๐ƒ๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐–๐š๐ง๐ง๐š ๐๐ž ๐˜๏ฟฝ...

By chaennie-abyss

46.6K 983 176

๐‚๐ก๐š๐ž๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ '๐ฌ ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐จ๐ง ๐š ๐ฌ๐ค๐ข๐ง ๐Ÿ๐ฅ๐ข๐œ๐ค. ๐’๐ก๐ž ๐ฆ๐ž๐ž๐ญ๐ฌ ๐‰๐ž๐ง๐ง๐ข๐ž ๐จ๐ง ๐ฌ๏ฟฝ... More

โ–ธ introduction.
โ–ธ characters.
โ–ธ chapter 2.
โ–ธ chapter 3.
โ–ธ chapter 4.
โ–ธ chapter 5.
โ–ธ chapter 6.
โ–ธ chapter 7.
โ–ธ chapter 8.
โ–ธ chapter 9.
โ–ธ chapter 10.
โ–ธ chapter 11.
โ–ธ one-shot 1.
โ–ธ one-shot 2.
โ–ธ one-shot 3.
โ–ธ one-shot 4.
โ–ธ one-shot 5.

โ–ธ chapter 1.

4.5K 107 24
By chaennie-abyss

Chapter 1

"Cut!" the director yells, causing the assembled crew and performers to groan. "I swear to God, Teddy, is it really so fucking difficult to keep the boom out of the shot? All right, take five then reset. Jesus."

Hyunsuk slumps back in the canvas chair and snaps his fingers at Chaeyoung, hovering as she is behind his shoulder. She sighs inwardly and leans down, iPad in hand. "Yes?" she asks, schooling her voice to patience.

"Get me a coffee. Black. Four sugars."

She bites back her initial reaction and murmurs with faux-sweetness, "Coming right up."

As she walks over to catering (that's an overstatement, it's literally a trestle table laid out with an assortment of baked goods sweating under the studio lights) she takes a few calming breaths.

This is just for a few days, she keeps telling herself, even if she has to compromise her integrity for the duration. Because she needs the money and, well, it's work experience. It doesn't make her a bad feminist. Sighing again, she pours the coffee and begins scooping heaps of sugar into it.

"Sweet tooth, huh?"

She hadn't heard anyone approach and the husky quality of the woman's voice jolts Chaeyoung, causing her to miss the mug with the spoon entirely. She curses under her breath and it's met by soft laughter.

She looks up from the sugary mess to catch sight of bright chestnut eyes. She blinks and refocuses.

The woman standing beside her is gorgeous.

"It's not for me; it's for Hyunsuk."

"Our glorious leader," the woman says, heavy sarcasm underlining her words. She sweeps a hand through her long brunette hair to move it off her face. "He thinks he's some fucking auteur because he wears a turtleneck. He's an asshole."

Chaeyoung hums her agreement and returns her gaze to the coffee, measuring one last scoop of sugar and stirring the disgusting concoction.

"You're new, right?" the woman asks.

"Just started today."

"This your first shoot?"

"Yes." Chaeyoung tries to strike an air of nonchalance. "I mean, I've worked on a couple of student films before but nothing like this."

A smile tugs at the brunette's lips. "It can be pretty... eye-opening to begin with but you'll get used to it."

"What is it you do around here?" Chaeyoung asks, out of politeness.

The other woman's smile widens and she leans her hip against the edge of the table. She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth as she looks at Chaeyoung as if gauging her. "I'm an actress."

"Oh." For the first time, Chaeyoung takes in the fluffy white toweling robe that she's wearing and her eyes widen slightly as the realization sinks in. "Oh."

"Yeah, I'm used to that reaction."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be—" Chaeyoung says quickly, a hard blush flaming her cheeks. "Sorry."

The woman doesn't appear to be offended. If anything she seems delighted by Chaeyoung's flustered expression. She reaches out, touches Chaeyoung's wrist and Chaeyoung tries to ignore how her skin tingles.

"Hey, relax. It's—"

"Everybody back to their places!" Hyunsuk shouts through the loudspeaker, making Chaeyoung jump and nearly spill scalding hot liquid over herself. Considering there are only eight members of cast and crew and the studio is tiny, the loudspeaker is completely unnecessary. "Where the fuck is my coffee? Chaeyoung!"

The woman retracts her hand.

"Guess we'll be seeing more of each other. Chaeyoung."

She shrugs off the robe, letting it pool to the floor. She isn't wearing anything underneath and Chaeyoung feels heat flood her body as the woman saunters away, casting a lingering glance over her shoulder as she goes.

"I'm Jennie, by the way."

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

Chaeyoung likes to think of herself as a progressive person.

She believes in sex positivity and women having full autonomy over their bodies without enduring the indignity of slut-shaming. That it's possible for those employed as sex workers to make an informed choice without experiencing exploitation and to be supported unconditionally as strong, independent women. But on another level, she finds this whole shoot deeply sketchy.

The only things that make her feel better about her involvement are the fact that, aside from Hyunsuk and Teddy, the cast and crew are all female and there are strict rules in place for the performers: nobody does anything they're uncomfortable with; everyone got screened to make sure they were clean of STIs before production began, and sexual contact with boyfriends or girlfriends or extracurriculars with co-stars while filming is forbidden.

Still, she's struggling to reconcile her feelings about it when beside her Hyunsuk is barking instructions in the crudest of terms.

Jennie isn't making things any easier for Chaeyoung's ethical turmoil. Because, objectively speaking, Jennie is hot. Not in a stereotypical, plasticky, Barbie doll kind of way. She's slim but curvy; she has naturally full breasts and wide hips and actual hair between her legs. As in, a decent coverage of dark brunette waves. Chaeyoung hates herself for noticing but it's impossible to pry her eyes away because, honestly, she hasn't had sex since left to go to grad school last fall and there's a very naked, very attractive woman being enthusiastically eaten out in front of her.

It also doesn't help that Jennie keeps making totally inappropriate eye contact with her.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

"So how was your first day?"

Chaeyoung looks up from the iPad, where she's been making notes about tomorrow's shooting schedule, to see Jennie approaching. Mercifully, she's fully clothed—an oversize black band t-shirt hanging off one shoulder, tight blue skinny jeans, and beat-up motorcycle boots. The purple strap of her bra is visible and Chaeyoung's eyes stray to it for a second.

"Fine. I only feel like punching Hyunsuk ninety percent of the time."

"He's a real charmer." There's a lull where they both just look at each other then Jennie tilts her head. "Some of us are going for drinks downtown. Wanna come?"

Chaeyoung has a paper to write for Friday, not to mention a huge basket of laundry to get through, but the (hopeful?) smile on Jennie's face makes her hesitate. "Who's us?"

"Jisoo, Irene, her boyfriend Suho."

Chaeyoung blinks. "Boyfriend."

Not an hour ago she'd witnessed Irene going down on another woman like it was second nature.

"Just because she exclusively does girl-on-girl doesn't mean she's gay." Jennie shrugs. "Suho doesn't like her doing scenes with guys."

"Let me guess. It doesn't count as real sex if there isn't a penis involved." Chaeyoung's sarcasm sounds overly aggressive, even to her own ears. She doesn't know why she's riled up. It's really none of her goddamn business.

Jennie's eyebrows shoot up. "Okay. You know what? Forget about it." She lifts her hand in a half-assed wave.

She's halfway to the door before Chaeyoung calls out, "Wait." She shifts her stance. "That was rude of me. I don't know them or the parameters of their relationship and I shouldn't judge."

Jennie turns around and takes a few steps back towards Chaeyoung.

"For the record, nothing we do here is real. There's no emotional connection. It's mechanical; basic stimulus and response."

Jennie moves closer still and Chaeyoung finds herself backing up until her rear bumps against the trestle table. She grips the edge to steady herself, her eyes never leaving piercing brown ones.

"If I was fucking someone for real you'd know because I wouldn't be able to hold back. What you see me do in front of the camera isn't even a tenth of what I'm capable of."

It sounds like a promise. Or maybe a threat.

Jennie's eyes flick down to Chaeyoung's lips then back up. There's something unreadable in her stare and it makes Chaeyoung's palms break out in a sweat.

"See you tomorrow, rookie."

Only once the door shuts behind Jennie does Chaeyoung let out the ragged breath she's been holding.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

"Didn't expect to see you back," Jennie smirks at Chaeyoung, disrobing as if it's nothing. "Thought you might bail."

Chaeyoung concentrates super hard on keeping her gaze above Jennie's shoulders, at least until she settles into position on her hands and knees. Jennie wiggles her ass at Jisoo, who scoffs and adjusts the straps of the harness.

Chaeyoung categorically doesn't look at the six inches of thick, lurid green silicone that's protruding rudely between Jisoo's thighs, glistening with lube, or the way that Jisoo's hands settle with familiarity on Jennie's hips, lining her up.

"And... action!"

The sound of the clapperboard makes Chaeyoung flinch and she tries to ignore the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach that accompanies it.

She can be professional about this. She can disassociate and focus on the technicalities. She can... Except that Jennie is staring right at her, biting her lip and rolling her hips backward and Chaeyoung suddenly thinks she might pass out.

"I need some air," she mumbles, passing the iPad to Hyunsuk.

"What the fuck?" he hisses but she doesn't stay to hear the rest of his tirade.

She stumbles out of the studio into dazzling sunlight and slumps against a whitewashed wall. It takes a few minutes for her heart rate to plateau, for her breathing to return to normal. When it does she feels mortification set in. She can't go back in there.

She isn't sure how long she stands in the parking lot until she hears the door open.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Jennie is beside her, robe tied, arms crossed over her chest. Her brow is furrowed, mouth downturned.

Chaeyoung nods, just the slightest lift of her chin. "I'll just be another minute."

"Chaeyoung, maybe you should quit. You're obviously having difficulty with..." Jennie makes a vague hand gesture. "It's not for everyone."

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine. You just had, I'm guessing, a panic attack."

Chaeyoung's jaw tenses and she stares fixedly forward. An unexpected touch to her bicep causes her to look at Jennie. She's standing so close that Chaeyoung can feel the warmth of her body and she can't help noticing all the tiny details of her face: the beauty mark below her eyebrow, the clear brown of her eyes framed by thick lashes. For a second Jennie appears similarly transfixed, lips parted and eyes wide.

They're interrupted by Mang, the camera operator, poking her head out the door. "Guys, Hyunsuk's going apeshit."

Jennie sighs. "We'll be right there."

She looks to Chaeyoung for confirmation and Chaeyoung gives a subtle nod before following her inside.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

It takes Chaeyoung a few minutes to work up the courage to knock on the dressing room door. It's more of a glorified broom closet, really, and the performers take turns getting changed in the cramped space.

She hears a muffled, "Come in."

Jennie's sitting at the mirror applying her 'civilian' makeup. When she's not working she favors a smokey eye and pale lip. She flashes a smile at Chaeyoung and replaces the cap on her tube of lipstick, "Hey."

"Hi." Chaeyoung shoves her hands into the back pockets of her ripped jeans. "I wanted to apologize for yesterday. You must think I'm an idiot."

"I don't. You're uncomfortable with the situation."

Jennie gets to her feet and takes Chaeyoung's wrist, tugging her further into the room. The door shuts behind her with a click. The space seems even smaller now with Jennie standing right in front of her, near enough that Chaeyoung could count her eyelashes (which she definitely is not doing).

"You're also hot as fuck and if we'd met under different circumstances I would've had you underneath me already," Jennie continues with a sly smile.

Chaeyoung gapes slightly.

"Come on. I see you looking at me." Jennie lets go of Chaeyoung's wrist and runs a hand up her arm and across her shoulder, smoothing over the soft flannel of Chaeyoung's shirt. "I can't do anything about it because I'm under contract but two days from now? We can do whatever the hell we want to each other."

Something like a soft whimper escapes Chaeyoung's throat and the glint in Jennie's eye turns feral. She leans closer, her lips brushing the edge of Chaeyoung's jaw. "I can't wait to have your fingers inside me, your mouth on my tits." Jennie's voice is low, thick with desire. She's so matter-of-fact. As if it's a foregone conclusion that they're going to hook up. "I want you to fuck me so hard, so good that I won't be able to sit down for days without thinking about it."

Her words make Chaeyoung choke out, "Jesus, Jennie."

Jennie catches her bottom lip between bright white teeth, looks at Chaeyoung as if she's considering something. She lets her fingers trail up Chaeyoung's neck, tangling in the shorter hair at the nape that's escaped from her ponytail. The touch sends chills down Chaeyoung's spine. Reflexively, her eyelids droop.

"I shouldn't be doing this but, fuck it, you are seriously cute."

With that Jennie presses forward, her mouth connecting with Chaeyoung's. She tastes of peppermint gum and waxy lipstick and Chaeyoung instantly opens up to her. Jennie's tongue dips just barely inside before retreating. It only lasts fifteen seconds tops but Chaeyoung finds herself swaying forward after the kiss ends, the tip of her nose brushing Jennie's as she chases the contact.

"God, get out of here before I do something that gets us both into trouble," Jennie says, giving Chaeyoung a light push.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

"Why are you freaking out?"

They're in Lisa's dorm room and Chaeyoung's wearing a hole in the carpet with her incessant pacing. Chaeyoung doesn't answer immediately and Lisa sighs, rising from her desk chair, "Let me get the tequila."

"No. No, alcohol. I—" Chaeyoung stops, takes a breath to try and calm herself. "Remember I told you about this film I'm interning on?" Off Lisa's nod, she continues. "It's, well, it's kind of an... adult movie."

Now Lisa's interest is piqued. She sits back down, lifts one eyebrow. "A porno?"

Chaeyoung grimaces. "Aimed at the queer female demographic, primarily, but yes."

"With actual unsimulated sex?"

Chaeyoung nods.

"Huh. So, like, do they—"

"Lisa." Chaeyoung levels a glare at the other woman, growing irritated by this line of questioning. "If you're so interested I can probably get you a DVD. The issue isn't the work. Not entirely." She purses her lips. "There's a girl."

"Oh, Chaeyoung." It's said in such a long-suffering way. There's a beat of silence then, "Wait, don't tell me it's one of the porn stars?"

The lack of response from Chaeyoung is damning enough.

"Chaeyoung!" her friend almost shouts, leaping from her seat.

"I know. And I prefer the term adult entertainment performer, thank you."

"Don't bullshit me," Lisa mutters with a shake of her head. "What's her porn name? Can I Google her?"

"Lisa, no. That's tacky."

"Come on. I want to know what she looks like."

Under her friend's narrowed stare, Chaeyoung relents. "It's, um, Ruby Jane. R-U-B-Y. J-A-N-E. Her real name's Jennie, though." Before she's even finished the sentence Lisa has her laptop open and fingers moving rapidly over the keyboard. She switches to the Images search tab and the window fills with photo after photo of Jennie in various eye-wateringly explicit poses and positions, some solo, some with other women. Chaeyoung rubs at the back of her neck, shifting from foot to foot as she looks over Lisa's shoulder at the screen.

"Okay... she's hot. No wonder your sweet innocent gay brain can't cope." A measure of relief floods through Chaeyoung when Lisa closes the lid and turns back to her, arms folded. "So what's the problem? Is she straight? Not interested?"

"No, she made her interest pretty clear."

"Then, what?" Slow realization dawns in Lisa's dark eyes. She smirks. "Oh, I get it. You're not as liberal as you think you are."

Chaeyoung lets out an exasperated breath. "She has sex with other people for a living! I'm trying to be okay with that but... I'm just not, all right? I mean, the whole time I'm with her I'd be thinking: is she more into that girl than me? And, anyway," Chaeyoung gnaws on her bottom lip for a second, "I'm worried I'd be too vanilla."

At that Lisa has the gall to laugh at her. "Aren't you getting ahead of yourself? If you really like this girl maybe you should just give it a try. See what happens. At the very least you could do with getting laid. If those pictures are anything to go by, she knows her way around a woman's body."

Chaeyoung sighs, scrubs a hand down her face. "Maybe."

"You know I'm right. Now scram." Lisa shoos her towards to door. "I have an essay to finish."

"Okay but just do me a favor and delete your browser history, please?"

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

A weird kind of tension settles over the set on the last day of shooting. Hyunsuk's more obnoxious than ever about getting the shots exactly right and Chaeyoung has nothing but sympathy and respect for the way Mang doesn't rise to the bait. All Chaeyoung's focused on is keeping Hyunsuk caffeinated to get them all through the day relatively unscathed.

The final scene is a threeway. The women are all on the bed, kneeling upright with Irene in the middle sandwiched between Jennie and Jisoo's bodies.

Chaeyoung watches, swallowing around a dry lump in her throat, as Jisoo kisses over Irene's back, moving her long hair out the way to suck at her neck while Irene holds on to Jennie's hips. Jennie's hands are roaming all over Irene's torso, squeezing at her breasts as she mouths over the top of her chest.

It goes on like that for a while until Jisoo sinks a hand into Jennie's hair and guides her head up to kiss her over Irene's shoulder.

It isn't the first time Chaeyoung has witnessed Jennie being kissed by one of her co-stars but the sight of Jennie kissing someone back and doing it so convincingly is kind of upsetting. She knows it's fake but it makes her feel weirdly uncomfortable, more so than the actual fucking.

"Coffee refill?" she whispers to Hyunsuk, just to give herself something to do that doesn't involve staring at Jennie with her tongue in another person's mouth.

If it takes her longer to return with his coffee than normal, Hyunsuk doesn't comment.

They've changed positions now; Jisoo lying on her back with Irene riding her face and fondling her own breasts. Meanwhile, Jennie's kneeling between Jisoo's wide-spread legs and using her fingers. Honestly, Chaeyoung doesn't know where to look but at least she can't see Jennie's face anymore from this angle. The noises, though... The moaning and gasping are exaggerated for the camera, of course, but the slap of skin on skin, the wet suction of tongue and the squelch of fingers are authentic enough. She'd thought after four days of this she'd be inured to it but it still makes Chaeyoung's ears burn.

Five minutes later and Hyunsuk has them switch positions again. And, God, now Jennie's the one being eaten out in Chaeyoung's direct line of sight, Irene's mouth on her while Jisoo takes the other from behind. This time Chaeyoung can't force herself to look away because Jennie's hooded brown eyes are gazing right at her.

There's an extended moment while they hold each other's stare as Jennie's hips rock, as she kneads and pinches desperately at her own tits. All the while maintaining eye contact with Chaeyoung.

Then it happens.

Jennie's mouth drops open and she slams her eyes shut as she shudders and bucks and lets out the longest, most obscene groan Chaeyoung's ever heard. Beside her, she's dimly aware of Hyunsuk shouting something at Mang about "the money shot."

After that Chaeyoung sort of zones out.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

She's firing off a few emails to the production company—boring admin concerning timesheets and invoices for equipment—when she hears a raspy voice close to her ear.

"Hey, rookie. You coming to the wrap party? It's a free bar."

To her credit, Chaeyoung doesn't jump. She turns and her eyes widen when she sees what Jennie's wearing. Freshly showered, she's forgone her usual rock chick getup for an electric blue midi dress with cami straps and a plunging neckline. The fabric clings to her snugly, emphasizing the dips and curves of her body. Chaeyoung isn't going to pretend that Jennie's cleavage doesn't look spectacular. In fact, the whole look—brunette hair swept up into a messy up-do with loose tendrils falling around her jaw—is giving Chaeyoung heart palpitations.

She blinks slowly. Gulps. "Oh, I wasn't planning on it."

There's a flash of disappointment on Jennie's face but she masks it with a smile.

"Shame. Guess I'll see you around then."

Except that Chaeyoung's made a personal vow never to work on a porn movie again so, no, they won't be seeing each other in a professional capacity. She watches Jennie walk away and realizes that this opportunity is rapidly slipping out of her grasp. "I could go for one drink," Chaeyoung blurts and she could slap herself for how little chill she has.

Jennie approaches, heels clicking against the concrete floor. She's smirking now and standing far too close for Chaeyoung's sanity, her perfume wrapping around them in a pleasant haze of cedarwood and vanilla.

"I think I'm a little underdressed though," Chaeyoung says.

She glances down dubiously at her grey henley, faded black jeans, and sneakers.

"You look good," Jennie says, giving her an unsubtle once-over. When her eyes drift back up Chaeyoung sees how dark they are and it makes her mouth go dry. "So good I couldn't stop looking at you all day."

Chaeyoung wets her lips and she doesn't miss the way Jennie's gaze follows the movement. She isn't sure what prompts her to ask this beyond some kind of masochistic streak but, "That last scene. When you—did you... because of...?"

Jennie lets out this husky little laugh that sounds so dirty.

"If I say yes will you think any less of me?" She reaches out to fiddle with one of the open buttons on Chaeyoung's shirt. She looks up at Chaeyoung through thick lashes. "Yeah, that was all you."

Chaeyoung sucks in a breath and goes for broke. "Do you want to, maybe, skip the wrap party?"

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

They drive over to Jennie's place in her old Ford Mustang. ("Jisoo's helping me restore it. She's just as handy with a wrench as she is with a dildo.")

It's mostly silent except for the radio turned down low and tuned into an alternative rock station.

A current of nervous tension runs between them and it's making Chaeyoung antsy. She surreptitiously wipes her clammy palms against the thighs of her jeans and glances at Jennie out the corner of her eye. The brunette has both hands on the steering wheel, one at the ten o'clock position, the other at six where her thumb picks at the black leather wheel cover, now and then moving to the stick shift to change gears.

Chaeyoung doesn't know why but watching Jennie drive a muscle car is really turning her on.

Soon enough they arrive at Jennie's apartment. It's in a four-story walk-up in a gentrified neighborhood not far from the university campus, across the street from a hole-in-the-wall pizzeria and a laundromat. There's a certain kind of offbeat charm to the hallway interior, with its worn wooden banisters and drab olive paint.

"So this is home," Jennie says once they reach the top floor and she lets Chaeyoung in.

The apartment is small but airy and open plan—bijou, a realtor might say—all white walls and stripped back floorboards. There's an easel set up in front of the large bay window and several half-finished canvases leaning against one wall. They look to be landscapes, mostly, and a few highly stylized portraits.

"Are these yours?" Chaeyoung asks, indicating towards one of the paintings. The woman in the painting resembles Irene but it's difficult to tell without closer inspection.

"Yep. I'm in art school." Jennie saunters over to the coffee table and drops her keys into a bowl. "Porn pays for my tuition."

It shouldn't make Chaeyoung feel marginally better about all this but it does. She knows next to nothing about art but she offers, "You're really talented."

"Thanks," Jennie drawls, walking back across the room until she's standing in front of Chaeyoung, "But I didn't invite you here to show you my etchings."

Without another word, she grabs a fistful of Chaeyoung's henley and yanks her forward. Their mouths collide in a mash of lips and teeth. The second Jennie's tongue slides alongside her own it's like Chaeyoung comes alive. She backs Jennie up against the nearest wall, bolstered by the surprised huff the other woman lets out. There are hands in Chaeyoung's hair, pulling out her ponytail and slipping through the loosened waves, fingers trailing over her neck, making the lower half of her body liquid with that simple touch. Chaeyoung kisses Jennie until every last smear of lipstick is gone, until her lips are plump and wet.

"Undress me," Jennie whispers against Chaeyoung's mouth.

Chaeyoung just nods because she doesn't trust her voice not to crack. Her hands seek out the hem of Jennie's dress, tugging it up, up until it's bunched around her hips. She skims over the curve of Jennie's hips, dips under the low-rise waistband of her thong. She feels the little breath that Jennie sucks in in anticipation when Chaeyoung hooks her fingers around lacy cotton and pulls. They separate for Jennie to step out of her underwear, for Chaeyoung to help her out of her dress.

Seeing her bare makes Chaeyoung's hands shake, creates a twisting knot of arousal in the pit of her stomach. For four days she's tried to avoid looking at Jennie's body as much as possible because she didn't want to be an objectifying creep—you failed miserably, she tells herself. Now Chaeyoung's struggling to take it all in, paralyzed by indecision over what she wants to touch and taste first.

It's Jennie who steps up and closes the gap between them again, pulling Chaeyoung into a kiss that she meets with equal heat. It's all tongue and saliva and it's possibly, definitely the filthiest kiss Chaeyoung's ever been a part of. Suzy (and there's enough time and distance and magnanimity between them now that Chaeyoung only ever thinks of her fondly) never attacked her mouth like an animal.

"I wanna see you too," Jennie says. She unbuckles Chaeyoung's belt, unfastens her jeans, slips a hand inside to cup Chaeyoung through her underwear. Chaeyoung knows by the sharp inhale, by the way Jennie sucks greedily on her lip, that she's soaked right through. "You're so fucking sexy. Like, do you know how distracting you are? That day you wore glasses instead of contacts. Fuck."

Chaeyoung doesn't know what to say, this coming from a bombshell like Jennie. It's all kind of news to her. (Well, one time when they were drunk Lisa told her she was passably cute—which, coming from Lisa, translates as being a 7, maybe 8 out of 10—but not worth jeopardizing their friendship for.) So she's kind of amazed that Jennie's so into her.

She gets stripped down pretty quickly after that. Somehow they find their way to the bedroom, clattering into a couple of pieces of furniture on the way. Those minor mishaps have Jennie laughing huskily into Chaeyoung's mouth and something about that makes warmth spread within her chest. They topple onto the bed and Jennie wastes no time in mounting Chaeyoung's thighs.

There's an expression on her face that's indecipherable. Her eyes are dark and engorged with want but there's something else Chaeyoung can't pinpoint. It's gone before she has time to analyze it, before Jennie kissing her again, parting her lips and sliding her tongue into her mouth like that space is its natural home. Her hands are on Chaeyoung's body, groping and squeezing and kneading at every bit of skin she can reach. It's a little rough, almost possessive, and it's making Chaeyoung wetter by the second.

(And she doesn't want to think what all of this says about her sexual politics. Hwang, her Women's Studies professor, would be horrified.)

She almost whines when Jennie abandons her lips but then that hot mouth starts kissing her throat, nipping and lightly biting down the column of her neck, moving to lick along the ridges of her collarbones. Chaeyoung's chest is rising and falling rapidly by the time Jennie reaches her breasts. They're small, compared to the other woman's, but Jennie seems to really, really like them because she spends a good few minutes lavishing them with attention, kissing and licking and sucking until Chaeyoung's hips are squirming against the sheets. Every time Jennie's mouth closes around her nipple Chaeyoung feels this powerful answering ache in her groin. She starts to wonder if it's possible for her to climax from someone working on her boobs alone. If anyone could do that, it's probably Jennie. She's probably, like, the Yoda of sex.

She loses that thread of thought when she realizes Jennie's talking to her.

"You okay? You kind of spaced out there."

Chaeyoung blinks, gives a shallow nod. "I'm great," she manages to say and, holy hell, her voice sounds so breathy and high that she doesn't even recognize it.

She watches as Jennie snares her bottom lip between her teeth and shuffles further down the bed on her knees. Puts a hand on each of Chaeyoung's knees and pushes them up and apart, spreading her open. The look on Jennie's face when her eyes drop between Chaeyoung's legs almost stops her heart. She doesn't really have anything to compare it to because Suzy always insisted on having the lights off but, if she had to take a guess, pure concentrated lust sums it up. Whatever it is, it makes her entirely forget about how exposed she is in this position.

The first swipe of Jennie's tongue makes Chaeyoung's head thud against the pillows. A few more licks and her eyes are rolling back. "Fuck. Chaeyoung, you taste so good."

And, God, Jennie doesn't beat around the bush. She dives right in, runs her tongue along the length of Chaeyoung's slit, back and forth over her folds and around her opening. She licks into Chaeyoung, working her tongue deep, stroking the front wall of her cunt and dragging as much of Chaeyoung's wetness into her mouth as she can. All Chaeyoung can do is open her legs wider and let Jennie drink her up.

Soon Chaeyoung's hips are circling, grinding into Jennie's face while her abdominal muscles flutter like crazy. She shivers and whimpers and there are actual tears leaking from her eyes because she's never had it so good. (Honestly, who knew?) There's this half a moment when Jennie lifts her mouth off her to drag some errant strands of hair away from her face and it makes Chaeyoung want to cry out, don't fucking stop, but the words are lodged in her throat. Instead, she releases her tight hold on the bedsheets and sinks her hands into Jennie's hair to urge her back down. Their eyes meet over the expanse of Chaeyoung's torso and Jennie hums her approval into her, the vibration rippling through Chaeyoung's body.

From there Jennie starts fucking her in earnest and Chaeyoung really has to commend the other woman for her reach and stamina and lung capacity. Not once does she come up for air.

It doesn't take long for Chaeyoung to feel the onslaught of an impending orgasm. The pressure builds and builds like a skyscraper. And Jennie must sense it in the now focused rocking of Chaeyoung's hips, how she pushes against Jennie's tongue in a very specific way. Jennie's thumb finds her clit, drawing back the hood to press down directly on the swollen tip. Inside her, Jennie's tongue laps at her just right, at exactly the right moment while she rubs tight circles over Chaeyoung's clit. It's the combination of the two that sends Chaeyoung barrelling over the edge.

Her whole body locks, spine arched, head tipped back, mouth open, hands fisting in brunette hair, and Jennie doesn't let up for a second, even as Chaeyoung begins to shake and convulse around her. At first, she doesn't make a sound but when Jennie starts moving her tongue again, sliding in deep then going shallow, over and over, it wrenches a broken wail from Chaeyoung. She's never been very vocal during sex but now she can't seem to stem the flow of gasping moans as she comes, wave after wave of pleasure crashing over her body.

She hears a faint gasp, quickly followed by a groan muffled against her skin, feels the sudden, disappointing absence of heat when Jennie finally withdraws. The disappointment is short-lived, though, because Jennie's mouth is back on her, cleaning up the slick mess between Chaeyoung's thighs. She's sensitive but it feels good and Jennie is so thorough that Chaeyoung feels herself growing aroused again quickly.

"Mmm, I could eat you out all night," Jennie sighs. She drags her tongue from Chaeyoung's entrance up to her clit, making her hips jolt sharply. "As a connoisseur, trust me when I say your pussy is amazing. You came so hard for me. It was beautiful."

The compliment makes Chaeyoung's cheeks flush, more embarrassed by the crude sincerity of Jennie's words than she is by the vulnerable position she's in or the enormous damp patch she can feel under her butt. She doesn't know what to say so she tugs Jennie up, tries to ignore the heavy feeling in her chest as she watches Jennie crawl up her body wearing a lopsided smile, lips and cheeks and chin shiny with Chaeyoung's wetness. She doesn't even wipe her face before she kisses Chaeyoung, sloppy and deep and full of need. The taste of herself in Jennie's mouth makes Chaeyoung whimper and, she has to agree, it isn't half bad.

They get lost in kissing each other for long minutes. Chaeyoung's hands grow restless, sliding over Jennie's shoulders, following the notches of her spine, trailing down, down until her palms curve over the swell of Jennie's rear. Emboldened, Chaeyoung grabs Jennie's ass to pull her flush against her body. With a moan, Jennie presses her into the sheets, their bodies in full skin-to-skin contact from hips to ribs to breasts. Chaeyoung explores, fingers roaming down Jennie's sides, curving over hipbones, stroking the backs of thighs. Her skin feels incredible under Chaeyoung's hands, as soft and smooth as satin, and she wants more.

Breaking off the kiss Jennie shifts, rearranging her limbs until she's straddling Chaeyoung's stomach, one hand braced on Chaeyoung's sternum, the other reaching behind to grip her thigh. This time it's Chaeyoung who moans when she feels the wet slide of Jennie's cunt against her skin, again when Jennie starts rolling her hips back and forth, slicking her up, riding her like a damn pony. Brown eyes bore down on her, a heavy-lidded look that sets Chaeyoung's skin ablaze and it's too much. She reaches for Jennie, grabbing the sides of her neck and bringing their mouths together again for another hot, open-mouthed kiss.

It's too much, the way Jennie's grinding on Chaeyoung; how their breasts rub together, hard nipples dragging; how Jennie's weight on top of her feels so perfect and Chaeyoung can't think of anything except Jennie, Jennie, Jennie.

She squeezes a hand between their tightly-pressed bodies, skating down the very slight curvature of Jennie's stomach, dipping lower still into slick warmth. Jennie exhales roughly against her mouth. "Go inside." She sucks on Chaeyoung's bottom lip. "Please."

Chaeyoung doesn't need to be asked twice.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

Nothing in Chaeyoung's previous sexual experience has prepared her for this, the fact that Jennie is a talker.

It's a constant litany of "Fuck, yeah, just like that" and "Harder, oh God, right there" and a hundred variations on that theme of positive reinforcement until Jennie announces (probably loud enough for the neighbors to hear) that "Chaeyoung, I'm gonna—oh fuck, I'm coming. Oh fuck. Fuck."

Even as she's winding down from her orgasm Jennie isn't quiet, murmuring about all the wonderful qualities of Chaeyoung's fingers, how nice and long they are, how deep they go.

And Chaeyoung's face is burning. How could it not be? But at the same time she's painfully turned on because, apparently, she has a praise kink she hasn't been aware of until now.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

By the time it's dark outside Chaeyoung thinks she's lost count of how many times they've made each other come.

(Actually, she hasn't. Jennie: three times; Chaeyoung: seven. But Jennie's a professional so Chaeyoung doesn't feel bad about the inequity.)

They haven't moved from the bed for hours. The sheets are rumpled. The room reeks of sex. Chaeyoung's flat on her back and she can't really feel her legs thanks to that last orgasm. Propped up on one elbow Jennie's studying her, bottom lip caught between her teeth. With her free hand, she's tracing the small tattoo that sits on the inside of Chaeyoung's left wrist.

"Does this mean anything?" Jennie asks. A blunt fingernail follows the shape.

"Not really. I wanted a design that looked vaguely gay. My dad would've killed me if I got, like, a naked woman or something."

Jennie's lips pull into a smirk. "Imagine if you got one of me. This body deserves to be immortalized in a tattoo, don't you think?"

Chaeyoung looks at her askance. Her first thought is, why would I do that? Rapidly superseded by, oh, yes, yes it does.

The other woman's smile widens, clearly taken with this idea of hers.

"Not on your arm, though." She lets her fingers wander down Chaeyoung's navel. "Maybe here or..." She touches the inside of Chaeyoung's thigh. "Here."

Chaeyoung captures that wandering hand before it roves any higher. Their fingers kind of twine together and it feels natural, intimate, veering into dangerous territory. They watch each other for a moment and the silence takes on a heaviness that makes Chaeyoung's stomach knot.

"I was thinking... maybe we could do this again sometime?" Chaeyoung says, trying for nonchalance and she hates that it comes out a little timid and uncertain.

Jennie's smile wavers but she doesn't let go of Chaeyoung's hand. "Relationships are kind of a no-go area for me. Sort of comes with the job. People inevitably get weird and defensive about it."

"I just meant sex, Jennie." Chaeyoung feigns an eye roll. "Not that I want to be your girlfriend or anything."

"Right. Obviously." Dark brown eyes track over Chaeyoung's face. "So, fuck buddies? I guess we could do that. I don't have any projects lined up for a couple of months."

Chaeyoung ignores the voice in her head—the one that sounds flat and judgemental like Lisa—that tells her that in a whole evening of terrible ideas, this is by far the worst.

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

She doesn't expect the parting kiss that Jennie gives her before she leaves the apartment. It's long and languorous and not exactly the kind of kiss to send off a casual hookup partner. Chaeyoung doesn't complain at all.

She's still thinking of it as she makes the walk of shame back to campus, thinking of the pleasant ache in her thighs and abdomen and how her underwear is chafing against tender skin.

(Lisa's going to drag her so hard for walking like John Wayne.)

She also doesn't expect to receive a text from Jennie so soon. She swipes the lock screen to view it and stops walking abruptly when she sees the image attachment. It's a nude.


In case you need a reference for your new ink. ;)

Chaeyoung nearly drops her phone.

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