
By JoniiG

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Loosing your memory at the age of six, can also mean loosing a crucial part of your life. Y/n has to come fac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 38

84 2 4
By JoniiG

This wasn't how you imagined things would be. It has only been three days, yet all you do is chase after Hawks, trying to catch up to him. To do something .

"There's a bar in Kantina that has some rowdy patrons, so I'm going there next. I'll leave the paperwork for you!" And off he goes.

"Tsukuyomi!" One of Hawks' sidekicks said. "Us sidekicks will take care of this guy."

"Because Hawks is too fast." The other one said.

"I'm going after him."

"Tsukuyomi," You grabbed his arm as he was about to leave. He has been chasing after Hawks all day and all we have done is clean-up the incidents he resolved. "I'm just as frustrated as you but it's pointless. He's too fast to be reached, even with my wings. And I'm supposed to be really fast. Let's just take care of this dude and go for the paperwork."

He looked you dead in the eye like he was thinking whether to listen to you or himself. "I'm going." He won.

"Wait! Ugh..." You pinched your nose. "Why do guys never listen?"

"He's real eager, huh?"

Who can blame him? He came here for a reason and he has barely done anything useful. You were hoping to learn some things from Hawks, too, since you have the same quirk but it seems he is too busy to even talk to you sometimes.

Apparently, it's the first time Hawks made offers after the sports festival. If he doesn't intend to teach you a single thing, why bother scouting any students at all?

Something is off.

Going back to the agency, you both had a chance to talk to him in the lobby.

"I can't let things get worse while I wait for you guys, right?"

"If you can already handle things with two sidekicks on patrol," You said, standing hand-crossed with your back laying on the back of the sofa he was sitting on. "Why did you ask for us?"

"Because we're birds." He said in all seriousness, holding one of his feathers in his fingers.

"Say sike right now." You said, blinking in disbelief. He frowned his eyebrows as if not understanding what you just said. "Right, you're too old to know this."

"Ouch, kid, I'm only 22." He touched his chest, acting hurt.

"Because we're birds?" Tokoyami said. "Is that a joke?"

"No, I'm 20% serious."

"I'm two seconds away from getting kicked out of this agency."

"Okay, please don't do anything," Tokoyami rushed to your side and held your arms, trying to calm you down. "Yet."

Trying to calm you down is pointless, though, because all you need is one more stupid thing to come out of his mouth and you're out. You never imagined Hawks would be like this. You portrayed him so differently. He's too cocky for his own good.

He still hasn't answered your question, though. If he doesn't need anyone's help, why did he offer for you two? If your instinct is right, then there is only one thing you can think of...

"50% of it was because I wanted to talk with someone from class 1-A," Information. "About those thugs from the League of Villains who attacked you guys. And if I was going through the trouble, then I thought I'd get someone good who could keep up with me. So from the top finishers at the U.A. sports festival, I chose the girl who we, somehow, share the same quirk and the bird-like boy who seemed like he'd be good."

"So you wanted something, after all." You said, glaring at him.

"Guilty as charged," He raised his hands up as if surrendering. "Will you tell me about the attack on USJ?" You scoffed loudly, shook your arms to get out of Tokoyami's grasp and headed for the exit. "Ang- Err, Y/n wait."

There he goes again with that 'ang-'. What the hell is he always about to say anyways? And this is the first time he called you with your hero name. Was it out of panic for messing up his words?

You felt something drag you back a little, and since neither Hawks or Tokoyami has moved, you're guessing it's one of his feathers.

"I said wait," He ordered. For the first time it felt like an actual order but he chose the wrong moment to give you orders. "You have to tell me your point of view, as well."

Your teeth were gritted from frustration. He had some nerve scouting you both just to obtain information for the USJ. You attacked his feather with one of yours, which surprised him, for some reason. "I'm not telling you shit!"

He moved so fast next to you grabbing your arm, your eyes weren't able to focus. He motioned to everyone to leave the room and turned back to you. "Why are you so mad about this? I didn't say that's the only reason I scouted you."

"Yes, you did!"

"No, I said 50% about the information about USJ and 20% because we're birds of a feather. There is still 30% of my reason."

You aggressively pulled back, trying to escape his hold but you only ended up being held by both arms.

"Can you just listen?"

"No, let me go!" You were still pulling, trying to get away. "You have no right to hold me like this, so release me!"

"Kid, can you calm down? You're acting like I'm torturing you."

"No, just please let me go, Kei!"

Time stopped the moment you shouted your brother's name. Why did you even say that? None of this has anything to do with him, yet you just called Hawks Kei for no reason at all. What is weird, though, is that he looked way too shocked when you called him that.

"Uh...Sorry, I..." You took a step back, releasing you without a struggle. "I have no idea why I called you that." You felt his gaze on you all the time but you were unable to make any eye-contact. You were looking all around the room but him. You scratched the back of your head, opening and closing your mouth like you have no idea what to say. "Um...I-I'll go now."

You flew back to the hotel as fast as you could. Entering your room, you changed into comfy clothes and fell on your bed. "What the fuck was that, Y/n?" You sigh. "I need a shower."

How many hours have passed since you left? Neither Hawks nor Asami has called you in for anything. Tokoyami probably gave him all the info he needed and now you're useless to him. Then again, it was awkward enough what happened before you left. You hopped off your bed and went to grab a bottle of water.

What were you thinking? Why did you call him Kei?

Why did that came out so casually as if you-

As if you've experienced this before... Your whole body froze with that thought, only your eyes moving from dot to dot around the room. But you have no memory of him. How did this happen?

The main question is why did you say it to Hawks? All of your memories are gone yet the whole situation felt so familiar to you. Even shouting your brother's name.

You sigh heavily, finally grabbing the bottle you were about to and junking it all down. You buried your face in your hands, thinking this day can't get any worse.

Or maybe night. You were so into your thoughts, you hadn't realized it was already dark outside before looking out the balcony door. You open it and sit on the edge of the balcony.

Maybe you should go to Tokoyami; it'd be nice to have some company. Otherwise you'll drown in your thoughts.

You were about to leave your room but then your phone rang.

"Huh? Since when does he call me ?" You picked up, walking towards the balcony again. "Missing me so much that you're calling me past your bedtime?"

"I can hang up." Katsuki. Maybe he was just what you needed right now.

"Please don't, I really need something to distract me from today's disaster." You whined.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" The sheer panic in his voice made you giggle. "It's not funny!"

"I'm okay, thank you for your concern." You said, still laughing a little. There was silence on the other side of the line while you were laughing. "Do you like my laugh that much?"

"Good night."

"No, no, no! Fine, fine I won't tease you, just stay on the line, please."

"What happened?"

"Besides the fact that I called Hawks with my brother's name, Tokoyami and I learned that he only wanted us for information about the incident on the USJ. All we've been doing for the past three days is-"

"Woah, woah time-out," He interrupts you. "I'm still trying to process the first thing you said. You did what?"

"Yeah, don't ask. I have no idea, myself." You let out a sigh. "Let's just say I was rude to him."

"Well, you better apologize tomorrow."

You giggle again. "You saying that is so ironic but yeah, I will. How are things at Jeanist's?"

"Don't get me started. He's drivin' me nuts!"

"How so?"

"He changed my hair and made it look like his and made me wear jeans, then he-" You tried really hard to contain your laugh but the mission failed. "Seriously?"

"Okay, okay sorry. Continue." You said in between laughs.

"He said my hero names were childish."

"Well, he's not wrong, King Explosion Murderer," You scoff. "How am I supposed to call you in battle? King? Murderer?"

"Just say the whole damn name, you bird brain!"

"Right, and I'll count the amount of people dying while I'm at it." He growls out of frustration which makes you smile. You heard a faint sigh from him and it made you worry just a bit. "Katsuki?"


"Did something happen?" He doesn't answer. "You can tell me."

Another sigh. Something is bothering him. "We went on patrol yesterday and there were some bratty kids who recognized me from the incident last year." You felt like there was more to the story so you didn't interrupt him. "Say something, bird brain! If I wanted silence, I would talk to the wall!"

"What did they tell you?"

"Those little punks said I looked like I was about to cry! Clearly they don't know that a hero sometimes has to pretend!"

He is hurt, even though those were a child's words. He didn't take them lightly. That incident has never been brought up by anyone since it happened. It was traumatizing for Katsuki and a hit of reality for you. For you it was just a bad day but for him...

That look in his'll never forget those eyes looking so helpless. If Izuku hadn't stepped in on time, who knows what could've happened to Katsuki. You don't even want to imagine it.



"You did well that day," You say, "I'm proud of you." Meaning every word.

There are some seconds of silence until he cleans his throat. "Yeah, whatever." He mumbles. That's translated as 'thank you' in his language. You smile knowing that made him feel a little better.

"Hey, do you happen to have a picture of your hair and jeans?"

"I hate you. Good night."

He hangs up, leaving you laughing alone. At least he's better now. Maybe that's why he called you; both of you needed someone to talk to.

"Hey there, kid." Or at least you thought you were alone. Hawks is the last thing you need right now. Why is he even here?

"Oh, hi Hawks." You say avoiding eye-contact.

"Did I interrupt something?" He says and that's just great, he's sitting on the balcony with you.

"No, it's okay," You let your arms loose on the edge of the railing, intertwining your fingers, not daring to even give him a glance after today. "We just hang up anyways. What are you doing here? I thought you would be home by now."

"Had some paperwork to deal with. Took me more than I thought."

"You stay up late for paperwork?"

"No, I did like...half of it?" He says, shrugging. "The other half is for y'all."

"How kind of you." You sigh. You should really stop messing around with him; you're in no position to be sarcastic. "We'll take care of it."

He giggles and that makes you finally look at him. "I'm joking, I would never let you handle all of that."

"You sure love to joke-" Okay, seriously stop. "I mean," You clear your throat. "Thank you...I guess?"

He reaches his hand, waiting for you to take it with that never-fading smile on his face. "Let's go for a flight."

"Now? It's kind of late and I'm going to get in trouble for leaving the hotel without permission."

"From who?"

"From-" You stopped yourself when you realized the person who is in charge of you is the one that is asking you to go with him. You point at him and nod. "Right."

You take his hand and both of you take off up in the sky.


Earlier that day

Ayaka said you don't remember a thing. If so, why did you call him by his name when you're not supposed to know him?

Ayaka called him back, right after he hung up on her. "I wasn't done, Hawks. There is something else you need to know."

He cleared his throat, trying to hide his crying. "What is it?"

"Cut the act with me, I know you're crying," He rolled his eyes. "Y/n's memory is damaged. She doesn't know who you really are besides the number three hero of Japan. Whether you tell her the truth or not, it's your decision to make."

"Sh-She won't believe me."

"You never change," A breathy laugh is heard. "She will believe you."

And what is he supposed to do now? Just go on with his day and act as if his little sister, who doesn't remember him, didn't just call him with his childhood nickname she had for him?

Yeah, that's cool, totally fine.

This was driving him crazy. He kept walking back and forth around his office, thinking about what he should do.

He didn't want to reveal himself to you for your safety. If the commission finds out you're in touch, they'll take you away from him again.

No way in hell is he going to let that happen but at the same time he can't keep lying to you forever. He can't just casually tell you he's your brother. He needs another way.

He sat down on his chair, trying to find another solution, when as he sat down, he heard the sound of a chain. His- No, your necklace.

He took it out of his shirt and opened it, staring at the two of you. "This is it."

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