked as he sat in his chair before piling hash browns on his plate.
"Er, all of us?" He gave Draco an uncertain look. He didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Harry was used to sharing, having slept with Ron and Hermione during the colder months in their tent.
"Of course, Harry. It's what the children want." He said, his voice smooth as he sipped his tea.
"I don't mind, if you don't!" Harry hummed as he poured chocolate sauce on his waffles. Hermione would have thrown a fit if she saw all the sugar he was inhaling but he needed the energy!
"Harry! What is that?" Hermione appeared as if she had been summoned by his thoughts. He quickly scarfed down the rest of his food before she could make him eat something healthier.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Mione." He said as he swallowed, flashing her an innocent smile.
"My teeth ache just smelling your syrup. Merlin, you better brush your teeth before the duel." She lectured and he threw her a cheeky wink.
"Yes, mum!" The boys were giggling at their banter while Ron started eating sausage, his eyes closed.
Harry was sure Ron was asleep as he kept eating, a rather strange ability he had.
Nothing stopped Ron Weasley from eating.
"Aunt Hermione, we're having a sleepover with mummy and Father." Atticus bragged loudly.
"How fun, Atty! You must tell me all about it tomorrow. While Harry is away, I thought we could do-" she drummed her hands on the table before pulling something from her bag, "flashcards!"
Ron sat straight up, his eyes wide open, and shouted "no more flashcards, Mione!" before collapsing onto the table, a loud snore escaping his mouth.
"I think flashcards will be fun, Auntie!" Scorpius said brightly and Harry gave Draco a look.
"He definitely didn't get that from me. I slept through half of my classes."

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