Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)

By cheezeitsforlife

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Neteyam X Oc The forest was my home. It's where I was born and where I was expected to meet my end. When we... More



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By cheezeitsforlife

Neteyam Pov:

We crawled along the pipes, looking below to see Spider surrounded by the sky people.

"Come on bro." Lo'ak urged me but it wasn't time yet, there were way too many of them.

Even with our size and strength differences, they still had guns. 

"Not yet," I insisted.

I waited until some of them went in the opposite direction. Now was the time.

We both quickly jumped down, knocking out some of them, throwing the others into the water. Spider joined in, grabbing a mask and ripping it off one of their faces before punching them.

Just as one of them grabbed a gun, Lo'ak used the gun ihe picked up to erratically shoot them.

I held back my snort, dad taught him how to do that? Either dad was a bad teacher or Lo'ak was full of it. It was more likely the latter.

"Let's go Lo'ak." I rushed. 

Lo'ak turned around swinging the gun and pointing the nozzle at my face.

I winced pushing it down and away from me. I should take that away from him before he hurts himself.

"Thanks guys." Spider piped up.

"Let's get the hell off this ship."

We were out in the open, anything could happen. The water was safer than here, actually anywhere was safer than here. It's how I knew Riti was safe, because she was in the water.

Why did I feel so uneasy? I saw her swim toward Tsireya and Tuk, that meant she listened to me.

I scratched the top of my braids, Riti never listened to me. Like ever. When she did, it meant that she was up to something. She was defiant as hell. It was one of the reasons why I loved her, but also one of the reasons why she drove me insane.

I shook my head, getting rid of any thoughts. Riti was safe.

I wanted to go back to her. Anxiety was eating me alive, she had a lot of injuries earlier. Her bloody face, and swollen wrists broke my heart. She was probably concussed. She needed to rest and drink lots of liquids, along with ointment on those wounds.

She always got herself into more trouble because of her attitude and snarky mouth.  

Another reason why I loved her but also drove me crazy. 

I smiled, What's love without a little bit of crazy? Or with Riti, a lot of crazy? 

I couldn't help feeling like I should have forced her to stay behind...but I knew maRi. She would have caused a huge scene if I told her to stay. She would probably hit me a few times, say we where a team and then go before I could stop her, that was the calmer option. The other option she would yell at me, tackle me to the ground and tie me to her so that I would be forced to take's happened before. 

Spider cocked his head in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

Lo'ak smirked. "He's just mad he had to separate from his gurlllfrieeennnddd."

He spoke in a mocking tone, to which I sent him a murderous glare.

"Bro! You finally confessed?Took you long enough." Spider laughed.

"That's what I said!"  They high fived. 

I pushed them forward, we'd been standing here for too long. I didn't care if they wanted to make fun of me, as long as we got the hell off this ship. So that I could take a very long and well deserved nap with the love of my life and try and forget the horrors of this day.  

I smiled, I couldn't wait to call her my mate. To tie her to me for eternity. I've been waiting my whole life for her. She was my everything, my one and only.

 I was so fucking exited for our life together. It took everything in my power not to snatch her up, throw her over my shoulder and go back to the clan when she told me she wanted to mate with me. 

Mating was just the start of our life together, and that made me ecstatic. 

"Let's go, I made a promise to maRi."

I have never broken a single promise to her, and I didn't plan on doing it today. 


I rolled my eyes. "You guys really want to make Ri angry?"

They both paled, "Yeah, let's go."

They both rushed down the steps, tripping over each other.

That's what I thought. Angry Ri was scary. It was rare for Ri to actually get full on angry. It wasn't in her nature, sarcasm was. But anger? No. When it did happen though, it was straight out of a nightmare. Everyone was in danger when she was mad. I shuddered at the thought of the last time she got mad at me. I had bruises for weeks.

Stuck in my head I was caught off guard by the bullets suddenly ricocheting around us.

We jumped around a corner. We were useless like this. I turned to Lo'ak who was holding the gun. It was like he forgot he had it.

"Give me that!"

I yanked the gun from his grip.

I started shooting the gun from around myself towards the fake Navi. They stood farther away on the other side of the ship. I couldn't see where they were at. I was at the disadvantage.

I was practically shooting blind.I cursed myself for the predicament we got ourselves in.

I continued to shoot at them, creating an opening for Spider and Lo'ak to run ahead.

"Go Go Go!" I hurried them.

We didn't have that much time, there were only so many rounds before I ran out.

"This way!" Spider added.

Lo'ak and Spider jumped into the water first.

I felt my gun run out of bullets. Shit.

Riti would say something about our shitty luck, right now. She was right, she was always right.

They started shooting back but if I stayed any longer I'd be stuck for good.

It's now or never, I decided to run for it and jumped into the water after Lo'ak and Spider.

I felt something pierce through me. I ignored it, my heart was pumping so fast all I could hear was a ringing in my ears, and the adrenaline spurring my movements into action. I hit the water and followed after Loak and Spider. My heart was racing, and that's when I felt it.

It hurts. Something hurt.

I felt myself slowly sink lower, but I didn't give up. I couldn't give up, I had to reach the top. I had too, even though pain was radiating through my body, I had to get to the top. I felt my head finally get to the surface. I tried to gasp for air but it felt like I wasn't getting any.

"Bro that was insane cuz."

"Woohoo!" The two of them high fived.

My vision was getting blurry, and staying afloat was getting harder and harder.

I was struggling to stay with them. Swallowing water instead of the air I desperately needed. Tsireya suddenly came out of the water with an Ilu.

"Get on."

"Come on bro!" Lo'ak looked back.

I knew why I was in pain. I knew what had caused the shortness of air in my lungs, and the blood leaking from my body. 

"You swaxang...I am shot," I spoke through gasps.

I felt tired. Like my body weighed a million pounds. 

"Shit!" Lo'ak started. He gave a glance to Spider.

 "Give me a hand!"

I felt their hands underneath me, helping me to stay above the water. I felt myself dip under and back up. I couldn't keep myself up anymore.

I was so tired.

They brought me over to the Ilu and flopped me over it.

I shut my eyes to ignore the pain. I imagined Riti.

Riti and her warmth. Her smile and mischievous eyes.

I imagined she was holding me, and massaging my head, like she loves to do at night.

I imagined that she was with me, cracking her horrible jokes with that amazing smile I loved.

"Grab him." I think Lo'ak spoke but the ringing in my ears was getting more intense.

"I got him." Spider reaffirmed.

I couldn't hold my body upwards anymore. I felt cold. So fucking cold.

 My body was too weak to even lift a hand. I leaned on my brother for support. 

"Holy shit." Spider spoke slowly.

"Hold him up!" Lo'ak said loudly.

"It's okay bro I got you."

I know you do.

I put my hand over the bullet hole, attempting to stop the never-ending bleeding.

Blinking slowly I heard Spider speak again.

"Go, go, go!"

I blinked again, everything was so slow.

Why was everything slow?

So much pain, so much fucking pain. It hurts, everything hurt.

"I  Love You."

I lifted my head and there was Riti.

It was Riti, but she didn't have any bruises on her face, nor swelling or blood. How was she here? 


"You better come back to me, you promised."

"I'm sorry."

I started coughing. Once I started, I couldn't stop. 

"I'm sorry ma love." I whispered hoarsely. I reached out my hand to her.

But she was gone, like a wisp in the wind.

My body jostled and my vision went blank. My head lulled to the side, and when I opened my eyes again, I saw my dads face over me.


"I'm here."

"Put pressure on it!Put pressure on it!" My dad yelled urgently to Lo'ak

I gasped for air but it was useless, I couldn't breathe.

"No, no no no no." I think I heard my mom's voice.

I turned my head looking for Ri but she was gone, "Where is ma meuia? Where is she?"

"She's safe." My dad placed his hand ontop of my head. 

I looked at my dad, and looked at everyone's faces. I felt tears rise in my eyes at the dread that spread through me. I wasn't going to make it. 

"I want to go home."

I wanted ma meuia, I wanted to go back to the forest. Back to our tree, looking at the stars.

I wanted to go home.

I wanted to go home.

"I know, I know we're going home." My dad spoke softly.

"Tell Ri I love her. Tell her tha tha-" I gasped

"You're going to tell her yourself." Lo'ak said, shaking his head, tears streaming down his face.

I wanted to, but I wouldn't be able to, so he had to do it for me. 

He had too. 

He must have seen the look on my face because he slowly nodded, his eyes filled with so much pain. I didn't want him to be in pain, that was the last thing I wanted. 

Seeing Lo'ak fall apart broke my heart. 

My brother, the stubborn ass who disobeyed our father on every turn. Who frustrated me to no end, who got in trouble like there was no tomorrow.

My brother who I loved, my brother who I would do anything for.

My whole life had meaning when he was born, I knew as soon as I saw him that I would make sure he would always be protected. That I would always be there for him, through thick and thin.

I hoped he knew how much I loved him. I tried to show it to him. I really did.

I smiled a little despite everything, "I-I did it...I protected you."

For the first time in my life I felt proud of myself.

I protected them.

Lo'ak was safe, Riti was safe, Spider, Kiri, Tuk. All of them.

That was my purpose, to protect them. To protect my family.

I hoped my dad was proud of me.

I hoped I made all of them proud.


I didn't feel any pain anymore. There was no pain, no stinging or tightening in my chest, no ringing in my ears, nothing.

I looked around at everyone again, but this time I saw a face that wasn't there before.

"Dad..." I gasped

"It's okay. It's okay." He soothed me

I tried to tell him everything. Tried to tell him how it wasn't his fault. That I loved him, that I didn't blame him for anything, and that I understood where he was coming from.

I tried to tell him, but I was so tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

I'm sorry, maRi. I will see you again. 

I let the light consume me, finally giving me rest. 


Riti pov:

Kiri and Tuk watched me in horror as I threw my body in front of theirs.


The woman's hand lifelessly hit the floor and the gun dropped.


Tuk and Kiri screamed but I quickly turned around.

"I'm okay!I'm okay!" I reassured them, touching my body to make sure I was unharmed.

For once I was fucking lucky. I couldn't believe it. 

I let out an Incredulous laugh. 

"She missed!" 

My leg was on fire, and I had a massive headache but that was about it.

The girls breathed out in relief.

"What the hell!" Kiri said dropping her head to the pole

"That was so scary." Tuk cried, tears rolling down her face.

I limped towards them, intent on finally getting the hell out of here. That was enough action to last me a lifetime. 

"What the hell?!" I heard a voice yell from behind me.

"Riti RUN!"

Well it was too late for that now.

My arms were suddenly grabbed and I was shoved to the ground. One knee on my back, and the other on my leg. I let out a shout of pain when they purposely put their weight on the wounded leg. 

"Boss! The bitch killed Tasha!"

"We outta just kill her right now and save ourselves the trouble."

"Nah leave her. Sully is going to come. And when he does, we'll kill her while he watches."

Quaritch smirked, sick fuck. I hoped Jake killed him. I hoped he had the most painful death in existence, and suffered for an eternity. 

"You guys need serious mental help." I sighed into the floor.

This has been the most exhausting day ever.

"Shut the fuck up." So original, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Okay, I'll just go head and go fuck myself then." I muttered, moving my head around to get comfortable.

"Ri please stop." I heard Kiri speak up.

"Oh please I'm about as intimidating as a butterfly, they're just wussies."

"You literally killed two people."

Damn straight I did, and for good reason too.

"Eh, I don't recall doing that"

The guy pushing on my head pulled my hair so that I was looking at Tasha's lifeless body on the floor.

"Oh yeahhhh. About that-"

"I said shut up!"

My ears rang and I winced, "Fine geez, all you had to do was say please."

"Leave it be, Lyle." Quaritch spoke, watching the scene in amusement.

Weirdo. He wasn't a good weirdo either. He was a bad weirdo. I don't mess with those types of weirdos. 

Suddenly I felt like someone punched me in the gut. Something was wrong. 

There was this feeling that something detrimental just happened. The feeling like an important part of me was ripped away. The feeling like I wasn't complete.  

No. Please please no.

Neteyam is fine. 

He is fine, he is off the ship with Spider and Lo'ak.

He was fine.

He was fine. He was smart, and resilient and a warrior. He was fine. 

The feeling inside me told me something different.

Quaritch hummed, "It's time."

Everyone shouted out, I didn't even realize that there were more goons than before.

"Can you hear me corporal?"

He waited and then smirked, "Yeah, I think you can. I got your daughters. Same deal as before. You for them."


"Answer me corporal. Spit it out or there will be consequences."

I knew they were coming. I had faith in my family. They would save us.

"Hold fire, he's coming."

Fucking finally.

"Let's get this guy. That's what we came here for."

I rolled my eyes, to kill one person? To make one person's life hell? What would it change if Jake died? To show us that there was no hope? To make an example out of him?

I personally thought It was for pure revenge. 

He didn't give a flying fuck if his world was dying. He was doing it for his own ego, because he trusted Jake and Jake betrayed him and killed him. He couldn't handle the fact that he lost. 

Lyle put restraints on me and placed me next to Kiri and Tuk.

I rested my head on the pole, defeated. 

Welp I tried. A few times actually, I was just going to leave it up to Jake now. 

"Ri Ri, stay awake. You need to stay awake."

"I mean It's going to take a while for Jake to come, so I don't see the harm in it."

"Ri, I'm scared. Tell me a story." Tuk tried to encourage me to stay awake. 

I swear they where both against me. 

"Tuk, I think you're the bravest person I know. After today you're gonna be a strong warrior, with a brave heart. Something like this can't scare you."

I almost said pretty soon you're not gonna need me anymore but I held back.

My baby sister was growing up, and I needed to let her. I had to release the chains, the big sister chains.  

"Ri, you are probably seriously concussed right now, you need to stay awake until dad comes to save us."

"You think after all this, mom will make us some of her famous stew?" I asked drowsily

"I do love her stew." Kiri nodded

Tuk nodded too, "I miss it."

I knew what they were doing, they were trying to keep me awake. 

I let my brain take me to my happy place. 

We were all back in the forest, I was happily mated to Neteyam.

We were all eating stew, I was telling Tuk about how me and Neteyam met. Lo'ak and Kiri were fighting.

"How do you always manage to steal my food?"

"You let me do it because you love me." 

 I would kiss him on the cheek and he would send me a false glare.

He would bite my shoulder, "Unfortunately I do."

We would go to our tree, and we would watch the stars.

Years later I would take my kids to the tree and tell them stories about fighting the sky people. About how we fought for our home and won. Me and Neteyam would watch as they got their Ikrans, went through their warrior ceremonies, got mated, and lived the rest of our lives happy. 

But it was all just a fantasy, and fantasies always come to an end.

"Talk to me corporal. The ship is sinking and your girls are going down with it."

I shook my head. Clearing the fog. I had to be ready to get the girls out. No matter what.

I couldn't stop, not right now. They were going to live, and I was going to get out of here and live my dream with Neteyam.

"Your boy didn't have to die. It was your own fault."

Everything came crashing down.


I knew it was Neteyam. He wouldn't let Lo'ak die, he would do everything in his power to prevent it. 

I shook my head getting onto my knees, the only pain I felt now was in my soul. In my heart. In my entire being.

"no no no no no no no no no " I chanted repeatedly.

I don't know if it was in my head, or if I was saying it out loud.

I didn't care.


"NOOOOOOOO!" I wailed.

My heart felt like someone had just ripped my heart out of my chest, and eaten it.

I had a feeling something was wrong, but it hadn't been confirmed before. I could lie to myself and say he was okay.

Now I can't. Now it was real. It was staring me straight in the face, like something right out of my own personal nightmare.

"MaTeyam." I placed my head onto the floor. My body caved in on itself and I started rocking my body back and forth.

Like it was going to help the ache, in my chest.

But it wasn't helping.

Nothing would.

"MaTEYAM!" I whimpered through my sobs. 

I felt like my entire world was falling apart.

My reason for living was dead.

My purpose.

My life.

My everything.

He was dead.


He would never laugh with me ever again.

He would never kiss me ever again.

He wouldn't hold me ever again.

He wouldn't talk with me ever again.

He wouldn't do anything with me ever again.

Because he was dead.

He was dead, and I wasn't there with him.

I wasn't there for him when he needed me.

All of our plans would never happen.

He wouldn't see Tuk grow up, he wouldn't see Lo'ak mate with Tsireya, he would never get to return to the forest.

He would never get to do anything he actually wanted to do. 

It should have been me.

He didn't deserve it.

MaTeyam didn't deserve to die.

My life wasn't worth living without him in it.

"You hear that Jake? You hear your adopted daughter falling apart? That's your fault. You thought you could protect your family, but you can't."

"Only one way to keep them safe, so let's get this over with before you lose another kid."

Rage spread through me faster than a wildfire. 

I hissed, baring my teeth at the fucking monster who destroyed everything.

If Jake didn't kill him I would.

I would kill every single one of his goons.I would burn everything to the fucking ground. I would make them regret being born. 

I was going to avenge him. 

Even if It killed me and who I was in the process. 

:'( Sorry 

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