Military Girlfriend

By Midnight_Writer97

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I didn't think you would mean this much to me. I was never suppose to fall so hard for you, but every time yo... More

Military Girlfriend
Military Girlfriend (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Epilogue

Untitled Part 35

10.6K 337 48
By Midnight_Writer97

Chapter 35: Jay's P.O.V

My ears pick up little beeping sounds, until I could no longer block them out. I peel one eye open and can't understand why it feels so heavy, as soon as it is about half way open a piercing light hits it, and it takes everything in me not to snap it shut all over again, as a pounding headache increases so bad I feel lightheaded and dizzy. With a couple deep breathes of waiting for this feeling to subside I open my other eye and blink away the haze. Taking in my surrounding of all white, I start to freak out as my heart rate increases. The beeping somewhere in the room getting louder with each thud against my chest. Where am I, what happen? I rattle my brain for anything to come but cant think of anything. Last thing I remember is eating lunch with the guys on base and then... nothing. As I observe myself, I see i'm on a white bed with itchy covers.

Is this a hospital? I look above me to see monitors all hooked up and then look down to my left arm to see an IV hooked up to me. The beeping that woke me and was only getting louder was my heart monitor. I start freaking out more as I can't remember anything to conclude of why i'm here outside of the dizziness I felt when I awoke. I try to sit up and get out but the pain in my chest and arm is killing me to the point where i'm gasping for oxygen and the dizziness returns all over again, making the headache pound harder against my temples. I move the ugly gown from my chest and see gauze wrapped around my chest. Fear washing over me as confusion fights with it. I have to find out what happened, was any of the guys hurt? Am I the only one? Does Shay know?


If she knew, wouldn't she be here? God I'd give anything to see her, to feel her embrace, to tell me everything is going to be ok. Just seeing her will calm me down, yet speed my heart at the same time. The effect she has on me is so strong.

And then it hits me, Shay's gone. She no longer wants anything to do with me, and that kills more than the unknown wounds I have.

I try and push the nurses call button, but realize my arms in a sling, great. More stuff wrong with me that I can't seem to figure out how I got. I sling my other arm over and breathe through the almost unbearable pain as I push the red outline of a nurse button. A woman comes over the small intercom.

"Is everything ok?" Her high pitch voice ask, but hearing that it's still an American accent calms my nerves.

"Um I don't know, what happened to me? I can't remember how I got here."

"Jay, welcome back sweetheart. You've had a lot of people worried sick about you, i'll be in right now to explain everything. Do you want me to call your aunt and girlfriend? I have them waiting in the lobby since we had to run more test and change your bandages."


"Why yes honey, the blonde girl. She says her name is Shay, she hasn't left this place since you've arrived."

My heart all but stops as I realize Shay is here, and is waiting for me. I forget the pain as my mind wanders with thoughts.

"Jay, you ok?" The nurse checks back in when I don't respond.

"I am now, please send them back."

"I will, but first I need to come in and look at how everything is."

Moments later a lady comes in, smiling bright with reassurance in her eyes, I can't wonder if its years of practice or she actually knows i'll be ok.

"Well it's nice to finally see you up, you got very pretty eyes." She smiles at me before I give her a smile and a thank you back.

"So what's the last thing you remember?" Her thinly plucked eyebrows scrunch together as she looks at my IV bag and monitors. I watch as she writes them down on my chart with a curt nod and strides over to me as she listens to my breathing.

"I was on base having lunch with the guys. That's the last thing I remember." M head pounds harder as I rack my brain for anything more.

"This may be hard to hear, are you sure you're ok to hear it?"


"I guess you and your team we're out in the tank when it got ambushed, the thing was under attack. I don't have all the details but I believe you guys got out to attack back and you almost got shot but one of the guys jumped in front of it. I don't recall his name since he wasn't one of my patients but I know he is ok now. I'm not too sure if anyone else was hurt, but I heard you saved a lot of your team with some good shots you got in. You sustained some serious injuries, one hit you in the chest damaging your lung and the other hit your shoulder. You're brain swelled at one point so the doctors put you in a medical induced coma to control the swelling. The good news is, your vitals are looking pretty good considering what all you've been through. They're not well enough to release you yet though. The memory loss your sustaining is normal in your case, but for safety precautions we will run some test to see how your brain is recovering. I know it's a lot to take in right now, but do you have any questions?"

"Yes, can you find out if any other of my team was hurt or killed?" My voice is shaky and horse as I prepare for the unknown.

She gives me a sad nod before asking if there was anything else she can get me. I ask for some water as extreme thirst takes over and some more pain meds for my head and bullet wounds. She puts in an order right away an hands me my water.

"Ill be back to check on you soon, but please take it easy." She's about to leave out the door completely as she rubs some hand sanitizer on her hands.

"Wait!" I can't get the words out soon enough and she turns on her heels to face me with raised eyebrows.

"Can you get my aunt and girlfriend please, Ive heard you can only have one person at a time but please make an exception." I plead.

She turns and looks out away from my room to the nurses station and smiles big back at me.

"Way ahead of you." She gives me a wink as she walks out.

Two sets of footsteps are heard approaching my door. The beeping noise and the hard thudding against my chest gets louder and harder. As I await for the love of my life to walk through the door within a moment.


A/N: Hi guys, again I apologize for my absence. I have had a lot going on. I've had presentations at school to do, and a senior project that was worth a ton of my grade. Luckily I got an A on it though!

Another sad thing that happened was my dog died, I found out she had cancer and a week later I found her on my couch not breathing, she had passed away and it really has been hard. But I spent my 18th birthday with her so it was an amazing last memory to have with her. Anyway sorry for my rant but I thought the update was needed. I got prom next Saturday so hopefully it goes well. My first and last high school dance I've ever and will attend. I got my cap and gown yesterday, and graduate June 19th. Pretty crazy, anyone have any advice? ;)

Thank you for all the support while I was gone, I love you guys.

Xoxo- Midnight_Writer97 :)

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