Meet Me in the Undercroft

By zogfrog_

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Since Silver Burbank burst through the doors of the Great Hall, Sebastian Sallow knew that something interest... More

Author's Note // Disclaimers
Chapter II - So Much You Don't Know
Chapter III - So You've Been Thinking About Me
Chapter IV- Trust
Chapter V- Dangerous Game
Chapter VI - Crossed Wands
Chapter VII - Her Brother's Keeper
Chapter VIII - The Scriptorium (tw)

Chapter I - A Proper Hogwarts Greeting

181 5 3
By zogfrog_


The castle was larger than any place Silver had seen in her entire life. Although, she hadn't seen much of anything outside her rundown orphanage in Bristol.

Professor Fig — whom she spent most of the summer studying under — lead the way into the bright candlelight of the entry hall then the Great Hall.

She knew she was still behind even though Professor Fig taught her a few spells this summer.'I'm going to be shown up by 1st years,' Silver worried internally.

As the large wooden doors opened to reveal a mass of students in black robes matching hers, Silver's worry was quickly replaced with amazement at the armada of floating candles flecked against the invisible ceiling showcasing the stars perfectly.

"Ah, Miss Burbank, is it." Headmaster Black bellowed across the massive dining hall filling the girl with irritation. Clearly, he's going to be a problem this year. "If you wish to succeed at this school you need to improve your punctuality. I assume I will allow you to be sorted despite your tardiness.

Although a small part of Silver felt the need to apologize to the authority figure and run to the Sorting Hat as he implied, a much larger part screamed at her to slow her walk to nearly a crawl and meet his rude welcome with a deadpan of her own. Seeing as she had just gotten through fighting at least ten living statues with no experience, the girl was going to give herself the respect that Black had refused her.

As she reached the red hair woman holding the grubby old hat, she said sweetly to the new student, "Don't mind him, he is much too big for his britches."
Silver's smile flashed widely at the statement. She looked into the black sea that was her peers and sat on the bench. A quarter of them were watching intently, the rest much too focused on the feast in front of them.

The professor with the fiery hair lowered the hat to her head. The moment it touched her head she jumped a little when it began to speak. It asked her a single question before loudly declaring, "GRYFFINDOR!" to the room.

"I'm Professor Weasley, by the way," the woman explained as she transfigured Silver's robes into her new house colors. "Welcome to Gryffindor."

The girl now adorned in black and red robes made her way to the loudly cheering table and sat down next to a group of students who appeared to be around her age. They introduced themselves as Nellie Oggspire, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, and Leander Prewett. Leander was certainly fit for his house with his lack of shame when saying whatever was on his mind. Everyone else surrounding Silver was much more polite. Their conversation could barely get past small talk when Black ended the feast more out of spite than the need for students to go to bed.

As she stood from the table, Garreth made sure to personally lead the way to the common room. When the pair reached the entrance hall, Silver heard the redhead begin to speak in his steady, self-assured manner, "I believe you have Potions with Professor Sharp with me tomorrow. If you wish, you are more than welcome to sit with me. We have an empty station."

Silver almost immediately agreed. She had not had time yet to make friends here, a seat by Garreth and his friends could be a good opportunity to get herself out there. "Yes, that sounds great. Thank you, Garreth," she replied.

After a day of fighting sentient statues, surviving dragon attacks, and attempting to build connections, the warm homey comfort of the common room made her eyes immediately go heavy. She made her way to the magically soft four-poster bed waiting for her upstairs and fell asleep the second her head touched the pillow.

The bright early autumn sun poured through the windows of her dormitory. This awakening was much more pleasant than Mrs. French from the orphanage slamming her door open and dropping the required items for her chores for the day. She changed quickly into her school-appointed uniform and a tan scarf she found hiding near her bed.

"Burbank! Over here!" It was Nellie calling from high atop the fireplace. She must have used magic to get that high. Silver made her way over to the girl before they had a quick discussion about her obsession with climbing. Silver made the rounds in the common room before Garreth told her that his aunt was waiting for her just outside the portrait hole.

"You wished to see me, Professor?" Silver said the question with a certain strain in her voice from stooping over in the passage between the rest of the castle and the common room.

"I did, Miss Burbank. I have your class schedule for you. Please remember to prioritize your education. I know this new world must be exciting for you to begin exploring, but what good adventures can you embark on without the necessary knowledge."

"Of course, Professor. There will be no problem with me skipping class. I am excited to get my hands on as much information as I can find." Silver smiled awkwardly at the woman as she clasped her hands together tightly in front of her.

"That is good to hear. On that note, I have something that will help you manage your assignments and allow you to learn more about the world around you." Weasley produced a leather-bound book with a golden insignia on the front seemingly out of nowhere. "This is your field guide," The book was gently pushed into Silver's hands as the professor continued, "use it well. Now get on to Defense Against the Dark Arts then Potions this afternoon."

"Yes, Professor Weasley." Silver looked around the hall that was teeming with life. Mostly Gryffindors in this hall, but a few others snuck into the pack. Silver joined the calamity of students as she used her new field guide to locate Defense Against the Dark Arts.

After a journey that felt hours long, Silver reached a doorway with strange eyeballs onto of long golden stands on either side. This must be the room. The pushed the heavy door open to reveal her friend from the feast, Leander mid duel with a Slytherin boy she recognized from her time under the sorting hat. He was the one looking up so intently. It must have been a sight to see someone as old as herself being sorted.

Spells were flying left and right. Leander did not seem to be doing very well. If it weren't for the goofy smile still plastered on his face, Silver would have jumped in to help. That was until the Slytherin boy's spell ricocheted off of Leander's shield and sent a large skeleton diving for the class below. With perfect timing, Professor Hecat -- whose name she found in her field guide -- levitated the animal back into its proper position.

"That is enough of that. If you care so much to duel, might I suggest doing so far away from an irreplaceable artifact?" The small grey-haired woman made her way down the steps and began to review accio from last year. Silver Burbank, much to her table partner Leander's annoyance, picked up the spell instantly. It took everyone else at least a good few minutes before picking the feather up off of their desk.

An hour had passed of casting, listening to the uses of the spell, more casting, and history of the spell, the class must have finally been over. "Everyone, gather round," Hecat called from the steps she watched her class from. Everyone complied.

"Let's put this to use. We are going to have a quick dueling match since some of your classmates seem so fond of it. However, you will only be using a basic cast, protego, and accio. Do I have any volunteers?" No one raised their hands after overhearing the lashing that the boys had received earlier. For a tiny old woman, Hecat seemed to terrify everyone in the room.

"Fine then," she said, "Mr. Sallow since you want to use dangerous spells in my classroom you can try your luck in a fair fight. Let's see... ah, yes. Miss Silver Burbank," Hecat drew out each sound of her name for dramatic effect. "Let us use this dual as a measure of your current skill."

The Slytherin that she now knew to be Sallow circled her as they made their way to their assigned positions. "This will be a proper Hogwarts welcome. Good Luck, Burbank. You'll need it." A raging fire filled his eyes as he slung off his cloak and readied his wand. Silver followed suit.

A table raised them up and Silver stumbled slightly from the unexpected movement as her opposition scoffed at her inexperience. She thought back to the battle in Gringots and summoned her courage. As Hecat said to begin, Silver summoned the Slytherin to her and struck him with five solid basic casts. The cheers erupted from her classmates as he slapped down hard onto the floor. He quickly cast back and Silver expertly blocked it. It was not long until he had fallen flat on the floor in front of Hecat.

"Amazing demonstration Burbank," the professor announced, " 10 points to Gryffindor." Applause from those students decked in red completely drowned out the grubbled from those wearing black and green.

Everyone cleared out of the room as Silver made her way to check on her opponent. She extended a hand to the Slytherin sitting on the ground trying to redo his tie that had come loose in his effort. He took her hand and raised himself up in front of her. Being this close, Silver noticed how he slightly towered over her. Trying to avoid an awkward encounter with the first person she had interacted with her outside of her house she decided to break the silence.

"You are a good match, Sallow." Silver made sure to sound genuine as she offered him a smile.

"Hmph," he grumbled still fruitlessly fooling with his tie. "I assume this was not your first dual. I felt as though I was up against an expert."

Thinking back to Professor Fig asking her to keep their journey to Hogwarts to herself she promptly replied, "Actually, I've never used my wand in combat before. This was a good introduction." Silver couldn't tell if he was more shocked or impressed. Either way, his widening eyes greatly boosted her confidence. However, his remark left her searching for an appropriate reply.

"I think you might need to find a mirror before you strangle yourself," She gestured towards the green tie that was becoming more mangled the more he mindlessly fiddled with it. He quickly went to try and remove it as Silver stepped closer. "Allow me."

She loosed the tangle of fabric from his neck and as she began to correctly fasten it he spoke in a quieter voice than before, "You know when most people here win a dual they spend more time celebrating than redressing their opponent." Silver's face flushed quickly before she made a conscious effort to compose herself.

"And most people just say thank you when a favor is being done for them."

"I suppose you're right. Thank you and congratulations on your first win. If I were you I would speak to Lucan Brattleby about joining the unofficial dueling club."

"I will tell him you sent me," Silver said as she used one hand to smooth the tie in its final position. They both went and gathered their cloaks before walking out.

Whoever this Sallow was, she was certainly intrigued.



Although Ominis and Imelda were in the heat of battle over the last bit of treacle tart at their table, Sebastian's attention was elsewhere. His group didn't even turn their head when the doors burst open to reveal a girl he had never seen before. As this was the first day of term this was to be expected, however, this was no bumbling first year that was standing boldly soaking in the atmosphere. Sebastian could hear nothing but the ringing in his ears as he took in the lanky blonde girl whose presence seemed to demand respect.

Headmaster Black rudely called her out just as he had most other students in this castle at one point in time. Sebastian himself had been subject to his harsh demeanor more than he could count. As she was being publicly ridiculed he remained so dangerously calm that more and more eyes drew towards her. She walked so, so slowly that even Black's face showed some shock. A voice deep in his brain was whispering, 'Slytherin, Slytherin, Slytherin.' His hopes were quickly dashed when she was almost instantly put into Gryffindor.

"Great. Another foolhardy Gryffindor to endure," Imelda complained loudly to the group of cackling fifth years. Sebastian couldn't agree more. Someone like her must be one of those.

"Looks like she'll fit right in with the likes of Onai and Weasley," Sebastian admitted as she joined her housemates. "What a bunch of Pollyannas." Sebastian acted like he wasn't immensely disappointed that his immediate pull toward the girl was killed by a raggedy old hat.

Sebastian stayed up rather late with Ominis discussing plans to go to Feldcroft next weekend. By the time he went to bed, he only had a few hours before Defense Against the Dark Arts would start. He managed to pull himself out of bed and make his way up to the Defense classroom.

Of course, Leander Prewett is already running his mouth much loader than acceptable for eight in the morning. He was trying to tune him out until he heard the words, "that new fifth year," leave his mouth. Instantly he was wide awake and listening more intently than he usually did in most classes. He heard Garreth Weasley telling that git, "she's the most fit girl in the year, of course, I'm going to make a move. Did you see the way she defied Black last night? That's a dangerous combination: a great character and a great ass." He was ready to jump on Garreth until something too horrible for Sebastian to ever think about again left Leander's lips, "She took off her cloak and vest in the common room last night when learning gobstones from Onai. That sight alone was enough for a very restless night." Garreth half-heartedly shoved him back before Leander erupted in laughter.

Sebastian was absolutely disgusted. He was usually disgusted when Leander found the nerve to talk about the girls at this school that seldom had any interest in him, but this was different. How could he say such things about a girl that was the most interesting person he had ever laid his eyes on? Sebastian knew nothing about the girl, but he knew she deserved respect. He couldn't seem too interested, however. He wandered across the classroom to the insufferable git.

"Hey! Prewett!" Sebastian called out. "Let's make Lucan's job easier with crossed wands and let me beat you here and now." No one would suspect a thing from Sebastian's request as he was always begging for a duel.

"You're on Sallow," was the only thing Leander said before sending diffendo flying across the room. The battle was intense to watch, but Sebastian felt quite at ease. Leander was much too easy to read. Along with that, his anger was as good a fuel as any to fight with no remorse. He knew Leander would shield and decided a blast now might ricochet into George Briddle as well. Hopefully, it would be a lesson that this new girl was not someone to gossip about with his usual rumor mill.

Sebastian couldn't have been more wrong. The skeleton of the Hebridean Black dragon came crashing to the floor. That was until Professor Hecat stepped out and stopped the approaching catastrophe.

Class began and Sebastian spent most of it sneaking glances at that blonde Gryffindor a few seats away from him. Until Hecat devised the perfect punishment for him almost destroying her most prized possession. He had to duel the girl that was stealing all of his attention without saying a single word to him. However, her announcement gave him a piece of the information he was looking for. This untamable, force of a person was named Silver Burbank. He was unsettled by the unexplainable feeling in his chest when hearing her name.

Then the unexpected happened. She beat him.

Sebastian would like to say it was because he was distracted, but that was not the case at all. She was better than anyone he had ever gone up against. Her wand work was flawless. Her movements were so decisive, if not instinctual that she was impossible to read. His ego was shredded to bits when she flung him off the table with ease. Imelda was right about her. Just another stubborn, reckless, exasperating Gryffindor.

He expected she would return to Leander and Natsai and gloat over her victory, but she expertly walked off of the descending table in his direction. When she offered a hand, he had never felt more conflicted. He wanted to hit her with the leg-locking charm and watch her hit the ground, but another needed to speak to this seeming prodigy.

He was pulled to his feet and gruffly went along with her conversation. That was until she offered to fix the tie that he had basically ruined in his furious attempts to correct it himself. Her hands softly brush against his chest as she works quickly. When she places one hand on the center of his chest to say her work was completed, he was sure she could feel his heart beating wildly. This could not be happening. Sebastian did not have time for stupid hormone-driven crushes. Especially not with her.

He knew how to end this once and for all. Crossed Wands. He knew she would sign up and he could beat her and redeem himself. Hopefully. He made his way back to the common room to consult with Ominis on a plan for her defeat. On his way there he stumbled across Garreth and it was just too tempting.

Sebastian approached, "Hey mate, look out the window. Samantha Dale is swimming in the lake in just her night things." Sebastian had to contain his laugh at the expression on Garreth's face. That boy always had something for every girl in the year. As Garreth pivoted around, Sebastian used the leg-locking charm he considered for Silver earlier. He busts out laughing as the pain in his ass Gryffindor hit the floor. "Made you look," Sebastian said breathlessly through his laughter.

"I'll have your neck for this Sallow. Just you wait!" Garreth raged.

This drew the attention of the worst possible professor that it could have. Matilda Weasley.

"What in Merlin's name do you think you're doing!" The poor leg-locked boy's aunt bellowed.

"It was just a prank professor," Sebastian tried to plead knowing she was ready to yell detention.

"Well, I suppose I will have some grace with you, Sallow. There is a new student who is in need of supplies. You will accompany her to Hogsmeade this afternoon directly after Professor Sharp's class ends. If I hear of any 'pranks' happening on this excursion, it will be detention for a week."

Garreth, still laying on the floor of Central Hall, chimed in, "Seems as though you care more for Burbank than you do for me!" Sebastian tried to hide the laugh that was building in his throat.

"At this moment, I do! I heard about the potion you gave that poor first year last night. You should be lucky I have no real evidence to send you to detention as well." Professor Weasley's cheeks were almost as red as her hair as she scolded her nephew. "Sallow, report to the entrance hall this afternoon do not dilly-dally after class."

"Of course, Professor," Sebastian said with his worst fake smile before going off to finally speak to Ominis.

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