Broken Girl (Book I of Anita...

By Luminisa

256 25 3

Anita Blake never expected to be a mother and never wanted to be, or thought that she never wanted to be beca... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Author's Notes

Chapter XIX

5 1 0
By Luminisa

~ Anita's Point of View ~

The next day Jasika and Vilsora showed us the items that Ahriman sent to them for us to use. One of the items was for here in St. Louis. The others were special rings for Jean-Claude, Asher, Damian, and the rest of the Vampires to help protect from the sun when we arrived in his Country and Kingdom. Which completely stunned us because not only did the rings protect from the sun but also bound their souls to their body so that they no longer died during the day.

At first they tried to refuse the rings because it seemed too great a gift. But when Jasika and Vilsora said that the rings were a gift and an apology for what happened at the Circus of the Damned so Jean-Claude, Asher, Damian, Pierrot, Requiem, and London kept the rings. While Jasika and Vilsora were placing the strong barrier orb where it needed to be, the rest of started packing our things.

Brittany stayed close to Jean-Claude, Asher, Kindle, and I even as we packed. She was still nervous and even anxious. Which was probably why she was sticking close to Asher.

To be honest. I felt anxious about the woman who was after Brittany as well. Because of the potential of being a serious threat.

"The woman after Brittany could be responsible for the kidnappings and killings that have happened and keep happening." I said as I just made that realization.

"Have anymore happened Ma Petite." Jean-Claude asked me.

"The latest one was where the creature attacked." I said. "The police haven't been alerted to anymore. Unless they aren't telling me if any more have."

"She's more than likely going to try to take me more than once whether we are here or there." Brittany stated.

"Let her try. She will fail." Kindle said a glare in her eyes.

Jean-Claude, Asher, and I agreed.

"She definitely won't succeed without a hell of a fight." Rafael said coming in.

"She will learn the hard way Not to mess with us as well." Micah said while he came in along with Nathaniel.

"And even if she does succeed. We will fight to get you back." Nathaniel said.

"She's in for a long hard fight." Claudia added.

Which help Brittany calm down a little. We all agreed there was no way we were going to leave her alone or give her up without a fight judging from looks that we subtly gave one another.

After about two hours everyone was ready and Jasika and Vilsora opened a portal to their home and the home that Brittany and Kindle are from. We followed them through and ended up in a large courtyard where people were waiting along with a man who looked like a soldier.

"Welcome. I am Dante Drake Sargan General and Commander of Ahriman's army and also his loyal close friend." The man introduced himself. Then he paused and then added, "These people are here to help you to your rooms for as long as you stay here and if you need anything they will get it just ask."

"I will show you to your rooms personally." Jasika said to Jean-Claude, Asher, Kindle, Brittany, and I. Vilsora left to go some where else.

"Where is our dad?" Brittany asked as we followed Jasika.

Jasika looked over her shoulder at Brittany as she walked and said, "He's either waiting in his private rooms or in his study to meet you as well as your friends."

Brittany nodded as she followed. Asher walked near her with his arm wrapped around her. We noticed people staring at us, but especially Brittany as we walked. Some were even whispering things like, "That's got to be Araceli's daughter." "She's pretty." "She's so fragile looking." "That shouldn't be surprising after what she has been through." "Her siblings have to be excited to meet her." "I wonder who those people are that are with her."

Brittany couldn't help but blush softly as she stuck closely to Asher. Asher couldn't help but give her a teasing smile as he said, "It's okay to have this kind of attention. They aren't going to hurt you."

I heard another say, "She's so shy that she's actually cute." While I saw one almost hidden who was a girl around Jasika's, Kindle's, or Brittany's age or a little more or less.

Once we got to our rooms we unpacked. Then after Jasika found out where Ahrima was we started to head there. While on the way Jasika said, "Once your all settled I will show you around as well as introduce you to our family."

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