The Hunt

By lopaso11

118 1 0


The Hunt
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

6 0 0
By lopaso11

Akita's P.O.V.

   Akita woke in the middle of the night to the sound another wolf pack close by. Her mother was already awake and alert, her ears perked up and her eyes scanning the dense thicket of pines, which they thought would protect them from unwanted visitors.

   A slight breeze had begun to blow and Akita snuggled in closer to her mother. Suddenly she noticed that Kenai was missing, a surge of panic flashed through her chilled body. Akita looked around frantically and then in the distance she noticed the glowing eyes of who she assumed was her brother. But as the eyes moved closer it appeared that they would only the eyes of Kia, one of the younger females in the pack. Kia continued to walk until she had reached her mother.

   The look in Kia’s eyes let Akita know that something bad had happened. Naomi rose to her feet and walked out of the thicket in a desperate search for Kenai. Kia ushered Akita over to where she and a few other young wolves were laying. Akita snuggled in to the warm fur of Maya. She dosed on and off before completely falling asleep. She dreamed of a place where she and Kenai could run through the woods without any worries, a place where there was plenty of food, and plenty of space. 

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