Ash's Eon Journey!

Par ColsonOtis

2.8K 63 0

This story is about Michael, a Latios who lives in a world where Pokemon don't exist. Eventually, with the he... Plus

Prologue (chapter 1)
The Truth Revealed
Meeting an Equal
Revelation to a Pokemon
Preparations are Made
The Grand Tour de Altomare!
The Crisis Begins
In the Hall of Origin
Testing the limits
Goodbye Altomare!
Hello Sinnoh!
Train it to Win it!
And then there was J!
The First Shadow
Attack or be Attacked

Escaping to the Pokemon World

239 4 0
Par ColsonOtis

Chapter 4

The night passed quickly, and before I knew it, I was standing in my human form right beneath the opening in the ceiling with my mom, dad, and David in front of me, all with big smiles on their faces. I changed into my Latios form. 'Well, this is it,' I thought, feeling slightly sad because I had to leave my family behind. However, I was also feeling happy inside because I finally had the chance to go to a different world, one that promised so much. I knew that no matter how much I loved my family, I did not belong here with them. I flew to mom and dad and hugged them tightly. "Mom, Dad, I'll miss you both so much. I love you both!" I said while nuzzling my head against theirs. Mom giggled and stroked my slender neck. "I love you too honey. I'll never forget you," My dad also returned the hug. "I love you too son. I guess did a pretty darn good job raising you,"

I chuckled. "That's right dad, you did," I said as I parted the hug, a few tears escaping from my eyes. I blinked my eyes a couple of times before going to David who smirked. I smiled, flew to him, and just like I had done to mom and dad I captured him in a bone-crushing hug. "David, thank you so much for everything you have done for me," I said as I nuzzled him affectionately.

David chuckled and returned the hug. "It was all worth it bro. Just remember, keep an eye out for bad people and such, because even if it is a pokemon world that doesn't mean there aren't any humans there. You never know," He then slapped his hand against my back. "But most of all I want you to be happy, ok? Go with this Latias and learn how to get stronger, how to use your powers and control that beam of yours,"

I thought about it for a moment. "Now that you mention that, I believe Latias called it Luster Purge," I sighed. "I have to go now. I'll miss you all very much. Maybe I'll return one day to show you how much I've improved, but I can't promise anything,"

"That's ok son, we know you're in good hands, or should I say claws,"' My dad said, chuckling at his joke. My mom, David, and I sweatdropped at his comment, that was such a dad joke. He had a point though. I do have claws, not hands.

I started to fly up, waving to my family, more tears escaping my eyes. I looked away from them and activated my invisibility. "Goodbye, I love you," I said one last time before I shot up in the air.

Meanwhile... (3rd person POV)

Latias panted heavily as she was forced down again after trying to escape for almost half an hour. "Brother! Let me go!"' She yelled, angry at the fact her brother, who would normally never even dare to harm a feather of hers, had now trapped her inside the secret garden, with the farthest she could go being Lorenzo's house.

Latios sighed. "Latias, this is for your own safety,"

Latias squealed in anger. "I AM SAFE! MICHAEL IS THE ONE WHO NEEDS HELP!"

Latios rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me you've given him a name. Quit the act, ok? It's annoying. Both Lorenzo and I don't believe it and you aren't leaving Altomare until you finally learn that you can't just go out to the human world and play there. There is a lot to do in the pokemon world too, you know that,"

Latias, however, was just getting furious. "RELEASE ME!" She widened her eyes and they gave off a brilliant blue light, showing she was using psychic, trying to break the psychic barrier. But it was of no use, since Latios always had been the more experienced and stronger one of the twins. She growled dangerously to him. "Brother, release me now," She sissed. "I'll come back right after I bring Michael here, at least if he's allowed to come with me,"

Latios sighed. "Latias, nothing you say will make you leave the garden, at least not today. You have to learn the consequences of your actions. You can't do everything you want. You're a legendary pokemon, one that has a big responsibility to keep the Soul Dew safe,"

"Aww c'mon bro, how many times we were needed? Not once. And besides, I'm sure you would be able to handle any troubles,"' Latias pleaded.

Latios sighed and flew away. 'She'll never learn,' He thought disappointed, leaving a pouting and worried Latias whole alone in the garden. She looked up to the sky. 'Please be safe Michael,' She thought, worried as to his fate.

With Michael...

I groaned in frustration as I waited for Latias to show up. It felt like I had been waiting for hours, and it was starting to exhaust me. 'C'mon Latias, you promised you'd come,' I thought, telling myself that Latias would somehow reveal herself out of nowhere and would guide me to the pokemon world. I sighed and kept waiting until it started to get dark. I let out a sad coo, taking in the fact Latias would probably never show up. While crying sadly, I slowly flew down, trying to find an excuse for her not to show up but not finding anything that made me feel any better. A shriek of fright abruptly shook me out of my thoughts. I looked down and saw several humans pointing cameras and cellphones at me, filming my true self while a lot of humans ran off screaming "IT'S A MONSTER!"

My eyes widened in shock when I realized that I forgot to turn invisible. Within a matter of seconds, my body gave off a small shower of green light. 'Grr! How could you be so stupid, Michael!' I yelled at myself, frustrated that I had forgotten to turn invisible. I quickly flew back home, startling my family with my appearance. I quickly explained that Latias didn't show up and that a lot of people had filmed me. I managed to calm down after a while but was still incredibly worried about what this event would lead to.

Later in the evening, David turned on the TV to watch the news to see if there was already news out about me. We gulped when a newsreader appeared on the screen. Under her read the words BREAKING NEWS. "There have been several reports of a flying beast of an unknown species that is reported to be able to turn invisible. We have gotten word from the government that the MI5 is being sent to conduct a joint investigation with the military into the creature's appearance," the reporter informed.

My jaw dropped. "THE MILITARY! THEY'RE SEND THE MILITARY TO FIND ME!" as much as I hated to admit it, I would be toast if the president did that.

"Don't forget about the MI5, Michael," My dad added, not making me feel any better.

"Don't worry yet Michael, I don't think they will strike soon," David said.

I looked at my family. "I don't care, I'm not putting you three in danger. I'm leaving. Just say I died or something like that if the military asks questions about me, got it?"

My dad narrowed his eyes. "You're leaving already?"

I nodded. "It's the only way to keep you three safe. Bye, and don't worry, I'll be fine," I said. I had no idea if this would turn out ok for me. I only could hope so.

Without looking back at my family I flew up again and shot through the hole in the ceiling. I took in my surroundings, making note of everything that seemed to be unusual. I couldn't find anything that seemed like it was looking for me but I knew it wouldn't be long. I needed a safe place so I could hide from everyone until all of this was over.

'At least I still have my invisibility to cover myself if things would go wrong,' I thought to myself. But at that moment my mind started racing with thoughts again, mostly about Latias and why she didn't show up. I slammed my claw against my head. 'You fool,' I thought to myself. 'You know you can't trust anyone except your family. And now you're being hunted. All because you believed Latias, if that's even her real name,' I sighed, starting to think that the whole story Latias told me was all a big lie. But I also realized that what had happened, had really happened.

'I can't change the past, so I better make sure I'm ready to at least defend myself. But how do I do that?' I thought to myself. I groaned when I remembered that I only could change into a human and turn invisible. 'I'm done for, this is the end for me, all because I was a complete idiot,' I sighed sadly, taking in the fact that the only other being I had trusted except David and my parents had now betrayed me. I flew to a large building and lay down on it. But before long, I heard rumbling in the sky. I looked up and saw a few helicopters and a few jet planes fly right above me.

Inside one of the helicopters, a sergeant stood up and walked to the cockpit, where a few monitors were placed. "Give me intel," The sergeant commanded the guy next to the pilot who was operating the monitors.

The man nodded and pointed to one of the screens which was a thermal vision, seeing the city from above in black and white, white giving the color of something warm, and black meant something colder. "You see that white spot?" he asked the sergeant while pointing to a dragon-shaped white spot.

The sergeant growled. "I'm not blind, officer! Just tell me what that is!"

"That, sergeant, is the monster we are looking for. We prepared thermal visions since we knew from that video that this monster can go invisible,"

The sergeant widened his eyes. "What on earth are you waiting for? Chase that monster away from that building and blast the living daylights out of it!"

"Understood, sir!" The officer said and he immediately got to work, commanding the guys from other helicopters to throw smokes out on that building.

I frowned when I heard a few things 'cling' on the paved roof. I looked around and hummed in thought when I saw a few stick-like metal things on the roof. I flew closer to one of them until it suddenly hissed and blasted a white smokescreen out. I growled when I realized that I was found and that it was useless to hide anymore. Trying to save some energy I went visible, the smoke making it hard for me to breathe. I quickly flew out of the smokescreen and gasped when I saw a few jet planes nearing me. 'Just great! I need to get out of here!' I yelled in my mind, getting desperate as the jets neared.

Then I remembered Latias and more specifically, how fast she was. I knew that if I tried to fight back I was screwed. I couldn't use any attacks yet so I decided to rely on something that was one of my natural abilities, flying fast to get away. I concentrated and then burst off like a bullet, flying faster than the jet planes that were chasing me. I decided to hide in the ocean so they wouldn't see me that easily. But as I was nearing the ocean I heard a hissing sound coming closer and louder. I looked behind me just in time to see a rocket just about to hit me.

A terrible explosion racked my entire body with pain as I was thrown into the waters far below me. The impact, when I hit, was beyond anything I had ever imagined I could have experienced, and felt like pins had been jammed into my bones and then slowly moved around. I felt my body hit the bottom of the sea and I just stayed there, falling unconscious and unable to move.

Hours later, I woke up to a nudging. I painfully opened my eyes and gasped when I saw a huge creature. It was at least three times larger than me. It had immensely large wings and blue wing-like plates that were fanned out of its back and were otherwise completely silver-colored. It had a long neck and a pointed head. It also had pointed ears, "What in the name of Arceus happened to you?" The creature asked.

My eyes widened and I backed off, but it wasn't long before my injured wings stopped me from moving any further. "How can I understand you?" I asked, not knowing if I should be scared or happy this creature found me.

The pokemon looked at me. "What do you mean? All pokemon can understand each other. What happened to you? You look absolutely wasted," The pokemon narrowed his eyes at me. "Wait a second...You're a shiny legendary, so why haven't I seen you before?"

I gulped. "I'm from the human world. They just discovered me and chased me out. Who are you?" I asked.

The pokemon smiled. "I'm Lugia, the legendary beast of the sea, I'm not particularly familiar with the human world, but you look very injured."

I sighed and flinched when I felt a stab of pain as I tried to fly up. I looked around for the first time in confusion. I wasn't lying in the sea anymore but now was in some rocky area. "Where am I?" I asked Lugia.

He smiled. "You're in my home. I know you can't breathe underwater so I took you in."

I hummed in thought. 'My best chance to find Latias is going to Altomare,' I thought to myself. "Do you know where Altomare is?"

Lugia nodded. "Yes I do, want me to take you there? I doubt you would find it yourself,"

"Alright let's go," I said as I followed Lugia. I decided to stay invisible just above the water, but flying was painful for me since my wing was injured. "Is it far?" I asked Lugia who was easily gliding true the water. Since my wing was damaged I didn't know how long I could last. It was hard for me to stay in the air, let alone fly at speed across a long distance.

"Not that far, we'll be there in about half an hour. But I can't go in there, people will try to capture me. They will try to capture you too, be careful."

I nodded but my thoughts were different. 'People? But I thought Latias said that this was a pokemon world?' I sighed deeply, not really trusting her anymore. She had told me that she would come after me but didn't, had she also lied about the pokemon world? 'Maybe I shouldn't go there...' I shook that thought off, knowing that this was the only choice I had.

Soon I saw a lot of buildings, clearly showing that a city was there. "That is Altomare, and here is where we part Latios,'' Lugia said.

"Thanks for everything Lugia, hopefully, we'll meet again,"

"Sure kid, we'll meet again," Lugia said. 'At least if he's allowed at the councils of Arceus,' He thought to himself.

I saw him leaving and realized I was now completely alone. I looked around and saw a ship that was just letting its passengers disembark. 'If I go with them I'll stay unnoticed,' I thought, hoping my plan would work. Turning human was a source of relief for me, as I didn't have to deal with the pain of my broken wing. Besides, maybe I could befriend someone. I flew to an alleyway near the ship and, after making sure no one was looking, quickly turned visible and changed into my human form. Calmly, I walked out, trying not to draw any attention and I saw only one last group walking off the ship. I ran closer to them and heard them talking. "C'mon Ash, don't be so sad you lost in the Silver league. I'm sure you'll win next time," said a tall guy with squinted eyes to a younger kid with messy black hair.

"Yeah, at least Charizard listened this time," A red-headed girl said, who looked to be around the same age as Ash.

Ash sighed. "Thanks, guys, it's just, my pokemon trained so hard and we still lost,"

A yellow mouse-like pokemon patted Ash's head. "We'll win next time, don't worry!" I heard the pokemon saying its name over and over, but somehow I could make out the sounds as words. I noticed that Ash could understand him also because he just replied. "Thanks, buddy, we'll be stronger next time,"

Pikachu smirked. "You bet we will!" he released sparks out of his cheeks, making me gasp. The group had heard me and turned their heads. "Something wrong mister?" Brock asked.

I gulped. "No, everything's fine, I was just startled when that pokemon released sparks," I hoped I could hide my fear well because I didn't want them to investigate and find out I didn't know a thing about pokemon except I am a Latios, there is a Latias also and my new friend Lugia.

Pikachu scratched his head. "Uhm...sorry about that, I didn't know you were there,"

I waved it off. "No problem, I was just thinking a bit too much and wasn't paying any attention," I immediately regretted my action when I saw their amazed faces.

"You understood him?" Brock asked.

"Uhm...yeah," I said nervously.

"But how? Only Ash can understand him,"' Misty said.

"Well, it is something I could do from the moment I was born. I can talk to pokemon freely and understand them perfectly," I said, hoping they would buy my explanation. (I didn't know humans couldn't normally understand Pokemon)

Ash looked at me with amazement. "Wow, that's so cool! I always wanted to be able to do something like that!"

"Hey, what's your name? I'm Brock, former gym leader from Pewter City," The man with squinted eyes said.

"I'm Misty, gym leader from Cerulean City," The red-headed girl said.

"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town," the kid with the messy black hair introduced himself as he held a hand forward.

I smiled. "I'm Michael, nice to meet you," I said as I shook his hand, hoping that they wouldn't ask me where I was from because I didn't know anything about this world.

When we released our handshake Pikachu startled me again by engulfing Ash with electric power. When he stopped electricity still crackled around Ash. "You forgot to introduce me!" Pikachu scolded. "Well since you can understand me, I'll do it myself. I'm Pikachu, I'm Ash's very first pokemon and we're best friends,"

But I wasn't listening because I was trying to get over the shock that Pikachu was just able to control electricity. " control...ELECTRICITY!" I ended up yelling.

The four looked oddly at me. "Never saw an electric pokemon before?" Brock asked.

I gulped and shook my head. Ash smiled. "Well you see, this is Pikachu. Pikachu is an electric-type pokemon. Hey, you wanna give a small demonstration?" Ash asked the yellow mouse. Pikachu smiled and hopped off Ash's shoulder. "Pikachu use thundershock," said Ash calmly. Pikachu crackled his cheeks and fired an electric surge into the sky, making me look in awe into the air. 'Amazing. Maybe I can do that too. Who knows...'

Misty frowned. "You look at that attack like you've seen one before,"

I gulped. "Of course I have!"

Misty narrowed her eyes. "Then name one,"

I gulped, there was only one move I knew about, but Latias had said it was an attack only Latios can use. I didn't exactly understand what she had meant by legendary but I had thought it meant a very powerful pokemon. However, it was my only shot. "Luster Purge," I said.

Ash frowned. "I've never heard of that one before,"

I started to fear for my safety and it only became worse when Misty also said that she didn't know it either. I saw Brock take out a book and flip the pages quickly. Soon he spoke. "Here it is, Luster Purge. It is said that only the legendary pokemon Latios can use such an attack. It has very high power and can also weaken the opponent's defenses," Brock said, "But why did you pick such a rare attack?"

"It's just a cool move, I'm a fan of Latios and Latias. That's why I came here in the first place, it's said that Latias and Latios live here," I said, trying to change the subject.

Ash smiled. "Yeah! I want to see a pair of legendaries!"

"Sorry to disappoint you two, but it's said that Latias and Latios rarely reveal themselves. They also can turn invisible," Brock informed.

'How the heck does he know that!' I thought worried. "How do you know that Brock?" I asked politely.

"Because I want to become a pokemon breeder, so I have to know a lot about every pokemon," Brock said while smiling.

I nodded and sighed, deciding I'd better part with this group before they find anything out. ''Well, I'm going. I hope we meet again," I was about to walk off but Misty stopped me by running in front of me.

"Why don't you come with us? Or did you come to meet someone here at a certain time?"

I didn't have much of a choice. Making up an excuse would be a bad decision, so I just complied. Besides, being alone was boring and I didn't have a clue where to search for Latias, at least not yet. "Ok, I'll go with you guys. Where to first?"

Brock smiled. "First, we go to the pokecenter,"

"Alright! I'll lead the way!" Ash said excitedly earning himself another shock from Pikachu. "You know very well that you aren't good at all with directions!"

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" Ash yelled to Pikachu.

''Yes, you are Ash,'' Pikachu said dryly.

'What is a pokecenter?' I asked myself as I followed the group, being led by Brock. From what I heard from Pikachu it would have taken days before we would have arrived there if Ash had been navigating. I wondered if Ash was even worse with directions than me. I chuckled slightly while thinking. 'I sure hope so.'

When we went inside the pokecenter, it wasn't really busy and just a few trainers were there. We walked to the front counter where a Nurse was. "Hello, Nurse Joy," Brock said over excitedly. He ran up behind the counter and grabbed her hand. She was very surprised as she looked at the man as he kneeled in front of her. "Nurse Joy, I came from very far to get here, only to hold your hand and tell you I..." he stopped talking and screamed in pain when Misty grabbed his ear and dragged him along with her, away from nurse Joy. "Stop it, Casanova, nobody wants to hear this,"

I saw Pikachu and Ash shaking their heads in disappointment. "Sorry about that Nurse Joy,"

The lady behind the desk smiled. ''No problem, what can I do for you?'' She asked us.

''We'd like to have a room for 4 please," Ash answered.

"OK, there should be plenty of rooms left," She checked the computer and gave Ash a key. "Here you go, your room is number 16, it's on the second floor,"

"Ash, you can go ahead, I want to ask Nurse Joy something, ok?" I asked a confused Ash, who was probably wanting to know what I wanted to ask Nurse Joy in private. However, he nodded and walked upstairs with Pikachu. I looked back to nurse Joy. "What did you want to ask me?" She said also a little confused.

I looked around. ''Ok, I just didn't want them to know but...what is a pokecenter? I'm very new to all of this,"

Nurse Joy smiled. "Well, at a pokecenter we heal pokemon when they are injured or hurt in any way. We also rent out rooms for trainers to stay in while visiting,"

'So she can heal pokemon? That means...she can help me,' I thought hopefully, but scared. 'What if she wants to capture me?'

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Reviews are greatly appreciated!

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