Reina [HS]

By harrycherry9

136K 3.9K 4.3K

Losing someone is never easy. Especially if it's your best friend. Being in love with that someone though, ma... More

Introduction // Trailer
epilogue 1
epilogue 2
epilogue 3
epilogue 4
thank yous


1.9K 48 54
By harrycherry9

Happy Valentine's Day you horny motherfuckers!!

"How's your hand, baby?" I asked Elizabeth, snapping her out of whatever daydream she was currently in as she stared out the window with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

We were on our way to the beach, the whole day still ahead of us and I couldn't be more excited. Waking up with my cock buried deep inside Elizabeth's warm mouth meant that my mood was pretty much decided for the rest of the day, nothing could really bring me down from that high.

I felt on top of the world and I couldn't wait for everything that was ahead of us, all the plans that I had made. One of these being exactly what we were about to do, go and rent a speedboat.

One of the main reasons for this little trip was to hide away from the whole world for a while. Every single thing that I had on my mind for us to do, was private. I didn't want tourist attractions, I didn't want busy cities and I definitely didn't want prying eyes everywhere. I wanted me and her, just the two of us. A private boat seemed like a perfect choice.

"It's all good." Elizabeth turned her head to me with a smile, answering my question. "Doesn't hurt anymore."

"Good." I nodded, grinning like an idiot.

She decided not to put on a new bandage this morning, even though I tried to convince her otherwise. She claimed it was fine and that I was worrying too much for no reason which had made me roll my eyes... But I guess she was right after all, because her injuries were healing nicely. The wounds were now scabbed over and hopefully gone in a few days.

"How long until we get there?" Elizabeth questioned impatiently, making me chuckle as I stole a glance of the side of her face.

God, she looked so pretty. Even from that split second I could tell how much her eyes were sparkling and the way her skin had that healthy colour in it.

Happiness looked good on her.

"A few more minutes, mi amor." I cooed, pressing a quick kiss to her temple as a sudden question came to mind. "Which bikini are you wearing?"

Elizabeth laughed, pushing my face away and giving me a glare. I glared right back at her though, challenging her with a cheeky smile and no matter how much she tried to pretend she was annoyed with me, she gave me an answer anyway.

"The yellow one..."

I could feel my mouth starting to water just from the image that popped into my head, every fibre of my being coming to life, especially the ones between my legs. I don't think I had ever been this horny in my life... the memories of last night when she was on top of me, riding my dick like a fucking expert, were playing on a loop in my mind.

I wanted to have her over and over again, the way her body was moving on top of me was like a fever dream. I craved her hands on me constantly, I wanted to have my way with her anywhere and anytime she would let me, I wanted to fuck her brains out and make her come until she'd be physically incapable of doing so anymore.

But I was also dying for her to have control over me. I wanted to give myself to her completely and be good for her, satisfy her. She could do literally whatever she wanted to me and I think she was starting to realise that too.

I tried to hide the smirk that threatened to break out on my lips at the sound of her words, the grip I had on the steering wheel tightened and I clenched my jaw in frustration, now very much impatient to get there too.

"Better make it fast then..." I mumbled under my breath, stepping on the gas as Elizabeth's sweet laugh rang through the car.


"Harry, no!" Elizabeth shrieked loudly, desperately trying to push my hand away. "If you pull me into the water, I swear to god–"

"What? What are you going to do?" I asked innocently, pouting up at her from the turquoise sea.

I was holding onto the ladder of the boat with one hand, firmly gripping around Elizabeth's ankle with the other. We had been in this position for quite some time now, ever since I had jumped into the water really. I had quickly gotten bored of swimming on my own, it was no fun without her.

"I'm serious, Harry." She chuckled, doing her best to shake my hand off of her, but I didn't let go. "I need to put sunscreen on and then I just want to read for a bit."

"You don't want to have a swim with me?"

"I do, just not right now." She smiled softly. "You're going to have to wait for me, champ."

"I think I've waited long enough." I gave her a wicked grin and before she could realise what was happening, I had already pushed myself up on one arm, my torso rising above water as I reached up and got a hold of the back of her thighs.

"Harry, no–"

Due to catching her by surprise, she was easily thrown off balance, losing control over her body and falling right over my shoulder with a high-pitched scream.

It took about three seconds for her to emerge from under water with a loud gasp, her icy blue eyes meeting my green ones right away and she didn't waste a second before attacking me with full force.

"You're a fucking asshole!" Elizabeth yelled, hitting my chest over and over again while her legs wrapped around my waist like it was a reflex. I couldn't help but laugh though, throwing my head back as I still held onto the ladder with one hand, the other circling around her back. "This isn't funny, my clothes are soaked you idiot!"

I would've believed her words, if it wasn't for the wide grin covering her pretty face. She had the biggest smile on, and we both knew I had done nothing wrong.

"I guess they just became pointless then..." I tilted my head with a smile, bringing a hand up to start unbuttoning the blouse that covered Elizabeth's chest. "Might as well get rid of them, hm? What do you think?"

She rolled her eyes playfully, but made no moves to stop me and once all the buttons were undone, I didn't hesitate to tug the fabric away and reveal the striking yellow bikini top from underneath.

"Hello there..." I murmured, lifting Elizabeth's body a bit out of the water so I could bury my face in between her perfect tits. I pressed a kiss to her chest, making Elizabeth giggle, before I threw the blouse out of the water and up onto the boat.

I quickly tugged down her shorts as well, getting rid of those too and finally being able to feel more of her skin against mine.

"Much better." I beamed, bumping my nose against hers and making her smile before she leaned in and finally connected our lips, stealing my breath away with the sweetest kiss a man could ever dream of.

She was capable of putting my body on fire in an instant, a fire that even the cool water was unable to ease. She made my head spin just from the simplest of touches and I honestly doubted it would ever change. I didn't even want it to change though, I wanted to be head over heels for her for the rest of my life.

"We really should put some sunscreen on." She whispered after we pulled away, pecking my lips twice more.

"I know. Just a few more minutes and then we can get out."

She gave me a nod, turning her head to take a look around us. We were quite deep into the sea, far enough from the shore so no one could see us, but still a reasonable distance away. The landscape of Italy from here was breathtaking, we could see little villages, mountains and meadows... The sky above us was a bright blue and the soft waves of the sea rocking our bodies was as clear as ever.

There was one thing that managed to steal the air from my lungs even more though...

The girl in my arms.

I watched as her wet hair framed her face, the ends floating around her in the water. She had a childlike wonder in her eyes, completely mesmerised by what she was looking at, much like me. Droplets of the salty sea rested on her rosy lips, making me want to capture them in a soft kiss, careful not to do any harm.

"Look at this view..." Elizabeth's quiet voice grabbed my attention, snapping me out of the little daydream I was having. "It's so beautiful."

"I'm looking at it." I nodded, still staring at her in awe. My overly stunned tone grabbed her attention though, and she turned her head to face me again, realisation hitting her immediately. "So beautiful..."

Elizabeth paused for a moment, a thoughtful look in her eyes and just when I had thought she'd blush from my comment or try and pretend I had never said anything, she burst out laughing instead.

"Oh my god, you're such a sap!" She exclaimed, running a hand through my wet hair in a loving way.

"Hey!" I frowned, faking offence and pinching her side sharply.

"I'm sorry, but you are!"

"Yeah, well..." I shrugged with a cheeky smile. "Only for you, baby."

"Mhm..." She hummed, closing the space between us and kissing me slowly. Her plushy lips met mine in the most heavenly way and I was once again left craving for so much more. It was never enough with her. "Now come on, let's have that swim before we get an ugly sunburn."

I nodded and let her out of my arms, following behind as she started swimming. We did a few laps, occasionally stopping to float on top of the water, the grin across my face remained the whole time. It had been a while since I last felt this relaxed, everything was so insane and hectic all the time... It felt nice to be able to just enjoy myself a little bit with the person I loved the most in the entire world.

Once we felt like it was time to get out, Elizabeth and I raced back to the boat and climbed up the ladder, wrapping ourselves into our towels. We then quickly put sunscreen on, helping each other, before lying down with our books in our hands.

For about an hour, we were silent, only the sound of the soft waves crashing against the side of the boat could be heard. Elizabeth spoke up every now and then, murmuring under her breath as she read a line or two out loud for me and I listened intently, being completely blown away by her.

"Where are you going?" I questioned as she suddenly pushed herself up from the ground, putting the worn out bookmark she had gotten from me months ago in place.

"I want to paint my nails." She said as she reached for her bag, pulling out two small bottles of nail polish.

I watched her thoughtfully, glancing down on my own hands as I bit down on my lower lip, hesitating for a second.

"Can you do mine too?" I asked quietly when she sat down again, her gaze meeting my own right away.

"Of course, baby." She smiled, her eyes full of adoration. "Which one?"

She held the two colours up, one of them a soft shade of lilac and the other baby pink.

"Both." I decided quickly. I knew they weren't exactly matching, but I liked both of them and I thought they'd look pretty either way.

"Good choice." Elizabeth mused, taking my left hand and getting to work without a second thought.

A small crease formed between her eyebrows in concentration, making me smile as I watched her. She looked so adorable and I just wanted to shower her in a million kisses.

"You know..." I broke the silence after a while, lost in my own head as my eyes got fixated on the way Elizabeth delicately guided the small brush across my nails over and over again. "I've never told this to anyone, but there was a time a few years ago when I used to dream of creating my own beauty brand someday."

"Are you serious?" Elizabeth's hand froze in mid air, her head snapping up to look at me with a shocked expression.

"Mhm." I hummed, chuckling softly. "I had so many ideas for it, nail polish, skin care, make up, you name it. I don't even know where it all came from honestly..."

"What happened? Why didn't you do it?"

"I guess mostly because I got scared." I shrugged, chewing on the inside of my cheek. "I was afraid that people would laugh in my face. I didn't have the confidence to pull something like that off, I was barely brave enough to put on a t-shirt that wasn't plain black... No one would've taken a guy like that seriously."

"But it's different now." Elizabeth stated, brushing her thumb over my knuckles. "You've grown so much over the last couple of years and I can tell how good you feel in your own skin. You're not afraid to express yourself anymore and it shows. People can see it through your clothes, your music, everything that you stand for."

"Yeah, I don't know..."

"Harry, you've helped so many people out there... You constantly encourage your fans to be whoever they want to be, you make them feel good about themselves, you teach them to be accepting. A project like this would only add to the list."

"You don't think they'd laugh at me?" I asked, slowly rolling my lips into my mouth.

"I know they wouldn't." Elizabeth said confidently, her clear blue eyes not leaving mine for even a split second. "In fact, I think they'd be incredibly supportive. Everyone would go crazy over a fun beauty brand like that and I know for sure that you'd adore doing it as well."


"Definitely." She nodded, putting a timid smile on my face as I thought of the idea.

I could remember how obsessed with this whole project I was back in the day, but then I never had the guts to actually do something about it. The way that Elizabeth was talking about it now, brought back that same excitement in me and it suddenly didn't seem all that scary anymore.

"I mean... I had the perfect name for it as well."

"What is it?"

"Pleasing." As soon as the word left my mouth, her eyes lit up, a wide smile spreading across her face in enthusiasm.

"I fucking love that." She exclaimed giddily, giving a small squeeze to my fingers. "Although, it does sound a little bit like a brand for sex toys."

"That would be project number two." I laughed, only half joking and judging from the suggestive look on Elizabeth's face, she knew it too.

"Speaking of..." She started, softly clearing her throat as she went back to painting my nails. "H-Have you thought about tonight? Should we try out something from the box?"

I instantly felt my stomach jump in eagerness, just her words made me want to rip that pretty two piece bikini off of her. I was pretty sure the constant desire that I had for her should be concerning at this point. It surely wasn't healthy to crave someone that much, right?

"I-It's up to you." I did my best to sound as nonchalant as possible, like the simple thought of that box didn't make me hard as a rock.

"Well, I was thinking that we could... t-try one of your– uhm... butt plugs? Maybe?" I almost choked on my own breath as those words left her mouth, my eyes widening in shock. "I'm really curious how that feels for you and I know you're interested too, but we don't have to, of course... It's just–"

"No– I mean, I-I want that." I cut her off, gulping nervously. "Fuck, I really really want that."

Elizabeth grinned up at me, finishing off my nails and pressing a kiss to the back of my hand.

"Good." She chuckled. "I guess that's settled then."

I stared at her, a little stunned by what had just happened and not entirely sure if I didn't dream the whole thing. I was still getting used to Elizabeth's growing confidence when it came to these things, but I definitely had no complaints.

I lay back down on my towel, enjoying the warm rays of sunshine as they set my skin on fire, Elizabeth softly humming a song next to me as she painted her own nails the same colours as mine. This moment felt perfect, everything about it made me feel like I was in heaven, like I was the luckiest human being in the whole world. I was content, satisfied and most of all very very happy.

After both of our manicures dried perfectly, we decided to go for another swim, jumping into the water so we could cool off a bit. The actual swimming didn't last for too long though, because I quickly got distracted by the way Elizabeth's nipples became visible through the thin material of her bikini top. My eyes could barely leave them, it was like I got hypnotised, my hands involuntarily reaching out so I could roll each one of the sensitive nubs between two of my fingers, pinching them and making Elizabeth shriek in surprise.

I was a man addicted for sure, but I couldn't care less.

"I still can't believe you have a boat licence." Elizabeth spoke up as I stood behind the wheel, now wrapped in a towel again, a baseball cap covering the wet strands of my hair so my head would be protected from the burning sun.

She refused to put a hat on, even though I had asked her to do so time and time again. Not that it was a surprise really, considering how stubborn she was. The yellow sunglasses that we had bought in that antique shop together were sitting on the bridge of her nose, the white pearl necklace secured around her neck, making my heart throb. She looked like a fucking movie star and she was mine.

"I'm a man of many talents, baby." I joked, winking at Elizabeth as she just rolled her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips.

I put the key into the ignition and started the engine up, ready to leave the spot that we had been staying at for the last couple of hours. The sun would start going down soon, and I wanted to watch that from somewhere else. I knew just the perfect place.

We spent most of the drive in silence, Elizabeth completely amazed by the view around us, she couldn't quite decide where to look. I was in a similar position, the only difference was that my eyes always returned to her figure, not being able to not stare at her for more than a minute.

She was just so fucking beautiful and I knew I would never get tired of looking at her. I felt my heartbeat speeding up as I watched her, every strand of her wavy wet hair, every blink of her eyes and every single light freckle on her nose made me want to drop down to my knees and kiss the ground under her two feet... Worship her and hand her the whole world on a silver platter.

She deserved it, because she made me the happiest man alive.

I had never in my life felt a connection so strong to someone. I had thought that I was in love before, that I was content in whatever relationship I was in, but it didn't come even remotely close to this. What Reina and I had was something way more special, I couldn't even explain it.

It had been like that ever since we'd known each other though... I always felt so close to her, like she had a part of me, like I belonged to her. Even in those seven years we spent apart, not one day went by without her crossing my mind. She was always there one way or another and now I knew that wasn't something that would ever change. She had me.

She always had and she always will.

"What's on your mind?" Elizabeth suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts, making me realise that I had been staring at her this entire time, only partially paying attention to the sea in front of us and where we were going.

"Nothing." I shook my head with a soft smile. "I just really love you."

"I love you too, Harry." She reached out to grab my hand, bringing it up to her mouth and pressing a small kiss to my knuckles. "More than you know."

A few more stolen glances, lovesick kisses and affectionate touches later, we finally arrived at our destination. I slowed down the boat, carefully manoeuvring closer to the shore. The coastline here was very rocky, no sign of humanity for miles, only the breathtaking cliffside and a few more boulders emerging from the water.

It looked incredibly and way more stunning than I had remembered. It had been a long time since I visited this place so I was almost as taken aback by the view as Elizabeth.

"What do you think?" I asked her, turning the engine off in the perfect spot and anchoring the boat so it wouldn't be drifted away by the waves in any direction.

"I-I don't even know what to say– Fuck."

I chuckled softly, secretly being proud of myself for impressing her over and over again.

"Come on, mi amor. We're going to miss it." I told her, referring to the sunset as I held my hand out for her to take it.

Elizabeth stood up and let me guide her as I slowly stepped over the ramp of the boat, showing her the way. We were as close to one of the cliffs emerging from the water as possible. I had purposefully anchored the boat here and Elizabeth gave me a confused look as she slowly realised that there was nowhere to go, except for the top of this huge rock.

"Y-You're not expecting me to climb up there, are you?" She asked hesitantly and I nodded with a grin.

"Oh, but I am."

"Harry, no way–"

"It's completely safe, I promise." I cut her off in a relaxed tone. "See those dents? You can use those as steps and I'll hold onto your hand the whole time."

The cliff wasn't that high, but I knew that climbing up to the top of it would be a game changer. The view wasn't bad from down here either, but from up there it was going to be incredible.

"What if I slip?"

"You're not going to slip, but if you do, I'll catch you." I reassured her calmly. "I'm not letting go of you for a second. I'm right here."

Elizabeth bit down on her lip unsurely, thinking it through one more time before she gave me a nod and stepped over the ramp as well. I helped her climb up, holding onto her hand the whole time, my other hand hovering over her waist, ready to catch her any moment.

She barely needed my assistance though, she easily climbed up the steep cliff, sitting down on top with the biggest smile on her face.

"Fuck, it looks insane from up here." She breathed as I followed after her, sitting down behind her so she could lean back against my chest.

"It really does, huh?"

We were just in time in order to catch the sunset, the sky now a mix of a soft shade of orange and pink. I rested my chin on Elizabeth's shoulder, our fingers intertwined as we stared out to the horizon, completely captivated by what we were looking at.

A few minutes went by in comfortable silence until my lips found her bare skin, pressing kisses up her neck, Elizabeth tilting her head to the side to give me more excess.

"Thank you for this." She whispered, giving a small squeeze to my fingers.

"Mhm." I hummed against her, licking up her neck once more before I leaned forward even further, capturing her lips this time. The kiss was slow and sensual, fitting perfectly into this intimate moment. "Are you happy?"

"I'm very happy." She nodded, kissing me back. "Are you happy?"

"Never been happier, baby."

We then watched in silence as the sun went down, putting an end to our perfect day out in the sea. What I said was true, I had never been happier. I felt lucky, I felt an indescribable amount of gratefulness and I felt so much love I couldn't even put it into words.

In that moment, I knew no matter what came in life, as long as she was with me I'd always feel like this.


I was nervous.

Nervous and very hard.

We were now back from our little boat trip, already done with showering. It was the first thing we did after arriving back at the house, eager to get rid of the remnants of salty water.

And now I was sitting on the edge of the bed, naked and not so patiently waiting for Elizabeth. It was getting late, but I wasn't tired. My whole body was buzzing with excitement, anticipation coursing through me as I thought of what we agreed on doing tonight.

"Are you okay?" Elizabeth's voice caught my attention as she walked back into the room, shutting the door behind her before slowly approaching me.

"Y-Yeah, I'm good." I gulped, rubbing my sweaty palms up and down my thighs. "Little nervous."

"Harry, if you changed your mind–"

"No." I cut her off quickly. "God no. I want to, it's just– what if I don't like it? O-Or you don't like it–"

"Hey..." She cooed, her hands coming up to hold onto my jaw as she placed either one of her knees up on the bed, straddling me. "Listen to me... The second that there is something you don't feel comfortable with, we stop. If it doesn't feel good then we're not doing it, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded. "But you too. If you don't enjoy it or it freaks you out at any point, just stop."

This was new territory for her too, and I was very well aware of the fact that this sort of exploring wasn't everyone's cup of tea. Touching someone there was just as big of a deal as being touched and the last thing I wanted was for her to feel obligated to do this.

"I will, baby. I promise." She agreed, kissing me on the lips softly. "Want me to get the box?"

"Yes, please."

Without another word, Elizabeth got off my lap and walked over to our bags, searching for that specific box we had purchased right before coming here.

She was naked too and my eyes lingered on her round ass as she walked, my cock twitching at the sight. I was almost painfully hard at this point, but one of the rules for tonight was that she was the only one who got to touch me in any sort of way.

I gladly handed her the control over my body once again and she took it with confidence, making my heart throb. She truly was a dream.

"Sit up against the headboard, little tiger." Elizabeth smiled sweetly as she walked back to me, the pet name rolling off her tongue with ease. It was such an adorable thing to call someone and I had no idea how she made it sound so dirty every single time, but I loved it.

I did as I was told, scooting up higher on the bed, spreading my legs a bit and allowing her to crawl between them.

"Do you have anything else in mind other than the plugs?" She questioned as she opened up the box, revealing the brand new toys in there. I could feel my heartbeat picking up as I stared at the countless options, not really sure of my answer.

"Maybe one of the cock rings." I said eventually, reaching into the box to pull a simple silicone one out. Elizabeth watched me with a thoughtful look while also fishing out the bottle of lube and the 3 differently sized butt plugs.

"Anything else?" She asked. "Handcuffs or ties?"

I nibbled on my lip in thought for a moment, but then shook my head. I didn't want to be tied up tonight, I wanted to touch her. Touching her brought so much comfort to me and I felt like I was going to need that now even more than usual.

"Okay." Elizabeth nodded with a reassuring smile, closing the box and placing it on the nightstand. "You're still good?"

"Yes." I breathed, involuntarily glancing down to my throbbing cock with an uneasy look, my tip shiny from the precum coating it. "Touch me? Please?"

Elizabeth smiled, following my line of vision.

"Where do you want me to touch you?" She mused, her warm palms coming up to rest over my bare chest. "Hm, baby?"

"You know where." I sighed and watched as a smirk pulled up onto her angelic face. She leaned forward, her lips coming to find mine, but in the last second she ducked her head, pressing a kiss on my neck instead.

"Here?" She murmured, softly biting down on my sensitive skin and making me buck my hips up into the air.

"No." I choked out and she dragged her lips lower, settling over my hammering heart for a moment and leaving a few sloppy kisses there.


"No, fuck–" I whined, my hands finding her hips so I could grip onto something.

I was already panting and we hadn't even done anything, the power she had over me was honestly crazy.

I felt her lips wrapping around one of my nipples now, her teeth grazing my burning skin ever so slightly, teasing me to insanity. She moved over to the other one, lifting her gaze to look up at me as she bit down on the sensitive nub harshly, making me hiss at the feeling.

She gave me a wicked smile, her tongue coming out to lick over the area one last time before she moved lower again.

"Where do you want me?" She taunted. "Tell me. Use your words, go on."

"My cock." I choked out in desperation. "Aching for you so bad, baby."

"Yeah?" She raised her eyebrows, now only mere centimetres away from where I needed her the most. "Think I can help you with that."

She slowly kissed down my flexing abdomen until she finally reached my length, wrapping her lips around the head without warning.

"Fucking hell, Reina." I grunted, my hips shifting a bit as she sank lower, gently sucking me into her mouth, her cheeks already hollowed.

She was getting so fucking good at this, I seriously had to hold myself back from coming down her throat already. Oral sex with her couldn't be compared to anything, the pleasure she gave me was truly unmatched, making me question every single sexual experience that I ever had before her.

I gasped when she let me slide to the back of her throat for a split second, her nose brushing against my pelvis before she came back up and released my shaft with a pop. She coughed a little, by far not as much as she used to at the time when she first started blowing me, one of my hands grabbing onto her jaw so I could smear the string of saliva around her lips with my thumb.

She gave me a small smile as I pushed the tip of my finger into her mouth, Elizabeth immediately sucking on it like the perfect girl that she was.

"Want me to put it on for you?" She asked, reaching for the cock ring and I let go of her face, nodding at her.

"Yes, please."

"So polite." She hummed, getting a hold of my cock again and pressing a small kiss to my frenulum before she started sliding the ring down my shaft.

The silicone material allowed the toy to stretch around my erection a little and Elizabeth's saliva also made the glide easier. I could still feel how tight it was around my base though, my jaw clenching at the almost painful pressure.

"How is it?" Elizabeth glanced up at me, giving a squeeze to my inner thigh. "Not too tight?"

"No, it's okay." I breathed, relaxing after a second as I got used to the sensation.

When I looked down, I could see that my tip was already a shade darker than usual, more precum leaking out and making it obvious how desperate my cock was for attention. I was quite literally throbbing and I knew if Elizabeth didn't do something about it soon, I was going to explode.

"Tell me if it doesn't feel good anymore and we'll take it off, yeah?" She squeezed my inner thigh again, catching my attention and I simply nodded in agreement.

"Reina, I need–"

"I know." She cooed, not even letting me finish, because she knew exactly what I wanted.

Without wasting another second, she bent down and took me in her mouth again, slowly moving her head up and down while also swirling her tongue against my sensitive member. I let out a groan, my muscles tensing up as I let the pleasure consume me fully.

The heavenly sensation didn't last for all that long though, because after a few more strokes, she released me again, pressing gentle kisses from my cock head all the way down to my base. It felt so good, that I barely registered what was happening when she sucked my balls into her mouth next, giving them the same attention.

I was already on the brink of having a stroke, every fibre of my being on high alert as I let her do whatever she wanted to me, enjoying every single second of it. I let my eyes flutter closed, falling into a complete trance and forgetting about my surroundings. I moaned and whimpered, losing all control as the tingling feeling at the bottom of my spine only became more intense.

And then she went lower.

My eyes immediately snapped open, my body freezing up as I felt her tongue get dangerously close to the most unexplored territory of my body. Elizabeth sensed the shift in me right away and she glanced up without missing a beat, her eyes full of concern.

"You okay?" She asked, her voice laced with worry as if she was afraid that she had done something wrong.

"Y-Yeah, sorry." I muttered stupidly, cursing myself out in my head.

The truth was, what she had just done took me completely off guard. We had agreed on exploring tonight, but I thought we'd only try a plug out, maybe two if I really liked it.

I wasn't expecting her fucking tongue down there. We didn't talk about this and even though I had fantasised about how something like that would feel before, I'd never ask Elizabeth without discussing it first.

She didn't look like she had any problem with it though, which was what got me so stunned I guess. She seemed like she was confident about this and that near made me drop dead on the spot.

I knew she could see the clear hesitation on my face and she ran her hands up and down the outside of my thighs in order to calm me down a bit.

"Is it okay if I–"

"Yes." I cut her off, not even having to think it through. I was fucking dying to feel her tongue and mouth down there, but I also wanted to make sure that this really was something she'd be willing to do. "A-Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." She nodded, making me relax back against the mattress. "I looked a few things up the other day and I want to try it."

I stared at her in disbelief, seriously doubting that I was awake right now.

She looked a few things up. For me.

She wanted to try it for me, so she could make me feel good. I had to be fucking dreaming, there's no way this was actually happening.

"You're fucking unreal, you know that?" I said with pink cheeks, making her grin down at me.

"Wait 'til I'm done with you, tiger boy." She chuckled and I dropped my head back down on the pillows, groaning as she wrapped her fingers around my cock again.

"I'm not going to survive, am I?"

Instead of answering me, Elizabeth returned to her previous position, dipping her head down to give me the same treatment as before. She licked, sucked and kissed over my most sensitive parts, making my head spin as my heartbeat started racing once again.

After a few minutes of building back the tension in my lower belly, my hips started shifting in impatience. I wanted her so bad and I physically couldn't wait anymore. I felt like I was going insane.

"Baby..." I whined, giving her a pleading look and thankfully Elizabeth got the message right away.

Her hands moved to the underside of my thighs, pushing them a bit more apart as my breathing started picking up. She glanced up at me for a final confirmation and when I nodded, she started kissing her way down to her final destination.

When I felt her lips over my tight ring of muscles, I automatically tensed up, holding my breath in anticipation. She left a few gentle kisses behind, before I felt her warm tongue against my already burning skin and I sighed out in bliss.

The sensation couldn't be compared to anything I had experienced before, it was a whole new world, but despite how unfamiliar and therefore scary it was, I liked it. I was struggling to let myself go all the way just yet, but the small kitten licks Elizabeth was giving me helped me ease into it a lot.

"Good?" She asked, watching my face intently and I nodded without missing a beat.

"Yeah." I breathed, biting down on my lower lip as the insecure thoughts started racing through my mind. I couldn't help but worry about her and the fact that she might feel obligated to do this. I knew it was stupid, but still. "What about you? You okay? If it's too much we can sto–"

"Harry, relax." Elizabeth cut me off quietly, her hands stroking my thighs soothingly. "I'm okay. Stop worrying and just let yourself enjoy it."

I let out a breath, trying to focus on shutting my mind off.

"Yeah, okay." I gulped with a nod, silently letting Elizabeth know that she could keep going.

She went back to kissing around the area and as she got closer to my hole again, I instinctively widened my legs even more, giving her as much access as possible. She ran her tongue over my skin again and again, and as I started getting used to the feeling my eyes fluttered closed, my muscles relaxed a bit and the pleasure started taking over completely.

Elizabeth then teased the tip of her tongue against my entrance and I immediately clenched around it as she started pushing in slowly, the air getting stuck in my throat at the feeling. It was a strange sensation, but her gentle touches made me surrender in no time. Soon enough my eyes were rolling back with a quiet moan, all my muscles giving up the fight as I let her take over me.

"Holy fuck." I choked out, Elizabeth pulling my ass cheeks apart, spreading me open even more as her tongue slowly moved in and out.

She kept licking and kissing, as confidently as if she had done this a million times before which completely calmed me down and made me feel incredibly safe. I lost all control when one of her hands reached up and wrapped around my throbbing cock, stroking me and occasionally massaging my balls as well.

I felt like I was in fucking heaven, the thrill of being touched in places I had never been before was doing very dangerous things to me. I gasped and moaned, grinding my hips back into her tongue as the pressure in my lower belly started increasing.

"Can I try one finger?" Elizabeth snapped me out of the absolute bliss that I was in and I blinked my eyes open so I could stare down into her ocean blue ones.

"Please..." I whimpered, ready for more and she didn't waste much time before bringing a hand up to her mouth and wetting her pointer finger.

My dick twitched against my belly when I felt her digit at my entrance, circling around it a few times before she very slowly started pushing in. There was a bit of a natural resistance at first, but I willed myself to relax, letting her in more and more.

She watched my face the whole time, searching for any kind of reaction I might give away, my eyes on her as well and the last thing I saw was the small smirk pulling onto her lips when she curled her finger, making me throw my head back as she gently tapped into my prostate.

"O-Oh fuck– oh my god!" I choked out, my fists wrapping around the sheets and gripping onto them for dear life. "More... I need more– fuck."

I wasn't even sure what I was saying, I just knew that I had never in my life experienced any kind of pleasure like this before. Shockwaves of electricity coursed through my body every time her finger brushed against that one spot, my heart hammering in my chest as I tried to get air into my lungs.

The cock ring squeezed tight around my base, preventing me from an orgasm which I was thankful for. I knew if it wasn't for that, I would've already come. I wasn't ready for this to be over just yet, I wanted to lose it like never before, I was nowhere near done.

"Want me to add a second one?" Elizabeth asked and I nodded vigorously, pressing my lips together in order to hold back a loud moan as she pulled her finger out.

I nearly dropped dead on the spot when she spat down on my tight hole, adding a bit more of her saliva to make it easier for me, some of it dripping down between my ass cheeks. She tried two fingers now and after a few attempts, I managed to relax completely, my muscles stretching around her to an extent like never before.

"Jesus christ." I groaned when she aimed for my prostate again, her fingers moving inside me and massaging lightly, while her other hand slowly kept stroking my cock. The dual stimulation was making me go crazy.

"That's it..." Elizabeth praised me. "You're doing so good, baby."

I don't think I ever had to fight against my own body so hard in order to delay my orgasm, every fibre of my being was begging for a release and wanted to hold it back at the same time. I felt like I was floating ten feet up in the air and I never wanted to come down, but the pressure was also almost too much at this point.

"Feels fucking incredible..." I mumbled mindlessly, Elizabeth not stopping for even a split second, her fingers were fucking into me like there was no tomorrow.

She knew I was close, the way my breathing picked up and how my hips moved on their own, were clear signs of that. Just when I was about to give up and fully surrender to the pleasure, she pulled her digits out, suddenly leaving me empty.

"Reina, no–" I whined pathetically, but she just smirked, pressing a kiss to my inner thigh and letting go of my cock so she could reach for the real main character of tonight, the butt plug.

I tried to catch my breath as she coated the smallest plug in some lube, her eyes on me, cautiously observing the state I was in. She looked satisfied with herself and the power that she had over me, I was well and truly fucked out of my mind and she seemed like she enjoyed it very much.

While she prepared the toy for us, I used the time to trail my gaze up and down her body, drinking in every inch of her that I could lay my eyes on. She looked fucking unreal, her perky tits holding my attention for a little too long, hard nipples just begging me to wrap my lips around them. Her skin was glowing, already a bit tanned from being out in the sun the whole day, the outline of her bikini was slightly visible as well.

Sitting on her knees, I sadly couldn't catch a glimpse of what she had between her legs, although I was dying to know how wet she was for me. She had to be turned on, the way that she had been gawking at me ever since we started made that much clear. We both got off on pleasuring the other and if I wouldn't be so out of it right now, I would've already pinned her to the mattress and fucked her stupid in order to make her feel the same way.

Unfortunately though, my pending orgasm was very much in the way of doing that. I was so needy and desperate for a release that I couldn't do anything other than just lie there and let Elizabeth do whatever she wanted to me.

"You ready, little tiger?" I heard her voice breaking through the fog that clouded my brain, making me look up at her with tired, half lidded eyes.

"Yeah." I mumbled. "I-I don't think I can hold it for much longer."

"That's okay, you don't have to." She reassured me, bending down to kiss the tip of my cock, making it jump against my stomach.

I took a deep breath, glancing down as Elizabeth positioned the plug against my hole after applying a bit of lube to my skin as well. Looking at it, the toy didn't seem all that big, but when she started pushing it in, I froze up for a second.

"Relax..." She instructed gently, her other hand giving a bit of attention to my aching cock, stroking it in steady motions.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I chanted under my breath at the thickest part, but then we got past that and the whole thing just slipped all the way in, a pornographic moan escaping me. "Oh god..."

The plug was perfectly snuggled up against my sweet spot, stimulating me even without moving a muscle. I felt full, basking in the euphoric state while Elizabeth let me adjust a little and kept jerking me off to ease the pressure.

"How do you feel?" She asked and I shifted around a bit, testing how the plug moved inside of me.

"A-Amazing." I breathed, struggling to find the right words. "It feels so good..."

Elizabeth smiled and leaned down, catching me completely off guard by taking me in her warm mouth, my cockhead immediately hitting the back of her throat.

"Shit, baby." I choked, thrusting my hips up like it was a reflex and making the plug press into my prostate perfectly. The electrifying feeling was coming from so deep that it knocked the breath out of me and I screwed my eyes shut, shocked by my own body's reaction.

"I'm–" I tried to warn Elizabeth, but I didn't even stand a chance, long spurts of my hot release were already shooting out of me before I could register what was happening.

Elizabeth's throat closed around my sensitive tip at my unexpected orgasm, making me groan in pleasure as she choked and coughed, her mouth stuffed full of my twitching cock.

I could hear the thumping of my heart in my ears, my whole body was buzzing, I felt it everywhere. Top to bottom, the intense, drawn out waves just kept crushing me. It lasted way longer than any orgasms I ever had and it was definitely a hundred times more earth-shattering.

The only thing that slightly disturbed the sensation after a minute or two, was the tight ring around the base of my pulsating cock. It started getting painful and so I forced my eyes open, being met with the angelic face of the love of my life as she wiped away the remnants of my cum from her rosy lips. I was quite literally hypnotised by her for a second before a sharp sting reminded me of what I was originally intended to do.

I reached for the cock ring, but there were two things that made my hand freeze in mid air.

One, I was still hard.

And two, I had zero strength left in my body, meaning that I couldn't even grab onto the tight rubber properly.

Elizabeth saw the discomfort in my eyes instantly and she didn't hesitate before gently pushing my hand away.

"Too tight? Want me to take it off?"

"Yes, please." I hummed tiredly. "It hurts."

She gave me a sympathetic look and carefully started pulling the ring off, making me hiss in pain. Thankfully, it took no more than a few seconds to get rid of it, and once it was gone, I let out a sigh in relief.

"Better?" Elizabeth asked quietly, her palms now running up and down my chest. I didn't miss the way her voice sounded a bit hoarse, putting a smug smirk on my lips.

"Yeah, thank you." I breathed, grabbing onto her upper arms so I could pull her closer to me.

I didn't even think twice before I decided to catch her by surprise, rolling us over so I'd be on top of her, Elizabeth letting out a cute little squeal as she stared up at me with wide eyes.

"W-What are you doing?" She stuttered when I reached for the bedside table, fishing out a condom from the top drawer.

"Returning the favour." I said simply, rolling the rubber on and nudging Elizabeth's legs apart to make it more comfortable.

I could feel the butt plug still working with every single move I made, pressing into the right spots and making me want to cry out in ecstasy.

"But don't you need a break? I mean–"

"I'm good, baby." I gave her a small smile, leaning down to press a small kiss to her swollen lips. "See the state you've got me in?"

I was hard as a rock, the pressure at the bottom of my spine was released only to be built back up a minute later. I was as ready as ever to go again because to be honest, I was dying to be inside her.

I missed the warmth of her tight pussy and I couldn't wait to fuck her while also being stimulated with the plug. If the orgasm I just had was this intense, I couldn't even imagine what the next one would feel like.

Thankfully, Elizabeth didn't need much convincing, she willingly spread her legs wider, giving me the perfect view of her glistening nerves. She was so wet that her arousal coated her inner thighs as well, making my stomach jump at the sight.

"Is that how much you enjoyed yourself, love?" I asked her, running two of my fingers up her slit, Elizabeth shuddering at the contact.

She didn't say anything, she just got a hold of my cock and positioned it to her entrance, biting down on her lower lip as she glanced up at me with a pleading look.

Without a second thought, I started pushing in, my eyes glued down to where I was slowly disappearing inside of her. She clenched around me, needing a bit of time to adjust due to the lack of prep and I patiently paused deep inside, waiting for the green light from her.

When she gave me a nod, I didn't waste a second before drawing my hips back and pushing forward again, moaning at the overwhelming pleasure I felt in my lower half. It truly was heaven, being stimulated in two different ways... Fucking my grilfriend while basically being fucked by a plug up in my ass. It surely couldn't get better than this, right?

"Oh my god, Harry." Elizabeth moaned breathlessly as I sped up a little, making sure I hit her g-spot every time.

I didn't even have to try really, we fitted together like two puzzle pieces, my cock snuggled up against her front wall the perfect way, bringing her that euphoric feeling. She truly was the best I ever had and I knew I'd never want anyone else ever again, just her.

"Fuck, you feel incredible." I grunted, putting a bit more force behind my movements. "Can't wait to have you without a condom– I'm going to fill you up with all my cum, baby. Over and over again until you just can't take any more of me..."

I had no idea where the dirty words had suddenly come from, but one thing was sure, it made Elizabeth cry out in a way I had only heard her do a handful of times before. She was already done for and that only encouraged me more. I moved to hold my weight up with only one arm, bringing the other between us to find her clit.

I rubbed quick circles over the small bundle of nerves, having no mercy as she squirmed and thrashed underneath me, her hips involuntarily rolling back against mine.

"D-Don't stop!" She moaned, throwing her head back as I kept flicking my fingers while pounding into her and ruining that pretty pussy of hers. "Harry, I'm gonna–"

The hard clenching of her walls cut her off, triggering my second orgasm of the night which was just as powerful as before. I stilled my hips as one of her thighs started trembling slightly, her back arching out, jaw going slack as she reached the peak of her high.

She looked so fucking gorgeous when she came, I was never going to get tired of the sight.

Losing all the strength I had in my body, I rolled off of her, my softening dick slipping out and leaving her empty. I softly grunted in sensitivity, the butt plug becoming a bit too much now.

Once I managed to get back some of my strength, I got rid of the condom that was filled with my release, tying it up and throwing it out to the bin by the side of the bed.

"Harry?" Elizabeth spoke up after a few minutes of silence and I turned my head, only to find her already looking at me.

"Yes, mi amor?"

She paused for a second, staring at me in adoration and making my heart flutter.

"I'm so in love with you, you know that?" She said eventually and I swallowed, feeling my cheeks heat up for whatever reason.

"Don't say shit like that, Reina."

"Why?" She asked with a cheeky smile and I couldn't help but copy her.

"Because listening to you and your pretty words is making me want to fuck you all over again." I told her simply.

"So?" She raised an eyebrow. "What's holding you back?"

Her challenging tone made my stomach twist in excitement and I couldn't quite believe I was actually hearing her correctly. She was getting brave.

"Haven't had enough, have you?" I asked and the playful little shrug that she gave was enough for me to roll back on top of her. "You sure you can take it, my love?"

"I'm pretty sure, yeah." She grinned, spreading her legs wider for me. "Only one way to find out though..."


they're so adorable it makes me want to cry:')

love you guys, thank you for being here x

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