Broken Girl (Book I of Anita...

By Luminisa

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Anita Blake never expected to be a mother and never wanted to be, or thought that she never wanted to be beca... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Author's Notes

Chapter XI

8 1 0
By Luminisa

~ Jasika's Point of View ~

I was resting in the shade after midday training in my garden a slight breeze keeping me from getting too hot. Two of my personal slaves nearby ready for any command or order from me. When a palace slave came running up.

She stopped short and bowed very low to the ground her forehead touching the grass. She stayed that way until I told her otherwise.

I got up and moved to sit on a bench nearby, and then I said as I looked at her calmly and coldly, "Rise. What did you come for?"

She obediently rose and then said while keeping her eyes subservient, "The Emperor and Master has told me to come and tell you that he has something very important to discuss with you in his study Young Mistress." She said stoically as most of the slaves do.

"I see. Tell him I will be right there." I told her while calmly sitting on the bench my personal slaves behind me.

"Yes Young Mistress." She said then bowed very low again and left to obey my command.

I wait a few minutes after she left then I stood and walked calmly heading to my father's study who was also my King.

"I wonder what he wants to talk about that is so important My Lady." Astel my main lady in waiting said as she followed me and my two slaves followed behind us.

"Probably something to do with my half sister Brittany. Who he has been trying to bring home since she was six." I said calmly as I walked. She only nodded as we walked.

Once I got to his study I knocked on the door.

"Enter." Came his voice from inside.

I obediently walked in and kneeled before him as he sat in his chair while my main lady in waiting and slaves bowed low behind me.

"You wanted to speak with me My King." I said respectfully and calmly.

"Rise and sit please daughter. I have a mission for you." He said calmly with a warmth to his voice reserved only for those he truly care about. And I did as commanded.

"What is the mission Father?" I asked calmly though I already suspected what it was somewhat.

"I was hoping that you could bring your half sister home where she belongs. And I wondering if you had ideas of how to get her home without anyone getting killed or harmed and without scaring her anymore than she probably is." He stated.

"I would be honored to bring my sister home Father." I said genuinely. To which he smiled.

"In that case we should wait for at least a few days. Then send a message to meet and then at the meeting hopefully convince her to come willingly. And if she has been told lies about you by Alumir then we can tell her the truth. I don't know if she knows who you truly are to her though Father." I said.

"I think you are right. And then we will tell her the truth at the meeting. How many days do you think we should wait?" He said in agreement then asked.

"At least a week. Then I can send my lady in waiting with a message request to meet and leave the meeting place up to them." I said after thinking for a short time.

"I like the way you think Jasika. And alright that sounds reasonable to me." I said although the darknesses inside me that hungered for more and more power disagreed and was trying to get me to change the amount of time to wait to bring Brittany home. But I kept a tight clamp on it.

"I will go to where she is and watch her for a while though." I offered. To which he nodded.

"Alright. You may go and make preparations for that then. Be safe though." He said as he stood and moved to briefly hug me and place a small kiss on my forehead.

I nodded briefly hugging him back, "Yes Father." Then after about a minute or two I pulled away and kneeled bowing again. Then I left after saying, "I shall not fail in bringing her home where she belongs Father." With that I left along with my main lady in waiting and two most personal slaves.

As I made my way to my room I said to my main lady in waiting, "Have Vilsora come to my room on my order please Astel."

"Yes My Lady." She said and immediately went to go get my sorceress, Vilsora. While I and my slaves continues to my room. All the while I was thinking, *I finally get to meet my half sister. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.*

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