Possessed ⚪️

By GothNebula

9.4K 189 88

Monarch is running out of ideas but when he used his latest victim as Time Streamer, they find one powerful A... More

Time Streamer
Hanging Out
White Cat
Aggressive Behavior


393 10 3
By GothNebula

Adrien was munching on food like an animal at the dining table, making Gabriel and Nathalie cringe at the sight of the boy being possessed by a twisted evil white feline. Gabriel has no idea what made Blanc want to torment him so badly when Gabriel never even created him.

"Mmmmm.... yes" Blanc wiped with a napkin, "What are you looking at?" He glared at them.

"You're forcing my son to eat like an animal instead of a man" Gabriel glared at him.

Blanc gets on the dining table and walks on all fours, "Your son needs freedom, not by his cruel father telling him what to do. Don't ever say you're his father because you forgot what it means to be a father!" He smashed the plate against the wall in anger.

Gabriel backed off in fear, "What's the matter? Scared?" Blanc chuckled darkly, "Such delicious fear I can smell. You may not have akumatized me but the Hawk Moth from my timeline did, he was a sadistic lunatic! A psycho! A madman!" Blanc got closer to Gabriel, "You also forced Adrien's girlfriend to break up with him or you would pull him out of school. You are a monster!"

"WHAT?! You know all that?!" Gabriel exclaims.

"It's no secret I've looked through your boy's head and seen what you have done!" Blanc continued.

Nathalie walks out of the dining room since she doesn't want to be involved or see Gabriel's madness go crazy.

"All you ever do is spread misery to everyone, Gabi! Yes, I know Agreste is a fake surname of yours!" Blanc snarled.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Gabriel said in fear.

"I read your mugshot. You're nothing but a fraud!" Blanc lifted him.

"What kind of coward that would lie to Paris, to Emilie, to Adrien?! As I can see, you only seek glory for yourself but no matter how obsessed you are, nothing is better than glory. You only seek power!" Blanc hissed.

"My wife is what I want!" Gabriel said.

"You do know that you're only making her suffer by keeping her alive for too long! You can't change the past, Gabi! Your obsession is turning you into something far worse than madness! You're a coward, Gabi. That's who you are! You're afraid to lose!" Cat Blanc glared, "As long as I inhabit your boy's body, I will make sure you don't control him! I know that you are lying. Everything you're doing is not for Adrien's happiness. You don't know a thing about happiness nor do you know what makes him happy! The only thing you're giving him is misery!" Blanc shoved him at the kitchen door.

"AAAGH!" Gabriel grunts by the impact.

"And what name will be better than Monarch? How many times will you change your villain name? It's like you abandoned your originals just to be powerful. Like I said, nothing satisfies you better than power. You don't rely on anyone but yourself! That's why you always fail to achieve your goal!" Cat Blanc glared, "Pray to God! I dare you!"

"I beg you! Don't take him away from me" Gabriel said.

The possessed teen chuckled darkly at seeing the man being a coward, "Where is your God? Do you know why He never helps you? Because He sees you evil as Satan!"

"I swear to God! Let my son go!" Gabriel begged.

"And why should I free him? You barely ever spend time with him" Blanc glared.

"He's my son!" Gabriel yelled.

"Hardly! You see him as a prized object!" Blanc bared his fangs, "Whenever he makes a common mistake, you always punish him! Whenever he doesn't want to do something, you force him against your will! Whenever he wants to spend time with his friends, you break promises or send Lila to spy on him! Whenever he tries to be perfect, it was never enough for you!" Blanc tries to claw him but Gabriel dodged, "You are NOT a true father to him!"

"Don't kill me!" Gabriel screamed.

"Maybe I will until you're mentally vulnerable. Adrien will one day know who you really are! You're a coward to keep secrets from him!" Blanc glared and leaves the coward in the kitchen, "You're too stubborn to listen to reason" He said before walking out and heading into his bedroom.

"There, I showed him who's boss" Blanc came out of Adrien.

"What the hell did you do?!" Adrien glared.

"Just had a long talk with him," Blanc said.

"As much as I hate him but you're gonna make him crazy as hell" Adrien walks up to his bedroom.

"I'm merely making him suffer as we have suffered," Blanc said.

"And who's gonna side with? Him or us?" Adrien asked.

"We have lied before but our father has lied longer than us. Nathalie used to be Mayura but now she doesn't side with him anymore because she can see that he's doing this out of madness" Blanc said and floated to the couch, "As I came here, Time Streamer looked familiar. She was standing in the lair. No Akuma victim ever steps in Hawk Moth's lair. If I remember correctly, it's gotta be Kagami's mother"

"Are you sure?" Adrien asked.

"Paws-itively" Blanc replied, "It all makes sense now. Gabriel destroyed her dream and now he had no choice but to remember the deal with the contract. Gabriel and Tomao are forcing you and Kagami to bond. I don't know why but as we both know that arranged marriage is illegal in France" Cat Blanc said, looking at the contract signed by Tomao and Gabriel.

"Yeah, even though she and I are just friends," Adrien said.

"And why can't you tell him you're in love with your princess?" Cat Blanc asked.

"I did but he never listens," Adrien said.

"Stubborn as he is. What kind of man can't see you're happy?" Blanc growled.

"A rotten one," Adrien said.

"Ah, yes" Blanc nodded.

"If my mom was here, she would be happy for me," Adrien said, slumping on the couch.

"She certainly would be" Blanc floated near him.

"But she's not here," Adrien said.

"Or is she?" Blanc smugly grinned.

"What do you mean?" Adrien looks up.

"Ask yourself. Did father ever tell you what happened to her?" Cat Blanc asked.

"He just said she disappeared," Adrien said.

"Did he tell you how she disappeared?" Cat Blanc asked.

"Never. He was never specific and when I asked why, he refused" Adrien said.

"A simple coward he is. Did anyone ever find her or mention her?" Cat Blanc asked.

"No, they haven't" Adrien replied.

"That means your father lied to you," Cat Blanc said.

"Of course" Adrien clenched his fists.

"He's keeping secrets from you. Just like with the book you lost but mysteriously found. The only thing he cares about is his reputation. He never cared about us from the beginning our mother disappeared" Cat Blanc growled.

"We need to be ready to engage him with Ladybug soon without me ending up like you," Adrien said.

"And that's why I'm making him fear me more. Just like he put fear in all of us" Cat Blanc said.

"With that, it will be easier to defeat him," Adrien said.

"And Paris shall see that he's a fraud too," Cat Blanc said.

"Of course," Adrien said.


With Marinette, she lay on her bed thinking about Cat Noir and Adrien.

"The news of Hawk Moth and Gabriel being the same really hit us both hard, I can't believe I was correct. He apparently akumatized himself to give off the trail and then used a sentimonster copy of himself to further trick us" Marinette said to Tikki.

"If Blanc tells Adrien who his father is, he could be traumatized," Tikki said.

"Yeah, that's gonna be a problem," Marinette said, unaware Adrien already knows.

"Heya, princess" Blanc startled her again.

"AAAH! Blanc!" Marinette jumps up in fear.

Still possessing Adrien again with the white hair, eyes, and cat ears, "Your boyfriend took it well but he still needs alone time to process. He will be glad to help you fight against his father with my help. But there's a big problem, milady"

"What is it?" Marinette asked.

"He has everyone fooled. No one is gonna believe us. And that is why I have this" Cat Blanc hands her an Egyptian amulet of Maat.

"Perfect. We should have it on him once Cat Noir and I have claimed the butterfly brooch from him" Marinette said.

"Cat Noir won't be coming. He's very sensitive now. I tried talking to him but it was just too much for him. Especially when he accidentally cataclysm that monster. Adrien and I will help you" Cat Blanc said.

"Alright," Marinette sighs.

"Your kitty wishes you the best of luck," Blanc said.

"Yeah. Once it's over I wanna see Noir again, I have plans to make amends for everything I've done in the past" Marinette said.

"I never expected him to move on with a new girlfriend" Cat Blanc chuckled with a devilish smirk.

"It's a friendly thing I've planned" Marinette replied.

"I bet with macaroons and milk," Blanc said.

"Yes," Marinette sat up.

The other kwamis saw the possessed Adrien with Marinette. They all attacked him like a swarm of bees but Cat Blanc clung to the ceiling, hissing angrily at them to back off.

"Hey! He's on our side!" Marinette scolded them.

"Do that again and I'll eat you all like you're all mice!" Cat Blanc hissed them before landing on the floor.

"Easy now Adrien Blanc" Marinette scratched his chin to calm him down, even if Blanc is feral and doesn't like to be petted or tamed, "Good kitty," She said smoothly.

"What are you doing?" Blanc purred with a growl.

"I'm taming the beast within you. I know the alternative Noir is still in you" Marinette said.

"Wild cats don't like to be petted" Blanc purred.

"Keep denying, you like it," Marinette said.

Blanc eventually gave in. It's been too long since the last time he was petted by his lady.

"Mmmmmm.... yeah" He closed his eyes purring.

"You've been lonely for too long, Blanc" Marinette pets him, making sure that he's calm.

"Yeah, but these last few days I felt not alone for the first time in months" Blanc replied.

"Are you calm?" Marinette asked.

"Much better" Blanc replied.

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