The Shattered Clan- Book One...

By ice___and____nothing

119 1 0

As Redpaw fights the uneasiness in his mind, a cat of unknown privileges appears in the midst of a dangerousl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

10 0 0
By ice___and____nothing

 Honeyfrost was tired of Quailstar telling his clan that he was having visions of a battle approaching. She knew that Quailstar was her leader and she should believe him, but a part of her wanted to just ignore him and do whatever she wanted. She went up to the leaders den. Honeyfrost took a deep breath and said, "Quailstar? Can I come in?" Quailstar lifted his head up groggily. "Yes, you can come in Honeyfrost." She hesitated and then pushed herself through the ferns. "Well?  What did you come here for?" "Well, I wanted to know what exactly did you see in your visions from StarClan," she said rushingly. Quailstar's face lit up. "So all that blabbering wasn't for nothing!" Honeyfrost looked shocked as she asked Quailstar, "What blabbering?" Quailstar put a paw over his mouth. "Oops. I think I said too much. Umm... I think you should go now, and please don't tell anyone what you heard!" Honeyfrost was determined to get to the bottom of this. "Tell me. I won't spill your secret to anyone," she demanded. Quailstar gulped and reluctantly told her everything MoonClan had said to him in his visions. "So Smokeshadow told you that lightning and darkness will rise to meet and that blood will be spilled?" Honeyfrost asked Quailstar. "Yes, precisely what I think they said." She raised an eyebrow. "You think?" "You know StarClan talks in riddles! That's why these visions are so hard to read!" he groaned. "Really? Wow." she meowed sarcastically. "I'm always busy now because I'm trying to find out what exactly it means." Honeyfrost nodded. "Maybe I could help you." He hesitated, and then said, "Sure. But please don't tell anyone about this." She nodded and left the den to go to the fresh-kill pile. She pulled out a skinny mouse out of the pile. Hunting was also becoming poor since it was almost leafbare.

Honeyfrost sighed and padded into her den. Her mate, Hawkwhisker, came over to her and comforted her with his tongue. "Are you okay Honeyfrost?" "Yes..." she replied.

"Do you want to rest?"

"I don't know. I feel sleepy, but something is nagging me."

"Well, you should at least get some rest, ok?"

"Ok..." Honeyfrost said. She padded towards her nest when something caught her attention. Laying on top of her nest was a pile of honey covered in blood. She gasped and sprinted towards the medicine cat's den. Rivertail, the medicine cat, was busy organizing his herb collection. Honeyfrost meowed, "Rivertail! Come quick!" Rivertail dropped all the herbs he was carrying in his jaws and ran towards Honeyfrost's nest. He gasped when he saw this and told her, "This is a sign from MoonClan! We have to tell Quailstar!" They ran to the leader's den and barged in. "What are you doing here?" Quailstar squeaked in surprise. "This is an emergency, Quailstar! Come quickly!" As they showed Quailstar the sign, he said, "What happened here?" "It's a sign from MoonClan! Honeyfrost is destined for something!" "But what am I supposed to do?" Honeyfrost said. "I don't know, but it is almost half-moon. It is almost time for us medicine cats to speak with MoonClan. Perhaps you should come with me at half-moon." Honeyfrost gasped, "But I'm not a medicine cat! I shouldn't be there!" she walked away and cleaned out her nest. She then promptly fainted on her nest and fell asleep.

Honeyfrost, a voice whispered to her. She awoke to a misty lake. "Where am I?" she gasped. A cat with stars in his pelt stepped out of the fog. "I am Mothstripe, young one. You are in MoonClan." "Am I..." she struggled to find the words. "Am I dead?" she asked him. Mothstripe rolled his eyes and muttered to himself, "Why do cats always have to be so clueless?" Honeyfrost scoffed, "Well, excuse me, I am not clueless!" Mothstripe gasped dramatically, "Well excuse me, who do you think I am?" "Mothstripe," Honeyfrost said without question as she rolled her eyes. "Wel- wait, how do you know my name?" Honeyfrost was trying very hard not to lose it with this MoonClan warrior. "You literally said, 'I am Mothstripe young one,' when I first got here!" Honeyfrost said, mimicking Mothstripe. "Well, can we PLEASE GET ON WITH WHAT I ACTUALLY CALLED YOU HERE FOR?!?!" "OF COURSE YOU CAN, IF IT DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU MESSING AROUND WITH ME ANYMORE!!" Honeyfrost literally screeched at him. Mothstripe huffed, "FINE! Come here." Honeyfrost padded next to Mothstripe. She gasped in horror as she saw what lay before her. It was a battle between two clans, LightningClan and FogClan. "What's happening?" Honeyfrost shuddered. Mothstripe started to fade away, "That is for you to find out."

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