Skinny Love

By anchorandbraille

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Rosie was a 18 year old girl living in Ireland with her chaotic family and her boisterous friends. Working at... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Five

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By anchorandbraille

I had grown to realise that I had a little thing for William. I don’t know what it was about him, but there was something that drove me wild every time I saw him. I tried to dress nicer around him, I watched my language and I absolutely never brought my friends around to the bar when he was working. When it was slow in the mornings we would talk about nothing at all and wash down the tables, flicking soap suds at each other or gossiping about the other tender, Samuel, and his problems with his mother.

It went on for months like this, harmless flirting, until Jonah stopped me one day in the corner of the staff room.

“What’s up with you and my brother?” He asked quietly while making himself a cup of coffee. I frowned, my cheeks warming. Because of the blush I knew I was caught, I could see his eyes glistening with humour. “You like him, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t.” I lied, fiddling with my cloth. “Why would you think that?”

“Well, all you two do is flirt with each other. AND you stare at him when he’s not watching.” He added, taking a sip of his beverage. “Which is kind of creepy by the way. Just saying.”

“I do not like your brother.” I cleared my throat awkwardly, shifting my weight from foot to foot. “And he does not like me. Get over yourself, you wannabe cupid.” I poked my tongue out for effect and he snorted.

“I think he does.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I stopped in my tracks. “It’d be sort of cute if you two dated. You’d lift him up and he’d keep you grounded.” I blushed again, this time ten times redder. Even my ears started to burn and I looked down to hide my face. Jonah made kissy noises and I groaned.

“Get out! You’re wasting my break time!” I wailed at him and he darted back out the front, laughing at me. I wasn’t exactly used to people asking me straight out if I liked someone. Harriet would usually trick me into it, asking sneaky questions so I’d fall into her little trap. Taylor and Mia didn’t care about my love life because they were Harriet’s side characters anyway.

Speaking of Mia and Taylor, they were officially dating and it was officially cute. They went out on dates and took pictures with each other and Mia had actually started a diet. I was sort of jealous of the two of them, with them being happy in lust and me being sex-less and weird. The last boyfriend I’d had was at the start of Year 14 and that was a long time ago.

I sighed into my hands and tried to massage the blood out of my face. Jonah had a way of making me squeamish without even having to try. He was a classic older brother character and I was happy that he seemed to do that for William. Curling my fingers into the little couch that I was sitting on, I threw my head back and watched the ceiling. I had been standing on my feet for four hours, but that was expected because it was a full time job; something I hadn’t had before.

My mother was proud of me for it because she knew I was starting to save for my European Road Trip that I had been planning since I was seven. I had a few bumps in the road, seeing as Harriet and I had been shopping a week before and together we spent 800 Euros in the city. At least I had gotten a whole new wardrobe, which I had been looking forward too. More clothes to impress William with too, which was always good.

“Hey Rose.” Samuel slipped into the back and started towards the coffee pot. “I heard you have a crush on little Willy.”

“Little Willy sounds so demeaning.” I scoffed and he winked at me. “And no, I don’t. Don’t start with me Samuel or I’ll end you.” I sniped back and he scoffed again, pouring himself a cup.

“Hey, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Two attractive people the same age in a small space for this long a time? I think it’s adorable.” He waggled his fingers at me and I gave him the finger. He snickered, taking a sip and opened the door back into the pub. “So adorable.”

“Fuck you.” I whined at the closed door and spread myself out on the couch. I usually waited here for ten minutes before I got up and walked to the bakery to buy the boys’ lunch. Jonah liked his tarts, Samuel liked the pies and Will ate whatever I put in front of him, which was nice because he was the cheapest to feed.

I inhaled softly, taking the whiff of beer out of the air and sighing. That’s all I really smelt of anymore, but as I said before, I didn’t really mind because it gave me a calm, peaceful feeling. And I sat there for a while, staring at the plain white ceiling and thinking about nothing. It was Saturday today so I’d be over Taylor’s house for a little rendezvous with the Fantastic Four and we’d probably watch movies with each other while Taylor and Mia cuddled and did God-knows-what under their shared blanket.

Yawning, I stretched and grinned before standing up, taking off my apron. Digging around in my bag I pulled out my wallet and took my way through the front of the pub, ignoring the kissy noises from Sam and Jonah and headed for the bakery.

Feeling in tip-top shape, Harriet had taken me on a night out on the town. It was my first ever experience with night-clubs, and my second experience with the fruity drinks they called cocktails. Harriet, however, was a pro at this stuff and was downing them like they were going out of fashion and she was STILL walking straight. I had my nice new dress on, trying to pull off the ‘hugs all my curves’ look while Harriet just did it without fail. She actually had to spend a half an hour more on my hair because I was fretting so much.

But now she had her hands on my hips on the dance floor and was grinding her crotch into my ass, which I found hilarious and uncomfortable at the same time. She didn’t seem to mind though, because she was quickly gaining attention from the male species that lurked at the bar. I grinded back innocently into her, trying to avoid eye-contact with any of the predators that were on-looking. Finally breaking my shyness and giggling due to the alcohol in my blood, she blew in my ear and giggled too.

“I’m going to get you laid tonight, even if I have to pay one of them.” She told me, swaying her hips with her hands in the air. I broke away from her and snorted, spinning in my heels to mimic her moves.

“Not like that didn’t shatter my confidence or anything.” Staring at the floor that glowed with neon lights, I shook my hips to the beat. She grabbed my shoulders and looked at me, pressing her soft body into mine.

“As long as you keep drinking those drinks and swinging those hips, you will get laid. Just get an attractive one just in case birth control fails.”

“Hah, fuck you.” I gave her the finger while I danced and she laughed, throwing her hair back with her hands and shimmying into me like a dork. “Oh god stop it, you’re embarrassing me.”

“Never!” She squealed and shimmied again, making me laugh. Her eyes locked onto something behind me and I turned to feel the warmness of hands on my hips.

“Can I steal your partner?”

I looked up to see Samuel, all dressed up and looking attractive under the dim lights. My face lit up when I saw him and he grinned. Harriet didn’t even argue and pushed me off, shaking herself over to some poor lad looking uncoordinated on the dance floor.

“My friend wants to dance with you. He’s shy though.” He pointed to a black haired boy near the bar who was fiddling with his button up with rolled sleeves. I raised my eyebrows and he grinned. “But I’m gonna dance with you first because we’re colleagues and it’s an age old rule.”

“Oh it is, is it?” I scoffed and he took my hand.

“Of course.” He mumbled, pressing himself into my back and moving with me to the beat of the music. “I didn’t think you’d be out. You know, with your crush on little Willy.”

“I do not have a crush on William!” I punched him with the back of my fist and his hands on my hips squeezed in humour. I felt the sweat bead on my forehead and I pushed my fringe back, ruffling my hair and skidding around my heels.

“And I don’t believe you.” He said and I frowned. “You know, because you’re not interested in William or anything, you should probably just wear these sorts of clothes to work.”

“Ooh, sexual abuse in the workplace.” I spoke sarcastically, snuggling into him as the song changed. “I like.”

“Yeah you look the masochistic type.” He laughed and I cocked my head to the side.

“I thought I was dancing with your friend.” I pointed out and he jolted.

“Of course you were! Poor bugger probably thought I stole his girl.” He let me go and pushed me towards his friend at the bar. I staggered over, where I obviously had a drink waiting. The handsome lad looked down at me and smiled and I smiled back.

I had my make-up imprinted in the pillow underneath my face when I woke up the next morning. The man beside me was snuggled up with the blanket. My head was throbbing and I noticed that my dress was on the bedside table. I rolled onto my back quickly. My first one-night stand.

Now I knew to get out of bed quietly. I pulled my dress over my head and he stirred, his black hair in all directions. He only looked a year or so older than me, but then again everyone looks younger when they’re asleep so he was probably Samuel’s age; 24. I looked around for my heels which we gracefully kicked off at the end of the bed and I hot-footed it out of there.

I made sure to check my appearance in his mirror before I exited the bedroom, and I’m sort of glad I did because I ran straight into his room-mate that was leaving the bathroom. He stopped for a second, taking a look at my attire and snorted.

“This is awkward.” He noted and I nodded, breathing in through my teeth. “You don’t want a coffee do you? Because your bag is on the kitchen counter along with a few condoms. I was wondering where they came from, actually.”

I blushed red and he grinned at me. I followed him quietly into the kitchen and snapped up my bag, holding it close to me as he dug out an old travel mug.

“Browny doesn’t get laid much. I suppose I should treat you well then.” He dipped the pot and poured the strong-smelling liquid into the mug. I met his eye and he grinned again, clearly enjoying my awkwardness. “You from that little town not far from here?”

“Yeah...” I sighed, taking the mug when he offered it to me. He told me he didn’t need it back and to be on my way before ‘Browny’ woke up, because he didn’t want me to spoil his best mates ‘first one night stand’. Before I left the apartment, the roommate called me a goodbye and I turned around. He was waving cheekily. “Welcome to the city!”

Work on Monday was shameful. Lurking behind the bar, Jonah was taunting me with his eyes while William walked around looking confused. He had every right to because both Samuel and Jonah were in a stitch of giggles.

Monday, being our slowest night of the week, was when we were altogether as a big bar family. Sometimes we were together on a Saturday as well because it was so busy, but on Monday’s is when Jonah started his paper work. Samuel usually did his cleaning as well, and William tended the bar while I served like the slave I was.

Dumping a tray on the bar, Jonah eyed me and started to laugh again.

“I can’t believe you actually did that.”

“I can’t believe Samuel broke our confidentiality agreement.” I waved him off and took my cloth to remove the beer froth from my tray. William casually leant against the bar around the taps, looking curiously at me while I glared at his older brother. Jonah snorted.

“I threatened to fire him if he didn’t tell me.” He winked and I frowned.

“Real nice, Jonah.” I sniffed, flicking the cloth into the sink and resting on the hard-top bench.

“What did you do?” William asked quietly, as if he didn’t want to get into trouble. Jonah let his eyebrows rise and suddenly stared at me. I went a little red and he snickered again.

“What didn’t she do?” He grinned at me and I continued to go red. Samuel let his head appear from the back room and frowned at me.

“You haven’t told little Willy?” He questioned and I gave him a stupid look. But before I could answer, William smacked his palm on the table.

“I swear if you call me that one more time I will beat you.” He hissed and Samuel poked his tongue out. “What did you do, Rose? I feel left out.” His eyes suddenly grazed mine and I flinched. Okay, so I didn’t want to tell him because I knew if I did he would probably hate me. That or it would forever ruin my chances of getting with him. Sleeping with some random at a bar isn’t the best thing to tell the guy you have a thing for.

“I’m not telling.” I mumbled and William sighed, throwing himself back and shaking his head.

“No one ever tells me anything in this damn bar. I’m always out of the loop.” He whined and Jonah started to laugh.

“You just don’t socialise enough for this sort of thing.” He smiled and William rolled his eyes, folding his arms like a five year old that didn’t get his way. “Rosie just hooked up with one of Samuel’s friends at a bar the other night and I think it’s hilarious because she looks so innocent.”

“Apparently she sounds like a house cat in heat.” Samuel added and I threw my tray down in horror. Equally horrified, William looked at me with his big, blue eyes rounder than saucers. “Well that’s what his roommate said. The poor guy doesn’t actually remember anything.”

“I do not sound like a house cat in heat--- Shut up!” I fumed and stood up straight. Jonah grinned at me and he folded his arms.

“We’re just teasing, love. You just don’t look like the type to do that.” He smiled at me and I glared at him. “You have the face of an angel. And people with the face of an angel don’t sound like a house cat in heat.”

“I can assure you I don’t sound like a house cat in heat.” I mumbled. “His roommate was a jerk.”

“I can vouch for that.” Samuel added, revealing himself in full. “I think we should say house cat in heat, just one more time.” Pushing back his black hair he winked at me and I scowled, forcing the red out of my face. “House cat in heat, house cat in heat-“

Jonah joined in the chanting and I caught William’s eye. He looked sort of confused, shaking his head at me and I shrugged at him, confused as well.

“It’s like a tongue twister!” Jonah threw his arms up. “HOUSE CAT IN HEAT~.”

“Wow.” I blinked and William let out a large sigh. “This is embarrassing.”

“That’s just my brother for you.” He mumbled, shining the bar taps. “Jonah, I thought you were doing bookwork?”

“You know, I was.” He frowned, scratching the back of his head. “But then Samuel came along with that lovely piece of news and I got sidetracked...” He trailed off, looking at the shorter, black-haired man. “Sam - get to work!”

William looked smug when Sam snorted and retreated out back.

“William; don’t be a prick.” He added, pointing at his brother. “And you,” he started, turning to face me. “sit pretty! Just wait until they order and then you will bring those drinks like a BOSS.” He cocked his thumb towards the small cluster of people in the corner.

“Alright sir.” I saluted and he grinned.

“See Will, I know what I’m doing.” He smiled at his brother, crossing his arms like a pro. William folded his arms and raised his brow, staring at me while I awkwardly adjusted

“Of course you do.”

That night after work William approached me with an umbrella. He had the handlebars of his bike clasped in his other hand, staring at me while the sky sprinkled lightly. When he opened the huge, black umbrella we walked in silence towards my house, sort of awkward yet calming at the same time.

I felt sort of bad for the whole incident at the club, but he hadn’t mentioned anything about it so I hoped that he didn’t mind. Though, I didn’t mind if he minded because that would mean he was jealous. And I didn’t mind jealousy.

“How come you’re not riding your bike?” I asked, shivering in the sudden summer shower. The spray was only light, but with the cool summer breeze it still made a difference in my temperature. He shrugged and I rubbed my arms.

“Well, it’s raining...” He mumbled back, looking at me and forcing himself to smile. “And I stole Jonah’s umbrella and I don’t want him to blame you for it.”

“Or you just want to walk me home.” I winked and his smile widened. I looked up at him, hugging my arms and strolling beside him. It suddenly became comfortable.

“Of course.” His smile grew into a grin and I smiled down at my feet, trying to stay balanced in my heels. “Hey, listen...” He started again, trailing off until I stared up at him. He was looking forward, gripping the umbrella with white hands. His eyes flickered over my face and I bit my lip, watching him watch me.

“Yeah?” I asked, trying to grin to get him to hurry up and spill. I hated it when people said things like that and never finish because it made my heart leap and I knew I’m in either trouble or it’s something serious.

“Well, I was thinking, since I don’t know... I was just thinking... Maybe you and I could go... I don’t know...”

I scoffed openly at him and he went bright red. However, my heart was in overdrive and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. It took all my strength not to blush like he was.

“I don’t usually do this.” He mumbled, gripping the umbrella tighter. “But I don’t know. I want to.”

“Like a date?” I asked back with the largest grin on my face. His bottom lip slipped between his teeth and he shrugged like a school boy. It was weird seeing such a tough-looking man take on the demeanour of a child.

“I suppose...” He shrugged again. “In the city? We’ll go to a nice restaurant and yeah.” He struggled to finish, obviously so new to this it was like a baby with a crayon. “I’m sorry; it just sort of came out...” He broke out again. “You don’t have too. I just figured since, you know, um, you go clubbing I wanted to get a foot in the door because you won’t stay single for long and I--- I’m rambling.”

I smiled at him and I touched the arm that held the umbrella over our heads, stepping along the bitumen road with light steps. He flinched a little and shook his head, so embarrassed that I could see his face throbbing with blood.

“Definitely.” I threw out there, trying to keep the blood out of my face so I didn’t look like a complete tomato; I would leave him to do that. “I have Thursday free.”

“Oh! Oh okay! Cool, um, well, I finish at eight so I’ll just pick you up from your house, then?” He stumbled over his words, funnily excited with my acceptance.

“Do you want me to pick you up from work? I’ll walk there and we can drive the rest of the way. It’ll save petrol.”

“That’d be brilliant!” He grinned with a skip in his step. I grinned back and he decided to hold the umbrella more over my head. I was secretly overjoyed, holding it in so he didn’t realise that I was a complete freak when it came to things like these. I knew once I got home I would squeal into my pillow and dance in my mirror because I had been wishing for this moment since I met him.

Walking in an easy conversation we continued to my house.

Harriet had damn near wet herself when I told her about my date on Thursday. I called her and told her, and when I did I thought she had hung up. The line literally went dead quiet and I could honestly hear my own heartbeat. Then she screamed and I screamed and we both screamed until we couldn’t breathe anymore.

We were standing in a little boutique in the city, staring at the expensive dresses that stood in front of us. She cocked her head to the side and shrugged at me.

“You have to get one. A real nice one - a sexy one that will cause him to get a boner right there and then.”

“Oh gosh, Harry!” I squealed into my hands. “Don’t be horrible.”

“But honestly, I bet you felt better after waking up with that cute black-haired boy, am I right?” She winked at me. “A healthy, regular sex life with change you completely.”

“Oh shut up.” I gave her the finger and she grabbed it, attempting to snap it off. I squealed again and struggled away while the shop tender gave us a stern look. Straightening up, I flattened out my shirt and coughed, flicking through the dresses with a straight look on my face.

“I like this one.” She pulled out a short peach-coloured thing, an off the shoulder dress. I scrunched my nose up.

“It’ll wash me out.” I pointed out and she stared for a second before nodding. “I look good in green.”

“Green!” She clasped her hands together. “Of course!” She hung onto the dress. “I’m buying this one.” She responded to my raised brow. I snorted. Digging around, she disappeared into the rack.

I skimmed through all the dresses, wincing at the price tags but gasping at the beauty. I was so jealous of whoever could afford to buy some of these dresses, ranging from 100 to 200 Euros. And that was expensive.

“This one?”


“This one? How about this one?”

“No and no.”

“This one?”

“Dear god, no.”

“Oh gosh, you’re so hard to buy for.” She frowned at me. “Nothing green is nice here!” She added, a little too loudly. The shop clerk looked at us again and Harry giggled. “What about purple? You’d look amazing in purple.”

“Really?” I asked, turning as she withdrew a dress from the rack. I snatched it out of her hands as soon as I realised how beautiful it was. Rubbing the purple material through my fingers I looked at Harriet and she winked at me.

“I have an eye for these things, see?” She grinned into her purse, digging around for her wallet. Pulling it out she winked at me and placed her dress on the counter. “So knock him dead, okay?”

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