Welcome To UA High

By Justromy5

8.7K 342 92

"Welcome to UA High. The prestigious school that's turned out some of the world's greatest heroes. I'm runnin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 26

102 3 0
By Justromy5


Upon entering the building, they already saw a few people going through some boxes.

"Man, there's so much stuff here I don't even know where to start." Kirishima says while going through a box.

"Just get what you need for 3 days." Bakugo says while picking up cooking utensils and some food before looking over at the girls frowning "HEY! Put that back raccoon eyes!" he yells while watching Mina slowly trying to put something in her bag.

"But we might need it!" she whines while placing the item back in one of the boxes pouting.

"And why in the hell would you need that shit for?!"

"You never know." She shrugs.

Giggling Uraraka pats her on the back "I agree Mina. I don't think we will really need a portable DVD player."

"UGH FINE! You guys are no fun." she waves her hands in the air.

Smiling Kirishima looks at what they already have. "Wow man you really know what you're doing huh."

"It's really not that damn hard dumb ass."

"Oh yeah I forgot that you and your family like doing this kind of stuff." Kirishima says.

"Doing what?" Mina says as the girls walk to stand next to them.

"None of your damn business."

Slouching her shoulders Mina rolls her eyes mumbling "Always so cranky."

"Alright now that we have most of what we need make sure to grab a sleeping ba-"Bakugo turns around already seeing all three of his teammates with smiling faces clutching their sleeping bags waiting on him. He rolls his eyes seeing Kirishima with a red sleeping bag and both Mina and Uraraka clutching pink ones. Looking through the pile of new sleeping bags he pulls out an orange and black one smirking.

"Um hey so where will we sleep?" Mina asks looking through the rest of the things.

"I think the tents are over there." Uraraka says pointing towards the far wall as they start walking there.

"So, how will this work? Do we get one or..." Looking at the two girls Kirishima sees both of their cheeks with a hint of pink.

Panicking he waves his hands in front of them "We can always get more if that makes you feel more comfortable!"

Giggling Uraraka covers her mouth at seeing Kirishima looking flustered and looking at Mina. 'How cute.'

"Obviously we're getting two. Now stop acting like a damn idiot and come help!"

Tilting her head Uraraka looks at Bakugo "Two?"

"Yeah, fuckin two. That way the girls can have one and we can sleep in the other. I don't wanna have to deal with all that shitty girly stuff." He says as the boys finish gathering everything up.

"Um excuse me. Girly stuff?" Mina says, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yeah you know your typical girl crap-"Pointing his finger at their direction without even looking as they finish packing everything up "and don't give me those damn faces we all know you guys take the longest to get ready in the morning."

Sticking their tongues out at him they crossed their arms annoyed.

Kirishima shakes his head discreetly trying to get his friends attention to stop talking.

"What? I don't wanna smell girly morning breath. Or deal with their morning crap." Bakugo simply says shrugging his shoulder in a matter-of-fact way.

Smacking himself in the head Kirishima just groans "DUDE!"

"MORNING BREATH?!" Both girls exclaim in unison.

Offended they both glare at them "rude." Before they both storm out.

"Great.... now you did it." Kirishima sighs making his way out.

Lifting an eyebrow Bakugo straps on his bag and follows "Did what?"

As they all make their way into the forest, they see the girls waiting on them both looking irritated.

Taking a deep breath Kirishima looks sideways at Bakugo who just looks bored. As they stop in front of them Kirishima clears his throat. "Alright." Clapping his hands together in excitement "So who's ready to beat this thing?!" Only met by silence he starts chuckling nervously "Alright..."

Walking past him Bakugo just starts walking ahead "Let's get a fuckin move on and get this shit over with. We better make it back first. If you can't keep up, I'm leaving your asses behind."

Sheepishly smiling at them he jogs to catch up with him. Looking over his shoulder he sees the girls following behind them while talking to each other glaring at them.

Looking at their path ahead he simple sighs "Dude remind me to teach you how to talk to girls."


"Are we there yet?" Mina groaned after they'd already been walking in the forest for a couple hours.


"How about now?"

Gritting his teeth Bakugo glared back "No. For the millionth time." Before refocusing his attention to the front.

"Hmmm how much longerrrr?" Uraraka whined slouching her shoulders.

"Hopefully not too long."

"But how longggg?"

"Just an hour or two longer. Don't you guys have your damn watches on?" he looked over his shoulder annoyed.

"We do." Uraraka smiled.

"But we figured you already knew where you were going. So, we trust you." Mina finished with a smile.

Rubbing his temple, he just clenched his fists. 'Stay calm Katsuki. Just breath.'

"Unless you're lost that is...." Uraraka says innocently looking at their surroundings.

Whirling around he glared at her. "And why the fuck would you think I would get lost?"

Shrugging her shoulder, she glanced at Mina for a second who was smirking before continuing. "Well, it's just that... we've been walking for a while now and haven't as so much as seen one flag..." she carefully looked up at him slightly flinching at how dangerous his eyes looked. "But if you don't know that's fine."

Huffing, he stomps over to her before turning around and pointing towards a large mountain. "See that huge ass mountain over there? That's where the fuck we're going! Now, anymore dumb ass questions?!" He flicks her on the forehead before looking between the two girls. "Ok, now move your asses!" He turns back around making his way to the front.

Uraraka rubs her forehead pouting "Meanie."

Ten minutes later...

"Are we there yet?"

Slowly breathing in and out Bakugos eye keeps twitching "No!"



"Dude I really have to go." Kirishima says urgently.

"OK. THAT'S IT!" He stomps his foot letting off small explosions. "WE'RE TAKING A DAMN BREAK. BUT AFTER THAT YOU GUYS BETTER GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!" and with that he makes his way towards one of the trees throwing his bag down and slumps against the tree trunk closing his eyes.

"YAY!" Everyone cheers as Kirishima drops his backpack quickly making his way through the forest.

Taking off their backpacks they let out a relieved sigh before sitting down on the grass and pulling out something to eat and drink.

Uraraka looks to where Kirishima ran off to then towards Bakugo who had his eyes closed and resting his arms on top of his knees.

"He looks peaceful, doesn't he?" Mina points out.

"Eh?" Startled Uraraka looks sideways at Mina who was eating an apple.

Nodding her head towards him Mina continues "Bakugo. That's what you were looking at right?"

Sheepishly scratching the back of her neck "Bakugo? No, it's not like that. I was just checking to see where the guys were is all."

Lifting an eyebrow Mina stared at her for a moment before continuing eating. "Yeah, I guess Kirishima really had to go huh." She giggled. "But going back to Mr. Explosion Murder...sometimes it's hard to believe that that peaceful looking boy is the complete opposite when awake huh."

"Uh...I guess." Uraraka looks down taking a bite of her apple.

"You know..." Mina says looking at him rather thoughtful. "Now that I think about it...maybe Ema might be right."

"Right?" Uraraka blinked "Right about what?"

"That Mr. Bakugo isn't bad to look at." She says with a wink.

Widening her eyes at her "Mina!"

Letting out a laugh she just playfully shrugs "What? I mean you don't think so?"

Looking back at him Uraraka can't help but feel her cheeks warming up before looking away. "I-I... don't know...I mean...I guess...maybe...I don't really know..."

Letting out another laugh Mina just nudges her "Relax babe I'm just teasing. But I still stand by what I said...he's not bad to look at, you know...when he's not yelling. No wonder someone like Ema has her eyes on him."

Frowning Uraraka snaps her head up to look at her. "What does that mean?"

Finishing her apple Mina leans back on her elbow. "Oh, you know. Girls like that are always looking for someone like Bakubro."

"And... he likes girls like that?" Uraraka couldn't help but ask. She immediately realized what she said and continued "I mean of course he would right, after all they're dating."

"Huh. You know...I don't really know to tell you the truth. I mean yeah, I hang out with them and all from time to time, but I never heard him talk about girls before." She paused thinking before smiling at her "Unless we're talking about battles or fighting." She smiled.

"Huh." Uraraka looked back at the sleeping boy.

"But from what I heard the guys say, is that when it comes to dating and girls, he's probably got them all beat." Mina said looking at her nails.

"Yeah..." Uraraka thinks back to when she heard the guys walk through the door talking about that very subject. 'Well, I guess that makes sense.'

"But anyways I wonder how long we get to rest for."

Finishing her meal, she let out a sigh. "Probably not long."

Nodding towards him Mina grins "Well at least it's nice to see you guys aren't trying to kill each other anymore."

"I wouldn't say that." Uraraka frowns.

"You should ask him?"

Now clueless she blinks at her "Ask him?"

"How long we can rest for." Mina smiles

"Oh." She nods before widening her eyes. "Wait why me?"

"Because you're his partner." Mina points out "And with being his partner comes great responsibilities." She giggles.

"Hey guys!" Kirishima walks by throwing himself down. "Man, this feels good."

"Don't forget to eat something." Mina says, laying down next to him.

Exhaling, Uraraka stands up dusting herself off and walking towards her partner. As quietly as she could she sat down next to him. After a minute she looks at him from the corner of her eye. 'He really does look peaceful.' Not realizing it, her eyes softened, and a small smile found its way to her lips.

"Take a fuckin picture why don't you." He says with his eyes still closed. Uraraka just gawks at him "What the fuck do you want round face and stop looking like a damn idiot already."

Horrified that she'd been caught she placed her hands on her cheeks. "How did you- "

"I'm just that awesome" Smirking he just stretches his arms before opening his eyes. "Plus, your ass is so damn loud I could hear you from miles away." He didn't want to admit that it was also her sweet scent that alerted him.

Looking down in embarrassment she sheepishly smiles "Oh...yeah sorry about that...didn't mean to wake you."

Tilting his chin up he looked at her "Can't blame you for looking."

"EH?!" Lifting her head up, her eyes widened.

"Like what you see?"

"Wh-what?" Shaking her head flustered "Yeah...I mean NO! I mean-"

Looking away Bakugo leaned his mouth against his arms feeling his lips curl. "Relax round-face. You didn't answer my question. What the hell do you want?" he said with a serious tone looking forward.

Trying to calm herself down. "Oh...um...I was just wondering how long we could rest for?"


"You do look tired. Didn't you get any sleep Bakugo?"

Scoffing "That's none of your business."

"Ok...well... I also wanted to say thanks."

"For what?"

"I know we haven't been the easiest, so I wanted to say thank you for being patient and letting us rest." She smiled at him.

Caught off guard, he simply stared at her for a minute before scowling. Clenching his he stands up "Whatever. Tell them we start heading out in 5 minutes." Before walking into the forest and leaving her staring after him.


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