maeve - love island 22'

By barbieonbenefits

29.4K 556 30

maeve ( may-v ) meaning : she who intoxicates love island 2022 #1 in lucabish - 16/1/23 More

Episode 001
Episode 002
Episode 003
Episode 004
Episode 005
Episode 006
Episode 007
Episode 008
Episode 009
Episode 010
Episode 012

Episode 011

1.6K 36 2
By barbieonbenefits

There is a wave of awkward silence before Tasha stands up.

"I'd like to couple up with this boy because everyday I feel like I smile and get butterflies around him and I look forward to being with him more everyday so the boy is I'd like to couple up with is... Andrew" shocker.

Andrew settles down beside Tasha and then looks over to me with a pitiful face.

"You alright?" he whispers, I smile and nod.

Amber turn next "I've decided to couple up with this boy because I want to see where it goes with him in the future, and I look forward to getting to know him more, so the boy I'd like to couple up with is... Dami" again, shocker.

Ekin-Su stands up. "I've decided to couple up with this guy because he's made me feel a certain way because he's made me feel like a little girl again, and I haven't felt this feeling in a long time and I need to follow my feelings so, the boy I want to couple up with is... Jay" woah, didn't see that one coming.

Then it's my go. "I would like to couple up with this boy because I think the last few days he's really started to show his personality more and his funny side we which we all love about him, and this night has gone as I would have liked, so the boy I'd like to couple up with is... Davide" He released a sigh of relief, giving me a hug as we sit back down.

"Id like to couple up with this boy because since he's been here we've hit it off and I like his personality cause I'm always smiling around him, so the boy I want to couple up with is... Jacques" Paige says.

Indiyah has to choose between Ikenna and Remi. "I've decided to couple up with this boy because he's handsome, he makes me smile and he's such a gentleman and I'm excited to see what happens with him in the future, so the boy I'd like to couple up with is... Ikenna" meaning Remi has to go, everybody gets up to bid him farewell, Luca grabbing me for a hug as soon as I've finished hugging Remi.

"You alright?" He whispers in my ear.

"Perfect" I smile to him. 

Maeve Beach Hut
I'm not trying to be rude but I'm not threatened and by the look on Luca's face he wasn't too impressed by it so, I'm not worried

We all gather around the front door to bid Remi farewell.  He leaves and we all go back into the villa.  Luca bringing me to the den.

"Come here" He says to me, brining me in for a cuddle. "We gotta spend as much time as we can outside now" he tells me, well cheers einstein

"No stopping us" I say.

"What are we Power Rangers?" He asks me through a laugh.

"Can I be the pink one?" I laugh. "No, seriously though you're obviously going to get to know her now but I don't want to stop what we have" I tell him, even though it pains me to do so.

"Listen, Maevey, she's not in the picture" He try's to reassure me.

"Well, she is cause your coupled up with her" I laugh, he shakes his head in defeat.

"I want you, I don't care she's not you, and besides just means you've got something good if she's picking me straight away"
He flexes. "Are you gonna sleep with me?"

"Not in the dog house no way" I tell him.

"Fine share a bed with Davide" he says, pretending to throw a fit.

"But it's like a rock" I whine. "I feel it was the right choice to chose Davide"

"Yeah course, you didn't know Remi that well" he comforts me, making sure I know I didn't make the wrong choice.

"Feel like it's day one again, bring back with Davide" I say, thinking that'll never happen again because of the way Ekin-Su was when she came in.

"Same, c'mon I'm hungry" I'm right here ? jokes, not on national television.

We walk over and join Dami and Danica in the kitchen.

"Can we have a chat Luca?" Danica asks, he agrees, before telling me to put him on some pasta.

"What do you think I should think" I ask Dami, only because I'm not feeling as angry as I thought I would.

"I dont know, like there was a lot to chose from she made a bold move" Dami says to me.

"Yeah like there were two single guys, what was wrong with picking them?" I ask.

"I dont know, you're calm though, I can't deal with more drama this week" He says, I laugh and plate up some of the pasta I heated for Luca, that Davide made extra of. 

A few more hours pass by and we get ready for bed.

"I'm just gonna brush my teeth, be right back" I say to Paige, as she was telling me about the conversation she and Jacques were having earlier.  I walk to the big shared bathroom and hear Danica and Ekin talking, I slow down making sure they can't see me.

"I think Jacques is very very fit" I head Danica tell her, fair.

"I don't think their relationship is stable" Ekin says, just out and loud and proud. oop, I run quietly back to Paige.

"Paigey, come out here" I say to her, going out to the terrace. "I just heard Ekin telling Danica that yours and Jacques relationship isn't stable, I know it's nothing big but just wanted to let you know" I tell her.

"The fuck would she know, why is she gossiping" Paige huffs, I give her a hug knowing that she doesn't deal very well with drama. She tells me she's just going to ignore it and we head downstairs.

"I feel bad sending him home" Indiyah says to Tasha, Paige and I whilst we're laid in bed.

"It's okay, you were always gonna have to do it anyways" Tash tells her, Luca then walks by with a hoodie and water bottle in his hand.

"Are you actually sleeping out there?" I ask him.

"Yeah" he says, continuing to walk, the girls all aw and I get out of bed to follow him.

"Goodnight" He tells me.

"I'll miss you" I say putting a hand on my heart. He mouths something that looks a lot like 'I love you'

"Stop it" I walk away, hearing him shout 'Elephant Juice' from behind me.  I get into bed beside Davide, seeing he has made a small pillow barrier.

"Good morning" Dami shouts, waking everybody moments before the lights turn on, giving us time to prepare and put on our sunglasses.

"Mae go get Luca, I miss him" Jacques shouts over to me from the opposite end of the room. I get up and make my way to the lounge.

"Wake up" I say, bouncing on his bed. He groans and grabs my legs, pulling me in for a cuddle.

"You're such a child" he says.

"Then don't catch yourself a case" I say to him, he laughs and throws me off him "C'mon, Jacques said he misses you" I say, walking back into the bedroom.

"Alright?" Luca asks waking into the bedroom.

"Missed you last night bro" Jacques tells him, this bromance is so weird.  We get up and head to the terrace. Jay bringing Ekin up a coffee before we begin.

"Danica, how was your conversion with Luca?" Amber asks her.

"He was polite and respectful but he doesn't think his head will turn, and that's no problem it was a risk but I dont regret it" She tells us all, I just stay silent.

Maeve Beach Hut
I don't have anything to say to her, like she has no loyalities to anybody but it's just left me in a weird position but whatever.

Nobody else has anything to report so, we head in to get dressed for another day. I put on a tan bikini with gold bits hanging down.

"Maeve, min if we have a conversation?" Danica says, as I sit at the kitchen having a conversation with Andrew.

"Don't be fighting youse two" Jacques says as we walk past him and Paige.

"I don't fight" I say to him, knowing he won't take that for an answer as soon as it leaves my mouth. 

"First time I've heard that" He laughs. If you couldn't tell, we fought a lot.

"So, I wanted to have a brief conversation with you but I understand emotions were high last night but I do understand your not going to be happy, I'm not here to piss you off" She tells me, in a business kind of way.

"Well that would be kind of sad" I say responding to the last piece of her rant. " It's just there was two single guys which in a ideal world it would have been easier to pick them but I'm not angry or annoyed at you but the situation is so annoying for me"

"It could have been anybody I have just follow my heart and- oh is that me" She realises she got a text.

"I've got a text" swear if this is a date, Ian Sterling , I'm not afraid to throw hands.

Danica and Luca it's time for your first date please get ready to leave the villa.
#getreadytomakewaves #lifesabeach

"Fuck sake" I roll my head back, with a grimace on my face.  She walks up to get ready, and I join the group of boys and Paige.

"You alright?" Andrew asks me, giving me a hug.

"Yeah, we were just having a chat and I was like it's fine, lol" I say back to him.

"When your not infront of Mae, you might stick it on her" I hear Jacques say to Luca.

"I heard that Jacques" I say, walking away holding my middle finger up to him. I grab some juice from the kitchen and then join the rest of the girls to get Danica dolled up for her date, brilliant.

"That's nice" I comment on her blue outfit, sat on my place on the floor, playing with my hair.  She announces she's ready and we head downstairs, meeting the boys at the front door.

"Euf they're matching" Dami points out, I notice Luca in a blue shorts and shirt set.

"For fuck sake" I hold my temples, smiling.

"You look so cute, made to be together" Jacques tells them, I am actually going to hurt him.

"You're getting R-K'od into the pool mate" I tell him.  He laughs it off and we bid them goodbye on their date.

I stay behind Jacques, staying true to my threat, I wait until he goes to sit down on the edge of the pool and then, I run and tackle him into the pool.

"You fucking bitch" He spits out water, ew

"Hehehe" I laugh and leap out of the pool before he drowns me, going over to the daybed to have a little sleep.

"What happened to Tasha's hat?" Andrew whispers to me, Jacques shouted in my ear and woke me up, he's just so nice.

"Promise you won't tell her?" I say holding out my pinkie, he grabs it and I make sure she's not looking.

"Fucked it outside" I say to him, he laughs. 

"I thought you hid it somewhere" he says through a laugh.

"No, it's with the goats that live in the field beside us now" I tell him.

"How you feeling about Luca on the date" He asks me, and as if he were listening we hear a cockney voice boom through the villa.

"Oi, oi" Luca shouts. Dami immediately requests a debrief.  Andrew and I get up and head into our respective groups.

"One minute" Luca tells Dami as they head to the fire pit.

"Hello" He comes over and lifts me up, giving me a kiss.

"Hi" I giggle as he puts me down, giving my forehead a kiss before running off to the fire pit.

"You were gone ages" Amber comments.

"Where did you go?" Ekin asks her.

"To the beach, like a really rocky beach" She starts to explain. "He's a nice boy not got a bad word to say about him and he made me feel welcome, so yeah" She smiles, not giving anything else away, I just hope there's not much else to tell. Luca then steals me away from the girls as soon as his conversation with the boys is over.

"So, how was your date" I say, pretending to stick my fingers down my throat.

"I just hate giving it to you easy" he smirks.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Well, like I wished it was you not her, I wasn't interested cause it wasn't you" he tells me, putting a smirk onto my face.

"Yeah" I say through a smirk.

"I think she's knows that I'm not interested" he says, well I'd hope she would.

"It was weird without you" I tell him, missing his presence around the villa.

"I see your wearing the fish crepes so obviously you missed me" He says, laughing at the ugly ass fish slides on my feet. I laugh and he pulls me into a hug, and we stay like that until we have to get ready for the evening.

"I feel like tonight's gonna be drama" Ekin says out of the blue, only if you make it girl.

I wear a blue dress and put two little braids in my hair.  As i'm putting on my eyeliner, I see Amber put on a purple dress and I can't help but feel like she resembles Marge Simpson.

"I feel like Marge Simpson" waheyyy. at least she's self aware.

"What you moaning about Amber, always moaning" Ekin-Su comments, she's making the drama already, Amber gives her a side eye in response.

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