Chapter 8: Phase One(Water)

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         We drive down the road and pass the ExpoPark to see what we can find. At the end of the road, we take a left hand turn and end up passing a Walgreens. While this serves no importance, what Jack said as we passed is what brought my attention.

"Right there!" Jack screams in a joyous voice.

"What, what is it?" I ask with hope.

"BEHIND THE WALLGREENS, I COULD SEE A BODY OF WATER! Find a way to get back there!" He explains in triumph.

            We drive a little further down the road until we see a turn to what looks like some kind of side street. We turn right and drive towards the end of this road which leads into a curve. At the end of this curve, we see it... Another right hand turn that leads to the body of water, this is BIG. This is a REALLY big deal. It's a river...... The Missouri River is exactly what I can remember learning in school about.

We realize we will have to boil this water before drinking or cooking with it, but that part will be easy. This is literally ground breaking..... We decided now since we have access to a water source that will be consistently reliable, we needed to find a way to transport water back and forth. Luckily, we have a hardware store nearby and hopefully we will be able to find something there. We turn back around and head over to the North 40 and head inside. Once we got into the store, we begin to look around for anything that could transport water and that's when we see it. Two HUGE stacks of five gallon buckets WITH lids! We grab all the buckets and head back out to the truck, counting how many we got in total. The number of buckets we had was twelve, which means we have a constant way of getting sixty gallons of water at a time. We quickly get back to the river and pull right up to it, getting out of the truck and begin to fill each bucket with water. Once they were full, we secured the lids on and loaded them into the bed of the pickup.

           After filling all twelve buckets, we now had a good water source and sixty gallons of water already. This was turning out very good for us. However, we noticed that there was some dirt along with debris in some so we headed back to the north 40 and were luckily able to quickly find a sifter, strainer, whatever you wanna call it. We hurried to get back to the park and when we pulled up, we quickly unloaded the water; got it out of the buckets to be sifted and boiled. Today went a lot easier than we had imagined, so that's a good thing as things were flowing in our favor. I guess you could say flowing like the God-send water we found. I think our next step should be creating a better wall, so that's just what we will do....

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