Patient 0

By DacheeProdAndBooks

158 5 1

Due to an explorer illegally visiting Karachay without any protection from the vast amounts of radiation, he... More

The Beginning
Chapter .1: The Pandemic
Chapter .2: Patient 0
Chapter .4: Downfall
Chapter .5: Live for today
Chapter 6: A New Day
Chapter 7: Making A Home
Chapter 8: Phase One(Water)
Chapter 9: Phase Two(The wall Part.1)

Chapter .3: Overran

19 1 0
By DacheeProdAndBooks

       It's the next morning and despite of everything going on, I followed the same daily routine I always do. alarm goes off and I wake up, brew myself some coffee, take a shower, give my wife a kiss and I'm on my way to work.

           As I arrived to Walmart this morning, a majority of people were acting pretty off and it was obvious what about. I proceeded to then ask how everyone was doing as everyone's spirits were melancholic and the atmosphere was gloomy. One of my co-workers then looks at me and says, 

"you didn't hear did you? About what happened at the hospital in Helena last night?"

         I then proceeded on to tell him that I have not heard and asked him what he was talking about and his reply worried me severely.

"Maybe you should just look it up,"

He says in a low voice before turning around and walking away.

        I did in fact look it up and when I did, I instantly felt a pit in my stomach. The headline stated in big, bold letters,

"United States Army Overthrown by infected during a breach attempt in Helena".

        I continued to read the article and it stated that last night the military kept the hospital in quarantine as they tried to breach and neutralize the infected inside. However, they did not expect just how many of them there would be and made their approach unprepared and under-armed.  This caused over twenty soldiers to be quite literally torn apart and obliterated.

After the failed breach attempt, the military lost its power over the camp and managed to let not only every bit of virus that was still trapped inside, out, but every undead corpse as well.  A poorly planned attempt to stop the situation that not only took the lives of every soldier on sight, but the many lives of every person there that was in quarantine.

The article also states that any entrance/exit to Helena is now closed off, due to the fact that these living corpses are now everywhere in the city taking lives of innocent people. It was moving too fast for the military to keep up.

I try to keep my head up with the realization that there is very little to no chance of stopping this virus now. But as I have mentioned already, all I can do is pray.....

A little while later my wife texts me and tells me that the old lady across the street was just found deceased in her home. Due to the incident that is currently taking place in Montana, rather than removing the corpse, they put the house into lock down as the military personnel are the only ones allowed to move the corpse. 

              In this moment, staying calm was no longer an option as the seriousness of all of this was only becoming worse. I bolt out of the store and to my car as fast as possible, without looking back. I knew it was air borne but I didn't know it was severe enough to where it could have already made it to California from Montana.  I start driving home as fast as I possibly can and then my phone goes off......
I open my screen to a message I knew I would never forget.

I mean it when I say I will never forget it.

"Outbreak and possible evacuation alert"

            I turn on the radio station to hear a breaking news report explaining about how people who were pronounced dead, are now all up and moving. The following areas were not only multiple cities throughout Montana, but also Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. It seems to be turning into a worldwide catastrophe, taking many lives of many innocent people....

  I could not describe to you the fear I had felt. I'm cornered.......we are all cornered and all I could expect now was complete and utter doom. At this point in time, I started to really pray this was all just an extended nightmare, even though I knew very well that it was not....

The second I got home, I ran inside to my wife and embraced her into a tight hug. Tears were streaming down her face and onto my shirt, soaking it almost instantly.  I turn around and look at the house that the old lady was living in and noticed two soldiers in full gear like they were going to fucking war or something... I watched as they carried out a black, body shaped bag..... We all knew what it was, but in that moment, my wife told me something that gave me the chills.... She explained to me that when the military showed up, they went inside and fired two gunshots. My only guess was that they were shooting the nice, old ladies' corpse, dead in the brain. In this moment I knew that everything and I mean everything, was about to go to shit..... And, FAST.

          I told my wife to instantly pack her things as the decision ran clear that we were getting the fuck out of here before we could watch shit only get worse. She agreed and we both sprinted back inside packing anything and everything we could before getting in the car and leaving. We weren't sure where we were going, all we knew for sure was that there was no way in hell we were staying put just to be monopolized by these things.

               We got onto the highway and decided to head towards Texas because as far as we were aware, it was still a safe zone. While driving on the highway, it soon became apparent that we were not the only ones running away.... The more we drove the more cars started catching up to us and even passing us on the highway. Traffic became very hectic.

               Then out of no where, I shit you not, this demented and half decayed deer walks into the middle of the highway-

I screamed in shock.

Then before I could react, this demented son of a bitch gets hit by the car hauling ass past me. The car then flipped and caused a horrible pile up.

"Maybe we should stop and see if anyone needs help..."   My wife suggests.

        Now call me cold but I wasn't going to risk our lives to play the hero.... Not right now at least. The way I see it, it was better them than us.

"It's not a good idea Darcy, we're not going to lose our lives trying to save someone else's."

Further down along the highway we came across yet another pile up, and what we saw will stick in my brain forever...

We watched as a swarm of these fucking things were devouring any piece of meat they could get off of two people in a flipped car through the broken windshield. Now I don't know what it was, but something in my head was telling me to just lay on the gas and go. And the from the moment I did, I was glad because the second I sped up, they turned and started chasing us.

At this point I was driving well over the speed limit and I was gone. I pushed the gas to the floor and just left it there.
After passing many, many more accidents and blood shed on the way, everything started to clear up and I was beginning to feel like we were in the clear.
We were still going as fast as we could, panicking the entire way, when out of no where..... It happened.


And the world around us became quiet.

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