Omni Ranger

By Side-Man

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Nero Stein finds himself floating in nothing when a mysterious voice tells him that he was brought here to cu... More

Enter the Omni Ranger: Nero Stein
A Proper Greeting
A Zeo Re:Awakening
A Date and a Paradox
Invasion Malfunction

The Golden Ticket

951 21 14
By Side-Man

Disclaimer: I own nothing, just the OC. Please support the official release.

Scene transition~

"THE POWER CHAMBER!?" Astronema exclaims.

"Were you expecting somewhere else?" Nero asked nonchalantly.

"You should have told me this was your plan, at least." Astronema told him.

Nero ponders for a moment. "Okay, yes, maybe I should have told you. But c'mon, where else did you think I was going to take you? There aren't exactly many secret bases around here." 'At least not for another ten years.'

Elgar scratches his bald head. "Okay, I don't get it. Do you want me to blow it up or not?"

Nero glares at the idiot, releasing a small amount of Killer Intent. "If you touch one of these computers, I will slit you open from mouth to anus and wear you like a jacket. Am I clear?"

Elgar immediately cowers behind one of the Quantrons. "A-Aye sir!"

"Now then," Nero walks towards one the computer banks and begins to do... something. "If I can access the data banks, I should be able to find the location of the Power Chamber's Zord bay."

Astronema gives her ranger a perplexed look. "Do you even know what you're doing?"

"No idea, but my meddling should cause something to happen." Just then, the Viewing Globe activates, showing everyone a live image of the mountains. "Is that the Himalayas? Wow, Zordon really didn't want these found."

"While we are on this subject, could you explain exactly what we're looking for here? I thought all of the Zords were destroyed." Astronema said.

"Not really, no. Lord Zedd only destroyed the Thunder Zords, he was never able to destroy the Ninja Zords since they were summoned directly from the ranger's Power Coins. When he destroyed the Power Coins, he severed the ranger's link to their Ninja Zords and when the rangers of Aquitar left, they took the Shogunzords with them." Nero explains. "Now, when the Machine Empire invaded, Zordon used the Zeo Crystal to upgrade his rangers, making them more powerful than ever. King Mondo couldn't even land a scratch on them unless he used more underhanded tactics. One thing he was never able to do was destroy their Zords."

Astronema's eyes widened in realization. "You want to steal the Zeo Zords."

"Bingo. You get a gold star." Nero praised her. "Zordon never got rid of them, instead he put them in cold storage." Nero said. "I never understood why he did that. The Zeo powers were way better than the Turbo powers, especially since they grow stronger the more time passes."

Elgar slowly comes out of his hiding place. "But wait. I thought you needed a crystal thingamajig or something to get them to work."

Astronema clicks her tongue. "As much as I hate to admit it, but Elgar's right. We need the Zeo Crystal to power the Zords and we don't know where it is."

"You seem to have forgotten that my Omni Morpher can do more than just turn me into things." Just then, Nero sees something. "So that's how it's gonna be."

Astronema walks closer to the computer. "What happened? Did you find something?"

"Yes." The screen shows them an energy field surrounding the Himalayas. "The hangar is protected by a nuclear non-reflective protective shield, the same one King Mondo used once. If we try teleporting there, we'll be smashed to bits." Nero presses a button and the screen shows a lock screen. "In order to lower the shields, we need a password. A password which we don't even have."

Astronema slams her fist into the console. "Damnit! And just when I thought I finally got the upper hand against those Power Rangers!"

"We'll need to get the password." Nero said.

Astronema glares at him. "Zordon would never sell out his own rangers."

"I never said it was Zordon who was going to give us the password. We'll just take it from his Alpha unit." Nero told her.

A smile slowly forms on Astronema's beautiful face. "So what's the plan?"

Nero begins to tell her his idea.

Astro Megaship

Alpha 6 is seen walking around in the bridge with a duster in hand, dusting the small crevices of the computer banks.

"Oh, right there. Thank you, Alpha." D.E.C.A. thanked the android.

"No problem, D.E.C.A.! It's the least I can do." Alpha happily said.

"Incoming transmission from Andros." D.E.C.A. declares.

"Hm, I wonder what happened?" Alpha wonders as he to the left side and presses a button on the terminal.

"Alpha! We were suddenly ambushed by Astronema and her new monster! Ugh, Cassie and TJ are badly hurt! You need to get us out of here!" Andros exclaims before the transmission is suddenly cut off.

"Ai yi yi yi yi! The rangers are in trouble!" Alpha exclaims as he walks to the main controls. "D.E.C.A. trace the source of the signal!"

"I have already locked onto its point of origin." D.E.C.A. states.

"Then there's no time to waste. Uploading coordinates now!" Energy begins to travel from the controls and directly into Alpha. "Wish me luck!" Using his built-in teleporter like Alpha 5, the android teleports out of the megaship.


Alpha arrives at an abandoned factory.

"This is where transmission came from." Alpha begins to explore. "Andros! Where are you!? Ashley! Carlos! TJ! Cassie!"

But there was no response.

"I don't like this..." Suddenly Alpha's sensors detect a presence as a shadow looms over him. He turns around and yelps in fright. "Ai yi yi yi yi!"

Alpha is swallowed by darkness.


Back in the Megaship, the rangers arrive at the command bridge.

"Welcome back, Power Rangers." D.E.C.A. welcomed them.

The rangers look around the bridge and notice someone missing.

"Where's Alpha?" Carlos asked.

"Alpha 6 traced the distress signal Andros sent." D.E.C.A. told him.

Andros looks confused. "But I didn't send a distress signal." He revealed. "Are you sure it was me?"

"Voice recognition and Morpher ID matches that of the designated red ranger." D.E.C.A. states.

Andros looks blankly as he is in deep thought.

"Andros?" The voice of Ashley snaps him back into reality.

The red ranger turns around and looks at his team. "We need to find Alpha. Now!"

Power Chamber

Astronema waits patiently in the control room, her left foot slowly tapping on the floor.

"Wheeeeeee!" Elgar cries out in joy as he rolls around in a swivel chair. "This is fun!"

"Grrr!" Astronema growls in annoyance by Elgar's high-pitched voice. She takes her staff and zaps one of the wheels off, causing the chair to tip over and Elgar to fall on the floor; face-first.

"Ouch..." Elgar moans in pain.

"Next time, I'll do more than just break your chair." Astronema declares. Just then, she hears a loud hissing as the doors open and something walks in.

It's Alpha 6, though there is something strange about him. His entire body's covered in some kind of black substance with green stripes that resemble circuitry all over him.

Elgar gets up and looks at the newcomer. "Hey, who's the new guy?"

Astronema glances at the symbol in his chest and comes to one conclusion. "Nero?"

"Hey there, princess." Nero said his voice has a metallic distortion to make the voice sound more electronic. "What do you think? I told you this plan would work."

The princess of darkness slowly approaches the possessed android. "What is this?" She touches his shoulder before something latches itself onto her and she quickly pulls her hand back.

"You shouldn't touch me with those cybernetics on." Nero states.

"What are you?"

Nero/Alpha raises their hand and Astronema is awestruck as the hand begins to enlarge and morph into a futuristic gun.

"I am a Galvanic Mechamorph, a living colony made of billions of microscopic machines called nanites." Nero reveals. "I can not only merge with technology but also upgrade it, making it far more advanced and futuristic beyond human capability, causing new features to form or reconfigure them."

"I have never heard of these 'Galvanic Mechamorph' before, and I have been across the galaxy." Astronema said.

"I am not surprised." Nero/Alpha's hand returns to normal, "The Galvanic Mechamorphs aren't native to this galaxy; maybe even this universe. If you had, I would guess you would have won the war already, considering the ranger's reliance on their weapons."

"True, true." Astronema muses at the prospect. "So, how much technology can you absorb?"

"Technically, I can only merge with one machine at a time, however there's no limit to what I can possess." Nero told her.

Elgar scratches his head with his sword. "I don't get it."

"Basically, I can make stuff better." Nero explained.

"Oh! I get it!" Elgar exclaims.

"Now then," Nero walks up to the large computer bank. "Let's get us a Megazord." Nero inputs the password.

"Access Granted. All functions available."

"Computer, change administrator rights to me." Nero orders.

"Please confirm the new password."

Nero puts in the new password.

"Password confirmed. Welcome, Nero Stein."

"There. The Power Chamber now belongs to me. How exciting!" Nero splits off from Alpha and reforms into a large muscular creature with a black exterior with blue stripes that resemble circuitry all over him. His torso is primarily colored white with blue and black circuitry patterns going to the center and the Omni Ranger symbol is on his chest.

"So that's your true form." Astronema eyes wander as she gets a proper look at him.

"Yup. And call me Upgrade while in this form." Nero said, the green circle on his head glows when he talks.

"Very nice." Astronema smiles.


Everyone turns to the sound and sees Alpha collapsed on the ground.

"What's his deal?" Elgar asks as he begins to poke the android with his sword.

"Stop that." Upgrade pushes Elgar aside and gets a good look at Alpha. "He's in emergency sleep mode. The merge must have put a heavy strain on his power supply."

"What do we do with it?" Astronema asked.

"Dunno." The mechamorph shrugs. "I needed Alpha for his memories, now that I have full control of this facility, we have no more use for him." The two villains stare at the downed robot before getting an idea. "Or maybe there is..."

Later at the warehouse

Inside the warehouse, the Space rangers are walking around the abandoned building.

"According to D.E.C.A, this was Alpha's last known location before his signal disappeared." TJ said.

Carlos stares at the empty space. "Man, this place is huge. How are we supposed to find Alpha in a place like this?"

"Then it's a good thing you don't have to look far."

Everyone turns to the voice and sees Astronema teleporting in with a deactivated Alpha beside her.

"Astronema!" Andros yelled.

"Alpha!" The other rangers call out but get no response.

Astronema smirks. "I'm afraid your little friend is out of order." She takes her staff and taps the robot's head.

"What have you done to him!?" Ashley demands.

"Hm? Nothing really. I just needed his help with a current side project of mine." Astronema answers sincerely.

TJ steps forward and points his Astro Axe at Astronema. "Whatever you're planning, we will stop it."

Astronema scoffs. "You? Stop me? Like how you stopped Zordon from getting captured? Or like how you stopped Divatox from destroying your zords and later your base? Really, TJ, you shouldn't be making promises you can't keep."

TJ is taken aback by this. How does she know all of this? How did she know who he was!?

"Unfortunately, I am not here for you. Despite what you may believe, you are NOT the center of MY universe." She turns away and whispers, "someone already is..."

"?" The rangers look confused by her odd behavior.

"Anyways," Astronema began. "I am just here to make a delivery." A monster suddenly appears in front of her. The monster's body was primarily mechanical in appearance although it looked unfinished judging by the large parts of exposed wiring sticking out of its limbs. It has a white faceplate with golden screws on its lower jaw and wears a large black hat almost like a police officer's.

"Rangers meet Electrotramp." Astronema introduces the monster. "He'll keep you entertained in the meantime." She turns around and begins to walk away.

"And where do you think you're going!?" TJ rushes to catch but Electrotramp grabs him by his shoulder before throwing him back with ease.

"You're not going anywhere!" Electrotramp crosses his hands together and creates an electro ball that he throws at the rangers.

"AH!" The rangers are caught in the attack, pushing them back due to the shockwave.

"Did you get a CHARGE out of that!? Hahahahahaha!" The monster laughs.

The rangers slowly get themselves up.

"He's too powerful..." Cassie grunts out in pain.

"How do we beat this guy...?" Carlos asked.

"Wait!" Everyone turns to Andros. "Maybe if we combine our powers, we can defeat him!"

"But we never tried that before. Are you sure it'll be enough?" Ashley asked.

"It will. I'll distract him." With that, Andros straightens himself, "Spiral Saber!" In a red flash, the Spiral Saber appears in his hands.

"Hehehe. Up for more, red ranger?"

Andros gets into position. "You're going down!" He charges at the monster.

"I don't think so. HA!" Electrotramp fires bolts of electricity at the red ranger.

"ANDROS!" His team cries out in worry.

Andros lets out a battle cry as the electricity flies around him, creating explosions in the background. Another bolt goes for him, but he leaps upwards and evades it.

"Huh?" Electrotramp looks up just as the red ranger lands a lethal strike at his chest causing sparks to fly everywhere.

"NOOOOOOOO! You hit my power core!" Electrotramp cries as he holds his chest. "My... power... is... fading..."

"Do it, guys!" Andros yelled.

The other rangers combine their individual weapons to form a rifle-esque weapon.


Andros kicks Electrotramp away to make some distance between them. He then takes his Astro Blaster from its holster and inserts it into the slot on the bottom of his sword causing the tip of the drill to split in two becoming barrels.

"Spiral Saber Booster Mode!" Andros exclaims.

Electrotramp stands up as he slowly approaches the rangers. "W... Wait!"

"Ready?" The rangers aim their weapons, "FIRE!"

"GWAAAA!" Electrotramp screams before he explodes.

"Yeah!" Carlos exclaims before he remembers something. "Oh no! Alpha!"

The rangers rush back to Alpha's body, "we better get him back to the megaship."

"Right." TJ and Carlos proceed to pick up the android. "Man, he is heavy." They all exit out of the building.

Power Chamber

Nero watches the battle on the Viewing Globe as Astronema teleports into the command center.

"Welcome back." Nero said.

Astronema smiles. "So? Did you enjoy the show?"

Nero just laughs. "I fucking LOVED IT! The way the blue ranger cowered was definitely the best part!"

"I was quite surprised you knew so much about him. Normally, we wouldn't bother with that sort of information." Astronema comments.

"Ah, but information is everything, your highness." Nero walks up to Astronema cups her cheek. "And in a war, information is your greatest weapon; something that Dark Specter doesn't understand."

Astronema begins to blush. "A-And was giving that robot back really such a good idea!?"

Nero chuckles, she's so cute when she stutters. "Of course. There was no reason to keep that robot around. He belongs to the rangers after all."

Nero turns around and walks back to the computer bank. "I'm currently running a diagnostics check on the Zeo zords. Hopefully the years of unuse haven't dulled them."

Astronema looks around and notices someone missing. "Where's Elgar?"

"I had him go get something for me. It'll help me run the facility better." Nero replies.

Just then, Elgar and two Quantrons teleport inside with a crate in his hands. "I'm back!"

Nero turns to face Elgar. "Did you find what I asked?"

Elgar nods. "Sure did!" He puts the crate down. "It wasn't easy to find, let me tell you. Dark Specter had put Eltar on lock down and confiscated all of their stuff."

Nero walks forward and kneels in front of the crate. "Good job, Elgar. Looks like you have some use after all."

"Hmph!" Elgar puffs his chest with pride.

Astronema looks weary about the crate. "What is it?"

"Like I said, it'll help me run the facility better." With a loud snap, Nero opens the crate, "Well, hello," he takes his hands and pulls what looks to be a yellow saucer with a red back. "Welcome home, Alpha 5." He then begins to laugh in excitement, like he had just gotten the toy he always wanted.

The world, no, the universe wasn't prepared for what was in store.


Author Notes

Short chapter today. I've had this idea in my head since the end of January. Hope you all enjoy it.


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