
By Uniewski

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"It is said that when a werewolf becomes of age, they shall change, those that do not, do not belong in the p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter Twenty Seven

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By Uniewski

I left Klaus's place giving Caroline a call letting her and Alexis know the situation and given the situation they are to spy on my brother and make sure he does nothing stupid. He's damn lucky I know of a Vampire who I run into most of the time at the bar not far from my house. It was the only tavern in town that was creature friendly. "Rank's Tavern" was the name of the bar. Their drinks were fine, but their food was to die for. They also had humans who willingly off their blood and return receive protein from their feeders.

I parked in the back. It was my usual parking spot anyways and made my way in. It was packed as usual. I went up to the bar and preferred a beer as I looked around to see if I could spot the bastard. Spider is what I called him because he always wore black, his hair was black, and he definitely acted like one. After I finished my first beer, I got another one and left the bar area.

Sometimes he does have a crowd of human girls swarming all around him. This tavern had several rooms with beds and couches. I hated looking for a leach in the hay stack. Something I despised deeply. I searched a couple of rooms until I came to a lounge area and there he was with humans all around him. It was an all you could eat buffet of humans. He enjoyed it.

His eyes went from enjoying the pleasure of women all over him to meeting my eyes as he slightly jumped. "Oh Alec, hello. What made you come all this way to find me? Have you come to join me and these beautiful and delicious women? I can assure you their quite fun and taste devine" He said smirking showing off his fangs. "I'm afraid I'll have to pass Spider. I'm here on business"

His smirk turned into disappointment. "I'm not in the mood for business right now Alec. Can't you see I'm in the middle of something right now and since you won't join, you can leave." He said coldly. "Don't make me force you to get up for a small discussion Spider." "Fine then, have it your way Alec" Spider said getting up pushing the women right off of him as he grabbed a black robe to cover his naked body. "This better be fucking quick Alec. I was enjoying my time in there with my blood toys" He said angrily.

They both walked down the hallway half way before coming to a stop. "This is far enough. We'll talk here" Alec said. "What do you know about vampires wanting my dead brother's mate?" I asked. He had to know something. "What exactly do you mean Alec? There's always vampires digging up dead bodies for investigations or some type of family treasures. You need to be more specific." He spat. I huffed and explained minor details about Clair. I had to be careful what I said so I stated she was a hybrid. I didn't tell him what kind and how rare she was either.

"Well I might know of them and I might not know of them." "Damnit Spider just give me a straight answer!" I roared as my eyes went from its normal color to orange red as my lycan fangs flashed at him. All the sudden he started laughing at me. "You want to know so bad that you're getting so angry aren't you stupid mutt?" Spider teased which only pissed me of even more and it made him laugh more. "I'll tell you who it was, it was my asshole!" He said loud and proud. I didn't have time for games, so I flicked my claws out and dug them into his neck holding him high against the wall.

His laughing stopped and his body began to fill with fear. "Who's the bitch now you fuck bucket?" I asked while giving him a big smile. "Now tell me what kind of people go out of their way to dig up on particular grave and leave with the body. You said there's tons out there and you're not wrong about that, but the usual ones are looking for something very certain, or even small parts of evidence and they usually don't take whole bodies and these ones did take a whole body." I said watching the blood drip down his throat. "Alright, alright put me down and I'll tell you and then you're going to leave me the fuck alone you damn mutt." He said spitting blood at me.

I let him down as he covered his neck and began talking. " It must have been the Royal hunters and seekers then." "What the hell do you mean by that?" "Alec, do you not remember the story of the king and queen having a daughter that was taken from them when she was only 3 days old?" "Where are you getting at with this?" "Shut and let me finish Alec. I hate being interrupted." I shook my head and continued to listen. "The king and queen named their daughter Edith. The child was born with rarities so she was kept away from everyone and was heavily guarded when her parents weren't around. Word got out to everyone about the child and it wasn't exactly a good thing. It's one thing for people to want power, it's another thing if people were going to kill for it and both the king and queen knew that. So the child wasn't even safe while heavily guarded either because a werewolf happened to get their hands on one of the guards and used their uniforms to get into the castle and that's when it happened. That wolf kidnapped the child and that child was never seen or heard from again and they could never find the kidnapper either. The only reason everyone knows it was a wolf that kidnapped that child is because there was a witness and that witness was the boy who was supposed to marry Edith in the future. We aren't sure if his name because that was kept private. But this is all the information I can give you Alec. I don't know know what else to tell you but maybe they think your brother's mate is Edith. But what do I know, I'm just an immortal man who loves to dine on several mortal girls and use them for my own divine pleasure. Precious toys they are to me and blood bags when I need them to be . With that he walked away.

"FUCK!" I shouted. I quickly made my way out quickly pulling out my phone making a call to Caroline asking her if Klaus I left his house and she stated that he has been home all day and with that, I hang up the phone and called him. "Klaus we have a bigger problem than what I thought." I said nervously hearing him growl loudly. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked trying to maintain his lycan within him. "Clair might be the lost daughter of the King and Queen." I didn't hear anything for about a min and then he finally spoke. "It makes sense. I wish I hadn't been so careless where I burried her. I thought it was wise for her to be close to us, now I wished I had her body in the basement sealed away. They wouldn't have taken her then."

"They would've either way Klaus. They usually get what they came for and they're very hard to kill or knock out." "No brother, you don't understand, do you not remember us visiting a castle when we were kids? Father took us there because he had a meeting with the king about getting more land for us and that's when another close to our kind took advantage of us being there to kidnap their daughter" I paused after he said that. That's why Spider thought it was so funny when I asked. I had completely forgotten that we were there when it happened. "Klaus, we're you the one who was supposed to marry Edith one day?" I asked. Something didn't make sense. "No I don't think so, I have no memory of that and I don't think you were supposed to either. All I remember is that we were sat in the hallway while father spoke to the king and queen and I remember it being granted for more land and after that is when they found out their daughter was stolen. It makes sense way they hate us so much brother. It all makes sense. Alec, I believe they think we are the ones who kidnapped her. You know the pack that did!." Klaus yelled with some sort of hope in his voice.

"It's nice to hear that small piece of hope in your voice Klaus. But it's going to be rather difficult to prove that to them and they're not going to just let us in either. We need to go where I originally found Clair. You're going to have to come with me Klaus. I have a feeling we are going to have a little war with this pack."

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