Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)

By cheezeitsforlife

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Neteyam X Oc The forest was my home. It's where I was born and where I was expected to meet my end. When we... More



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By cheezeitsforlife

Everyone was frozen as Quaritch talked to Jake through the com.

He wanted Jake, in return for not killing Lo'ak.

He had Lo'ak at gunpoint. It was fine if it was pointed at me but at my little brother? Yeah that was a big no for me.

Quaritch started saying stuff about losing good men and women and I zoned out because it was all crap. Everything that comes out of that demon's mouth is crap. He probably eats it on a daily basis. I watched as Jake talked with Tonowari and Ronal, I knew he would come alone. He would sacrifice anything for his kids. Anything.

He wouldn't make it easy for them. But I knew as soon as he was on the boat they would kill him, they would make us all watch as they murdered him in cold blood.

Just to prove something, just to prove that they were superior to us.

I would be damned if I didn't fight either.

The handcuffs were making my wrist bleed, it just got worse as I tried to pull my hands out.

"Ri." Tsireya shook her head at me, "You're making it worse."

"Shut up!" The annoying voice from before hissed.

I rolled my eyes.

I was feeling angsty, I couldn't sit still.

Where the hell was my boyfriend? I didn't see him with Jake. I didn't see Kiri either.

Lo'ak growled when he heard Quaritch planning to kill Jake on deck. Like it wasn't obvious.

We watched in sadness as Jake rode closer to the ship.

I racked my brain for a plan but I came up blank. There was nothing I could do all tied up, and if I did do something then it would put everyone in danger.

The ship started shifting back and forth.

The water suddenly becoming restless.

The water started moving back and forth, more vicariously than normal.

I realized why soon enough. 

Payakan came shooting out of the water in all of his big glory, practically soaring through the air.

I think I might be dreaming.

He landed right on top of the ship, crushing a whole bunch of people under him.

No fucking way.

"Payakan!" Tuk cried in awe

"I did not see that coming." I murmured to Tsireya who was looking at the scene in front of us with her mouth wide open.

"Me neither."

Her mouth was dropped open just like mine.

He flapped his fins, hitting the people who were shooting at him.

It was chaos on deck, everyone was yelling out commands, gunshots being fired. People running around, then getting squashed. 

Lo'ak kicked one of them in the leg, so that Payakan could lay his fin on top of him and crush him.

My eyes had been open so wide, they where starting to water. But I was scared to blink cause I might miss some of the action, it was all happening so fast.

We were being saved by a Tulkun right now. Lo'aks Tulkun, specifically. 

Payakan let out a roar, flopping his tail and fins around doing the most damage he could before, the people on boats started targeting him.

He sank back into the water and Jake had used his diversion to start his attack.

I can't believe I wasn't getting any of the action right now. Stupid handcuffs.

All around us, there were spears being thrown, yells, cries, guns going off. They were shooting at the water but they were blind, they couldn't see where the Metkayina people were. I looked up and saw Neytiri going in our original style. Shooting arrows from her Ikran.

"Bro, that should be me." I felt envious, they got to fight while I was stuck here like food on a stick.

Na'vi weren't built for war, we didn't understand it, it was a foregin concept before the Sky people came. We weren't good at it, not at first. 

But now? Now we were almost experts.

We didn't like it, hell our nature taught us something different but we were good at fighting for what was ours. And we wouldn't stop.

Explosions started happening on the boats. There was a big explosion on the ship, causing big metal pieces to fly into the air. 

I was so focused on everything going on around me that I didn't hear someone come up from behind me.

My head was suddenly slammed into the pole and I groaned in agony. 

"I'm going to kill you for what you did."

I look up and it's the woman from earlier.

I felt blood trickle down my face into my mouth. My vision was blurrier than ever and there was a sharp pain in my temple now.


I heard them call my name but I didn't let off my gaze from the demon in front of me.

"I don't even know you."

"You killed Earl!"

"Who the fuck- oh."

Oh meaning the fake Na'vi that tried to shoot me before we left the forest. The na'vi whose throat I sliced.

How the hell did she even know it was me?

It might just be my shitty luck, or she saw me do it, I didn't really care at this moment.

I chuckled, a hollow sound.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?"

She hissed, raising her knife to my throat.

I spit my blood at her feet. I didn't have it in me to keep my mouth shut.

"Did you want details on how I killed him?"

I watched her face, hatred was a disgusting look on her. Or she was just plain ugly, she should really try and get a new face. I continued to goat her.

"How it felt to feel his blood coat my hands, how he tried to take a breath but he couldn't.  He kept on gasping and gasping until eventually, he bled out on the forest floor. Alone, and afraid-"

She punched me across the face.

I ignored everyone's cries and shouts as they watched me get beaten up. I had to admit this was very damaging toward my ego.

I hoped that Neteyam would still think I was pretty even with all the blood and swelling on my body and face.

The pain wasn't helping my sanity. In fact if I got hit anymore then I think I might just pass out.

The stinging pain to my face, the aching in my ribs, and the throbbing in my temple was almost too much for me to handle.

"I'm going to slice your throat just like you did to him."

I smiled a sickly sweet smile and then slammed my forehead into her nose. Might as well add more pain to the inventory. She dropped her knife and I kicked it away.

She held her nose, face was covered in blood.

Sick gratification filled me with the thought that her nose would be crooked for the rest of her life.

"You broke my nose you bitch!"

"Yeah I know."

"Goddammit Ri." Lo'ak sighed.

Or I think he did but the ringing in my ears was making it hard for me to hear anything.

She lunged for me, but I used my upper body to lift my hips to kick her away.

She finally brought out her gun and I sighed.

Guns. They always ruined everything.

I glared at her waiting for her to pull the trigger.

My soul would come back and haunt her, until she went crazy and ended herself.

All of a sudden the ship was moving forward over a rock causing us all to fly up in the air, then came crashing down, all of us landing in a heap on the railing.

When I looked up the woman was long gone. Hopefully impaled somewhere, or in the ocean, drowning, with all her limbs removed.

"Does anyone know what the hell just happened?"

"You almost fucking died."

"Oh yeah." I said kinda dazed.

"We can't stay here forever, we need to figure out how to get these off."

We all started tugging on the restraints. 

"Ri you need to stop." Tsireya said concern evident in her voice.

"I'm fine."

"Your not.Your wrists."

Even I had to admit that they were a bloody mess.

Tuk gasped and examined them.

"Still okay." I reassured her but I stopped tugging.

I rested my head on the pole and smiled when Tuk cried out a name that was like music to my ears.


"Need my help princess?"

Neteyam stood there with a smirk on his face.

He has never looked so hot...the bastard.

"Woah what happened to your face? Who the hell did that to you!"

I was almost tempted to hide my face. 

"Can we talk about that after you set us free?"

He cupped my face, wiping off some of the blood. Pain was present in his beautiful eyes.

His beautiful beautiful eyes.

His eyes where sooooo beautiful, so was his entire body. 

I wanted a mini Neteyam to put in my pocket so that I could just take him out and stare at him whenever I wanted to see something pretty. 

I giggled at the thought of a tiny Neteyam. 

I'm pretty sure I have a concussion. 

"Hey, heey." He soothed, "You with me?"

I nodded.

"How do you guys always end up in these types of situations?"

He started cutting into our restraints.

"Bro Hurry up!" Lo'ak rushed.

He pointed to the water, "Take Tuk and get out of here." 

Tsireya immediately nodded. 

"Who's the mighty warrior? Common say it." Neteyam teased Lo'ak while cutting his restraints.

"Bro!No." Lo'ak said with a laugh.

I smiled at the scene, everything would be okay. I believed that now.

I winced when I stood up, my ribs yelling at me in protest.

"Lo'ak what are you doing?"

I turned to see, Lo'ak holding a gun.

This was giving me deja vu.

"Lo'ak I thought we talked about this." I sighed.

"They have Spider. We have to go save him. Come on ,we can't let him down." Lo'ak pleaded to us.

I didn't want to leave Spider behind either. But they weren't going to kill him. He meant something to them, or more like he meant something to Quaritch.

If they saw us, they were going to kill us.

"Okay, Okay"

Neteyam groaned after some contemplating. He could never say no to Lo'ak. He would always follow him, no matter where he went. Protecting him from any dangers that posed a threat. 

I groaned, "Fuck you guys."

I stormed up to Lo'ak but Neteyam caught me.

"Not you."

"Excuse you?"

"Ri.." He looked at me with love. Love and worry.

"You cannot leave me again." I say. 

Not again. Please not again.I had to protect him. 

"I don't want to be separated from you either but maRi you are injured. Pretty bad might I add."

I shrugged, "I can still help."

"I know you can but if we go and something happens, all I'm going to worry about is you. Your hurt, you could get even more hurt and I can't let that happen."

I frowned.

He continued, "Plus, you need to find Kiri and Tuk. I can't protect them if I'm protecting this dumbass."

I didn't want to be separated from him. Things always happened when we separated and none of it was good.

"When this is all over I want to fully mate with you."

He blinked at me, shocked.


"I was waiting until the perfect moment to tell you, but now is as good a time as ever."

I wasn't even nervous now. It was stupid of me to not say it earlier, not with the world we live in now. Time was precious. 

He kissed me, I ignored all the pain in my face and just enjoyed the feelings of his lips on mine. I tried to commit the feeling to my memory.

I tried to commit him to my memory. 

"I have something to look forward to now." He muttered against my lips.

"you better come back to me." I didn't want to let him go, I didn't want to let him go at all.

"I will always come return to you. Your ma Meuia." He placed his forehead on mine.

"When this is all over I want a big explanation on why you're covered in bruises and cuts." He said trailing his fingers over the injury on my temple.

"Oh remember guy that I killed? His girlfriend is hella mad and she wants revenge.So she's trying to kill me."

"Is she dead?"

"No.I don't think so, actually maybe?I'm not sure."

"I want to kill her."

His eyes were hard, hard and cold. A promise of revenge in his eyes.

It was hot. 

"Bro come on!" Lo'aks irritated voice yelled

"Mateyam please...." Please don't go. Please stay with me. Please don't leave me.

"Stay safe."

He placed something in my hand.

"Go find our family Ri, I'll see you soon. I promise." He kissed my nose and ran off to join Lo'ak.

"Don't Die assholes!" I yelled at them

Lo'ak smirked, "Love ya too!" 

I looked down and in my palm was the bead that Neteyam gave me.

I felt like everything was speeding up, spending up and slowing down. I wanted to go after him. I was killing every urge not to drag him back to me.

I had to find Tuk. Tuk and Kiri. I had to trust that they would be okay. 

I nodded to myself and dove off the ship into the direction I saw Tsireya take Tuk.

By the time I caught up to Tuk and Tsireya they were looking behind me.

I turned around and there was Kiri. Back on the ship, under the hands of one of Quaritches goons.

Fuck me.

I obviously had to go back for her.

"We have to go back for her." Tuk cried.

"I will, you two stay here." I say already swimming back.

"I'll come with you." Tuk said swimming next to me.

"No. Stay here, you need to get to safety."

I looked at Tsireya who tried to pull her back but Tuk pushed away her efforts.

"Get off!" She turned to me, "Sully's stick together."

"I know but-"

"I go with you, or I wait till you leave to sneak back on."

I loved her, but sometimes I hated how similar she was to her brothers.

I sighed, "You stay in my sight at all cost. You hear me?"

She nodded.

"Guys, Guys come back!" Tsireya called.

Neteyam was going to be so pissed at me. I'd find a way to make it up to him, hopefully by getting everyone off the ship alive.

We snuck up on the side of the ship, hiding behind big metal boxes.

"I do not think this is a good idea." Tsireya said from behind me.

"Me either but no way am I leaving Kiri."

We crawled hiding our bodies behind structures. As soon as I saw Kiri I ran forward, making sure no one was around.

"Riti!" Kiri gasped.

Her wrists were red from her tugging.

"Coming to your rescue once again." I faux sighed

"I can't even begin to say how incorrect that statement is."

I opened my mouth to say something.

She rolled her eyes "Can you just help me?"

Well since you asked so nicely.

Tsireya and Tuk both came up behind me trying to get the restraints off.

"Guys move." I grunted sawing at the restraints with the dull ass blade of the knife.

Seriously they don't take care of anything, blades are useless if they're dull.

When blades get dull they tear and break, causing tear-out and chips. It's a tear versus a cut, see where my problem was?

"Why isn't it working?" Tuk groaned

I grunted, "it is working...just slowly."

"We don't have time for this." Tsireya said, looking around.

"I fucking know that." I snapped, I felt bad but I was stressed.

While I was attempting to get the restraints off I didn't hear the footsteps behind me.

Tsireya made out a yell when she was suddenly thrown in the water and my hair was suddenly being grabbed.

My head whipped back so fast I thought I'm pretty sure I got whiplash.

I snarled when I saw who was holding onto me.

"You again."

"Me." The woman smirked. She had a wound on her head, an addition to her crooked purple nose. eShe was hideous. 

I watched as Tuk was tied up next to Kiri.

"Let her go!" I yelled trying to tug my hair away. 

Seriously we just got out of this predicament a few minutes ago. 

"I don't think so."

"I can't believe I'm tied up again!" Tuk cried.

Me either Tuk. 

"We can still get this done." Quaritch said and his goons agreed.

Quaritch looked at Tasha, nodding to me, "You got her?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Make sure nothing happens to Sully's kids."
"I won't sir." She looked at me, tugging my hair back enough to expose my neck.

"What about her?"

Quaritch shrugged, "She ain't blood. She doesn't matter."

Kiri and Tuk hissed. Kiri's eyes where wide, looking at me. 

"it's okay." I mouthed to her. 

There was a sudden ruckus from above and Lyle and Quaritch to tense. 

I briefly wondered if that was Lo'ak and Neteyam.

It didn't sound good with all the gunshots and yells. I ignored the queasy feeling in my stomach. 

"You think that's Jake?" Lyle asked

"Coming for his kids maybe?" Tasha asked

Quaritch shrugged, "Tasha stay here, Lyle come with me."

The two men left and all that was left now was me, Tasha, Kiri and Tuk.

"I'm not finished with you." Tasha hissed into my ear.

"Bro back up, have you ever heard of personal space? Plus, your breath smells."

It really did, I wasn't lying.

She punched me in the face.

Goddamn another one.

In her hands lay the dull knife that I used to try and cut Kiri's restraints with.

"I realized something about you vermin."

I swallowed some of the blood pooling in my mouth. 

"Do I get a bonus point if I act like I care?"

She laughed, her eyes looked crazy. Eyes so wide, they looked like they were going to pop out of her head. I could see the red veins that surrounded her irises.

Does she not realize that It's okay to blink?

"I realized that you don't care if you die."

I blinked at her, "I think I'm too smart to understand the bullshit that is coming out of your mouth."

"See, when Earl died I swore to myself that I would kill you. But I think I would rather make you suffer a worse fate."

She stabbed me in the leg and I cried out in pain.

I fell to the floor, holding my leg to stop the bleeding. 

She dropped me and walked over to where Kiri and Tuk were.

"I want you to feel what I felt when you slit his throat."
She yanked back Tuk's head and I watched in horror as she raised the knife.I felt my heart stop. 

"I'm not going to kill you vermin, I'm going to kill your sister."

I couldn't focus on the pain in my leg, nor the pain in my head. The only thing I was focusing on was the thoughts plaguing my head.

She was going to kill Tuk. She was going to kill Tuk. She was going to kill Tuk...She was going to kill her, unless I stopped her.

Kiri cried out in anguish and started tugging on her restraints.

"Get away from her you Psycho!" 

"Ri! Do something!"Tuk cried out, tears staining her chubby cheeks. 

Blood rushed through my ears, and I racked my brain for a plan.

My sisters were going to get out of here alive. No matter what happened, that was for sure. 

She raised the knife and just as she was about to bring it to Tuk's neck.

I was just going to wing it. 

I hobbled up, and I spoke in a calm voice.

"You don't want to kill her, you want to kill me."

She scoffed, pushing the blade into Tuks neck. 

I held back my hiss, I had to convince her to take the blade off of her neck. 

"You want to kill me because I don't deserve to live. I killed him, I was the one who ended his life, I was the one who used a blade to slice the flesh of his neck. Me. I did that."

The entire time I was speaking I was getting closer to her, I raised my hands. Hands that were covered in my blood.

"If you kill her, I'm still going to be alive.  I'm still going to be breathing and probably killing more than just your boyfriend. Think about it. Your boyfriend's murderer, still alive."

She faltered, removing some of the pressure. I kept my eyes on hers the entire time. 

"You want me.You know Quaritch would kill you for messing up his plan, that's why you asked permission before you decided to do anything. So kill me. He doesn't care what would happen to me."

She turned to look at me and I slammed into her, bringing both of us into the ground.

I used my body weight to push her down, slamming her hands over and over onto the floor so that she would release the knife.

She grunted as we grappled each other. She flipped me over so that now the knife was to my neck and I held her back with the strength in my arms.

"I'm going to kill you and then I'm going to kill your sisters." She yelled. 

"You really need to work on your ego."

I used my leg that wasn't wounded to kick out her leg, making her loose her balance. I was getting weak, not only from the blood loss but from my strength draining too. I had no openings, no extra limbs to help me. So I used my teeth. 

I bit into her arm, ripping a chunk out, and spitting it out. 

She cried out in pain and surprise, releasing the knife and holding her arm. I used the knife  left next to my head to stab her in the chest.

I quickly pushed her off of me, and she landed in a heap on the floor, gasping for air.

I laid there, panting. Everything hurt. My leg felt like there was a thousand needles stabing into it. 

"Are you okay?" Kiri gasped

"Course I am. Just out of shape." 

I was not feeling okay but she didn't need to know that. 

Kiri rolled her eyes, but it looked like she believed me. 

"You're gonna tell Lo'ak that I'm your superhero huh, Tuk?"

Tuk giggled.

"Did she get you?"

"Just my leg." I said I  heaved myself up. Wobbling forward astep.

"Hurry and release us, we have to get you back to the Tsahik."

I tried to walk over but my leg was in so much pain and bleeding profusely. It was making me weak and lightheaded. 

"I'm not dying by myself "

I heard a weak voice sound out. I turned around and Tasha had a gun, pointing it at Kiri.

It all happened so fast.

The sound of a gunshot rang out.  

My body moved on it's own...


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