Beats of the Heart [MxM]

By Hopestrife

149K 11.8K 3.5K

|| Wattys 2023 Shortlist || Miles grew up struggling, scorned by his father, and taking care of his ailing mo... More

1. Forward Cut
2. Slice
3. Chirp
4. Baby Scratch
5. Flare
6. Crescent Flare
7. Tear
8. Play
9. Long Cut
10. Lazer
11. Ex-Stab
12. 2-Click Orbit
13. Rev Ex-Stab
14. Log Stab
15. Rev. Log Stab
16. Zig Zag
17. Push
18. 2-Sound Transform
19. Rev 2 Sound Transform
20. Pullback
22. 2 Click Tentacles
23. Rev Triplet Transform
24. (-) Skew Rub
25. (+) Skew Rub
26. Jackhammer [M]
27. Autobahn
28. O.G. Flare
29. Ox Flare
30. Boomerang
31. Aquaman
32. Corkscrew [M]
33. Crab Flare
34. 1 Click Stewie
35. Prism Tear
36. 3 Forward 3 Back Tear
37. Unlucky 7's
38. Lucky 7's
39. Boom Flare
40. Tips [M]
41. Fractions
42. Scribble 2-Click
43. See Saw [End]
Epilogue: Missed Connections
Epilogue: A Wedding
Final Round Teaser

21. Triplet Transform

3.2K 270 39
By Hopestrife

Miles followed Shawn from the parking garage to the large highrise with the sleek Aura sign. He hesitated for a moment before he entered. He had tried to walk into this building eight years ago before he signed any other DJs but lost his confidence when he saw how elegant everyone looked inside the building. He convinced himself that he was not good enough for Aura. 

But now, Aura's CEO was leading him through the doors. He calmed his trembling heart and straightened his shoulders. Shawn slowed his steps so they were shoulder to shoulder, and he gave him a soft smile. 

However, Miles didn't know if he should be dazzled by his smile or in awe of the lobby. It was industrial, with polished cement floors and bronze accents. Because the large arched windows were heavily tinted, a soft light illuminated the area from the contemporary chandelier hanging in the center. It didn't have a feeling of a busy entertainment building. Instead, it had the characteristics of a spa.

"Have you been here before?" Shawn's quiet voice drew his attention away from the decor.

"A long time ago, but it looked a lot different then."

Shawn nodded and placed a hand on Miles' lower back to lead him to the elevators. "I recently had the lobby redone. It was one of the last things I considered, surprisingly. Most of my budget was spent on recording studios, movies, and development for my artists."

Miles laughed to himself and shook his head.

"What?" Shawn asked as they entered the elevator. He pressed a button for the top floor.

"I just remember you telling me once that Aura was nothing big," Miles said as he leaned against the elevator wall, giving Shawn a once-over. "Your pride and joy had truly blossomed. This is amazing."

That old sheepish smile from 12 years ago found its way back on Shawn's face. "Well, it wasn't without its bumps and bruises."

Shawn's phone buzzed with a notification, and he calmly read the message before sending off a reply. 

"I'm going to grab a file from my office. My assistant, Jules, will be at her desk. If you need anything, you can ask her. Even if you want a tour."

Miles was a little surprised. "You're giving me free rein of the place?"

"Don't worry. I hid all of my secrets away." Shawn flashed him a wink, and the doors opened to a large open space.

Miles exited the elevator and found himself surrounded by windows overlooking Manhattan. It was different from the offices he had been to before because all the walls were glass, giving a sense of transparency. Miles ignored the conference room on one corner and turned towards the posh-looking office on the other end. It seemed comfortable as if it was a place to make someone feel at ease, which fit Shawn's aesthetic perfectly.  

However, his attention was stolen by the grand piano in the lobby next to the windows. It gleamed under the natural light, beckoning to him. 

"Wow," Miles murmured. "My office is the fucking kitchen table."

"I like your office more," Shawn whispered. He brushed his fingers across Miles' back, making him shiver. They had been ignoring the kiss from before, but suddenly it was at the forefront of Miles' mind. 

"Why? Easy access to booze and a kitchen?"

Shawn leaned closer. "Maybe. The company is also quite compelling."

He stepped away, leaving Miles flushed. He approached a woman at a reception desk near his office.  

"Hey, Jules. Miles will stay here while I meet with Scott and Chambers." He nodded toward Miles, who approached them. 

Miles held out his hand and introduced himself to Jules. "You don't have to worry too much about me. I'll just catch up on some emails." He knew his phone had been blowing up with notifications.

"You let me know if you need anything, Miles," she said with a smile. She handed a folder to Shawn. "Here are the proposals for Mr. Chambers. Good luck."

Shawn chuckled. "I'll need it. Thanks, Jules." He placed a hand on Miles' arm. "It shouldn't be too long, but then again, Chambers has proved me wrong before."

Miles shrugged. "More secrets to uncover then. Take your time."

"Menace," Shawn grumbled and nudged him a little. Despite his words, he left with a smile.

Miles huffed out a laugh and turned to Jules. "I'll stay out of your hair."

"I'm not terribly busy, so feel free to let me know if there is anything you need."

Miles nodded and walked to the windows, and looked over the city. He sighed contently, wondering what would happen if he had something like this. He leaned against the window, pulled out his phone, and started the arduous task of sorting through his emails.

He was surprised to see a call incoming from Trickshot.

"Hey, Trickshot, what's up?" He said, keeping his voice down so it was not echoing in the empty lobby.

"I just know you were with Phase and Mr. Pierce today. Just seeing if you're done recording," He answered. His voice was a little strained. 

Miles' brow creased with worry. "Phase finished a little bit ago. I'm still with Shawn."

"I see. I guess I was just wondering if you have decided to sell now that you had the time to see Aura's resources." He tried to laugh it off. 

Miles still felt something was off. They were all worried about his decision to sell, especially now that they knew he was Requiem. 

"That's not something Shawn and I have discussed. And even if it were, I wouldn't make such a hasty decision. I only took his offer to help Phase with his album. I'll probably have to do the same for Flux and hopefully you soon." He explained, hoping to receive some sort of commitment from Trickshot. 

"Yeah. I know. But I'm... um... just checking in."

Miles released a long exhale. "You know I won't make any decisions without you and the others having a say in the matter. Any choice that is made regarding Dirge is going to take time and communication."

He could hear Trickshot blow out a long breath. "I guess I'm worried and wanted to talk to you."

"I get it, Trick. Believe me. I'll keep you all updated before any decisions I make."

"Appreciate it," Trickshot said.

Miles hesitated for a moment. "But while I have you, I really need to sit down with you and talk music."

Trickshot groaned. "I know."

"You know I hate pushing you to create when you're not in the headspace for it, but we need to get you out there. I need a show or an album." Miles said, his voice taking on more of the energy of a boss than a fellow DJ. 

"Miles—" Trickshot started to whine, grating on Miles' ears. Trickshot was a quiet motherfucker, but would dig in heels and throw a tantrum if pushed. Miles already knew the signs and needed to cut in before it worsened.

"Nah, man. You gotta give me something. Stream live. Help out at The Apple. Release something. It's been over a year since you've put yourself out there." Miles said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He suddenly understood what Shawn was talking about earlier. 

"And what about you?" Trickshot bit back.

Miles clicked his tongue in annoyance. He looked back at Jules, who was busying herself at her desk. 

"I am out there. I still grab gigs at The Apple. I'm still streaming when I have time. Keywords: when I have time. Most of the time, I work my balls off for this record label." His voice was practically a growl. He was paying Trickshot but was not contributing, yet he had the gall to hark on him. 

"No need to get bitchy."

"I respect you and do my best to help you develop. But the goal is to make music and generate money for the company. Right now, I am paying you for not producing. If this were any other company, you would be on your ass for breach of contract."

Silence greeted him on the other line. However, he could hear Trickshot's unsteady breaths.  When did Trickshot become like this? He used to have such drive but became stagnant. He stopped caring and let his skills slip. He became uninspired and sloppy until he stopped making music entirely. 

"Is there something going on, Trick?" Miles asked, his voice softer than before. 


"If something is happening in your personal life that is affecting you, you can talk to me about it." Miles tried again. "If it is something I can help with, I can. I have resources if you need—"

"I'm fine," Trickshot interrupted him with a huff. "I'll make something soon so you can make your buck." 

Trickshot disconnected, leaving Miles to look blankly at his phone in stunned silence. 

Miles sighed and rubbed his eyes. He had no idea what the hell got into Trickshot, but he needed to set some boundaries soon.  He regretted how much leeway he gave him because that may have enabled his current behaviors. Perhaps he should have been more stern. More inflexible. 

Now he was worried because he was stuck with a half-assed DJ with an attitude problem. How could he bring Dirge over to Aura in good conscience with someone not up to caliber?

"Miles?" Jules called out gently, making him jump because he didn't expect her to be so close. 

"Sorry. You called me?"

She smiled and handed him a cup of tea. "Sounded like a rough call. Thought some Chamomile tea will do you good."

Miles smiled wryly. "Thanks. I needed this." He nodded toward the piano. "Can anyone jump on the piano?"

Jules grinned. "You play?"

Miles nodded before he took a sip from the tea. He sighed, letting the heat warm him and calm him down. There was no use worrying about tomorrow's problems. 

"Have at it," she said with a grin. "I never mind a show."

He placed the mug on a table near the piano and ran his fingers over the keys. He tested a few chords and smiled when he heard the powerful sound. 

He started with something simple to warm up but soon lost himself to the piano. He loved the old upright in his home, but nothing beat the sound quality of a grand piano.

At first, he played to help calm down his racing thoughts. When he felt his tension melt away with the music, he slipped into his comfort zone, switching to jazz and blues. His shoulders relaxed while his hands stretched and flitted across the keys. A smile reached his lips as his favorite Thelonious Monk song took form. 

He seemed to be in his own world, sleeves rolled up, and his face reflected a sense of ease despite the complicated notes. His fingers rang out a trill as he concluded the song.

When the last note ended, a warm hand laid gently on his shoulder, and Miles could smell the subtle fragrance of Shawn's cologne. His smile grew wider as and tilted his head back to look up at him. However, he faltered when his cheek brushed against Shawn's, not realizing how close they were.

"Don't Blame Me," Shawn named the song Miles was playing. His voice was quiet, and his breath brushed against Miles' exposed neck.

Miles felt his hair stand on end and bit back a gasp. "That's right."

Shawn held out a hand to help him up from the bench, which Miles took. As he stood, he turned back to the lobby and was surprised to see a small group of men and women in suits. They all wore the same stunned look.  One man rushed up with a slight blush on his cheeks.

He took Miles' hand and shook it with excitement. "I'm Scott, VP of Aura. You obviously know Shawn. I have to say, I'm immensely impressed. We haven't had many opportunities to sign on a pianist, so I hope you're considering Aura."

Miles was a little stunned. "Oh. Well, about that..." He turned helplessly to Shawn.

Shawn laughed and gently pulled Scott's hand away to free Miles from his grasp. "Scott, it's nothing like that. This is Miles."

Scott looked between the two of them, trying to put together the pieces. When it dawned on him, his mouth fell open. "Mendez?!"

Miles smiled. "That's right. I suppose I owe you an apology. I was quite short with you on our last call."

"Holy shit," Scott murmured. "I never thought... I mean, are you considering..." He looked at Shawn with confusion. "What's happening?"

Miles nudged Shawn, making him lean his ear closer to Miles' lips. "Is he okay?" He whispered.

"Shell shocked," Shawn answered. "Considering he has been trying to meet you for eight years. I assume he never expected you to be sitting in our lobby."

"Seven years. I have been trying to meet Miles for seven years to talk about Dirge." He shot a glare toward Shawn. "How the hell did you succeed?"

"His dashingly good looks," Miles quipped. "Can't find the heart to say no to a silver fox like him."

Scott sputtered for a moment and then looked Shawn up and down. "That was it? I just need to pimp you out?"

"Hey!" Shawn protested. "No one is pimping me, and I'm no silver anything." He ran his hand through his hair subconsciously, afraid that there were more greys than last time. 

Miles grinned and lifted his hand to straighten the section of Shawn's hair that was a little ruffled. "Silver happens to be my favorite color."

Shawn rolled his eyes but didn't move to stop Miles from brushing his hair back. Miles lingered a little longer until he finally reluctantly pulled back his hand. 

Miles tore his eyes away, facing Scott again. "Shawn's doing me a favor, and I was going to invite him back to my place after he was done with business here."

Scott seemed to freeze, the words completely stolen from his lips. 

Shawn raised an eyebrow. "Were you now?"

"Of course. I would supply you with music, whiskey, and dinner." Miles lightly bit his lower lip to try and stop the smile from spreading.

"I can't say no to that," Shawn replied, looking at his watch. He turned to the group, who wore the same stunned expression as Scott. "Let's call it a day, everyone. Great job today."

They all nodded and shuffled back to the elevator. They shot curious gazes back toward Shawn and Miles from time to time until the elevator doors closed. Only Jules and Scott remained.

Jules laughed behind a hand and grabbed Scott's arm. "I'm going to take this idiot husband of mine home."

"Thanks, Jules," Shawn said with a laugh.

Miles grinned. "It was great meeting the both of you. Thank you for taking care of me today, Jules."

She waved happily as she dragged Scott to the other elevator, leaving Shawn and Miles alone.

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