Life and Love at Sea: A Pirat...

By kt1213

3.3K 55 44

This is a story about a young girl named Mandy. Her parents were pirates and she hopes to follow in their fo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Six

234 1 0
By kt1213

I went straight to Davy's room after I left the meeting. Since I knew he would judt be waiting for me to come and tell him about the meeting, I didn't even bother knocking. I found him pacing the room. When he heard me enter he turned to face me with a anxious expression on his face. I could tell that while I was gone he had though a little more about the circumstances and realized how much danger he was in.

"How was the meeting?"

"Well the good news is that I convinced them to let you live and keep your boat. The bad news is that your first mate is ass," he stared at me.

"Really?" he said, looking deep in thought. "What exactly happened at the meeting?"

I told him, word for word, what had been said during the second half of the meeting. He stayed silent the whole time. When I finished he smiled warmly. I was a little confused by this. I think if I was in his position I would be little upset about how disloyal the crew is.

"Thank you. Thank you for being loyal, brave, and saving both my life and my life's work," he said, keeping eyecontact with me the entire time. I did my best not to blush.

"Well, your welcome, I guess. All I did was voice my opinion," I said.

"No, you did more than that. You yelled at an angry man who was planning a mutiny. I don't know if you realized it at the time, but there was about a seventy-five percent chance that he would kill you. You risked your life to save mine. And it worked."

As he said this he was walking closer to me. Now I was definitely blushing. He walked until he was close enough that I could reach out and touch him. Then he stopped. I stared into his eyes wondering what on earth he was doing. Deep down, I was hoping he would he would kiss me. I didn't realize it then, but I was holding my breath the whole time.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I gasped, surprised at first. Then when I realized what was happening I laughed a little and leaned into the hug. "I want you to know that this is a big deal," he said, partially whispering into my ear. "I am definitely not a hugger." I laughed some more. "I really owe you for what you did for me."

When he was done hugging me he asked, "Whose staying on the ship?"

"Um, Mrs Thorn, the head cook, and Joe, the older-looking sailor," I said, giving him a small smile. I found it sad how few people were staying. I hope we'll be able to run the ship with just four people.

"Wait your- your leaving me? Um, um I mean the ship?" he said frantically, looking extremely hurt.

I took me a second to understand what he was saying. When I understood I was still confused. He was that upset over me leaving, yet he didn't seem to upset about his first mate turning against him and almost his entire crew leaving. Did I really mean that much to him?

"What? No! I wouldn't leave you- the ship!" I said. Then I realized we had both made the same mistake. We had both first said that I was leaving him, then corrected ourselves by saying I was leaving the ship.

"Good," he sighed in relief. "You scared me."

"Oh, there's one more thing that I have to tell you," I said.

"There's more?" he said, laughing. "I thought all the surprises were over today.

I laughed a little with him. The seemed to be doing a lot of laughing, which was odd since that not exactly a normal reaction to a mutiny. WHne we were finished I said, "Most of the younger people leaving weren't doing it because the hated you and wanted you to suffer. They were just scared scared. Jessica asked me to tell you that she was sorry, she just wasn't ready to make pirating her life. She enjoyed the adventure, but now she's ready to go find a real life. She wants to fall in love, get married, have kids, and live a small town, family type life. She didn't want to take the risk and maybe die in aboard a pirate ship in a whirlpool at sea. I guess for her this was just a short adventure that would keep her from living an entirely normal life. I hope she enjoys the rest of her life." By the time I finished saying this I was talking to myself, not Davy. But he was listening entently anyway.

"I understand," he said, ina voice as thoughtful as mine was. "And please tell her I said that and that I forgive her. We all want different things in life."

I nodded in response. "What do you want in life, Mandy?" he asked, sincerely. "Do you want the same things as Jessica?

"I'm not too sure what I want in life anymore," I answered. "I know it's not the same as what Jessica wants, though. I know that want to be a pirate for the rest of my life. I used to think that was all I wanted, but ever since I got on this boat I've been thinking that I might want more. I just don't know what yet... How about you?"

"I have no idea." We both laughed again when he said this.

We sent the rest of the rest of the night talking. Eventually, I found out that when everyone left I would get a promotion. He said there's no way he would be able to keep this ship running over the next weeks without my help so I would get to be one of the two head sailors from now on. I was happy about that.

That night we talked about pretty much everything. I learned a lot about him, the ship and the crew. I learned important stuff and silly stuff, and he learned the same about. We really got to know each other.

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