A Heart Of A Warrior Book 1:...

By CharlesLeonard0719

603 75 148

In this book, You will be transported, to the Beautiful Lands of Altaria, where Humans don't exist. Wolves ar... More

The Kingdoms, Tribes, and Elements of Altaria
Chapter 1-The Battle for the Vault of Twilight City
Chapter 2-The Warnings
Chapter 3-Terror
Chapter 4-A Call to Arms
Chapter 6- The Fall of a Sovereign
Chapter 7- Ghosts of the Desert

Chapter 5-Battle of Black Hollow

17 1 23
By CharlesLeonard0719

Town of Black Hollow, Kingdom of Sevaeth-

As A Guard watched from her post in the Town of Black Hollow, plumes of black smoke rose from over the mountain pass near Twilight City, filling the air with the smell of smoke that stung her eyes and lungs. She heard a young wolf ask her grandmother something as she said, "What's going on, Grandma?"

Her grandmother replied worriedly, "I don't know, little one."

A loud screech was heard as a falcon swooped down and landed next to the guard. She said turning to the falcon, "How bad is it, and what's going on over there, Tatu?" Tatu replied as she said, "Lady Wren, The whole city is alight and burning. From what I could survey, the Empire's military is rounding up civilians and forcing them into the military or just straight up, killing innocent lives. I also spotted them sending scouting parties into the mountain pass to find a way through."

She looked horrified at her familiar and asked, "Does the Queen know about this?" Tatu shifted uncomfortably and replied, "Yes, She does. She has been alerted about what's happening, but the coalition is still about a half-day march from here." Wren said, "Shit! This is not good at all. We need to start evacuating the pups and the elderly out of town and to safety and mobilizing any able-bodied citizen to help in the defense of our home."

Wren closed her eyes as she felt her Shadow element surge through her as she drew in its power. She then opened her eyes as she blasted her shadow element skyward alerting the town and the guard posts around the town as they responded in kind to Wren. She looked down at the elderly wolf who then nodded her head, acknowledging Wren before then saying to her granddaughter, "We got to move, little one. Danger is close, and stay close to me." Wren then dashed off, shouting orders to her soldiers as she ran through the town. She quickly collected the town elders and pups, helping them to safety.

She then sprinted back to the town and asked a guard, "Is everyone in the town evacuated." The guard then turned to look at Wren as she said, "Yes, Lady Wren, the town is fully evacuated. The only ones here are just the garrison and whatever citizen wanted to stay and fight." Wren then said, "Good, Have everyone stay on high alert. Also, have you seen Tatu? I need to talk to her."

Tatu replied as she flew overhead, "I'm right here my Lady." Wren looked up at Tatu and said, "Any updates on the whereabouts of the Empire's army?" Tatu said grimly, "It's not looking good my lady, they have amassed a sizable army inside Twilight City. The Vanguard Group has just made it into the mountain pass and should be here in the next hour." Wren said horrified, "Shit, This is not good. Fly as fast you can my friend and warn the Queen. If we fall they will be walking into an ambush!"

Tatu said as she swooped down and landed next to her friend and said putting her head together with Wren's head, "Stay safe and fight to the last warrior if it comes to that," Wren then replied, "I will do my duty the best I can to protect this town," as Tatu took to the air and shot off into the early evening sky with her message for the Queen.

Wren looked at the sky where her familiar was now only a small speck on the horizon as she said to the guard next to her, "Nakoa it's time to fight, We need to disperse and set up an ambush of our own," Nakoa replied as his Fire element circled around his paws, "The plains outside the pass are a perfect place for an ambush, my lady." Wren then turned to him and said thoughtfully, "That's a great idea Nakoa, it may work." She then looked towards the open plains in front of her and said, "This plan is going to need a lot of coordination for it to work."

Wren watched the guards as they prepared for the upcoming battle. She could feel her heart racing inside her chest as she knew this was going to be the most important battle of their lives. She knew she had to be brave and fight for what was right. She closed her eyes and steadied herself as powerful shadow magic surged through her and casted a powerful illusion over the town obscuring it from the view of the advancing Imperial army making it look like the town was derelict and abandoned with a few charred buildings here and there. Her senses were then alerted by the presence of Nakoa next to her as he cast a powerful infernal blood sigil of protection over the town. Nakoa then said to Wren as they put their heads together while his flames healed the wound on his leg he made, "Everything is set, my love. Anyone that passes through that sigil will be turned into nothing but ash." Wren then said, "I know my love," as a chill ran down her spine as Nakoa's words echoed in her head. She knew that his words were true, and the fate of anyone who entered the sigil was sealed. A Guard then said to the pair, "Battle is near my Lieges, the Imperial Army has been spotted," before they turned and bolted for the battle line forming in the tall grasses outside the town.

Wren looked up into Nakoa's golden eyes as her raven black fur bushed out and fear sparked in her vibrant ocean blue eyes as he said sadly as a lone tear rolled down his reddish-brown fur, "It's time to fight, Wren. I want you to know you have been the greatest thing that life has given me, you are my world. If I fall in this battle, I want you to know that I will always be there for you," Wren then replied nuzzling Nakoa as her Shadow element intertwined with his Fire element in a delicate embrace, "I will always love you no matter what happens in this battle. All that matters is that if one of us falls, I know we will be reunited in the Hall of the Ancestors."

In unison, Wren and Nakoa said in Seveti as they were embraced by their elements, "Cerau, Deidad del Rayo y la Guerra. Escucha nuestro llamado y danos fuerza para prevalecer en esta battala. Si puedo caer en la battala, guíame a los Salones de los Antiguos y protege a mis seres queridos. Para Sevaeth y Altaria." (Translation from Spanish: Cerau, Deity of Lightning, and War. Hear our call and give us strength to prevail in this battle. If I may fall in battle, guide me to the Halls of the Ancients and protect the ones I love. For Sevaeth and Altaria.) They then separated and turned for the battles lines as Wren said, "Let's go kick some Imperial's butts."

The Guards of Black Hollow sat silent and still in the tall grass as the Imperial army marched ever closer to the town. The sound of talking filled the air as the Imperial Army came into view as they walked down the path that led from the Dovista Mountains to the Town. Wren watched from her hiding place in the tall grass as she watched the Imperial Army walk right into her trap, she caught sight of Nakoa as he stalked silently in the grass beside the path. She held her breath, waiting to see what would happen. The warriors at the front of the formation stopped as they caught sight of the empty shell of what used to be Black Hollow and one said worriedly in a thick Aderith accent as he stepped forward, "This is not right. Scouting reports said the town was supposed to be occupied by citizens loyal to the Empire." Another said as he stepped forward and said, "Looks like the Rebels tipped them off and they went scorched earth," He took a few more steps forward before a branch snapped under his paw setting off a chain reaction as the Infernal Blood sigil lit up and an explosion tore through their ranks killing many as they were immediately turned to ash. Nakoa was ready and sprang into action, the Imperial Army was taken by surprise. The Battle for Black Hollow had begun.

Nakoa's ferocity and skill were unmatched as he led the charge out of the tall grass saying, "Attack!" and launching a powerful blast of his Fire element at the stunned Imperial Army which exploded killing many as they tried to turn and fight the enemy that came pouring out of the tall grass. Wren charged out of the grass barreling into one of the warriors and sunk her teeth deep into her throat and ripped it out as blood gushed out of the grizzly wound as she fell dead to the ground. The open plains of Black Hollow had become nothing but an all-out battlefield as Wren's ragtag garrison battled to the death against the Imperial Army that came pouring out of the mountain pass. Nakoa and Wren continued to fight side by side as their elements cut down anyone stupid enough to attack a powerful and dangerous combo of Infernal Fire magic and Shadow magic. The Imperial Army's frontline was starting to be pushed back and eventually overwhelmed by the ferocity and skill of the Black Hollow Garrison who only suffered light losses while the Imperial Army was facing total annihilation.

Suddenly a powerful blast of Infernal magic exploded and rocked the Sevetian line as someone said as the faltering Imperials turned and fought with equal ferocity catching the garrison off guard as some started to break and retreat, "Kill them all and don't let any escape." Wren and Nakoa immediately knew the voice belonged to Durin, Nakoa's younger brother and the Emperor's closest trusted advisor. Wren then looked at her Mate and said, "Was that your brother's voice." He then grimly responded, "Yes, it was."

Wren then looked at the quickly collapsing battle line as some warriors tried holding the line to buy time for their comrades to flee and said, "What are we going to do?" Nakoa said, "We need to retreat and link up with the main army the battle has been lost," Wren then cried out to her warriors, "Retreat! The battle has been lost." Many of her warriors heard the call to retreat and broke off from their battles, and started to flee. In the heat of the battle, Wren didn't see an Imperial Warrior sneak up behind her as he launched a volley of sharp blades of his Air element at her. His blades missed their target except one well-placed blade sliced through the left side of her neck. She then felt a sudden sharp and intense pain blossom through the left side of her neck as an Imperial blade sliced through it leaving a nasty gash that started spewing out scarlet blood. Her black fur was quickly stained red as her blood pulsed from the wound flowing down her chest and front legs as blood pooled on the ground around her. She managed to say, "Nakoa," before she collapsed to the ground. Nakoa turned around just in time to see his mate fall to the ground surrounded by a pool of her own blood.

Nakoa roared in anguish and anger, "You have just made the greatest mistake of your life," as he quickly charged the Imperial Warrior and slammed a paw down hard on the ground as his infernal flames charged across the ground and consumed the warrior as he screamed in pain before Nakoa silenced his screams with a slash across the throat killing him. Nakoa then turned to where Wren lay barely clinging to life and he knew he had to act fast to save her. He raced over to her, his heart pounding inside his chest. He stopped next to her and slowly reached out his paw and put it on her shoulder which was ice cold, trembling with emotion. Wren weakly said as her breathing was shallow, "I'm cold."He gently stroked her fur, his voice trembling as he spoke to her, "I'm here, my love" he whispered. One of Wren's warriors came running to the aid of her gravely injured leader after what she saw and said as she looked at Nakoa whose eyes were full of pain, "We need to stabilize her and get her to safety, Nakoa."

Nakoa looked up at the warrior and said to her, "What do I need to do?" She replied, "Protect me as I stabilize Wren." Nakoa said, "Will do," as his Fire element came to life and threw up an impenetrable wall in a circle around him and Wren as the warrior got to work as her Life and Nature elements flowed around her. Nakoa watched her nervously as she placed moss on the wound and then wrapped it in cobwebs to set it in place. The warrior then made a makeshift sling to carry Wren and called to Nakoa, "Nakoa stand here as I attach this to you." Nakoa felt the warm embrace of the Life magic as it wrapped around him and it did the same with the warrior as she said, "Let's move. We need to get to the main army quickly." Nakoa then looked at Wren and said quietly, "Hold on, my love."

Outside the town of Iron Glen- After Tatu took flight from Black Hollow she flew as fast as she could covering a lot of ground. She reached the Coalition's army which was moving on through the small border village of Iron Glen and located Queen Astrid and King Tyr and called out to them as she landed, "Queen Astrid, I got urgent news from the Black Hollow Garrison." The pair looked up as Tatu slowly descended and landed next to them while King Tyr said worriedly, "What news do you bring Tatu?"

"Not good news, my liege. A large army is almost at the Kingdom's border and Black Hollow has been evacuated. Lady Wren and the Garrison said they will fight to the last to hold the line till the army arrives, but Wren is also giving you a warning that if they fall you will most likely be walking into an ambush," Tatu replied looking at the Dovista Mountains in the distance.

Queen Astrid said, "This is not good news at all, Tatu." Suddenly Raki flew above them saying frantically, "Black Hollow has fallen! The garrison managed to get away but Wren was critically wounded in the battle." Tatu said surprised as she took to the sky, "Shit! This is not good at all. Where is Wren." Raki said pointing toward a ridgeline in the distance, "The remnants of the garrison are just over that ridgeline, making their way here."

Queen Astrid then said, "We must prepare for battle."

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