The Bad Guys Holiday Specials!

By MrWolf10000

788 19 57

It was a little over 5 months and near Christmas. Life for the bad guys has been great and Wolf has a little... More

A Special Christmas
The Bad Guys New Years Eve!

Valentines Speical

186 2 6
By MrWolf10000

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry this took so long. But it's longer than usual and hope you all enjoy it.

It was another day in the greater city of Los Angeles; only, today was Valentine's Day . Wolf and Diane were still dating and have been living life to the fullest. Today was supposed to be a great day; one where Wolf and Diane appreciate each other. Little did they know, today was going to go differently than either one of them thought...

Wolf just woke up to see it was 7:00 A.M and got up to start his day; having breakfast, brushed his teeth, and took a shower. After he got out, he was getting changed, before he saw a picture of him and Diane; angering him for some reason.

"I can't believe I can't spend the day with Diane!" Wolf growled as he finished getting changed.

"Of all days, I have to be in heat today."

Wolf has actually been in heat for a few days; avoiding Diane, telling her he was sick and he was gonna stay with his  crew. He had hoped for a miracle; that his heat would end before today. Unfortunately, fate had different plans though, including this call he was getting from Diane.

Wolf then sighed, before answering his phone."Hey Diane, Happy Valentines Day!"

"Thanks Wolf, Happy Valentine's Day." Diane said, though Wolf could've swore she sounded a little nervous, but couldn't think too much about it since Diane's voice was making Wolf horny.

"So, any special plans with someone today governor?" Wolf said, knowing he had to tell Diane he wouldn't be able to spend the day with her.

Now, you're probably wondering why Wolf didn't want to have sex with Diane. Well, it's not that he didn't want to, by god did he, but rather because he didn't want it to be like this.

Wolf always wanted to have sex with Diane on a special occasion; meaning a romantic date night, followed by a stroll in the park, before going home with Diane and having some wine and hitting it off...

"Wolf?" Diane said as Wolf came back to earth.

"Oh, sorry. What were you saying?" Wolf asked and cursed himself for not listening.

"I was telling you that I'm going to be busy for these next few days and wanted to apologize." Diane said.

'This is perfect!' Wolf thought. 'Not only do I not have to tell Diane a lie, but also have my heat end by the next time I see her!'

"Oh, it's alright Diane. I understand." Wolf said, happy Diane wouldn't figure out about his heated situation.

A/N: I know, I know. I'm a real comedian.

However, Diane found Wolfs reaction surprising and worried. Did she do something wrong? Did Wolf not love her anymore? Was he seeing someone else?

"You took that better than I thought you would. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you don't want to see me today." Diane said, causing Wolf to panic.

"Well I'm not happy about it, I'm sorry for being understanding." Wolf said, regretting his words.

"So you are mad, hmm?" Diane said, making Wolf confused.

"I don't know what you want me to say Diane. I tell you I understand and you get upset. Then, I tell you I'm not happy and you get upset. What do you want me to say?" Wolf asked, before hearing Diane chuckle.

"Nothing, I'm just messing with you Wolfie~" Diane cooed, causing Wolf to growl.

"Are you angry~" Diane cooed, getting another growl out of Wolf. "Are you ok Wolf?"

"Never better!" Wolf said in a strained voice, getting more horny by the second.

"Just smashed my toe is all foxy~." Wolf said as he could've swore he heard a low growl from Diane.

"Alright Wolf. I got to go. I'll call you later~"

Wolf then hung up and let out a loud growl before heading to the living room where Snake was watching The Food Channel on TV.

"So, how'd it go?" Snake asked.

"Good I guess, she said she's gonna be busy for the next few days. So at least I don't have to lie to her and she won't find out about my heat."

"Well that's good I guess. Still don't understand why you can't just tell her." Snake said, looking at Wolf.

He was gonna try to reason with Wolf, but knew he wouldn't be able to get anything through his thick skull and sighed as him and Wolf watched TV.

Meanwhile with Diane...

She was going through the endless stacks of paperwork in her office. She was signing some paperwork to approve a park at where the meteorite crashed.

"Well, at least this is distracting me." Diane said as she continued going through her paperwork.

Diane then went to the next paper after she finished signing the approval for the park and kept thinking about Wolf.

"I shouldn't have acted so weird this morning. I hope he isn't mad at me." Diane then looked at a picture on her desk that showed both of them sitting down at a park, having a picnic.

She then felt herself dripping in her diaper, thinking about Wolf and how she wanted him. Yes, she wore a diaper. She dosent want to drip on her panties. She hated that she had to lie and tell him she was busy for the next few days, but she didn't want to ruin their relationship and it's not like she was exactly free.

She then looked at the clock to find it was just about 12:00. Maybe a lunch break would help take her mind off of Wolf.

She then left her room to see Webs, her secretary.

"Hey Webs, wanna go grab some lunch?" Diane asked, hoping she wouldn't have to go alone and have her mind wander.

"Yea. I was about to ask you. Just let me make a call real quick and we can go." Webs told her, as she made her way to the restroom.

After Webs made finished her phone call, they got in Diane's electric car.

"So, where to?" Diane asked Webs.

"I already marked it on the map. It's the diner Wolf and Snake always go to. I've always wanted to go."

Diane then chuckled nervously before she started driving.

"Diane? You ok?" Webs asked as Diane glared at her. "I'm in heat and we're going to a place Wolf and Snake always go to and will likely make me think about Wolf? What do you think?"

Webs then sighed. Diane had told Webs this morning and had been panicking since. Webs tried convincing Diane to tell him, but she refused, telling her it was a bad idea.

"Well, why don't you just tell him? I'm sure he'll understand." Webs said, not understanding Diane's reasoning.

"Great idea. Hey Wolf, I'm in heat. Let's mate!" Diane sarcastically stated.

"Well not if you say it like that!" Webs argued.

"Can we please just drop this please. It's already hard enough trying to not think about him." Diane pleaded to Webs.

"Alright. Alright." Webs said, dropping the subject.

When they got there, it was almost empty. They then went to go sit down at a booth near the window. The two were then greeted by a female waiter who took their drinks before leaving.

"Thanks for coming with me Webs. It's nice to get out and get my mind off..." Diane said sipping her water before she saw...

"Wolf!?" Diane said, almost choking on her water.

30 minutes earlier...

Wolf and Snake were watching TV when Snake got a call. "I'll be right back Wolf." Snake told Wolf as he made his way to the bathroom.

When he got in the bathroom, he answered the call from Webs.

"Hey Webs. How's it going? Any luck with Diane?" Snake asked, hopeful.

"No. She won't budge. I think it's starting to affect her work. Any luck with Wolf?"

"No. Damn canine won't listen either. It's impossible to get anything through his thick skull."

"Looks like it's time for plan B." Webs said as Snake chuckled evily; not that his intentions were bad.

"Yup. I'll send you the coordinates for the diner. This is a one time thing though. You don't go there again alright? That's mine and Wolfs place." Snake hissed

"I was thinking me and Diane would go there often actually." Webs teased

Snake, however did not find this amusing."Don't. Or you won't live to be sorry."

"Alright, alright. Mr grumpy pants." Webs said before Snake hung up.

Snake then left the bathroom to Wolf, who was struggling to fight his heat.

"Hey buddy, how about we go to that dinner, yea? Be a great way to take your mind off... her." Snake said as he offered his friend a smile.

"Sounds like a good idea Snakey." Wolf said, annoying Snake. "This is how I get repaid?" Snake asked.

Wolf smiled as the two made it to his car and said, "I was just messing with you Snake. Thanks for helping."

The two then got in the car as they made their way to the Dinner.


"Wolf!?" Diane said, as she choked on her water.

"Wow! What are the chances?" Webs said, looking behind to see Diane running to the bathroom and sighed.

Wolf and Snake then saw Webs and headed over to her.

"Hey Webs, surprised to see you here." Snake said, trying not to chuckle.

"Hey Webs." Wolf said, sweating now as he assumed Diane was here as well. "What are you doing here alone?"

Webs knew what Wolf was up to and answered, "Hey guys. Also, I'm not alone Wolf. Diane's here."

Webs and Snake then saw Wolf run to the bathroom, almost sliding on the way.

"Well, I don't know what we were expecting." Snake said as Webs nodded in agreement. "Guess we can eat together until they come out. They can't stay in there forever."

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Diane was spraying some... ok a lot of Perfume all over her body, as to not alert Wolf of her heat.

"Calm down Diane. Maybe Wolf and Snake are just here for pickup... at a dinner they always eat at..."

Diane then tried collecting and reassuring herself everything would be fine. 'It's ok. You put on a lot of perfume, Wolf won't be able to notice... right?'

At the same time, Wolf was in the men's bathroom; spraying a bunch of cologne on himself.

'Calm down Moe. It's just Diane. I can act like my normal, charming-self.' Wolf told himself as he looked in the mirror, finally calm...

"What happens if she finds out!? She might break up with me. Even if she dosent, it'll be awkward." Wolf told himself aloud.

"Which one of them do you think will come out first?" Webs asked as Snake just shrugged.

"Neither. I think they'll stay in there forever." Snake said, before sipping some coffee.

"It will be fine, Diane you're the Crimson Paw! A little heat won't stop you!" Diane said as she made her way to the door, her composure shrinking as she neared closer to the door.

"Alright Wolf. You got this. You're a master of keeping cool." Wolf said as he made his way to the door, composure shrinking by the seconds.

Both doors then opened as the two lovers saw each other and lost it...

'You got this Wolf, Just be smooth.' Wolf said before speaking, "H-hey Diane. F-funny s-seeing uh, you here." Wolf said and thought 'Real Smooth'.

'Why is Wolf acting awkward? Does he know? I never should've trusted Webs.' Diane thought.

"H-hi Wolf. What are you doing here?" Diane said, before mentally slapping herself for asking what he was doing here.

"Oh, I was just uh... coming here to eat with Snake." Wolf said.

Diane then say down as Wolf was about to as well, before he got an idea.

"Oh. I just remembered, I left my wallet in the car. Let me go grab it real quick." Wolf said pretending to pat his suit before he realized it was missing.

"Don't worry, buddy. I got it for you." Snake smirked.

"Thanks Snake," Wolf said grinding his teeth. "What would I do without you."

"Anytime buddy" Snake said, smiling innocently. Wolf then sat down, across from Diane as their waiter came and took their orders.

"So, why do you guys have so much perfume and cologne on?" Webs asked smirking.

The two then got nervous as they tried to come up with an answer.

"Well I uh- just wanted to smell good in front of my girlfriend." Wolf said with a nervous smile.

"Yea, I-I just wanted to smell good for Wolfie." Diane affirmed.

Their waiter then came and gave them their food before leaving. At this point, Diane was dripping as Wolfs bulge was starting to stick out; causing him to put his right leg over the other.

"Is it just me, or is it hot in here?" Snake said, pretending to wipe sweat from his head. He then looked at Wolf and Diane who who were sweating.

Webs then smirked, before saying,"You know? Now that you mention it, it is hot in here."

Diane and Wolf then got more nervous and began devouring their food. 'Don't let them break you. Don't let them break you!' they told themselves.

Snake then sighed as he watched the two of them quickly eating their food. 'These dummies aren't ever gonna tell each other. I'm just gonna tell them.'

"Geez, Wolf and Diane. You two are sweating like your in- OW!" Snake said before Wolf clawed Snake enough for him to shut up.

This confused Diane a bit as she wondered why Wolf was so concerned about Snake calling her out. If she was thinking clearly, she would have known that Snake called both of them out. But instead... she thought 'Great! Wolf does know! Thats why he's acting so weird.'

Diane then looked at the time on her phone and saw it had already been 30 minutes.

"Alright! I've had fun, but me and Webs should really get back to work. Thanks for lunch guys!" Diane said as she and Webs got up.

"Bye Diane. Bye Webs." Wolf said as the two left. After they left, Wolf glared at Snake who sighed.

When Diane and Webs got back, Diane got back to work, but as she was close to finishing work, she kept thinking that something was missing. She was now able to think more clear with Wolf gone and wondered why he put on cologne? He rarely ever did...

"Why did Snake say pick on both of us though?" Diane whispered to herself.

'And why did Wolf not tell her something if he did know?' None of this made any sense. Then she remembered Webs invited her to the diner Wolf and Snake always go to. It was a bit convenient that Snake and Wolf were there...

Diane then remembered that Webs had made a call right before leaving! It must have been Snake! But why would they want Wolf to know she was in heat so bad? She decided she would have a nice 'chat' with Webs after work.

After work, Diane and Webs were in Diane's car.

"Ready to go?" Webs asked before Diane took the keys out of the engine.

"No not quite yet. First, I have some questions for you." Diane said as Webs started getting nervous.

"W-what questions?" Webs said, horribly attempting to not sound nervous.

"Why did you and Snake have me and Wolf go to the diner when you know I'm in heat?" Diane asked.

"W-What are you t-talking about Diane?" Webs said playing dumb.

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind showing me who you called today hmm?" Diane said.

"Alright, alright. Fine. We set you two up because you're both in heat. Duh." Webs said as Diane finally put it all together.

'That's why Wolf growled this morning and been acting so weird. We were both so focused on not letting each other find out, we didn't even know we were both in heat.' Diane thought before starting the car.

"So... are you two going to-" Webs asked before Diane interrupted. "Yup. We've waited long enough anyways."

She then began driving to the crews hideout to drop Webs off and pick Wolf up...

Meanwhile in the hideout, Wolf was watching TV with Snake again to avoid thinking about Diane, but couldn't and kept whimpering. Which was really annoying Snake.

"Buddy, just tell her. I'm sure she'll understand." Snake tried reasoning.

"Snake! We went over this already. And you pulling off that little stunt didn't help!" Wolf growled.

"Besides, you wouldn't understand-" Wolf said before he was cut off by Snake who was done.

"No! You don't understand." Snake said as Wolf tried to speak, "Hey. Now wait-"

"No, I have been supporting you for 3 days now. It's my turn to speak." Snake said, as Wolf was gonna say speak, but closed his mouth to see where Snake was going with this.

"Do you love Diane?" Snake asked, as Wolf just stared at him.

"Do you love Diane!" Snake asked, more demanding this time.

"Of course I do!" Wolf said, answering the ridiculous question.

"And does Diane love you?" Snake asked.

"Yes. Where are you going with-" Wolf said before Snake spoke again.

"And does she ever not support you and be there for you?" Snake asked as Wolf realized Snake was right.

"You're right Snake! I've been a fool. I'm sure Diane will be there for me, heat or not. I don't care if I can't have sex, I need to spend what little time I have left with her." Wolf said as he made his way to the elavator.

"Wait, Wolf! Diane is-" Snake tried to say before the elevator doors closed.

"Eh whatever. He'll find out soon." Snake said as he made his way to the fridge for a push-pop.

He then heard the elevator doors open again and groaned, before he turned around and saw Diane and Webs. Diane was sweating like crazy and looked like she was about to pass out.

"Where is Wolf?" Diane asked as she looked around the place for Wolf.

"Are you ok Diane?" Snake asked as he sat down on the couch. Diane then walked over to Snake, now towering over him and said "Where. Is. Wolf!?"

Snake then gulped. He was never scared of Diane. But with her in heat, who knew what she would do to him?

"He left to go see you." Snake said pretending to not be scared.

Diane then stormed out of the place to her car as Snake and the spider watched.

"50 bucks say Wolfs dead." Webs said as Snake nodded."Your on."

Meanwhile with Wolf...

He had made his way to Diane's house and knocked on her door; only to get no response. He then opened the door with a spare key Diane gave him.

"Diane?" Wolf said as he entered the empty house.

After searching the house for Diane and realizing it was empty, Wolf took a seat in the living room and waited for Diane as he figured she'd be home soon.

After what felt like hours, Wolf decided to look around the house: noticing the tiles light-brown tiles, white and brown walls, and then... a picture of him and Diane.

It was the two of them the day after Wolf and his crew had got out of prison and sitting down; eating ice cream.

He smiled as he remembered that day before he looked at Diane more closely: noticing her nice figure, her beautiful emerald eyes, and her captivating smile. He then felt his pants getting tighter and felt himself getting hot.

He then reluctantly pulled out his cock from his pants and started jerking off. He groaned as his hand ran up and down of his shaft; thinking of Diane and only her.

After about a minute of jerking off to the picture of her, he sped up the pace of his jerking as he felt himself inching closer to climax and growled lowly.

"Come on. Almost there." He growled as he was about to erupt, but was interrupted by the sound of the doorknob clumsily trying to be unlocked. Without a thought, he put his cock back in the confines of his pants and zipped them up.

When the door opened, it showed a sweaty vixen who looked like she was about to pass out from a fever. Wolf then ran over to Diane, worried.

"Diane? Are you okay?" Wolf asked as she fell in his arms, prompting him to carry her over to the couch.

He then felt the vixens head and could feel the heat, worrying him more. "Diane? Do you have a fever?" Wolf asked.

He only received a hysterical giggle from the vixen, which confused him more if it was possible.

Finally, the vixen spoke as wolf came back to her with some water.

"Wolf... I'm in heat." She whispered so lowly, Wolf could barley hear.

"What did you say Diane? I can't hear you?" Wolf said as he leaned closer to Diane's face, who spoke once more.

"I'm... in heat." Diane said, loudly enough for Wolf to hear as he swallowed hard and felt his face turn red.

"I am too, Diane. I was going to tell you when you came home..." Wolf said as he trailed off; unsure of where to go from here. Wolf then put it all together as he realized why she had been acting so weird and suddenly smelled her heat. Diane then sighed; annoyed Wolf didn't get the hint and used her paws to grab the back of Wolf's head and pull him in for a passionate kiss, surprising the canine.

Wolf, after recovering from his shock and bulge now growing in his pants, returned the kiss. He could practically taste Diane's heat, her desire for him. This only turned him on more as he growled a little, getting a moan out of the vixen as they kissed.

He then broke the kiss as Diane reluctantly did as well.

"I'm guessing by that kiss, you want to mate~" Wolf cooed before Diane pulled him in for another kiss, being more sloppy and desperate this time. The two loved the taste of each other and their scent only aroused them further. Diane then pushed Wolf off after for a second to  catch some breath as she was burning up crazy.

Wolf, who was also starting to burn up, was about to kiss Diane again before she stopped him with her finger, confusing him.

"Not here. Let's go to the bedroom~" Diane seductively said as Wolf got off her and followed her to their next destination.

When they got inside her room, Diane quickly took off her shirt and pants, exposing her glistening fur to Wolf who was hypnotized by her, despite not undressing fully. She then took off his shirt for him as he stood there in shock, trying to process the vixens beauty.

After Diane pulled off his shirt, she saw Wolf packing some abs. He had been working out quite a bit since he had got out of prison and Diane couldn't help but rest her paw over them as Wolf finally came back to reality and pushed Diane on the edge of the bed.

He then got on the bed and towered over Diane before giving her another hungry kiss, which she happily returned. He then  moved his paw over her tits and carresed  them, causing moans and whimpers from the vixen as they kissed. Wolf then broke the kiss and kissed along Diane's neck as he toyed with her hard nipples. He then made his way to her erect nipple and sucked on it.

After a good minute, he made slowly kissed down her stomach as he made his way to her slit, which was currently covered by her panties and was soaking wet. After seeing how wet her panties were, Wolf eagerly took them off and threw them somewhere on the floor of the bedroom before turning his head to see Diane's drenched clit.

With no time to lose, he quickly went between her legs and and started lapping at her walls, causing the fox to moan.

"Ugh! Such a G-good Boy! Yes you are a good boy. UGHN!" Diane moaned as Wolf kept going to town on her clit, slowly building up speed.

Diane then wrapped one of her legs around Wolf and arched her back into his mouth. Wolf instantly took the hint and started licking faster, loving the taste of his lover and her moans. Diane was in a state of euphoria, loving the sensation of her Wolf pleasuring her. Especially when he was So eager to do it, and soon found herself craving more and more.

"Ahh! *huff* *huff* Please, faster Moe...  FASTER!" Diane huffed as she felt herself nearing her climax and biting her lip. She then used her other leg to wrap around Wolfs head as she arched her back into Wolf. Wolf was happy to obey and started licking faster as he lapped up all her juices.

Diane knew she couldn't hold her climax back any longer. All her senses were going haywire, due to Wolf crazily sucking her sweet juice. The fact that she was in heat made this much more pleasurable as well and Diane couldn't take it no longer. The feeling was just too great.

"Wolf! Damn your wicked AHH~ tongue! I can't *Puff* take it anymore. The Ugh~ pleasures too great. I'm gonna cum Moe! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Diane practically screamed.

Finally, after all Wolfs hard work, Diane released her juices which Wolf hungrily sucked as it came out. Diane couldn't stop panting from the euphoria she was feeling as Wolf kept licking her even as she came. After Diane's climax ended, her legs became tired and released Wolfs head. Wolf then got up and started unbuckling his pants, before sliding them down and taking off his underwear.

Diane then eyed Wolfs naked body, before looking down to where his erect dick was. She knew he would be big since he was a bigger animal, but she hadn't expected him to be this big. She then licked her lips hungrily as she saw it throbbing. Wolf then went up to Diane to prepare for insert before Diane sat up and stopped him.

"What's wrong? Are you having second thoughts?" Wolf asked, worried.

"No, I just want to pay you back~" Diane cooed as she got up and pushed Wolf on the bed.

"Oh, I see" Wolf growled. "You want a taste of this popsicle before you devour it~" 

"Oh, I'm gonna have more than a taste~" Diane cooed as she hovered above Wolfs lower half.

Diane then licked her lips once more, before she made her descent on Wolfs tasty dick. As soon as her tongue made contact with Wolfs dick, she heard him make a long groan as she continued twirling her tongue around his glans (head). Wolf couldn't believe how warm her mouth was and saw her looking up at him seductively with her eyes. Which made him throw his head back from the erotic scene.

Diane then lowered her head a bit more and began sucking Wolf off slowly with her hot mouth. She could taste his pre-cum and lapped it up with her tongue before pulling off Wolf and stroking him.

"Mmm Wolf~ your cum taste good~ I think I'll have some more!" Diane said as she descended on Wolfs erect dick again, sucking faster this time.

Wolf was panting like a dog who was overheated. "Diane *huff* *huff* this feels too good. Makes me wonder if you've done this *huff* *huff* before."

Diane then took his throbbing dick and stroked it. "I may have tried on popsicles before~" Diane smirked, "Wanna see something cool~"

"Jeez Diane, your mouth is so hot! I'll have to start calling you dick sucking- Aghh!" Wolf said as Diane descended on Wolf once more and fondled with his balls as well.

Wolf felt like he was in heaven. He never thought that he would find a mate, much less one that was a goddess. He knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer and to make matters more pleasurable, she started sucking him off at full pace, causing him to moan as she felt him throbbing intensely. She knew he wouldn't last long and decided to send him over edge to get her reward. She then growled as she bobbed her head up and down, making Wolf howl. He then knew that she interned on sucking him dry.

"Fuck Diane! I can't hold back. To Ughhh good! I'm gonna *pant *pant* Cum!" Wolf yelled as Diane kept her pace. 

Diane was then met with a shot of steamy hot cum that she struggled swallowed. Right as she was about to  finished swallowing, he pumped another load and another, causing Diane to move her head to his tip to swallow it all. Wolf was gripping the sheets the whole time as he watched her and felt himself blow in her hot mouth. After his final shot, Diane licked Wolf one more time before pulling her head off of him with a loud *pop* sound.

"Mmm~ yummy~" Diane said as she finished swallowing his cum while Wolf was recovering from his orgasm.

Diane then crawled over Wolf and whispered in his ear "Get ready for round 2~ because this vixen is hungry for more."

She then made her way back to his lower half and slowly descended on Wolfs cock. Diane panted as she tried to fit him inside her as he stretched her walls. However, in the end, Wolf was dying from  the amount of euphoria his body was going through as he hadn't finished recovering from his first orgasm. Diane then finally succeeded in taking in Wolfs shaft as he panted from how tight she was. Not to mention her insides were even hotter than her mouth.

Diane then started moving along Moe's shaft as she panted, gaining a rhythm. Diane knew Wolf was already overdosed on pleasure and leaned forward to scratch behind his ear to add on to it as he panted. She then leaned forward so their foreheads were touching as the two lovers panted. Wolf, though he was in a world of pleasure, moved his paws so they were playing with her tits. Diane then moaned a bit from this action as she could feel her climax near, due to Wolfs massive cock.

Wolf then pulled Diane in for a kiss; the two of them moaning in each others mouths. After they broke the kiss, Diane sat straight again and started speeding up her bounces as she felt herself about to climax. Wolf could tell as well and wrapped his paws on her hips to increase their speed as he met her bounces. Diane then screamed as she climaxed. As she came, Wolf felt her leak all over his colossal cock and continued thrusting a little faster. Diane panted as she felt Wolf speed up his thrust and felt him throbbing now. She knew he came a lot in her mouth and wondered if he would make her stomach bulge.

"Getting close are we~ Gaahh! You're so Big Wolf~ Be a good boy and fill me!" Diane yelled

"I'm not a good boy- Ngghh! Diane. I'm your Auugh! good boy!"

"Show me how good you are! Ahh!" Diane screamed as Wolf spanked her backside.

"I know you're *huff* *huff* close Diane. Be a good girl and cum for me!" Wolf growled as he spanked Diane's backside once again, getting a loud moan from her.

"Fuck! Moe! I'm gonna cum again you naughty mutt~ Gaahh! Agghh! Nghhh! Ahhhhh!" Diane yelled as she came again.

This proved to be too much for Wolf as he sat up and bit Diane on the neck real quick before falling back down and launched one final thrust to push himself as deep in Diane as he could and howled loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. Diane felt the first shot that came like a rocket, followed by a 4 more shots of thick hot cum that had been waiting to be stored in her warm body. Diane was howling along with Wolf as he finished emptying himself in her and collapsed.

After 5 minutes, Diane recovered and smirked while Wolf was barley able to look up at her. He instantly got scared as he saw the smirk on Diane's face and let his head fall back down.

"What's wrong Wolfie~ tired already? Diane said as she saw her stomach larger a little from the amount of cum wolf emptied in her. "Well, I'm not tired. I think we can do one more~" Diane said as Wolf continued panting; accepting his fate.

1 round of sex later...

The two were panting as they finished another round of sex and laid together on the bed as Diane leaked cum from her  pussy. Wolf smiled as Diane came up to him and laid on his left arm that was wrapped around her and kissed her forehead.

"Phew, Diane. That was amazing! I still can't believe that we avoided each other when we were both in heat." Wolf chuckled

"Hehe, yea. I'm glad we got through this together." Diane said smiling.

"I love you Diane. Happy Valentine's Day. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend." Wolf said as he kissed Diane's forehead one more time.

"I love you too Wolf. Happy Valentine's Day" Diane said before she whispered in his ear, "I can't wait for tomorrow~"

The two then laid there together as they slowly fell to sleep, excited for what was to come the next few days.

A/N: Well, this was tiring. I hope you all enjoyed and Happy Valentine's Day!

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