Trust No One// Teen Wolf

By privetewrighter

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a girl named Rosemary hale. is the daughter of peter hale. the youngest in the hale family. 16 yr old rose is... More

Chapter 2// The Benefactor
Chapter 3// I.E.D
chapter 5// Orphaned
Chapter 6// Time of Death
Chapter 7// Perishable
Chapter 8// Monstrous
chapter 9// A promise to the dead
Chapter 10// Smoke and Mirrors
Seaaon 5
Chapter 11/// Creatures of the night
Chater 12///Parasomnia
Chapter 13/// Dreamcatcher
Chapter 14/// Condition Terminal

Chapter 1//Muted

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By privetewrighter

Waking up for me is a nightmare. I usually have Derek yelling at me to not be late.

"Come on, Rose, get up," Derek said, grabbing my blanket.

"5 more mins," I groaned

"No, now," Derek demanded.

I hate when he tries to control me.

"In a few minutes," I said.

"I said now, rose!" Derek raising his voice.

"And I said a few minutes," I said, grabbing my blanket.

"Rosemary Nicole Hale, get up right now," Derek saying even louder.

I open my eyes, and my eyes go yellow. I sit up and look at him.

"Do not say my full name," I said.

"Then get up," Derek said.

"Fine, I'm up, now go," i said.

"Ok, I'm leaving," Derek said.

He gets up and walks out of my room.

"Close my damn door!" I yelled.

He walks back and closes it. I get up and get dressed. Black jeans black top and a leather jacket. With my black boots. I curl a few pieces of my hair and put on light makeup. I grab my book bag and my phone. I walked down the staircase, and Peter was talking to Derek.

"What are you 2 talking about?" I asked.

"Nothing," Derek said.

"You're up early," Peter said.

"I didn't have a choice," I said, looking at Derek.

"Ohh ok" Peter said.

"Go to school. It's your first day of school, go," Derek said.

"I'm going," i said.

"Are you walking?" Peter asked.

"No, Scott and Stiles are coming to get me," I said.

"Oh ok, have fun," Peter said.

"I will not," I said, walking out the door.

I walk down to the front of the building and wait for Scott and Stiles. I finally see them coming. I get in the back.

"Finally, you guys are 10 mins late," I said.

"Traffic," Scott said.

I look at them.

"Kira," Stiles said.

"Figured," I said.

"Really dude," Scott said.

"Sorry, but she scares me," Stiles said.

"Fare point," Scott said.

"So you guys gonna try out for lacrosse?" I asked the boys.

"Idk," Scott said.

"Hey Scott, we talked about this," Stiles said.

"Idk guys," Scott said.

"You have to your the caption," I said.

"Yea, come one, Scott," Stiles said.

"Fine, I'll go," Scott said.

"Yes," stiles, and I said in sync.

We high five and stiles keeps driving. We arrive at school. We all get out and walk into school. All eyes were on me.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" I whispered to the boys.

"Your Hale, there gonna look," Scott said.

"Or maybe you're walking with 2 juniors,"s tiles suggested.

"Or both," Scott said.

"Yea or that," Stiles said.

We walk to the girls.

"Rose has been here for 2 mins and already has stares," malia said.

"Yea, don't remind me," I said.

"You get used to the stares, I promise," Lydia said.

I smiled at her.

"What do you guys have first?" Lydia asked.

"Science," Scott said.

"Math," malia said.

"English," I said.

"Same," Stiles said.

"Science," kira said.

"Looks like we are all in different classes other than rose and stiles," Scott said.

"I'll see you guys at lunch," Scott said.

"See ya," Stiles and I said.

"Are we actually gonna pay attention this time?" I ask, stiles.

"Probably not," Stiles said.

"Great," I said.

"Wait, how did you even get into this English class?" Stiles asked.

"I'm good at English and math," I said.

"Over achiver," Stiles said.

"Maybe you're just dumb," I said.

"Rude," Stiles said.

I laugh. We keep walking to our class. I actually bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, turning around.

"Oh, it's no problem," the boy said.

I smile and walk away.

"Anyways, are you gonna get off the bench this year?" I said to Stiles.

"Ok, I did before," Stiles said.

"And you sucked after," I said.

"Is it pick on stiles day?" Stiles asked.

"It's always pick on stiles day," I said, smiling.

He rolls his eyes, and we walk into class. We take our seats. The teacher starts talking. I dose off into my own world.

"Rose, are you listening?" the teacher asked

"Yea," I said. Snapping out of it.

We start writing notes down. The rest of the day went pretty quickly. And was boring. Finally, lacrosse tryouts. Me and the girls walk to the field and sit on the bleachers. The boys come out. And immediately, I see a boy that I recognize. It was that kid I pumped into in the hall. He was actually really good. Scott and Stiles come out and go right to running laps. I get out some homework I need to do. Malia looks over at me.

"Are you stressed?" malia asked.

"No," I said.

"Are you?" she asked kira.

"Yea, a little," kira said, shaking her leg.

"Something happened between me and Scott, and idk what to do or how I'm supposed to feel," kira said.

"He kissed you," i said.

"How do you know that?" Kira asked.

"I seen it. It was awkward," I said.

"Oh great," kira said.

"You'll be fine," malia said.

Will we were all talking? Scott and Stiles had a convocation. I overheard the convocation. So I budded in, too.

"Scott just cheat," I said.

He looked up to where i was. I nodded my head yes. I list in again.

"Rose is telling me to cheat," Scott said.

"Because it's the only reasonable answer," Stiles said.

I stopped listening. I guess they were gonna try human Scott one more time. Well, they lost. Malia gets up.

"I want a due over," malia yelled.

"Honey, it's practice," the coach said.

"10 bucks on Scott and stiles," malia yelled back.

"That I will take," the coach said.

"Liam, get back out there," coach said.

Liam is his name good to know. Skipping the boring parts. Scott broke liams leg. Scott and Stiles carry off the field. I run down and see what happened.

"So," i said.

"There taking him to the hospital," Scott said.

"I'll go with you," I said.

"If you want," Scott said.

I smiled and walked in the boys' locker room.

"You're the girl that I bumped into in the hall," Liam said.

"That's me," I said.

"Liam," he said.

"Rose," I said.

"You friends with them," Liam asked.

"Unfortunately," I said.

They both looked at me.

"Kidding," I said.

"Wait, your Rosemary Hale," Liam said.

I put my head down "yea that's me," I said.

"Your family's house burnt down," Liam said.

"Bad memories, but yes," I said.

"Sorry," Liam said.

"No, you're fine," I said.

I smiled.

The emts take Liam to the hospital. Me, Scott, and stiles took the jeep to meet them over there. We arrive. Stiles parks, and we all get out. Melissa sees us.

"What's up, guys?" Melissa said.

"Just here for Liam," Scott said.

"This way," she said.

They take us to him. We walk in the room, and Liam and I make eye contact. I look away quickly, tho.

"So how bad is it?" I asked.

"Fracture," Liam said.

"That sucks," I said.

"Yea," he said.

The boys come in the room.

"Rose, come here," Scott said.

"I'll be back," i said.

Liam nodded

"What?" I asked.

"The muted guy is here," Scott said.

"Like the one with no mouth," I said.

"No, the one with the mouth, YES, THE ON WITHOUT THE MOUTH," Stiles says sarcasticly.

"I'm just asked," I said.

Scott gets a call from Lydia.

On the phone

"Scott, you have to get to the hospital now," Lydia said.

"Why?" Scott asked

"The killer he's at the hospital," Lydia said.

"I'm here already," Scott said.

"Find him," Lydia said.

"Ok," Scott said.

End of call.

I look at Scott. And we both run. We hear Melissa scream. We find her and wendigo trying to eat her. Me and scott turn wolf and go after him. She runs off.

"I'm fine, go get him," Melissa tells Scott and I.

We run. Liam walks out of his room and thinks he heard someone. The wendigo grabs him and runs to the roof. We follow. We get up there, and the wendigo has Liam in a choke hold on the edge of the roof.

"Get back!" The wendigo said.

"Hey, I can help you," Scott said.

"Wendigos don't need help. They need food!" He said.

The wendigo throws Liam off the roof. And Liam grabs on the side. Scott runs over and grabs liam. Sean grabs Scott. I run over and throw Sean off of scott. Sean gets back up and throws me off. I fly back and hit my head. I pass out. I start to wake up, and I see the guy with no mouth. He kills the wendigo. I see blood on Scott's mouth, and the liams arm is bleeding. I slowly get up and walk over.

"What the hell happened?" i said.

"I bit him," Scott said

"You what?" I asked

"I bit him," Scott said

"Why?" I asked

"I needed to, to save his life," Scott said.

"Ok, fine," I said.

Liam is screaming in pain. I walk over to him. I Neal down.

"Listen to me, that bit is gonna change your life, and when it does, trust us, all of us," I said.

"What does that mean?" Liam asked.

"Just trust me," I said.

"Ok," Liam said.

"Come on," i said. Giving him my hand to get up.

He takes it, and we walk back into the hospital. I leave, and Scott stayed behind. I get home, and Derek is waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" Derek asked.

"Helping Scott," I said.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Scott has a beta if he doesn't die from the bite," i said.

Derek stands there for a minute. "Scott has a beta," Derek asked

"Yea, you didn't heat it from me," i said.

"Ok," he said.

I walk upstairs. Take everything off and change. I decided to take a shower. I get out and head to bed.

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