Stargate SG-1: Escape

By dwatkins77

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The SG-1 and SG-4 teams find themselves on a world dominated by a colossal metal city. Several generations a... More

Supplement to Initial Report - D. Jackson, PhD
Chapter 1 - Gate Duty
Chapter 2 - A Gate Lost
Chapter 3 - Presents from Home
Chapter 4 - The Journey Begins
Chapter 5 - Riding the Rails
Chapter 6 - The Ride Ends
Chapter 7 - Welcome to Hell
Chapter 8 - Meeting New Friends
Chapter 9 - Devil Wind and Other Obstructions
Chapter 10 - Up and Away
Chapter 11 - Toxic Underground
Chapter 12 - Back in the Real World
Chapter 14 - A Wild Ride and It Gets Wilder
Chapter 15 - A Gate Found - Almost
Chapter 16 - The End of the Road
Chapter 17 - The Final Battle
Chapter 18 - Homeward Bound

Chapter 13 - Friend or Foe

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By dwatkins77

O'Neill looks up. Twenty meters in front of him he can see Daniel's group walking slowly toward the bridge. The colonel's gaze goes beyond Dr. Jackson and follows the road and walkway toward the bridge. The road curves to the right just before it reaches the bridge and disappears behind a building. The walkway continues until it reaches a long ramp connecting it to the bridge, which lies a meter or so above the walkway.

O'Neill silently curses when he sees two vehicles parked next to where the walkway and bridge intersect. One is a Humvee-sized four-wheeled vehicle. The other is a familiar-looking, six-wheeled transport. Both vehicles mount a heavy machine gun, each manned by a soldier. Though the barrels are pointed up O'Neill knows they can be easily and quickly pointed at them. A dozen armed men stand next to and in front of the vehicles. O'Neill assumes that the man standing with one foot on the humvee's bumper is their commanding officer.

Other than the two men manning the machine guns, the soldiers seem to be at ease and not worried about the approaching armed men. Either they are very confident in their abilities or they do not expect a fight. There is an insignia on the side of the vehicles. O'Neill doesn't recognize it but he knows it doesn't belong to the Federation.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

O'Neill quickens his pace, forcing himself to relax.

O'Neill whispers to Carter as he passes. "Carter, tell everyone to keep their weapons down, fingers off the trigger. They are to stay relaxed but alert. I want eyes on the buildings and shops, just in case. But avoid doing anything stupid. Once you've done that make your way to the front."

She nods in agreement and begins whispering instructions to the rest of the team. Soon O'Neill reaches Dr. Jackson and his group. With a nod the group continues walking calmly toward the welcoming committee.

O'Neill speaks in a low voice, "Do our friends have any thoughts?"

Dr. Jackson answers quickly. "Nope. They don't recognize the markings. They're not sure how far away from the Federation we are. The Federation has a wide reach, lots of affiliations and alliances. This may be an independent city, trading with the people living in the 'badlands' outside of this city."

"So what you are saying is, they may or may not be friendly."

Dr. Jackson nods. "Yes, that pretty much sums it up."

They continue their slow walk toward the bridge. By now Carter has caught up with them. As they reach the ramp the commanding officer straightens, takes his foot off the bumper, and walks toward them. Another man moves in behind the commander. The two groups meet halfway up the ramp. The commanding officer says a few words and Jenz responds. As they speak the commanding officer glances at O'Neill and Carter, pausing for a moment as he looks at Carter. He then quickly scans the other groups as they approach the bridge.

Dr. Jackson listens intently. Finally, the two men stop speaking. The officer looks at O'Neill as if waiting for him to say something. O'Neill smiles.


Daniel steps forward and speaks to the officer. As he does he points to O'Neill and says his name. The officer gives a slight nod of acknowledgment. Dr. Jackson does the same for Captain Carter and mentions her name. The officer looks intently at her. He speaks. Dr. Jackson is a little taken aback. Then he responds.

Daniel turns to O'Neill and Carter.

"It appears that we are in the city of Wes'lek. This is Commander Callis of the Wes'lek security force."

When the commanding officer hears his name he smiles and gives a slight nod.

"Maren told him we are from the far side of the city. After visiting Dah'lek we had decided to visit other cities, like this one. We had an accident with our vehicle which is why we are walking. I told him we hope to open trading alliances with the cities we visit. I added that Maren and Lorn have been nice enough to guide us on our journey. Maren also mentioned that we had heard stories about a large ring set in the ground. We wanted to see if it was true."

"He kind of let the cat out of the bag, didn't he?"

"Yes, unfortunately. The commander says he's familiar with it. No one really knows what it's for. He thinks it's some ancient religious prayer site. I told him you were our leader and that Sam was second in command."

"What did he say that surprised you?"

"Oh, well, he asked if Sam was a woman."

O'Neill turns to the captain. She has a suspicious look on her face. O'Neill gives a slight grin, "Oh, really? He couldn't tell?"

"Well, apparently they don't have women in their military. He's surprised that she's with us, especially so far from our home."

The commander says something. The officer standing behind him rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and looks away. Some of the Wes'lek soldiers snicker under their breath.

Daniel has a strange look on his face. He thinks carefully before he responds. The officer laughs at what Daniel says.

Carter asks Daniel, her suspicions aroused, "what did he say, Daniel?"

"Well, I may not be translating it right."

"Daniel" The captain says forcefully.

Dr. Jackson thinks for a moment, as if he is re-translating the commander's comments. "Um, he wanted to know if we would be interested in exchanging first officers. He thinks it would be a great way to establish diplomatic channels, um, especially if all our female officers are as attractive as you are."

Carter eyes narrow a bit, "and you told him...?"

"That it would be a great idea. Unfortunately, we are not authorized to exchange officers. We'd have to establish diplomatic relations first, exchange ambassadors, sign papers, and so forth. Then perhaps we could discuss such an arrangement."

Before the captain can say anything the Wes'lek officer, with a smile on his face, speaks again. Daniel answers, nodding his head.

"Well, some good news. No sign of the Fe... bad guys. He says they just happened to be on patrol when we arrived. They watch for raiders trying to cross their bridges. They rarely have trouble here. Of course, that's because they patrol the bridges, to make sure there isn't any trouble.

The officer speaks and points across the bridge. As he talks he slowly moves his arm to the right, indicating a direction.

Dr. Jackson continues his translation. "As long as we don't cause any problems he doesn't care what we do. He says the gate is probably a good two, perhaps three day's journey from here, basically in that direction." Dr. Jackson points in the same direction as the commander did. "Unfortunately, he doesn't have any vehicles to spare. Otherwise he'd offer us a ride. There may be some vehicles on the other side we might be able to purchase or rent. We just need to stay on this road."

O'Neill considers what the commander has said. He asks, "You trust him?"

"It's not like we have any choice. It does seem too easy, but what else do we do? Shoot them and take their trucks?"

O'Neill sighs, in spite of the seriousness of the situation. "You're right, nothing else we can do. Thank him for his courtesy and the information. Tell him we'll be on our way."

Dr. Jackson relays that to the commander. He gives a broad smile and turns to his men, yelling something. The two men manning the machine guns slip covers over the end of the barrels and tie the guns in place. They jump to the ground and join their comrades. The other soldiers lower their weapons and relax even more.

O'Neill turns to the team and waves them forward. They move up quickly and on to the bridge. As Watkins pulls Randall past Commander Callis, the commander points to Randall and asks Dr. Jackson a question. Dr. Jackson provides a short answer. The commander replies with a look of concern on his face. Jackson turns to O'Neill.

"He is asking about Randall. I said he had been injured when our transport crashed. He's offered to have his medical officer check him out. Unfortunately, he would have to take him to their base to do that."

"Thank him for the offer, but he's healing nicely. Maybe if we come back this way he can ... hell, I don't know, make something up that sounds good."

Daniel thanks the commander, who shrugs his shoulders.

O'Neill, Jackson, and Carter wait until the team is on the bridge. They fall in behind the group. Dr. Jackson gives Commander Callis a wave as he walks across the bridge.

They haven't gone more than fifteen meters when they hear someone calling. They turn to see Commander Callis walking toward them. Something about the way he walks strikes O'Neill as strange, as if he is up to something mischievous. O'Neill looks at the men near the vehicles. They stand at the entrance to the bridge, watching their commanding officer with smiles on their faces, some chuckling. The second in command sits in the 'jeep', shaking his head. Something is up.

The commander walks up to Dr. Jackson, acting like a long-lost friend. He puts his arm around Jackson's shoulder and speaks covertly. He turns so that both he and Dr. Jackson are facing O'Neill and Carter. None of the commander's men can see his face. As he continues to speak, Daniel appears a little confused at first, then shocked and concerned. The officer points to Captain Carter. After a pause Jackson shakes his head. The officer repeats it. O'Neill is worried, he feels something's wrong.

Jackson walks toward Carter, stopping in front of her. "Sam, don't ask questions, just do what I tell you. Act like you are upset with what I'm telling you. Yell at me or something."

Carter hesitates only a moment. She yells, "What are you talking about?"

Teal'c and the rest of the team stop at the sound of her voice and turn to watch. Dr. Jackson looks at them and gives a quick shake of his head.

"Start toward Commander Callis, I'll grab you."

The captain is very confused. She asks, "What?"

"Just do it."

Without hesitation the captain jumps toward Commander Callis. Daniel grabs an arm. O'Neill, as confused as Carter, grabs her other arm, preventing her from moving any further. She struggles for a few seconds then stops. Teal'c and the sergeant move toward the commotion. O'Neill turns and looks at them. Shaking his head he slightly raises his free hand, motioning for them to stop. They obey his order. O'Neill and Dr. Jackson release the captain. Turning back to the officer, the two men can see the Wes'lek men in the background laughing. A few yell out something to the commander.

Commander Callis, laughing, steps back holding up his hands. He laughs some more, acts apologetic, gives a quick bow to the captain and turns to walk away. Walking across the bridge he waves to his laughing men. The soldiers climb into their vehicles as the engines start with a roar, spewing thick clouds of smoke. The transport backs up, turns around, and leaves. Callis climbs into the back of the jeep. It turns around on the bridge and drives away. As they leave Commander Callis gives one last wave. However, he's no longer laughing.

Dr. Jackson turns and walks past the colonel and captain. "Quick, let's go."

Confused, O'Neill and Carter catch up to him. O'Neill asks, "Daniel, what was that all about?"

Dr. Jackson just says, "Let's just keep walking, I'll explain once we go a little further, in case anyone is watching."

The rest of the team had stopped while Commander Callis had been talking with Dr. Jackson. When they had seen Carter attempt to 'attack' the commander they had started back across the bridge, readying their weapons. The men slowly put their weapons back on safe. They wait for the trio to reach them but Dr. Jackson waves for them to continue across the bridge. They look at the colonel, who nods. They turn and continue their walk across the bridge.

As they near the bridge's end Jackson explains.

"Here's the deal. The whole thing with Sam was a ruse. Callis told his men something about seeing if he could get her to stay here, he'd make it worth our while." He pauses for a moment, "Jack, he knows about the gate, about it being a possible way back home."

O'Neill and Carter are shocked. They can barely maintain their composure when they ask, "What? How could he know?"

"Apparently the Federation was here not more than four hours ago. They said we were a group of deserters from another city, responsible for terrible attacks and are very dangerous. We plan on using the stargate to escape."

Carter interrupts, "I don't understand. The story about us being terrorists, okay, I can see them saying that. But how do they know about the stargate. The only way would be, oh God, you don't think they...."

O'Neill finishes her sentence, "... wrung it out of the men in the convoy back to Dah'lek? I wouldn't be surprised."

Dr. Jackson continues, "I don't know how they found out, Commander Callis didn't know. You have to expect the worse where the Federation is concerned. Anyway, the Federation representatives ordered the commander's superiors to be on the lookout for us." Dr. Jackson emphasized the word 'ordered.' "They were not to stop us, but to let us through as if there were no problems. Once we pass he was ordered to contact the Federation, to let them know that we are on the way. He said they are planning to ambush us at the gate."

O'Neill is suspicious. "Great, I'm glad he warned us. But why did he tell us? If this is true, he's taking a big risk."

Dr. Jackson agrees. "He said he wasn't about to let the, uh, he used several adjectives I couldn't translate to describe them. Anyway, he is not about to have the Federation tell him what to do. He apparently hates them and isn't alone. The Federation cheats them on trade, forces them to support their actions against other cities, and humiliates them at every opportunity. The Federation has bought support among many of the enlisted men and the politicians. That's why the ruse with Sam. It gave him an excuse to warn us."

They continue walking across the bridge without saying a word.

After another minute O'Neill breaks the silence. "So, what do we do?"

Dr. Jackson says, "We are to walk to the third crossroad and turn left. Someone he trusts with his life will meet us and help us get to the gate. He said this person will explain everything."

Carter asks, "So the idea is to walk into an ambush and feel good about it?"

"I guess so. He says he will delay notifying them. And he'll tell them that one of our men is injured and walks with a cast. He won't mention the cart. They won't expect us for two, maybe three full days."

Carter asks, "And you think he is telling the truth?"

Dr. Jackson answers. "I can't see why he would be telling us this if he wasn't. He warned us that they are going to be there. That in itself eliminates any surprise. I believe him."

O'Neill shakes his head. "Did he say anything else?"

"Yes. The Federation came through with only three attack helicopters and one transport. They have at most three dozen men. If we wait who knows what they'll have."

"I still don't like it, but we don't have many options."

Carter adds, "Well, at least we'll be prepared. Maybe we can do the surprising."

Dr. Jackson provides more bad news. "That's not all. He said that since the Federation knows where we are going they are sending reinforcements to be sure we can't escape. But Commander Callis said that the overconfident bastards, I think that is the proper translation, were in no hurry and probably would not show up for at least a day. He said that he has arranged something for us. He didn't have time to explain, other than we are to go to the third intersection and then turn."

"Let's hope it works out, nothing else seems to have so far."

Dr. Jackson walks quickly to the front of the group, informing those in the lead what they are to do. O'Neill has the team maintain the same pace as before. They move to the left side of the roadway, watching the crowd and buildings. They reach the third intersection without incident and turn to the left. They walk along the road, waiting for something to happen.

After a short walk O'Neill hears Watkins softly calling out. "Colonel!"

O'Neill turns. He sees a young man, dressed in clothes just like the rest of the city inhabitants, walking next to Watkins. Though dressed as a civilian the man walks with the measured gait of a man used to marching. He has a smile on his face as he nods toward O'Neill. O'Neill nods and faces back to the front. He passes the word for Jackson to drop back.

When Jackson arrives O'Neill tells him about the visitor. Dr. Jackson slows his pace, allowing Watkins and his new friend to catch up. After a short conversation, Dr. Jackson and his new friend quicken their pace. Once they reach the colonel, Dr. Jackson tells him that this is their contact.

"How do you know?"

With a short laugh Dr. Jackson says, "he said Captain Carter is a very beautiful officer. And she made a wise decision not to stay."

O'Neill smiles. "Ah, he must have spoken to the commanding officer."

"His name is Hame Callis."

O'Neill says, "really? Is he–?"

Dr. Jackson interrupts. "Yes, he is related. It appears that Commander Callis is his uncle."

O'Neill nods to the newcomer. "Great, so what do we do?"

"We keep walking. Hame will go ahead of us and enter the next alley. We are to continue walking and then turn in at the fourth alley. He will be waiting for us there."

O'Neill turns to their new friend and nods in agreement. Callis gives a quick smile and quickens his pace, moving past the group. At the next alley he turns to the right and disappears. By the time they reach the alley he has disappeared.

"Ok, four alleys it is." O'Neill picks up his pace and moves to the front of the group.

O'Neill has the team spread out to avoid providing an easy target. They have noticed that while the other side of the city was full of energy, this side is quieter, with fewer people walking along the streets. They pass several shops and offices without incident. The inhabitants of this side pay little attention to the group of armed soldiers. At the fourth alley O'Neill takes a quick look. Sure enough, the young man stands next to an open door, about halfway down the alley. Appearing nonchalant the young man motions to O'Neill.

O'Neill turns into the alley and walks briskly toward the door. The rest of the team follow. O'Neill steps through the door and quickly surveys the room. Windows high on the wall let in just enough light for O'Neill to see that the room is empty. O'Neill steps to the other side to make room for the rest of the team. As a precaution, O'Neill rests his hands on his weapon, laying his finger along the trigger guard.

Once the rest of the team has entered, the young man steps in and closes the door behind him. O'Neill hears a click and a light hanging from the ceiling comes on. The man makes his way through the group to a door on the opposite side. Opening the door he says something and walks through.

Dr. Jackson provides a quick translation. "We'll have to leave the cart behind. There's not enough room where we have to go."

They follow the man through the doorway, stepping into a larger room. Large shelves line one wall, full of what appears to be nothing more than rusty junk. One of the shelves sticks out several feet from the wall. Where it once stood they see a hole just large enough for them to walk down. Callis takes a few steps down and motions for the team to follow.

The steps take them down two levels. At the bottom of the steps the team finds itself at one end of a long and narrow, dimly lit corridor. As the last person reaches the floor, Callis moves next to the steps and pulls a rope running through a system of pulleys. They hear a faint sound of something sliding across the floor two levels up.  The faint light coming through the hole disappears and they hear a click as the shelf slides into place.

Callis walks past Dr. Jackson, making a quick comment. He quickly walks down the corridor. The team hurries to keep up with him.

O'Neill tries to ask what is happening. "Daniel, what–"

Dr. Jackson responds before O'Neill can finish his question. "He said they have several corridors hidden on this side of the city. They use them to outflank troublemakers."

The corridor is very long, with none of the usual alleys intersecting it. At the end of the corridor they see another set of stairs. Callis rushes up the steps and gives something a quick push. They hear a click. Callis continues up the steps and through the opening two floors above, disappearing into the darkness.

As the team reaches the steps, O'Neill motions for Teal'c to move up the steps first, since his eyesight will give him an advantage in the dark. Carefully Teal'c walks up and into the dark room. After a short pause, Teal'c gives the 'all clear' signal and O'Neill has the team move up the stairs. As they move into the dark room, they hear Callis carefully sliding his feet across the floor. There is a click and the room fills with light. Shading their eyes the team surveys the room and its contents.

Marks on the ceiling and floor show that what had originally been a series of small rooms has been converted into a very large, single room. Special bracing along the sides eliminates the need for interior columns. The windows lining the top of the walls have been painted over.

Half a dozen Humvee-like vehicles, just like the one they encountered at the bridge, have been parked along one wall. Several large, six-wheeled transports, parked at an angle, line the other. Each transport is large enough to carry the team. Four heavily armored vehicles rest along the walls at the far end of the room. Callis speaks and points to the nearest transport. Dr. Jackson starts moving toward it, telling the rest of the team to climb on. O'Neill surveys the room. Sturdy-looking storage lockers and cabinets line the walls. Racks of secured weapons are next to the lockers.

O'Neill turns back to the transport.

"Daniel, in the cab. Jenz also. Everyone else in the back."

Callis walks to the far end of the building as the SG team climbs into the back of the transport. He does something to the wall that they cannot see. Whatever it is he is able to slide the large door at the end of the room two feet to the side. He sticks his head out and looks both ways. Seeing that the way is clear he pushes the door the rest of the way open.

He runs back to the truck and climbs in. He presses a button on the dash, causing the transport's engine to start noisily, black smoke belching from the rear. He asks something of Dr. Jackson, who is sitting next to him. Dr. Jackson stands and looks in the back of the transport to make sure everyone is on board. He turns back to Callis and nods. Callis engages the gears and the truck moves slowly toward the opening. He swings to the right a bit and then back to the left to get the truck through the opening and into the almost too narrow alley. They have only inches to spare as he turns. Once the truck is out he says something.

Dr. Jackson asks, "Can someone slide the door closed? It will lock automatically."

Sergeant Davis jumps down and runs to the door. He pulls it shut and runs back to the idling transport. He climbs on and gives an okay sign. Dr. Jackson sits down and motions for Callis to continue.

They drive down the alley, over mounds of compressed trash. The transport rocks back and forth as it crosses the debris. As they move down the alley Callis leans over and says something to Dr. Jackson.

"He said he hopes you enjoy the tour. Tips are appreciated but not required."

Captain Bundy asks, "Does he take IOUs?"

Callis gives a hearty laugh as Dr. Jackson translates. He gives a long response.

"He says Uncle Harem called him shortly after the Federation bastards arrived. Told him to meet us and bring us to this staging area. Most people don't know about these hidden storage areas. They send a patrol vehicle down the alley every day to keep the trash compacted and to hide any evidence of the garage."

The driver speaks some more after waiting for Dr. Jackson to finish translating.

"He said we'll be able to avoid spying eyes by going through the alley. We should be out of the city and on our way within a half hour or so. If everything works out he'll get us to the ring in less than three hours, instead of three days.

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