Zuli [PART 1] - Reapers & Ang...

By jesse_fanficmama

7.5K 109 89

Zuli Phantomhive (pronounced "zoo-lee"), older sister of Ciel Phantomhive, is a kind and gentle young lady wh... More

Chapter 2 - With a Demon by His Side
Chapter 3 - Phantomhive Hospitality
Chapter 4 - The Italian Rats
Chapter 5 - A Special Dance
Chapter 6 - Viscount's Party
Chapter 7 - Jack the Reaper
Chapter 8 - No Matter the Sacrifice
Chapter 9 - Welcome to Houndsworth
Chapter 10 - Good Dog, Bad Dog
Chapter 11 - Just One Photo
Chapter 12 - Diamond of Misfortune
Chapter 13 - What Had Happened
Chapter 14 - Puppet Strings
Chapter 15 - Young and Possessive
Chapter 16 - A Little Kindness
Chapter 17 - Curry Wars
Chapter 18 - Those Who Are Unclean
Chapter 19 - Past Rewritten
Chapter 20 - Zuli in Wonderland
Chapter 21 - This Precious Family
Chapter 22 - Hold My Hand
Chapter 23 - Among Flames Again
Chapter 24 - Fall of London Bridge
Chapter 25 - When the Denial Ends
Chapter 26 - Always and Forever
Trivia & Behind the Scenes

Chapter 1 - In One Night

1.1K 15 3
By jesse_fanficmama

December 14th, 1885... The day started off as a joyous occasion. My little brother and I were excited! It was Ciel's birthday, and mine was right around the corner. But in our playfulness, we had no idea that the night ahead would be the start of our lives changing forever...

Ciel (10): "Su!"

I heard my little brother's voice coming towards my room and a mischievous smile crossed my face as I hid behind the door.

Ciel: "Guess what day it- huh...?"

I peeked out from behind the door and snuck up behind him.

Zuli (13): "Gotcha!"

I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up as we both laughed.

Ciel: "Suuu, haha, let gooo!"

Zuli: "Never! Though you have passed your coming of age, you are still no match for my Sister Squeeze Attack!"

He laughed as I squeezed him tight and kissed his cheek.

Zuli: "Happy birthday, baby brother."

Ciel: "I'm not a baby anymore. I'm 10 years old!"

Zuli: "No, you'll always be my baby brother."

Ciel: "Well, I'm old enough to withstand any attacks you throw at me!"

Zuli: "Withstand? Hm..."

I smirked at him and turned to walk back to my bed.

Zuli: "Anyone can withstand, but if you wish to defeat me, then you'll have to come up with your own special attack."

Ciel: "Hm, alright....... Brother... Bump Attack!"

Zuli: "Bump-? Wah!"

He pushed my back, making me flop onto my bed. I rolled onto my back and brushed my long wavy hair out of my face. Ciel hopped on my bed next to me with a mischievous grin. I didn't get a chance to question him before he started tickling me.

Zuli: "Ah! Ciel, haha! You little monstahaha!"

Ciel: "The student becomes the master!"

Zuli: "Hahaha, no you don't!"

He curled up giggling when I tickled him back. Sebastian, our dog, must have heard us laughing and came in, interrupting us with a bark. We sat up and smiled.

Ciel: "Hi, Sebastian!"

I wrapped my arm around my brother.

Zuli: "I think he declares this round a draw."

Ciel: "No, it's my birthday so I win!"

Zuli: "Ahah, who told you that?"

He pouted up at me. I ruffled his hair and stood up.

Zuli: "Fine, fine... you win, birthday boy."

Rachel: "Zuli, Ciel."

She came and stood in the doorway, smiling to see us in a ruffled state.

Zuli & Ciel: "Morning, mother!"

Rachel: "There you are. What have you two been doing?"

Ciel: "Su started it!"

Zuli: "Didn't!"

Rachel: "Ahaha, alright. Come and get your coats. We're going to town."

Zuli: "Okay!"

Ciel: "Is father coming too?"

Rachel: "Your father has to work this morning, but he'll be finished by the time we come home later. Zuli, remember to brush your hair, dear. And please help your brother with his tie."

Zuli: "Yes, mother."

Rachel: "Good, then meet me downstairs. Come on, Sebastian."

He followed her downstairs. I turned back to my brother to help him with his tie, but he pushed my hands away.

Ciel: "No. I can do it myself."

Zuli: "... Really?"

Ciel: "Yes."

Zuli: "Hm... well look at you, big boy. Alright then."

I headed over to my vanity, sat down and started brushing my hair, humming to myself. A couple times, staring at Ciel in my mirror to see him struggling with his tie.

Zuli: "Do you need help?"

Ciel: "No."

I continued brushing my hair, smiling. By the time I was finished, he'd given up. I stood up and walked over to him on my bed and kneeled down in front of him.

Zuli: "'Help me, Su'?"

He nodded, looking away from me. I smiled and tied his tie for him.

Zuli: "No matter how old you get, Ciel... Your big sister will always be here to help."

He was still a little disappointed that he couldn't do it himself, so I cupped his cheeks with a smile and kissed his forehead.

Zuli: "Now wipe that frown off your face, birthday boy. And get on."

I turned around and offered him a piggy back. He giggled as I stood up with him.

Zuli: "Welcome abord, passengers. You're riding the Sister Express direct to Front Door Station."

I carried him out of my room.

Ciel: "Su, take a detour."

Zuli: "I can't, mother's waiting for us. Besides, you don't want to delay your birthday outing, do you?"

Ciel: "Yeah, you're right.

Zuli: "I'm always right. Now, are you ready?"

I slowly started speeding up, imitating a train.

Zuli: "Chu-chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu-chu, and the whistle blows!"

Ciel: "WOO WOO!"

We laughed as I ran to the landing. And we looked down to see who was waiting for us.

Zuli & Ciel: "Tanaka!"

Tanaka: "Good morning, children."

As I made it to the bottom of the stairs, Ciel slid down off my back and ran to him, grabbing his hand, jumping up and down with excitement.

Ciel: "Tanaka, guess what! Today's my birthday and mother's taking us to town!"

Tanaka: "I did hear about that, yes. I wish you a good day of fun and excitement, young master."

I looked out the window as Tanaka helped put our coats on.

Zuli: "*gasp*! Ciel, look! It's snowing!"

Ciel: "Really?! Let me see!"

Tanaka: "Hold on, master Ciel. You can't go anywhere without your coat today."

He slipped his coat on and ran to the window, looking in awe at the falling flakes.

Ciel: "Pretty..."

Mother came to join us.

Ciel: "Mother, it's snowing! Please can we go to the park!"

Rachel: "Perhaps on our way home, we'll see."

Zuli & Ciel: "Yay!"

We headed to town for some errands. One of which was to buy Ciel a present and it was my job to distract him while mother did so.

Rachel: "You know what to do..."

I nodded and looked around for something to get my brother's attention.

Zuli: "Oh Ciel, come look at this!"

I took his hand and pulled him over to a window in a nearby toy shop.

Zuli: "See? It's the new line of toys from Funtom."

Ciel: "*gasp*! Su, it's that bear we helped father design!"

Zuli: "It looks even better in person, doesn't it?"

Ciel: "Mhm!"

We went to visit our Aunt Red where we had lunch and played one of our favourite games.

Rachel & Madam Red: "~~London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down! London bridge is falling down, my fair lady!~~"

We laughed as they brought their arms down and caught us.

Madam Red: "We got you both."

Zuli: "Now it's our turn to be the bridge."

Ciel and I got into position.

Rachel: "Hands up high, Ciel."

Zuli & Ciel: "~~Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars! Build it up with iron bars! My fair lady!~~"

And then, on the way home, mother took us to the park.

Ciel: "Look at all the snow! I bet this is as cold as it's ever been in London."

Rachel: "Not quite, Ciel."

Ciel: "Hm?"

Zuli: "What do you mean, mother?"

Rachel: "Your grandmother once told me a story of when it was so cold in London, the river Thames froze over."

Ciel: "Really?!"

Zuli: "Is that even possible?!"

Rachel: "Ahaha, it's rare, but not impossible. Around eighty years ago, the Thames froze over and there was a festival with markets, and winter based competitions on the ice. They called it the Frost Fair."

We stared in awe at this story.

Ciel: "I want to go!"

Zuli: "Mother, do you think the Thames will freeze over again someday?"

Rachel: "We'll see, my hearts. Only time will tell."

Ciel: "What was it like, mother?"

She laughed.

Rachel: "I don't know exactly, sweety. I wasn't born either."

Zuli: "Mother's not eighty years old, dumb dumb!"

Ciel: "I'm not a dumb dumb, big meanie!"

Rachel: "Ahaha, Zuli, Ciel, it isn't nice to call each other names."

We stuck our tongues out at each other.

Rachel: "Careful now, or they'll freeze like that and you'll be stuck until we get home."

Zuli & Ciel: "Eww!"

We couldn't help but giggle a little at the thought though.

Zuli: "Uhm... what were we arguing about?"

Ciel: "... I forgot. Did I win?"

Zuli: "No, silly... Well I suppose there's only one way to settle this then."

I picked up a handful of snow and threw it at him.

Ciel: "Haha, hey!"

Zuli: "One, two, three, four, I declare a snow war."

Ciel: "Hah... Five, six, seven, eight... You can't even throw straight!"

He pulled a face at me and ran away.

Zuli: "Oh, you cheeky little brat, I'm going to get you now!"

We laughed as I chased him, chucking snow.

Rachel: "Don't go too far! Stay in the park, not past the pond!"

Zuli & Ciel: "Yes, mother!"

Rachel: "Hmhm, oh those two..."

Zuli: "Haha, you'll never win if you only run and dodge!"

Ciel: "You're supposed to go easy on me! I'm younger than you!"

Zuli: "Nice try! I thought you were 'old enough to withstand'!"

He ran behind a wide trunked tree in the middle of the park. I chased him around it, but he disappeared.

Zuli: "Gotcha! Hm...? Ciel...?"

Until I felt snow hit the back of my neck and fall down the back of my coat.

Zuli: "AHH COLD!"

Ciel: "Hahaha! You fell for the oldest trick in the book- BLAH!"

I tossed a handful of snow at him.

Zuli: "Rule one of any battle, little brother... Never celebrate too early."

I scooped up another handful.

Ciel: "Wait, truce!"

Zuli: "Oh yeah?"

Ciel: "Base of operations!"

Zuli: "Really? Heh, you know it's just the two of us."

Ciel: "Rule two of any battle, big sister. Both sides must have a base of operations."

I smiled and looked around.

Zuli: "Alright then. You go that side, and I'll go over here. The big tree will mark no-man's-land."

Ciel: "What's that?"

Zuli: "It means this area is a free for all, but our bases are safe."

Ciel: "Right!"

We each ran to our sides of the park. I was giggling at how seriously my brother was taking this snow battle as I prepared my ammunition.

Zuli: "That should do it. Time to clash... Hm?"

When I stuck my head out of my base, I noticed it was very quiet. I came out and creeped over to my brother's side.

Zuli: "Hey, you in there?"

He was gone. I looked around but he wasn't to be found in no-man's-land either.

Zuli: "Oh no...!"

He must've gotten distracted and wandered off.

Zuli: "Ciel, where'd you go?!"

I looked over the pond to see my brother talking to a man.

Ciel: "Hey, mister. Today's my birthday! Exciting, huh?"

I walked over to them.

Zuli: "Ciel, mother told us not to go past the pond. You'll get lost."

I turned to the man who gave us a friendly smile.

Zuli: "Please forgive him, sir."

Man: "It's quite all right, young lady."

Rachel: "Zuli, Ciel! There you are. I'm sorry."

Man: "Not to worry, madam. Your children are quite charming."

Ciel: "Mother said that since it's my birthday, I get to sleep in the same room with her and father tonight. And she's going to read me as many stories as I want."

Mother and I stood there smiling as Ciel shared this information with such excitement.

Ciel: "And it's my sister's birthday in a few days too. We're going to have a party together."

Man: "That sounds like fun. Happy birthday to you both. Well, good day."

Rachel, Zuli & Ciel: "Good day to you."

The man left and I ruffled my brother's hair, teasingly.

Zuli: "Aww, look at my sweet baby brother, the social butterfly~"

Ciel: "Hey!"

Rachel: "Alright, you two, let's go home. Your father should be finished work by now."

Zuli & Ciel: "Okay!"

We took mother's hands and headed home together. The moment we walked through the front door...



Rachel: "Inside voices now."

Tanaka: "Welcome home, Madam."

Rachel: "Thank you."

If he's not busy, he usually comes to the front door when we announce our return. But nothing.

Ciel: "Tanaka, where's father?"

Zuli: "He's not still working, is he?"

Tanaka: "I don't believe so."

Zuli: "Let's go see in his study."

Ciel: "Mhm!"

I took my brother's hand and we ran upstairs to his study.

Rachel: "Coats-! Oh, well..."

Zuli & Ciel: "Father!"

But he wasn't in his study either.

Ciel: "Huh? Where is he?"

Zuli: "I sense a mystery..."

Ciel: "Su, is this another joke?"

Zuli: "Not that I know of, promise."

Sebastian: "Rrff."

We turned to see our dog sitting next to the door.

Ciel: "Hello, Sebastian."

Zuli: "What've you got there, boy?"

He trotted into the room and sat in front of us with a folded piece of paper in his mouth. I read it to myself, and the corners of my mouth twitched.

Ciel: "What? What's it say?"

I then put on the right act and read it with a nervous tone.

Zuli: "It says 'Send Help! I've been kidnapped by a terrifying monster! He lurks within the rose garden, preying on unsuspecting victims.'"

Ciel: "*gasp*! Is It from father?"

Zuli: "Yes, this is his handwriting."

Ciel: "What do we do? There's a terrifying monster in the garden!"

Zuli: "We have no choice, we have to save father. We're the only ones who can!"

Ciel: "Yes! Lead the way, Sebastian! Let's go rescue father!"

We ran back downstairs to the front door from where we came, passing mother and Tanaka on the way.

Rachel: "Zuli, Ciel, where're you going in such a rush?"

Ciel: "Father's been taken by a terrifying monster!"

Zuli: "We have to go save him!"

Sebastian: "Rarf!"

The three of us ran out the door without another word. Mother smiled, but Tanaka looked confused.

Rachel: "Oh, Vincent..."

Tanaka: "My lady, I don't..."

Rachel: "You need not worry, it's just a game. Please have a warm bath prepared for when they come inside."

Tanaka: "Of course, my lady."

Meanwhile, we stood just outside the snowy rose garden, looking in.

Ciel: "Are you sure the note said 'the rose garden'? This doesn't feel like the domain of a terrifying monster."

Zuli: "I know... It's too pretty, especially with the slowly melting snow. But it definitely said so."

Ciel: "What do we do now?

Zuli: "We go in together. Father's in there somewhere, but the terrifying monster is too."

I took his hand in mine.

Zuli: "Don't let go, baby brother."

Ciel: "I won't, Su."

Together, we bravely ventured into the monster's layer.

Ciel: "Father, where are you?!"

Zuli: "Shh! You have to be quiet, or the terrifying monster will hear you."

Ciel: "But how will we find him if we don't call out? What if he's hiding?"

Zuli: "We'll just have to look. But we never know what's lurking around the next corner."

We gasped and turned around as we heard a rustle in the hedge behind us. We lowered our voices to whispers.

Ciel: "... Maybe it was just a lizard."

Zuli: "Dummy, it's way too cold for lizards. No, that was something bigger..."

Sebastian: "RARF!"

We jumped and turned back around.

Zuli & Ciel: "Sebastian!"

Zuli: "*sigh* Come on, let's keep looking."

We only took a couple steps before we squealed as someone grabbed and picked us up from behind.

Vincent: "Ha-ha-ha! You're mine now!"

We let our guard down!

Ciel: "Father? Where's the terrifying monster?"

Vincent: "Silly children, I was the terrifying monster all along! And you fell right into my trap."

We laughed as he shook and tickled us, pretending we were being eaten.

Vincent: "I'm the terrifying monster who eats birthday boys and girls for supper."

Zuli: "Ciel's the birthday boy! He's the one you want!"

Ciel: "Suu!"

Vincent: "Nice try, Miss Phantomhive."

We both laughed as he pretended to eat us again.

Vincent: "But I know a party for two is coming up."

We managed to wriggle out and get a couple meters distance between us. I couldn't help but giggle as we turned to see him standing in a silly menacing pose.

Zuli: "Ciel, haha, I bet father has been taken over by the terrifying monster. That's why he looks so much like him."

Ciel: "Really? How do we change him back?"

Zuli: "If we defeat the monster, then father should go back to normal."

Ciel: "Oh! Then let's charge on three."

Zuli: "Good idea. One..."

Ciel: "Two..."

Zuli & Ciel: "Threee!"

We ran and together tackled father to the ground, and laughing as we shook him, trying to expel the monster. He went limp for a second, pretending to be passed out.

Ciel: "Father...?"

We laughed as he suddenly opened his eyes with a dramatic gasp.

Vincent: "Oh... Zuli, Ciel. What happened?"

Ciel: "You got taken over by a terrifying monster!"

Zuli: "But don't worry, we scared him off."

He sat up and squeezed us in a hug.

Vincent: "My little heroes, you're so brave."

We were so proud at our victory.

Vincent: "So, what did you do with mother today?"

Zuli: "We went to the shops, then played London Bridge with Aunt Red. And on the way home, she took us to the park."

Ciel: "Uh huh! And she told us about this Freese Festival that happens when the Thames become ice."

Zuli: "Haha, you mean the Frost Fair."

Vincent: "Ah, yes. I recall hearing about that when I was a boy too."

Ciel: "We had a snow battle at the park, and I won."

Zuli: "Rubbish! You got distracted, then it was time to come home."

Father laughed and stroked our heads as we gave each other pouty faces. We suddenly heard Tanaka calling us inside.

Tanaka: "Children! It's time for your bath!"

Zuli & Ciel: "Aww..."

Vincent: "Come on, you've been playing in the snow today. Time to warm up."

A little later that night, we had our baths, ate dinner, and around bedtime, we were sitting on my bed in our pyjamas.

Zuli: "Mother's going to read you all the stories you want tonight! Are you excited?"

Ciel: "Yeah, we're going to stay up aaall night!"

Zuli: "Ahah, that's a lot."

Ciel: "We're going to read so many stories tonight. We'll break the record."

Zuli: "Oh really? Because I bet you can't make it past three."

Ciel: "Yes I can! I'll go all the way to ten or more!"

Zuli: "Just because you're ten years old?"

Ciel: "Uh huh!"

Zuli: "Hahahah, you're silly."

He pouted at me.

Ciel: "No, I'm serious."

Zuli: "Alright then, but I'll be asking mother and father in the morning, and they'll tell me the truth."

Ciel: "Deal!"

Vincent: "Zuli, Ciel, time to say good night."

Zuli: "Yes, father."

Ciel: "Okay!"

Ciel hopped off my bed and I shuffled under the covers.

Ciel: "Mother, is it story time?"

Rachel: "Yes, dear. As many as you want until you fall asleep. Tonight's a treat after all."

Zuli: "Then will it by my turn, mother?"

Rachel: "Of course, I'll read you all you want."

She cupped my cheeks, and I smiled as she kissed my nose.

Rachel: "Sleep well, my dear. I love you."

Zuli: "I love you too, mother."

Father stepped forward and tucked my hair behind my ear, kissing my forehead.

Vincent: "Pleasant dreams, precious heart. I love you."

Zuli: "I love you too, father."

Ciel was excited for his stories, and he started to march out my room chanting...

Ciel: "We're going to read more than Su! We're going to read more than Su!"

Rachel: "Ciel..."

Ciel: "Huh?"

Rachel: "I know you're excited, but I think you've forgotten something."

They turned back to me.

Ciel: "Oh!"

He jumped back on my bed and I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

Ciel: "Good night, Su."

I kissed his cheek.

Zuli: "Good night, Ciel. I love you, baby brother."

Ciel: "I love you too."

I drifted to sleep with a smile on my face... I had a dream that night. It started off fun. Thinking about the day's events, how excited I am for our party with the whole family, and my turn for stories in our parent's bed. It got to a scene where I was standing in beautiful grassy plains, with white daisies dotted around.

Rachel: "Zuli, come to us, precious girl."

Vincent: "We love you so much."

Ciel: "We'll be together always, right Su?!"

Zuli: "Right!"

I laughed as a flurry of white feathers blew past me. But when I opened my eyes...

Zuli: "Wh-what?!

The lovely dream turned into a horrid nightmare as I watched my family burn.

Zuli: "No! Mother, father, Ciel!!"

I started running but froze as an anonymous voice echoed in my head...

???: "Forget about the girl! She's worthless anyway!"

The sound of my family's screams filled my head until I woke up, sweating and panicking.

Zuli: "NO-! *cough cough* What in the hell?!!"

I woke up to my room engulfed in flames. Out of terrified, instinct, I curled up and screamed for help.

Zuli: "MotherFather!"

No response. The moment I got out of bed, I felt intense burning on the bottoms of my feet. This could only mean the rest of the house is on fire to.

Zuli: "BUGGER!!"

I tried to ignore the pain as I ran to my parents' room where the three of them should be.

Zuli: "What's going on? How is this happening?! Mother, Father, Ciel!"

I made it to their room, but they were all gone.

Zuli: "No no no no! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

I ran through the house looking in every room until I got to the drawing room. There was someone sitting still in a chair in the middle of the room.

Zuli: "Who's there?! Mother, father?"

I took a couple steps forward, rubbed my stinging eyes, and I noticed what it was.


I fell to my knees, throwing up at the horrifying sight before me. Mother and father had been killed, their bodies mutilated and sewn together as one.

Zuli: "Mother, father! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!!"

All I could do was cry and scream to the heavens.


I felt my body go numb. The burning world around me started spinning. I felt sick. I wanted to wake up, I wanted to die, I wanted this nightmare to end one way or another!

Zuli: "Make it stop *cough cough cough*! Make it-- STOP!"

The mansion was still crumbling around me. More specifically above me. The reaction time was just long enough to open my eyes, blurred from tears. I couldn't move out the way, I couldn't brace myself or shield my face. I could only witness the last scene my left eye ever saw.


A burning hot piece of the ceiling fell and landed directly on my eye. It left a large burn mark on the skin around my eye.


I was in so much pain, I felt I was about to die too.

Zuli: "I can't see... someone help me... get me out of here!"

Everything changed however when I heard my brother scream from somewhere in the mansion. Worry for my little brother grew stronger than the burning pain on my face.

Zuli: "Ciel...? WHERE ARE YOUU?!"

Ciel: "Su!!"

I stumbled to my feet and listened again so I could find him.

Zuli: "Ciel... I'm right here, baby brother!!"

Ciel: "Suuu!!"

The foyer! I left behind the mutilated corpses of our parents and ran as fast as I could, a hand over my nose and mouth, and my stinging left eye shut tight.

Zuli: "Hold on, I'm coming!!"

Ciel: "Su, help meee!"

However, when I got there...

Zuli: "Ciel...? CIEEEL!!"

It was too late. There was no one to be found... The last thing I heard was my brother screaming my name...

Zuli (6): "Ciel, can you say 'Zuli'?"

Ciel (2): "Ssss..."

Zuli: "Zuu-lii. You try."

Ciel: "Su...ee."

Zuli: "No, not 'Su'. Zuli!"

Ciel: "Su!"

Zuli: "*sigh* He's not getting it."

Rachel: "Remember to be patient, Zuli."

Vincent: "He's only two, but he'll learn to say it properly one day."

I stared at my baby brother's smile. It was like sunshine mixed with honey. So bright and sweet, it would fill anyone with joy and love.

Zuli: "Haha, that's okay. You can call me Su."

Ciel: "Su! Su!"

Zuli: "I love you, Ciel. We're going to be together always!"

Always... always......

Zuli: "Where are you?!! Answer me, baby brother, PLEASE!!!"

No answer... Only the sound of my screams echoing and flames crackling throughout these crumbling halls.

Zuli: "Please no... don't leave me alone... WHERE ARE YOUUUU?!!!"

Panic took over once again as it was becoming near impossible to see and breath. I have to get out of here. Luckily, I was already in the foyer and the front door was right in front of me. I burst through it, the ends of my hair and nightgown getting singed. In addition to the pain in my heart, the pain all over my body was intense to. The bottoms of my feet were burned, and it was getting harder to run.

Zuli: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry mother... I'm sorry, father... I'm sorry, Ciel... If only I was quicker..."

I ran across the lawn, trying to get somewhere I could breathe clearly, even just a little. The further I ran from the fire, the darker it got, and I couldn't see where I was going. I stumbled and screamed as I tripped, falling to the ground. I didn't get up, I just lay there on the grass, sweating, coughing, and hyperventilating. I was in pain, scared, and confused.

Zuli: "Don... lee me... alone..."

My throat hurt from the scorching air, and my voice was raspy. I was tired and dizzy. On top of my avalanche of emotions, I was half blind, and I felt physically week. All I felt I could to was cry into the grass.

Zuli: "Ahehaaaa... don't leave me alone..."

Tanaka: "Master, my lady?! Anyone?!"

I put my head up to see a blurry silhouette.

Zuli: "T-Tanaka.... TANAKA HELP ME!"

He found me and knelt down to help me to my feet.

Tanaka: "Oh, Zuli, thank heavens you're safe!"

All I could do was tremble and cry as he held me securely.

Tanaka: "Where's your mother and father? And your brother?"

I just shook my head.

Tanaka: "No... not like this..."

I turned my head to see what could only be described as Hell's gate... My home caught in a blaze. And although the air was hot, I felt cold.

Zuli: "I'm scared, Tanaka! Why is this happening?!"

Tanaka: "It's okay, you're safe with me now... You're going to be alright."

Zuli: "B-but mother and father.... And Ciel... I need them."

There are five stages of grief. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Right then and there, when I finally had a chance to breath, and think, the denial set in, as I stared back at my world burning down in front of me. I wanted to convince myself this was all an illusion, a nightmare I could wake up from.

Zuli: "No... This... is a dream.... right? I'm still asleep..."

Tanaka: "Young miss..."

Zuli: "This all has to be a nightmare, right? Heh... after all... It's our birthdays, Ciel... You... you can't die on your birthday."

I stood up and started walking back towards the burning husk of my crumbling mansion.

Tanaka: "No, Zuli, stay with-"

Zuli: "THIS ISN'T REAL!! I DIDN'T see the mutilated corpses of my parents! And my baby brother didn't just VANISH...!! This can't be real... THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! IT WAS SNOWING JUST A FEW HOURS AGO!! HOW THE HELL DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?!!"

I fell back to the ground on my hands and knees, tears falling down onto the ash sprinkled grass. Tanaka hurried and knelt down at my side.

Tanaka: "Zuli...!

Zuli: "Tell me, Tanaka... Please! TELL ME MY FAMILY'S STILL ALIIIIIVE!!"

He stared back at me, his heart bleeding for me, before gently pulling me into a secure hug.

Tanaka: "I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry..."

As I sobbed into Tanaka's comforting empathetic hold, the realization hit that if this was a dream, I would have woken up long before now. No mere nightmare hurts this much and dares to carry on. This is real. This is all real. In one night, I lost everything. My home, and the three people I cared for the most in this world, just gone. The realization set in, that I was all alone, and as of tonight, I'm the last living Phantomhive.

Zuli:"Damn it... Damnit damnit damnit DAMN IIIIIIITTT!!! AHHHHHHAAHAAAAAAH!!!"

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