Por naturelover1997

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Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall and the rest of the Originals are pulled from different timelines to watc... Mais



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Por naturelover1997

Rebekah drove into the North East Atlantic compound and looked around at all the built houses and sealed roads and the sheer beauty of the settlement.Rebekah parked in the visitors car park and saw her blonde haired Brother walking towards her with a wide smile. Rebekah couldn't recall a time she had ever seen Nik look this happy, this buoyantly joyful and calm and she got out with a smile, "Nik this is amazing, have you had compelled workers building 24/7?" She teased and Klaus smirked at her and laughed.

"Of course," He turned to indicate the large building behind them, "That is the meeting hall and dining area. Come Bekah, I think you will approve," He voiced, linking her arm in his and walking her over the bridge.

"Oh my it is stunning," She gasped looking around the communal dining area and meeting place with an open view of the bayou and woods within reach and Nik led her to the pool and bar area. " Nik...this is like a resort, it is incredible," Rebekah gushed approvingly and Klaus looked at her.

"So you like it?" He asked humbly and Bekah looked at him and hugged him tightly.

"Truly beautiful Nik. A beautiful home for your pack. Show me your place. I want us to talk privately. I assume you have built yourself a home here?" She smiled and he inclined his head leading her away.

"You went modern, I love it, you always had exquisite taste," She announced excitedly walking inside and looking around.Rebekah sat down in the light bright dining, kitchen and living area looking out at the view outside the large glass doors, feeling like she was on holiday and miles away from the French Quarter and the City. While Klaus went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of chilled Veuve Clicquot Brut NV champagne and he popped the cork and filled two champagne flutes handing her one she smiled and clinked her glass to his, "To you Niklaus may your renewal be everything you want," And Klaus's eyes softened at his beloved Sister, " Mhmm," She said appreciatively taking a sip, "My favourite," She smiled at him.

"Thank you Bekah, I appreciate your support," Klaus admitted sincerely.

"Nik I have always loved you, I may have chafed at your constraints at times but my loyalty and love for you has never diminished, although ...." And she looked guilty, "In the review of our life I did call Mikeal..."

"I have lived with all that sweetheart. I'm not interested in rehashing old grievances or wounds. I forgave you and Marcel and we are years past that time, this is a new start for all of us. Finn is embracing his new life with gusto. I have concerns for Kol at times but he has Davina and she is his lode star. Freya is happy she has her husband, wife and children. How are you and Marcel?" He asked, it had not gone unnoticed by her that Nik did not mention Elijah. Rebekah stood up holding her champagne and he watched her sensing her inner turmoil and elation and her blue eyes sparkled when she turned back to him.

"When our house is built we are going to adopt or use a surrogate to have children," She blurted out and Klaus chuckled.

"Good for you, finally you have made your mind up, so I take it the cure that runs in Damon Salvatore's veins will be of no use to you?"

"No, I do not want to be human or die a human death. Perhaps the other timeline Rebekah did but I do not, I want to live Nik." She told him passionately.

"I am pleased. I would not have gone against your choice but living has many opportunities and at this time in our existence it is not to say we will not have any enemies, but we all have a chance to live fuller, happier lives. Any children we have now will never have to face the life Hope had to face." And Rebekah sat down again and studied him.

"I understand why you chose to not have Hope again and I agree with your choice, all I want is for your happiness," She told him honestly, "Tell me what of you and Elijah? I have seen the review but watching your life and living it are two separate matters."

"I spent seven years away from the family to keep Hope safe. I do not regret the choice I made at all to keep her safe. I did not always live comfortably within myself at that time I was angry, lonely more often than not paranoid. I missed Hope. I made so many mistakes with her that I cannot change but dying to save her was fitting. A Father dying so his cherished beloved child could live, I did that willingly Bekah. I needed no counsel on dying to save her and the years after in the void and the afterlife..... I suppose I eventually cut the apron strings finally with Elijah. I am my own man. He will always be my Brother and I will always love him and should we need to do battle as a family I will listen and heed his advice, but when it comes to living my life, then I will without interference. Kol's words of creating one's own family have always stayed with me, that is what you intend to do with Marcellus and you should build your own family and life together and we meet up as one family for dinners. It is time we walk away from the dysfunction that makes the Mikaelson's toxic." Rebekah looked at him thoughtfully.

"Is that why you have embraced your wolf in this renewal?" She asked.

"Yes and to make up in some small way for killing Ansel. I did kill him to protect Hope, but Hayley was right, I did also kill him because I was paranoid and trusted no one and I think I feared not living up to the image he may have had of me. So by embracing my wolf this time, giving the pack a home, that will be there for the pack always, I am trying to make amends."

"Hayley has still not accepted your decision," Rebekah confided.

"She will in time and she has Elijah he was always good with her," Klaus remarked and Rebekah left it. There was no point bringing up the issues at the compound Nik had moved on. Klaus got up to the knock on the door and Rebekah watched as a chef and waitstaff appeared and started setting up the kitchen.

"You are a wonderful Brother," She complimented him, seeing him go to all this trouble for their get together, he gave her a grin and took her hand kissing it. They sat in comfortable silence looking out on the forest as the staff worked behind them.

Hayley sat at the bar drinking bourbon in the late afternoon and gazing up at Hope's painting and Marcel sat beside her at the bar.

"Hope was incredibly talented, this is so lifelike and quintessentially Josh and Aiden, he never loved again like he loved Aiden, a part of him died when Aiden died," Marcel said sorrowfully, "I wish Bonnie had been able to bring them back also," Marcel whispered wistfully.

"I can see the love they shared. Hope has captured it beautifully. She was as talented as her Dad," Hayley replied softly. "Who knows maybe Davina, Freya and Vincent can pull them back from the afterlife? You have plenty of originals to channel and Kol is a genius when it comes to harnessing the dark energy of the dark objects."

"I might just whisper that in D's ear soon," Marcel grinned at her taking a sip of bourbon, "How you doin Hayley?" Marcel asked and she looked at him, her hazel eyes veiled knowing she was on her own in this crusade of getting Hope back and she didn't want to tear the family apart with her obsession with having Hope, nor did she want to make enemies of the Mikaelson's or Klaus. She still had to decide on her relationship with Elijah.

"I'm fine Marcel, just killing time till Liz and I go for the meeting at the North East Atlantic pack."

"Yeah, Bex went out there for lunch with Klaus today, sibling bonding time," He grinned, "She loves having Klaus all to herself and they had a great time, she raved about the house he built himself out there."

"Klaus built a house at the wolf compound?" She asked surprised.

"Yeah why? you sound astonished," Marcel asked with a smile.

"I just never took him for one to live out in the forest or with wolves. In my timeline he was never that into the wolves or the pack."

"I suppose if he's gonna have baby wolves eventually he wants a place for them, cause he won't be sending his kids off to the Salvatore School, not with the supernatural School being built here and giving Finn a lot of money to finance it. Looking back it would have been nice for Hope to have had her Dad's pack. Freya said she wasn't one for the Crescent pack," Marcel commented and Hayley felt a drop in her stomach.

"Hope didn't get close to the Crescent's?" Hayley questioned.

"No," He shook his head, "I think she did more with the packs at School. Freya seemed to think she was more of a loner wolf and she barely grew up here. You were away for five years, remember looking for the cure and then there was the Hollow and then she went to boarding School."

"My head is still stuck in her being a baby. I saw the life review. I guess a part of me doesn't feel it or acknowledge it. All I can focus on is holding her tiny body, her blue eyes looking up at me. I think I need to recall what I have seen and sift through it all," Hayley commented.

"Sounds like you are coming out of the dark tunnel, which is a good thing Hayley the sooner you do that you can go forward and start living and making plans, the happier and settled you will be," Marcel said with a smile, she nodded looking at the time on her phone, she stood up drinking down the rest of her drink and digging out some money she put it on the bar.

"Later Marcel," She farwelled him walking away and he watched her go. She was a closed book, he thought to himself as he saw her get into Elizabeth's car.

"Would you look at this setup, it's incredible," Elizabeth gushed as the parked in the visitors car park and got out. Hayley looked around and saw a large group of fighting and training wolves, she walked closer and saw Klaus, his shirt off teaching defensive moves to some of the wolves. The loud voices and laughter echoing around the grassed clear space as men and women tried the fighting moves. She watched Klaus teach and laugh with the pack, never having seen him like this before, so carefree and enjoying himself and the commandery of other wolves. Morgan looked up and waved at them and grabbed his shirt pulling it over his head as he walked to Elizabeth. 

Hayley watched as Klaus went to the blonde Kelly and grabbed her around the waist putting her body over his shoulder, the blonde's pealing laughter, him saying something to the blonde which Hayley couldn't hear over the shouts and laughter of the pack around them. But she did hear his low toned 'little moon' and she saw Kelly nudge him and say something to him. He glanced over at Hayley then slid his gaze to Morgan and Liz and bent to pick up his shirt putting it over his head and pulling it on and he sauntered to Hayley, she smiled at him.

"I never knew you liked to be among the pack," Hayley voiced softly.

"I never have before, new life, new learnings," He quipped with an open grin to her and walked to Liz and Morgan. Hayley followed him getting nothing from him but friendly politeness, which she thought was better than cold indifference and a friendly Klaus was eye opening for her, especially in these surroundings.

"Let's go to the dining hall, Klaus and I have many ideas we would like to suggest to you both," Morgan announced and Liz nodded.

Morgan spread the map of New Orleans and the surrounding areas on the table, "Klaus and I were discussing the packs getting together on the full moon and we could organise a run from New Orleans up the coat to Pensacola, it is a three hour run, both packs can stretch their legs and just run and in such a large group should we come across hunters it wouldn't be a problem and we have two hybrids running with us. Klaus and Hayley could deal with them should the pack run into trouble,"

"And what of wolf border territories we may cross?" Elizabeth questioned but her eyes were bright and interested with the idea.

"We don't cross any. It is all unclaimed territory, all 209 miles of it. Open for running and after we run we can check into the Hilton Pensacola Beach Hotel for the night and enjoy a brunch or lunch depending on when the pack wakes. Then we will be driven back to New Orleans in private mini buses." Morgan explained with a wide grin. "It would be a great unifying bonding experience for both the packs and the Crescent's could throw a 'before a run party' for those not running and everyone from NEA can come. They can party on, mingle and get to know each other in the packs when we leave for the run," Hayley beamed loving the idea.

"That is a great idea, yes let's do this, we will throw the before run bonfire party and chip in for the hotel," Elizabeth offered.

"No, that is my gift to the packs," Klaus informed Elizabeth.

"That's very generous Klaus thank you," Elizabeth acknowledged, Klaus inclined his head and Hayley watched the interaction intrigued, having never seen Klaus as humble. Arrogant, domineering, cruel, yes, she was seeing a whole other side to Klaus Mikaelson.

"The weekend after the run Rebekah my Sister," He explained for Elizabeth's benefit, "Wants to throw a Ball for the Factions. Marcel tells me the treaty will be ready for signing so Rebekah wishes to make an occasion of the deed." Klaus chuckled indulgently.

"I just love that the Mikaelson family are back in the City. It has been dull around here for a decade or more. It is time the supernaturals of the City come together and have some fun, I'm glad you're back Klaus. Now Morgan will give Hayley and I a guided tour of the compound. It is magnificent," Morgan laughed.

"Sure Liz, Hayley follow me," Hayley was reluctant to leave Klaus and seeing he made no move to follow, it would look odd if she didn't go after Liz and Morgan.

"This is our Elder Archive room," Morgan showed them.

"We encourage everyone from the pack, kids included to come here and read our history. To take time in here," he said leading them off from the main room. "This Is our artefact display room. We have Ansel Aumont's journal, from over a thousand years ago, and other artefacts that were handed down through the NEA generations, some of which Klaus contributed to us. Over the years he has collected pieces from different packs all over the world, gifts mostly from grateful Alpha's when he helped them out at different times in history and this is the Deed to this compound signed over by Klaus to the North East Atlantic pack it holds pride of place for all of us. It is the first stationary secure home and land for our pack in hundreds of years and it is eternal. We couldn't be more grateful to Klaus for giving this over to us." Morgan testified emotionally.

"I understand your depth of feeling on this matter Morgan," Liz replied softly, "Klaus bought our land for us after Lucien Castle bought it up and slaughtered many of the Crescent's decades ago, it was a gift to us in the name of his Daughter."

"Our Daughter," Hayley interrupted brusquely and then felt bad for getting snappy and looked down at her trembling hands angry, upset, dazed even, she had never known Klaus had done that for the Crescent pack, that wasn't in the reviewing of their lives.

"I'm sorry of course you were both her Parents. We don't discuss or gossip on your private history among the pack Hayley, let me assure you Hope is sacred for all of us at the Crescent compound." Liz apologised.

"For us also," Morgan confessed, "We never discuss such private matters about you and Klaus and that Hope is gone. But we are all aware who her Parents were, Hayley." Hayley nodded pulling herself together to them both and Morgan could see the Alpha queen in her at that moment.

When Liz was driving out of the NEA compound Hayley turned to her, "Liz do you think I could stay out at the Crescent compound until after the run?"

"Yes absolutely Hayley, we have an Alpha house built much like the setup at NEA. The Alpha house and Elder houses are away from the main housing and meeting dining halls. I never wanted to live that far from the action, but I think it would suit you well Hayley it's yours. I'll take you there when we get back to the bayou."

"We should build an archive room, it doesn't have to be as grand as NEA's archive room but somewhere for the wolves to go and learn our history and the certificate of the signed land to us. I never knew The Crescent's were given the bayou land, that's a big deal. It makes the pack secure for eternity like the NEA pack, which is a big deal owning your land. The Crescent pack is always safe."

"Yes it is, you work on the Archive room if you want to," Liz offered.

"Thanks I will," Hayley returned with a smile.

"Here it is," Liz stopped at the top of the driveway.

Hayley gasped, "It's perfect," She smiled.

"I thought it was just you. You can see and hear the river from your outdoor deck, it's private, peaceful and tranquil. It's yours Hayley," Hayley turned to Liz with tears in her eyes and hugged her tight.

"Thanks Liz, see you in the morning," Hayley said after getting out.

"By the way it's fully furnished and there are new linens and towels, everything you need except for your clothes and food," Hayley hung onto the open car door and peered at Liz.

"Did you think I might need it?" Hayley asked softly.

"I had a feeling sweetheart, have a good sleep," Liz replied fondly and Hayley smiled closing the car door and going to her new front door and she felt lighter, freer and in charge of herself.

After a bath and putting on a t-shirt she had found in the wardrobe she opened a bottle of wine and lay on the sofa looking round the living room.

She had never had her own place before....she had in her reviewing with Hope the old farmhouse when she was looking for cures but like with everything she had reviewed she could not attach emotion to it. It was like watching a movie, she didn't remember living and feeling it, she loved having her own little place to live, no eyes on her, questioning her every move, scrutinising her actions. Hayley picked up her phone and sent a text.

Hi Elijah,

I am staying out at the bayou for a few days until after the Full Moon.

I will see you in a few days.


Hi Rebekah,

I am staying out at the Bayou for a while. Could you pack some clothes and bring them out to me please.

Love you, Hayley. x.


Good for you love,

See you in the morning.

Love you too. x.



What is the meaning of this?

You have been distant since coming home from Bali and how are we to work on our relationship if you are living at the Crescent compound?

We will discuss this when you come home.


The Hybrid.

Well done Queen,

You have won Morgan over; he is quite taken with you.

Be careful, Elijah may appear noble but has a jealous streak.

See you on the Full Moon.


Hayley smiled at Klaus's text; she could just see his smirk and she knew Morgan was married. Morgan just respected the Alpha in her, one Alpha to another. She had met his wife when he was showing them around the compound and they were both lovely friendly people. Klaus just loved to shit stir, she chuckled to herself and took a sip of wine, why was she with Elijah? He had been nice to her when she was pregnant, when Klaus had only seen her as a hindrance to his taking over the City. Watching the viewing, she and Elijah had only a handful of days together; they had spent years apart. He had erased her and fallen in love with another woman in the time of the Hollow and was going to marry the woman. He admittedly had wiped his memory of Hayley and the family but still had he loved her wouldn't he have remembered her? And he had come to save the Brother of the woman he loved at that house Hope and Hayley had been held captive in. Not Hope, not Hayley, Klaus had been the one to do that.

Hayley put Elijah out of her mind, tonight she was happy. For the first time since the renewal she felt confident she would survive and she didn't feel as obsessive about Hope, she still wanted her but manipulating Klaus wasn't the way, he would see straight through her she was certain of that. But they could be friends though, for the time being.

"This is perfect for you Hayley," Rebekah announced looking around the house after bringing her suitcases.

"Did you pack all my stuff?" Hayley called out from the bedroom.

"Yes because we both know you have left the compound for good, you won't be going back," Rebekah announced, sitting down on Hayley's bed and looking at her knowingly. Hayley looked back at Rebekah closely.

"You have a gift with people and knowing things they don't even know themselves until later when they have figured it out, don't you Rebekah?"

"I do love, so tell Bekah all," Rebekah smirked and chuckled.

"I don't love Elijah and I'm a coward. I'm not going to tell him till after the Ball and then I will come back here to my little house high on the hill and sink myself into pack life and get on with it," Hayley told her sitting down next to her.

"I think that is a splendid plan love and because I thought that may be the case I have your Ball gown here, let me get it out of the car."

"Wait," Hayley called and Rebekah stopped, "How did you know I didn't love Elijah?"

"Because love, I think you have always been grateful to him for being kind, putting you first, he is a safe option. I love him dearly but you aren't suited, not at all and it wasn't just the review or what Marcel has told me of past times you are not meant for each other Hayley. Now you can find your person," She smiled and walked away. Hayley thought about Rebekah's words. Her and Elijah were not really suited, the wolf in her made her so wild at times, unrestrained in thought and action and words. Elijah was so put together and in control and polite, she supposed that's what she had been drawn to after her chaotic growing up years, stability, safety, an almost parental figure.

Rebekah came back in with a zipped garment bag and hung it in the wardrobe, "Now not until the night of the Ball are you to open this," Rebekah demanded.

"Yes Mam," Hayley smirked then got serious, "I have been clinging onto Elijah since we got back because, who am I to the family without Hope? at least I was Elijah's girlfriend..."

"You love, are our Sister, we all love you and the world at large may forget Hope but we never will and you were her Mother you are always family with or without Elijah," Rebekah advised her strongly and Hayley hugged her.

"Thanks Rebekah."

"Now are you still going after Nik?" Rebekah asked and Hayley smirked.

"Be careful he can smell manipulation a mile away," Rebekah cautioned her.

"I know and I don't want to manipulate him, we have the wolf packs, I will be seeing a lot of him and till he puts a ring on Kelly or any other woman's finger there is hope for me."

"Thank goodness you have come to your senses, you are sounding like a sane person now," Rebekah smirked, Hayley rolled her eyes.

"Don't tell anyone else about Elijah and me."

"They have already guessed, we are astute people love, not much gets by us."

"Do you think Elijah knows?"

"No, Elijah when it comes to affairs of the heart is as useless as Nik." Hayley laughed.

"Okay well that's good for me then, the Ball should not be too awkward."

"It will be as awkward as hell but we will get drunk and have a good time," Rebekah sassed honestly, Hayley just smiled at the mischievous blonde.

"I want to also ask your help in designing an Archive shrine for the Crescent's, something that is separate from the other buildings in the compound and a place adults and kids can go. Read our history or just sit and think, a place that is special, I know you are having a house built and you probably have a million..."

"Love, I need another project, you know how much I like to keep busy. Now tell me everything you envision," Rebekah replied with a smile pulling her notebook and diary out of her bag with a flourish.

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