Harry Potter Tripped Through...

بواسطة rootin-tootin-sandy

25.8K 1.1K 163

Draco Malfoy buried his husband. Hadrian Potter had been a selfish man who cared only for himself. Draco was... المزيد

Funerals & Death-Harry Potter Married Who?
Overalls & Runes-Harry Gets Groped In Diagon Alley
Horcruxes & Hogwarts-Snape is his what?
If Malfoy Isn't Going To Stand Up For Himself, Harry Will Do It For Him!
Harry Encourages Children To Damage Other People's Property
Lily & the Golden Trio-Harry REALLY Needs To Stop Breaking Mirrors
Harry Goes Shopping & Draco Discovers Some Shocking Feelings
Flirting & Weasley's-Atticus Defends His Mother!
Duels & Flashcards-The Kids Are Up To Something
Public Humiliation & Sleepovers-Harry Loves His Thestrals Shaped Pancakes!
Stranger Danger & Toads-Harry & Draco are KISSING
Jealousy & Insecurity-Two Boys Spend Time with Their Mummy
Gossip & the Minstry: Where Is Draco Malfoy?
The Ball-Part One: Does Lucius Malfoy Have a Snake in His Pocket?

Mirrors & Parseltongue-Ron Is Spreading Malicious Rumors

1.9K 89 3
بواسطة rootin-tootin-sandy

Harry knew he probably shouldn't have shown off but that was the best way to win Walburga's favor. He needed the old bat on his side in case Malfoy kicked him out. He wouldn't blame the older man. After hearing Anthony call their children burdens, he had been horrified that other Harry had felt the same. Children were a gift and should be treasured. He just hoped the children had never heard their mum say such hateful things. Harry knew how that would haunt you. He could still recite every nasty thing his relatives had said about his parents.
"Harry, the Black family wards have been up for centuries!" Regulus cried out.
"Yeah and they were slowly decaying. It was better just to rip the old ones out and start fresh." Harry explained.
"I'd hate for one of them to fail. It would be a catastrophe." He continued and Mr. Malfoy gave him a curious look.
"You seem to know a lot about wards,
Potter." He ignored his tone and answered.
"I'm rather good at them. When we were on the run, I would set them up around our tent." He saw his dad mouth the word "tent".
"Tent?" Sirius asked out loud.
"Yes? We were hiding from people trying to kill us. It was a pretty rough year."
"Bleeding hell!" Did Mrs. Malfoy actually just curse? She was looking at him in shock.
"No wonder you look like that!" She gestured to him "You probably don't remember how proper wizard's dress. Don't worry, Mother will help you." She said firmly and Harry scooted closer to Regulus.
"That's not necessary!" He squeaked out.
"Mr. Harry! Mr. Harry!" The boys ran into the room, leaving a trail of mud behind them.
"Hello boys!" He said as he spelled away the dirt. Kreature was old so he wasn't going to make the house elf clean up the mess.
"Some people were yelling your name and we found this mirror!" Scorpius said brightly as he waved around a hand mirror.
"Oi, kid! I'm going to throw up if you keep swinging me around!" Ron's voice echoed throughout the room and Harry grinned happily.
"You don't want to see that, Scorpius! Ron has a weak stomach." The boys giggled before Atticus held up his note.
"From the slugs?" Harry howled with laughter.
"Harry! Have you been telling these kids stories about me? The nerve!" Ron called out dramatically. Harry took the mirror and looked at his best friend.
"Hi Ron!" He beamed at him. He knew the other man couldn't stay mad at him for long.
"Hi Harry." He sighed before frowning at him.
"Harry, did you have kids and not tell us? Don't try to deny it either! Those boys look exactly like you! Merlin, after all we've been through!" Ron was ranting and Harry rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, Ron." Hermione's voice came from behind him as she yanked the mirror out of his hands.
"Hi Mione!" She blew him a kiss.
"Hi Harry! Now tell me what happened."
"Well I was taking Luna lunch when I tripped over my shoelace." She interrupted him.
"That's why I tell you to double knot them!" She cried out.
"Yes, mum! Anyway, I tripped and fell through the Veil. When I woke up, Neville was staring at me like a creep. I thought I was dead for a little bit and then I thought I had gotten kidnapped." He explained and she nodded her head.
"All logical conclusions to come to." She mumbled.
"Then I saw Snape and realized it was an alternate universe." Ron's face appeared beside hers.
"What about the dungeon bat?" Ron asked curiously and Harry turned the mirror towards everyone.
"Merlin's pants! If Snape had looked like that, maybe I would have paid more attention in Potions!" Ron shouted out and Harry snickered.


Draco watched Harry's face as he talked to his friends. It was obvious that he loved these two deeply.
"So what? You have kids?" Ron asked and Harry grimaced.
"Don't laugh." He warned before turning the mirror on him. He stared at the couple. The woman had brown curly hair and sharp eyes. The man was obviously a Weasley.
"Holy-" Hermione elbowed him in the side.
"Watch your language, Ronald! There are children present." She hissed.
"Sorry! I was surprised to see Malfoy! Do you think he's keeping Harry hostage?" He whispered loudly and Draco gave him an affronted look.
"I am not doing anything of the sort! Harry is just living with me." The two shared a look.
"So why are you showing us Malfoy, Harry?" Harry blushed.
"Well other Harry married him before tragically dying." He said as he glanced at the children. Laughter came from the mirror as both of his friends hunched over.
"It's not funny!" Harry shouted out as he buried his face in his hands.
"When should we plan the wedding, Harry?" Ron gasped out.
"Why are they laughing, Mr. Harry?" Scorpius scowled at them.
"Because they are terrible friends!" Harry said firmly before setting the boy on his lap. Atticus watched and said nothing. Harry waved him over before picking him up as well.
"Merlin, Harry! It's like you cloned yourself!" Hermione said in shock. Harry squinted at the mirror before pulling on the edge of it. It got larger until it was the size of a full-length mirror.
"There we go! Wouldn't want anyone to feel left out." He said as he propped it up.
"Is that your dad?" Ron's mouth was hanging open as he gazed at Potter Sr.
"You won't believe who's beside him!" Harry said gleefully. They looked at Regulus in confusion.
"R.A.B!" Harry said proudly. Hermione was choking on her spit as Ron pounded on her back.
"Oh my god! Did you apologize for the diary thing?" She asked in embarrassment.
"Duh!" Harry was much more carefree with his friends, Draco noticed. Atticus held up a note for them to read.
"Are you the ones who helped him break into Gringotts?" Ron snickered
"You bet we are, baby Harry!" Atticus blushed at the nickname.
"That's illegal!" Hermione gave Harry a sly look.
"Did you know only Harry had a kill on sight order? It's because he kept kicking goblins off the cliff when we were escaping!" Harry looked shocked as he defended himself.
"That's not true! I was tripping over them!" Ron rolled his eyes.
"Then why were you giving yourself points every time one fell?" Harry scowled down at the table but didn't say anything. The boys were giggling as they stared at his friends.
"So how are you getting home?" Hermione asked him and he stared at her blankly.
"Moine, we both know you're the brains of our little trio. I assumed you'd figure it out." He mumbled out.
"I know! I just wanted to hear you say it." She announced smugly and Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He suddenly looked up before frowning at him. Draco had no clue what he had done to get such a look.
"Why'd you tell me Atticus couldn't speak?" He asked and Draco watched his son's face fall. Hadrian hadn't tried to communicate with Atticus once they found out he was mute. It had broken his youngest son's heart and Draco refused to let anyone else put him through that same type of pain again.
"If you have a problem with it-" He said coldly and Harry glared at him.
"I don't have a problem with it! I want to know why you lied." Harry hissed out. Draco opened and closed his mouth before looking at him in confusion.
"What are you talking about?"


"Harry, you're going to make the kid cry." Ron suddenly spoke up and he looked down to see Atticus's lower lip trembling. He quickly hugged the little boy.
"I'm not upset with you." He reassured the boy as Scorpius patted his brothers back.
"I told you Mr. Harry wouldn't care if you could talk or not!" He announced to the room. Atticus looked at Harry from underneath his eyelashes before glancing away.
"Scorpius is right. I wouldn't care either way, but I heard you call me mummy earlier." He said gently and watched Atticus's mouth fall open as his cheeks flushed. He shook his head before scribbling on his paper.
"No, I didn't!" Harry pinched his red cheeks.
"It's okay, Atty! I understand that it might be confusing for you both."
"Harry, are you sure you're not confused? Draco wasn't lying, Atticus can't speak." Blaise spoke up and Ron craned his neck to look at him.
"Harry wouldn't have said anything unless he was sure. Why's Zabini here, Harry?" Ron asked. Harry gave him a nasty look.
"I think he's in some weird throple with the Malfoy's." He heard someone choking as Snape hit the table.
"What?" Mr. Malfoy cried out.
"Well why else would he be sticking his nose in my business?" Harry asked hotly and no one answered him.
"Anyways! Atty, would you mind saying something to me?" He asked the shy boy. He hid his head in his neck before whispering "hi mummy." Harry grinned widely before spinning him around.
"Hello, little snake!" He hissed back. Atticus blinked at him in confusion.
"Would you mind sharing with the rest of the class, Harry?" Hermione's voice interrupted his excitement.
"Atticus isn't mute, he's just speaking Parseltongue!"
"That doesn't make any sense!" Malfoy snarled out as he glared at him. Harry ignored him and summoned a snake.
"Hello, my friend! My hatchling is shy, will you speak to him?" He hissed out and the snake started hissing back.
"Hello, hatchling. I was in the middle of hunting, but I am happy to help a speaker." Atticus was staring at the snake in shock. Harry tapped his nose before hissing "say something." Atticus hesitantly hissed out "hi snake." The snake slithered closer before stopping in front of them.
"Hatchling , you must speak up! I am old and have no time for whispers." Atticus wrung his hands but hissed loudly "hi snake!"
"Good job, hatchling! You must speak from your chest." He beamed at them before looking up. Malfoy looked horrified as he stared at them. Harry mimicked dragging his thumb over his neck. He wouldn't let him upset the little boy.
"Mr. Harry, why can't I speak Parseltongue?" Scorpius asked as he pouted beside him.
"Well love, family magic works in odd ways." Harry said as he smiled softly at him.
"But I bet we can find something cool you can do." Harry continued and Scorpius clapped his hands.
"That doesn't make sense! I can't speak Parseltongue and neither could-" Draco stopped before looking at Atticus.
"Did Mother ever speak to you like Harry just did?" He asked urgently and he shook his head hard.
"I'm guessing other Harry couldn't speak it." Harry shrugged before looking at Hermione.
"I assuming it's a Tom situation." She nodded slowly.
"That would make sense."
"What do you mean?" "Who's Tom?" Malfoy and his dad spoke at the same time.
"Tom was the Dark Lord's real name. He grew up in an orphanage and his first language was Parseltongue. I'm guessing Atticus is the same way. He can understand English but can't actually speak it. We'll just have to practice! Until then, I'll just do a translation spell." Harry took his wand out before hissing the spell. Magic in Parseltongue lasted longer.
"Alright Atticus! Try saying something!" Harry encouraged the boy and he flushed at all of the attention on him.
"Hello, my name is Atticus." He said slowly and from everyone's expressions, Harry assumed it was English. He still struggled to tell the difference between the two languages. Malfoy was staring at Atticus and Harry could see his eyes were full of tears.
"Thank you, Harry." He whispered before hugging the boy tightly.

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