The Last Burden

By nashlycam23

9.7K 351 55

"I hate you." Was all I could manage to say, given the fact that I was battling my emotions. I just lost all... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five

Forty Eight

113 4 0
By nashlycam23


I needed to get out of here. Staying wasn't an option. This place was crawling with evil beings that didn't know what mercy or justice was. They fed off on fear and consumed power. And the stronger they become, the less chance I will get at escaping.

It's now or never.

Unfortunate for me us Bishops tend to live in large buildings rather than private houses. It's easier to handle important things and stay close together in case of an emergency. And people will be less likely to come in and disrupt the place.

My brother was smart to bring me here. I have a very slim to no chance of escaping since this place was swarmed with Bishops and Darrians. And if everyone knew what my motives were, they were gonna do everything in their power to keep me in here.

"Athena. Do you have permission to leave your room?" A Bishop guard asked me as I exited out of my bedroom.

I froze in place before I glanced around, noticing he was the only one by my door.

"I always have permission if I need to visit Dr. Evans." I answered before crossing my arms over my chest.

He raised an eyebrow before eyeing me up and down suspiciously, debating if he should believe me or not.

"Blake do you copy?" He suddenly spoke into his walkie talkie, causing me to roll my eyes and lean against one hip.

Are they serious right now? What kind of orders did my brother give to our group? Did he tell the whole building about me? If so.... is everyone going to think I'm a traitor?

If I leave this building, I'm going to show everyone in the Bishop territory that I no longer want to be a part of them. That I'm choosing to find a new course in life and leave their protection and ways.

I was willing to risk that though, because the longer I stood in this building the more I realized I didn't want to be a part of it anymore. I was officially done with my gang. They're not here to protect me or keep me safe from monsters. Their goal is to force me to be here while Lino continuously r*pes and tortures me.

Why on earth would I want to be loyal to that?

I'm better off being on my own than staying here. Even though this is the only place I've ever known, I knew I no longer belonged here. The only reason I would stay would be for Blake. But he has changed. Everything has changed. And with them making connections with the Darrians it's only gonna get worse. I need to get out of here before it's too late.

"What's up Greg?" Blake spoke through the speaker as I clenched my jaw.

"Your sister wants to visit Dr. Evans. Do you approve?" He asked as there was a long pause.

"Sure. But follow her there." Blake responded as I stood up straight.

Thank you for falling into my trap brother.

"Alright. You heard the boss." Greg sighed as he stepped away from the door before escorting me towards the elevator.

I waited patiently for the elevator to arrive to the third floor before the doors slid open and Greg took the first step out. I followed shortly behind him, almost kicking his ankles with my shoe from walking so fast.

"What's the hurry?" Greg raised an eyebrow as he looked over his shoulder and peered down at me.

"I don't feel good. I know Dr. Evans can fix that." I lied before curling my arms around my stomach.

"Well don't trip yourself up while you're at it." He commented before he looked ahead and continued on his path.

"I won't." I smiled as I followed close.

"Please try to behave. The last thing I need is your brother breathing down my neck about you." He sighed as he neared the door.

"Why would I ever want to put you in trouble? I like you." I responded before I tripped and fell in his arms.

"I told you about your walking." He sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist while I dug in his side belt and grabbed a gun out of the case.

"Clumsy me." I chuckled before I reached behind my back and slid the gun in my jeans.

He looked at me with a slight grin before he opened the door and waited for me to get inside.

"Athena. We don't have an appointment together." Dr. Evans said as he looked up at me.

"Something feels off. I thought I'd stop by for you to check it out." I sounded convincing as he looked at me sharply before he sighed and nodded his head.

"Alright then. You can leave. I'll take care of her." Dr. Evans nodded his head before signaling me to sit down.

Greg looked at me one last time before he left the room, closing the door behind him shortly after.

"So what's bothering you?" Dr. Evans asked as he glanced up at me while I approached him.

"There's this ongoing pain in my back.... I.... I think there's something stressing it." I breathed as I reached my hand over and limped towards him.

"Well let me have a look." He said as he stood up before I whipped out the gun and aimed it at him.

His eyes grew wide as he took a step back, holding his hands in the air while I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah. You know what's going to happen here now don't you?" I hissed as he stared at the gun with horror.

"Athena.... Please.... Put down the gun. We can talk about this." He breathed as he took another step back while I made my way around the desk.

"I asked you for help, and all you did was hand me back over to Lino. Do you know what happened last night? Are you aware of the pain I went through?" I snapped as he gulped.

"You could of saved me. You could of saved yourself." I hissed as I clicked the safety off.

"Athena please! Don't shoot me! You know how valuable I am here." He begged as I grinned evilly.

"Which is why you're going to help me. Or else I'm putting every single bullet in between your head. Maybe then you'll ask yourself why you allowed Lino to r*pe me." I growled as I walked up to him and shoved the gun against his head, watching as he cringed.

"I'm so sorry Athena." He gasped as he cowardly leaned against the wall and trembled.

"You will be." I spoke darkly as he looked up at me in fear.

The wired phone rung loudly against the wooden desk, grabbing everyone's attention as the silence had finally been disturbed. I glanced over at Evans, waiting for him to answer it before he swallowed tightly and lifted up the black device.

"Dr. Evans' office." He spoke dryly, almost giving away his trembling voice.

"Hey man, I'm just checking in. How's Athena doing?" Blake's voice was heard over the phone, causing me to tap the gun against my knee.

"She's doing alright. Although I'm quite worried about her. She didn't look too good while she was here. I gave her some pain pills but I just ran out so I need to run into town and get more. Greg is taking her to her room so she can rest. I advice she sleeps for the rest of the day. Her energy was very low." Evans lied just like how I wanted him to, causing me to nod my head in approval.

"She wasn't acting suspicious?" Blake questioned while I raised the gun and pointed it right at Evan's head.

"N-no not at all. She was just very tired." Evans covered up as I bounced my knee.

"Alright. Thanks for the update. I'll inform Lino." Blake sighed as my ears perked.

"You got it boss. Take care." Evans said before he hung up.

"My brother may be smart. But he's also an idiot." I commented as I stood up and walked over towards Greg who was handcuffed against the chair.

"Athena, what you're doing is wrong. You're going against your own people." Evans tried to guilt trip me as I stood over Greg who flinched back.

"And my own people- allowed a complete stranger, to sexually abuse the most important sister in the family. Don't tell me what is right and what is wrong. You guys can barely apply it yourselves." I spat as he swallowed tightly.

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you Greg. I promise it's nothing personal. You're a good guy. You're just on the wrong side." I sighed as he looked up at me with fearful eyes.

He tried to speak but his mouth was full of one of Evans' many rags. I looked down at him sadly before I grabbed his face and moved it to the side, slowly injecting a syringe into his neck.

"At least you got the easy way out." I commented before Evan's shrunk in his seat.

"Athena- please. Your plan will not work. They'll catch you before we can even reach the door." He tried to convince me as I glanced over at him with rage in my eyes.

I then took off my clothes, catching him off guard before I peeled off the ones from Greg.

"The more you talk, the more tempted I am to shoot you in the leg." I spoke strongly as he kept his mouth shut while his eyes found the many bruises on my body.

"I don't get why you're supporting the Bishops anymore. Once Lino and his friends take over, you guys will be under their control. But you're all too hard headed to notice."

"You really think Harry is going to spare your life after you led them into that trap? They're going to kill you as soon as they see you. You're better off in here than out there." Evans defended as I put on Greg's army green pants.

"It doesn't matter if he hates me or not. What matters is I get away from you hypocritical people. I want no part of your ways anymore." I spat before I took off my large hoodie and exposed my long sleeve black shirt.

I then put my hair in a high pony tail before covering it with a green hat, shielding my identity from the cameras.

"How long do you think it'll take until your brother realizes he needs to kill you after betraying him?" Evans questioned as I paused.

"It doesn't matter if he's blood, he won't spare your life after you made multiple selfish mistakes." He warned as I looked away briefly.

"I don't need to defend myself to you. You're stubborn like a pig and you won't know what justice is even if it was standing right in front of you." I spat as he looked taken back.

"Now get up and follow the rest of the plan. Cuz you know damn well I won't spare your life if you mess this up." I threatened as I walked up to him and grabbed him by the neck, forcing him on his feet.

He sighed before he escorted me down the hall, taking me towards the emergency exit. I pushed the door open before we both walked down the flight of stairs, wasting no time to get to the bottom.

"There's going to be guards down in the front." Evans announced as we paused by the door.

"Would be surprised if there wasn't." I commented before I opened the door slowly and got a good look at the people who were outside.

Four of our Bishops were walking around the front entrance talking amongst themselves, being clueless to the world around them.

"Follow me." I ordered before I shoved him outside, causing him to stumble while I walked directly behind him, keeping my head straight.

"Don't talk. Just keep moving." I demanded as we went the opposite direction.

"Don't do this Athena. It's not worth your brother's wrath that he's going to have against you." Evans tried to persuade me again as we kept walking.

"For someone who seems to care so much about my actions, you do a sh*tty job at taking care of me." I seethed as he swallowed hard.

"You only care about your damn self Evans. So shut your damn mouth before I do it for you." I threatened before he walked faster.

As soon as we made it behind the wall I pushed him against it, causing him to wince before I held out my hand.


"What?" He looked dumbfounded as I glared at him.

"Give me the keys to your car." I demanded.

"That wasn't part of the plan." He mentioned before I slapped him hard across the temple with the gun.

"Does it look like I asked?!" I hissed as he groaned.

"Keys! Now!" I commanded before he reached in his pocket and handed it to me.

"Come on. We don't have much time." I urged as I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to the parking lot.

After finding Evan's jeep, I shoved him inside the passenger seat before climbing in the front and starting the car.

"Are you going to bring me with you now?" He asked as he peered over at me.

I glanced over at his bleeding temple, refraining myself from laughing before I put my seatbelt on.

"You think I trust you to not talk?" I asked obviously as his eyes grew wide.

"But Athena I can't go with you- they'll kill me." He gasped as he suddenly looked mortified.

"It'll clean my conscious a lot better that way." I spoke dryly before I sped out of the parking lot, making my way to the Violet King territory.

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