Sterek Shorts

By Yomaasfavv

45.1K 923 106

Thank you guys for 40k+ reads. I didn't think I'd get this far. More

My Mom
Worried Sour Wolf
Stiles misses Derek
Pack Jackets
Accepting Coach
Uncle Derek
Hey! Scottie...!
Past Derek
Texts 1.
He's a werewolf!
Theo, Theo, Theo
"Fake" Boyfriend
"Home made"
Duct Tape
30 seconds
Biggest Fear
16 months 1.
16 Months 2.
16 Months 3.
Stiles Being Stiles
Stiles Pickup Lines
If I were your boyfriend
Dating your Cousin
Lock the door!
Dammit my jeep!
The Confession
If I Were Your Boyfriend (2)
The Bite (Requested)
Doesn't Fit
Drowning (Requested)
Your Pain Is My Pain (Requested)
50 Special
He's Gone
Shot By The Mafia
Shot By The Mafia 2.
First Tattoo
Why Did You Go
Early Return
Hidden Words
Make Out
Side Hustle
Side Hustle (2)
Mr. Hale
Prey (2)
I Love You
Superwolf AU (1)
He's a Werewolf!? (2)
He's a werewolf!? (3)
He's a Werewolf!? (4)
Im Here
Oblivious (2)
Derek's SIMPLE Day
Texts 2.
He's A Werewolf!? (5)
He's A Werewolf!? (6)
My Brother
My Brother 2
My Brother 3
Chapped Lips

Your Pain Is My Pain 2.

444 9 4
By Yomaasfavv

"So?! How are we feeling?" Lilly asked Stiles.

"Like I'm going to die," Stiles squeaked. "Was it this scary marrying my dad?"

"Oh, yes honey. But I took a breath and realized that I was going to be married to the man I love."

Stiles nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Why don't you take off the jacket, I'll go get you some water."

"Yeah, okay," Stiles took off the jacket and sat on the chair.

Lilly left the room.

Stiles sat with his leg bouncing, head in his hands. He counted to 10 repeatedly and thought about what Lilly said. He was going to be fine, he was marrying the man he loves. There is no reason to panic so hard.

"Oh God, this is happening," Stiles whispered shakily.

Stiles started breathing heavily, overthinking the events that are to come.

Lilly walked in with a bottle of water. "I could hear you panting from outside. Why are you so nervous, baby?"

Lilly gave Stiles the water, sitting next to him.

"What if this is a mistake? What if we end up angry and mean and not in love? What if we hurt each other? What if-"

"Stiles! No what if's, I know this is scary but you love Derek don't you?"

Stiles nodded.

"Do you want to marry him?"

Stiles nodded again.

"You can do this. It'll be okay."


With Derek, Noah, and Peter


Noah adjusted Derek's tie while Peter started rambling drunkenly. 

"You're actually marrying him?" he slurred.

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"True, but...I heard from some of his best people that he's freaking the fuck out right now."

Derek looked at Peter through the mirror.

"Oh shut up Peter," Noah snipped. "Stiles is the most anxious person I know. He freaks out over the dumbest of things." Derek nods. "And if he wasn't worrying right now, I honestly would be concerned."

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Derek asked.

"Right, heh, what I mean is that, even if it seems dumb and irrelevant, Stiles worries over things that matter to him. He over thinks them and doesn't want to lose them. Stiles is a weird yet simple man and freaks when things change. If he wasn't anxious, I'd question if he cared."

"So you're saying?" Peter burps. "The little rascal worries over things he likes?"


"Then why the hell was he so calm when I almost died?!" 

Derek and Noah broke into laughter. 

The was a knock at the door. 

"Who wishes to enter the cave of doom?" Peter called out.


"Come in, hon," Noah butts in, rolling his eyes at Peter.

Lilly opens the door and pokes her head in.

"Is everything okay?" Derek asks.

"Yes- well, I think. I mean, it's Stiles, so he's freaking out...but he's like really freaking out."

"Is he in his room still?"


"Okay, help Derek and I'll go check on him," Noah said, rushing to the door.

Lilly opened it, enough for Noah to rush past, before walking in to help Derek.

"Will he be okay?" Derek questioned, worry on his face.

"I'm sure he will. I think the thought of ruining your guys's relationship and the amount of people are getting to him," Lilly explains.

"Oh.. alright."

Lilly glances at Derek while she fixes Noah's horrendous tying job.

"I can see you want to ask something else. What is it?"

"Does he want to marry me?" Derek whispered.

"Honey, you have saved this man from death, I don't know how many times! You are all, and I mean all he jabbers about. He has been in love with you since you first met. He wouldn't be worrying over this if he didn't want to marry you." 


With Noah and Stiles


"You look worse than me at your mother's funeral," Noah said, closing the door. Stiles looked up at him, on the verge of tears. "Oh boy, come here kid."

Stiles wasted no time in getting up and rushing into Noah's arms.

"Why are you so worried?"

"Because I feel like I'm going to fuck it up. I feel like I'm going to make him hate me and he's gonna leave," Stiles explained, fighting back crying.

"Stiles, there is no way in hell that Derek would ever hate or leave you. He basically died for you! And you aren't going to fuck it up. If that was a possibility, you guys wouldn't have made it this long." 

Stiles shoved his face in Noah's neck, sniffling.

"You've done good my boy." 

"I have to talk to Derek, dad. I can't walk out there without talking to him."

"You can't see him. Both your mothers would kill me!" Noah said. 

Stiles pulled away from the hug and whipped his face. 

"I have an idea. Wait here!" Noah said, scurrying out of the room.


5 minutes later 


"You guys are not allowed to see each other. But, there is nothing that says you can't talk. I'll give you 5 minutes!" Lilly warned.

"Thank you." Stiles and Derek said in unison. 

Lilly left and Stiles walked to the door.



"Are we going to be alright?"

"Of course we are. Why are you asking?"

"I'm so scared that this won't work. That I'll lose you. I don't want what we have to disappear." 

"Stiles, nothing in this world would ever drive me away from you. I love you and I want to be your husband." 

"Promise me, this will work and we won't leave each other for any reason."

"I promise you with my life, Stiles."

Stiles whipped his eyes again and laughed slightly. 

"Okay... go find my mom. We need to get married before I start dying."

"I'd never let that happen," Derek said, walking away. 




Derek waited, staring down the aisle. As the music started to play, the guests rose and the doors opened. Noah started to walk down with Stiles, arms linked. 

Derek found himself choked up by the sight of his groom. 

"Wow," he whispered to himself.

"I can't do this," Stiles whispered to his dad.

"Yes you can, focus on Derek."

Stiles took a deep breath and kept his eyes on Derek. When they got to the end, Noah and Stiles hugged before parting ways. 

Stiles went in front of Derek and they linked hands. Derek sniffled back tears while Stiles softly laughed at him. 

Father Frank started the normal speech. He spoke and each man repeated after him.

"Derek Hale... Stiles Stilinski Hale, I no pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom," Father Frank ended with.

Derek grabbed Stiles by the waist and kissed him. Stiles hooked his arms around Derek's neck and kissed back. When they parted, Stiles whipped away his tears and then his husband's.

"I love you," Stiles whispered to Derek as the guests cheered loud.

"I love you too," Derek responded before pulling his husband into an kiss. 

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i wrote this when i was 13 so i'm sorry for how bad it is but a lot of people seem to enjoy it so i'm leaving it up, just know i am self aware x
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