Shadows and Darkness (PKM Wat...

By acel1en

9.4K 329 103

Alice Grey. A calm 17 year old that preferred keeping to herself and her own Pokémon. She's traveled Kanto, J... More

Chapter 1 **edited
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Final)
Lights in the Darkness
Valentines Day Extra - Alice and Shadow's First Valentines Day
Sequel in the Works!

Chapter 6

585 25 5
By acel1en

Chapter 6

Shadow POV

        Slate grey eyes surveyed the front of the restaurant silently. Shadow had seen Alice walk inside, a slightly troubled look on her face. A small grin crossed his lips. A look he had caused. He wasn't sure why he enjoy messing with her so much. Maybe it was just in his nature.

        Not only that, he noticed, her reactions to him were slowly changing, whether she realized it or not. Alice was starting to act more and more like a typical human; one who interacted with people other than their Pokémon (though, it was obvious that he was the only one that could entice that reaction).

        The door to the Gym/Restaurant opened, and the one he had been "stalking" walked out, the same shiny Umbreon that was always with her at her heels. She and her Pokémon were on their way back to the Striaton City Pokémon Center, based on the direction that they were going.

        One of the 3 Pokéballs attached to the belt around his waist shook slightly, and a long red beam ejected itself from it. As the red light faded, a purple cat Pokémon stood about 5 feet from him, staring intently through the bushes at the blue and black dark type. His Purrloin had released herself from her Pokéball.

        Before Shadow had a chance to question his partner, she darted off in roughly the same direction as Alice and Umbreon were headed. Where she was going, he didn't know. But, he didn't dwell on it too long, he trusted her not to get into trouble.

        His eyes shifted from where Purrloin had disappeared, to the Trainer/Pokémon he was watching before. A single eyebrow lifted up in question as Umbreon stopped in his tracks and focused on a bush the pair had just passed. Shadow blinked, and his mouth formed a small "oh" in realization. So, that's what Purrloin was up to... Can't really blame her... That Umbreon is pretty powerful...

        He watched Alice continue on, taking no heed of the fact that Umbreon was no longer following her. Or she noticed and, like himself, trusted her Pokémon not to get into trouble.

        All at once, an idea came to him. A smirk spread across his face. Let's see if we can't give Alice a little surprise when she get to her room at the Center... In the fashion only he and the other two Triad members could use, he disappeared.


Alice POV

        She kept walking, letting her Pokémon do as he pleased. As long as he didn't get himself into trouble, she was fine with it. She looked up at the big red building that loomed before her. The Striaton City Pokémon Center.

        The large glasses slid open automatically as she walked up to them. Walking inside, she walked toward the front desk.

        Nurse Joy looked up from her work and smiled. "Oh, hello Alice. Back so soon?"

        Blue met blue. A small smile settled itself on Alice's face. Nurse Joy was one of the few people she was really comfortable with talking to. "Yes, I'm not really feeling too well..." She slipped her Pokéballs, minus Umbreon's, off of her belt and handed them to the Audino waiting dutifully beside the counter. "Thank you very much, Audino." The pink Pokémon smiled at her and made a sound, seemingly to dismiss her thanks, and carried the Pokéballs through a door behind the counter.

        Nurse Joy's smile was replaced by a small frown. "Oh, I'm sorry. I hope you feel better, then. I'd help, but, I specialize in Pokémon, not people." A small laugh escaped her.

        Alice raised her hand and lightly waved the nurse off. "It's fine. I was just going to go and lie down for a little while."

        The pink haired nurses smile returned as quickly as it left. "Alright, then. Feel better."

        Just then, the door behind them tinged as it opened again, and small footfalls could be heard on the floor. Both turned just in time to see Umbreon jump up and settle himself in Alice's arms. "Oh, there you are, Umbreon..." The aforementioned girl murmured quietly to her Pokémon. She turned back to the counter. "I'll see you later, Nurse Joy." And she went to her room, only vaguely registering Nurse Joy's, "Have a nice rest!" from behind her.

        She opened the door and walked in, Umbreon jumping from her arms and settling himself on a pillow in the corner. He had always preferred sleeping on his own...  Not bothering with the lights (thinking back, that probably wasn't the best idea) she lied down on her own bed. She blinked up at the ceiling, just then registering the other mass that was on the bed. Turning over onto her side so that she was facing the wall, she found herself (like so many other times) staring into a pair of slate grey eyes.

        Her own blue eyes widened as she stared at the white haired male that was currently occupying the spot beside her in the bed. Alice could see his shoulders shaking with silent laughter. Was her surprise really that amusing to him?

        A hand settled itself on her shoulder, pushing it down so that the back of both were pinned to the bed. Just as he had earlier, Shadow had her pinned, and was looming over her, a smirk on his face.

        Without her consent, the annoying heat that she felt come to her face in the restaurant earlier returned.

        Despite the lack of light in the room, both could see perfectly fine. Their preferences for the dark had long since accustomed them to the lack of light. This meaning, Shadow could she her blush, and she could see his smirk widen as he did.

        The white haired male slowly leaned down, his mouth once again right by her ear. His voice was low, so as to not wake the Pokémon sleeping in the corner, but as smooth as it always was, and once again, it sent a shudder down her spine. "Miss me...?"


Welp~ There's Chapter 6~

I was out of school, sick, today so.... I HAD TIME TO FINISH THIS! :D Yay! XD

This was initially just going to be the last chapter from the view of Shadow and Purrloin. The first part ended up that way, but, the second just sort of ran away with itself. XP It ended up as Alice instead of Purloin. :P

But, Oh Well~

 By the way, I was considering creating a side story (side story meaning part of this, except a single chapter every once and a while) involving Umbreon and Purrloin. I don't know if I will or not, though. XP What do you guys think I should do?

And you know the drill~


Fan~ (Well, "Follow", now. Why, Wattpad, why?! >_>)


Seriously, Comment. XD Reviews are, like, a writer's favorite thing other than their story itself. It lets them know that someone actually enjoys what it is that they're writing.

And lastly.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Tacos~!

(Totally saw that one coming, huh? XD)

Au revoir~ (Akane)

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