Omega's Bodyguard Jikook | Vm...

By lookin2book

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"J...Jungkook I think you should leave.." " What is wrong with you Jimin why are you suddenly behaving like t... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 Obsession.
chapter 3. Unrequited Love.
Chapter 4. Heart Break.
Chapter 5. warmth.
Chapter 6. Unconditional Love.
Chapter 7. Take Me Away
Chapter 8. I'm Yours (M)
Major Twist (not an update SorryπŸ™ˆ)
Chapter 9. "Brother's"
Chapter 10. Precious Baby
Chapter 11. Last Night?(M)
Chapter 12. Mine.
Chapter 13. Reality
Chapter 14. Power
Chapter 15. Fall in Love
Chapter 16 My World.
Chapter 17. Stay Away.
Chapter 18. Erotic. (M)
Chapter 19. Semblance.
Chapter 20. Love.
Chapter 21. Sinful (M)
Chapter 22. Object.
Chapter 23. leader.
Chapter 24. Ninja.
Characters of the Story
Supporting Role
Chapter 25. I want.
Chapter 26 The Plan
Chapter 27. Embrace. (M)
Chapter 28. Cheater.
Chapter 29. Scared. (M)
Chapter 30. His.
Chapter 32. Painfully Hopeful.
Chapter 33. My Omega.
Chapter 34. Grandmother
Chapter 35. Roses.
Chapter 36. Questions.
Chapter 37. Blossom Petals
Chapter 38. Why?
Chapter 39. Forever. (End)

Chapter 31. I'm With You.

1K 74 15
By lookin2book

Next morning...

Jungkook was pacing through the wide corridor of Park Corp's private wing, where nobody's allowed without permission, but Jungkook is exceptional, as everyone knows him as the CEO of the fastest-growing company in the world, but they also know him as someone closest to Mr. Park, even more than his own sons. 

Namjoon was also following his boss at the same pace, and soon, they reached the front of Mr. Park's cabin. Jungkook knocked on the door before going inside directly, and when he heard a firm come in, he walked inside without Namjoon, who was waiting for his boss outside protectively guarding the entrance.


Mr. Park immediately stood up from his leather chair with a wide grin on his old but handsome face when he saw his godchild walking through his cabin door.

He walked in the direction of the alpha with open arms and said.

"What a pleasant surprise, my son."

Jungkook bowed in respect, but two big and strong hands stopped him in his tracks firmly and pulled him in for a warm hug, which ended with a firm pat on the back of his shoulder. 

Jungkook smiled genuinely to see the person who actually supported him in Italy during the starting days of his mafia business, which helped him to grow this big in such a short period of time, and when people asked him for the secret behind his success, it was actually Mr. Park, who always supported him and helped him to leave, what Jimin's grandfather planned for him, just a slave assassin and just fight for Park's until his last breath, but Mr. Park fought with his father and supported the young alpha to be freed from the slavery. 

"Uncle, how are you?" Jungkook asked respectfully. 

"I'm perfectly healthy, son. Please come sit first." Mr. Park dragged the alpha towards the leather couches he had in his cabin.

They both comfortably sat down while facing each other. 

Mr. Park tapped the button of an extension telephone placed on the side table and asked for the two cups of coffee. 

"So how's everything going, son?" Mr. Park asked happily, 

"Everything is going well, uncle." Jungkook replied with hesitation, as he couldn't understand how he should start the conversation. 

"Great to know, and don't go anywhere else because you have to come home with me. Your aunty is missing you a lot and always asks me to call you to meet her because you never listen to her." Mr. Park exclaimed, and Jungkook scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. 

Just then, someone knocked on the cabin's door, and after getting permission, Mr. Park's assistant came inside with a tray, which had two cups of steaming hot black coffee and some snacks, and placed the tray softly on the table between them.

Then, the beta bowed respectfully before leaving them alone again.

Jungkook mustered the courage to speak about what he planned to confess about. So he starts talking when Mr. Park takes the hot cup of coffee from the tray.

"Uncle, I need to talk to you about something very important." Jungkook started the conversation and tried to go with it slowly. 

"Yes, Jungkook, please feel free to talk about whatever is on your mind." Mr. Park boosted his confidence.

"As you and Aunty always push me to get married and settle down with some ideal kind of Omega," Jungkook now starts moulding their conversation towards the actual part.

"Yes, did you finally find someone for yourself?" Mr. Park asked happily while sipping his coffee. 

"Yes, in actuality, I'm... I've been in love with someone for quite a long time." Jungkook confessed half of it.

"Oh! "Really, that's really good news, son, but who's the lucky omega?" Mr. Park asked teasingly and wiggled his eyebrows. 

Jungkook chuckled nervously and talked further. 

"Actually, he is one of the rare male Omega uncles." 

Mr. Park suddenly stopped smiling and snapped his head from his coffee to Jungkook.

"And his origin is also Korean." Jungkook continued hesitantly. 

Mr. Park eyeing the alpha with a little intimidating glare now, everybody knows the only male omega in Korea is Jimin. 

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the cabin turned gloomy, and Jungkook was feeling suffocating. He loosened his tie and unfastened the first two buttons on his shirt collar. He could see that Mr. Park got the hint.

So the younger alpha sighed before completing what he started. 

But before he could've said anything, Mr. Park talked with his deep voice, something that made the alpha widen his eyes, and he choked on his own saliva. 

"Is that rare male omega of yours is my Jimin?"

Jungkook starts sweating. There is no doubt that Jungkook is more powerful than Parks today, but he respects Mr. Park so much and sees him as his father. Though he doesn't know that he is his godfather, he is grateful for the love and support he got from Mr. Park.

Jungkook shut his eyes tightly and hung his head low. He didn't want to see any disappointment in those old eyes today, which always held pride for him.

"Does Jimin know about this?" Mr. Park asked with a serious face. The coffees on the table long forgotten, he leaned forward, placed both of his elbows on his knee, and looked straight into Jungkook's eyes.

"Yeah, uncle, we both share the same feelings for each other from the past two years." Jungkook stated with confidence.  

Mr. Park starts rubbing his forehead with his right hand while leaning forward in the same position, then sighes before standing up from his position and walking towards the wide window of his office, from which you can see one of the coastal lines of Busan. He stands there with his hands in his pockets, his back facing Jungkook.

Jungkook rubbed his face frustratingly with both of his hands, then leaned backward and placed his head on the backrest of the couch. 

"Jungkook, I hope you understand what you're talking about?" 

Jungkook replied,


without moving from his place. 

"And I also hope that you're clearly aware of how he is happily married to Taehyung?" Mr. Park questioned with the same dominating voice.

Jungkook sat straight on the couch on this statement of Mr. Park that Jimin is happily married with that alpha.

"I'm afraid to say that, but I'm totally disagreed with you on this." Jungkook said firmly. 

Mr. Park turned to face the alpha with a frown.

"What do you mean by that?" Mr. Park asked in confusion. 

Jungkook also stood up from his place and walked towards Mr. Park's direction with a serious and tired look on his face.

"He is married to that alpha uncle, but he is not happy with this marriage." Jungkook elaborates with calmness. 

"How can you say that Jungkook, my omega son, never told me about anything?" Mr. Park was offended by Jungkook's statement.

"I'm sorry, uncle, but he never wanted to marry Taehyung."

"We were in love before this marriage, but because of the family reputation, he agreed to this arrangement."

Jungkook explained with sad-looking eyes, and hid the real truth behind all of it, that how Vernon revenge him and now because of his dirty revenge everything is a mess in their lives.

He had some tears brimming on the edges of his eyes.

Mr. Park placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and patted it softly.

"You guys should've come to me." Mr. Park shook his head and sighed, then pulled the young alpha into his embrace and softly patted his back to comfort him.

"Please help me, uncle." Jungkook requested. 

Mr. Park pulled out of the hug and stared at the young alpha.

"What kind of help do you want from me, my son?" The older alpha asked.

"That I'll tell you when the time comes, but until that day, I just want your consent." Jungkook expressed.

"What consent?" Mr. Park was confused. 

"Help me so that I can take my Jimin back from him!"

Mr. Park froze at his place by the bold statement of the young alpha, whom he always admires the most but can't do much for his entire life. He couldn't comfort him when he was a little boy and needed a family's affection, or mend his wounds whenever he hurts himself because of the intense training. 

The child who never experienced anything he deserved in his life but only faces the hard reality of the Mafia world at his young age

When, for the first time in his whole life, this young alpha asks for his support to get his love back, how can he not agree with him? Maybe this will be the chance to overcome the guilt he was carrying in his heart for the unfulfilled promise he made to his best friend. 

Jungkook was staring deeply into his eyes with desperation, knowing that if he didn't agree today, then nothing would help him to get the love he was yearning for, back in his life.

Mr. Park caresses Jungkook's cheek with adoration and softly nods with a soft smile on his face.

Jungkook's face lit up with happiness and excitement, and slowly, a smile crept onto his face.

"Yes, my support is with you. But I have a condition." Mr. Park said while raising his index finger. 

Jungkook frowned but still nodded in a gesture that he was listening. 

"I'm with you in this, but only when what you're stating is true." And Jungkook nodded his head aggressively with happiness and thanked Mr. Park hundreds of times before leaving.


Jimin squinted his eyes before opening them in a bright white room, a continuous beep sound was like someone hammering on his head, he whined before holding his throbbing head with his right hand, which was connected with the IV niddle, then he tried to sit straight with the help of his left hand, but before he could sit, someone embraced him in their arm. It took some time for Jimin to recognise the scent of his husband, who was hugging and kissing his head.

Soon, Taehyung pulled out of the hug and sat in front of him while still holding Jimin's small hands in his softly and smiling contentedly. 

Jimin frowned and didn't understand why he was in the hospital, or, secondly, why Taehyung was smiling at him, so he decided to ask. 

"What happened, Alpha?"

Taehyung didn't answer him and just leaned forward to pull Jimin into another hug. He started rubbing Jimin's back fondly and then started kissing over his scent glands and mumbled.

"Thank you, my love." "Thanks for giving me the happiness I have been yearning for so long." Taehyung whispered on his shoulder, but he couldn't understand why Taehyung was thanking him. So he asked again.

"Why are you thanking me for Alpha, and what happened to me?" "Why am I here?"

Taehyung sat straight and cupped Jimin's soft, blushy cheeks in between before telling him everything. 

"You're pregnant, baby, you're pregnant with our child!" Taehyung chirped excitedly and again pulled the frozen omega into his embrace.

Jimin's right hand immediately went to his abdomen, and he started rubbing it there lovingly. A tear rolled down his rosy cheeks, and the next word of Alpha made him burst into more tears.

"I'm so happy we finally made it. We finally made this. I love you. I love you, my angel."

And Taehyung kissed Jimin's forehead lovingly. 


I know... it's getting a bit sad.


Whose baby is this exactly? Any guesses?

What will be the Jungkook's reaction when he learns about this? 

It's getting so complicated.

Anyways, thanks for your love, support, and comments, they truly motivate me.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

Love you all.


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