The Boy who loved the monsters

By Creep-shifter

2.9K 109 28

Y/N is a trans boy who is just trying to get by. He works and has an average social life. What happens when h... More

is someone watching ? [ 1 ]
i should have known [2]
change ( in the house of flies ) [3]
Taunt [4]
Borderline [6]
Break stuff [7]
long road to ruin [8]
Tounges and teeth [9]
Numb [10]
killin in the name [11]

A matter of time [5]

248 9 5
By Creep-shifter

TIM'S POV [ a few hours after meeting y/n ]

"Tim please calm down, it's just a target."

Brian had been pleading with me for the past hour, while walking to the mansion, to make me forget about the victim.

"But they weren't where they, something happend, I just need to remember it."

I had passed out before killing the bitch and woke up to them not being there anymore. No blood trail. No footprints. Its like they where there and then, they weren't. It had been racking my brain since it happened. Toby doesn't remember anything and brian doesn't either.

"Tim you need to remember that, there are things bigger than us. They could have been a deamon for all we know, the only reason we needed kill them was because of wrong time, wrong place. So we couldn't have know."

Brian was always the more logical and straight forward one out of us and in all honesty, his theory made sense. But why would a deamon not try to attack from the get go. I'll have to report this to slender, he would know.

"Ah Tim, brian, toby, how did the mission go?"  slender asked as we walked in to his office. Closing the door behind me, I went and sat between brian and toby. Brian was the first to speak.
"Well...we think we may have ran into a deamon, but we don't think they know what they are."
The aura in the room shifted, slender knew something. His shoulders moved up in a mock intake of a deep breath and sighed.
"I was hoping that you wouldn't encounter the deamon your talking about"
Slender stood up and walked over to the book shelf on the left side of his desk and pulled a book out. The book looked about 200 years old, with the paper yellowing and the book binding withering away. He walked back to his desk, sat down and carefully placed the book on his desk.

"Sir if I may ask, what is that ?" Toby asked as his neck cracked and hand smacked his leg in a tic.

"This.....this is what the cult would call there bible. It was created in 1683 by a guy called Edward fox, who believed he had seen the future through the eyes of a 'god', that god being a strong deamon called kozan"

I shook my head "This 'deamon' looked like a human sir and how is this history lesson answering our questions"

Slender sighed "Tim just listen to what I have to say, the history links to an answer, and knowing this information will be good when I send you to make them a proxie."

What. "Sir did you just say proxie?" Brian questioned.

"I will get to that later now listen. The cult then called themselves the order, and nicknamed there 'god' kozan the bringer of gifts. Kozan would give children born in the cult a 'gift', his gift being an ability that kozan posseses" He took a breath and continued.

"This continued up untill the 1900s when all know information about this cult and cult members dissappeard without a trace, for 50 years they where never mentioned again. But in the 60s 2 facilities opened, one in America and one in Britain. They claimed to be there to 'help' children who seemed 'diffrent'."

Slender stopped for a second, he seemed like he didn't want to continue. But he spoke up again.
"These facilities experimented and abused young kids, in hope of trying to reach or contact kozan, turns out the 'goverment' run facilities where actaully what the cult had been working on for 50 years. The kids had been gifted by kozan and thats why they where there. Many children died before going to the facility, but many more died inside of them."

Brian spoke up before slender continued on,
"Do you think this person is from a facility or something"

Slender spoke with no emotion in his voice,
"No....I think this person was in the facility but escaped when I slaughted them all. I think kozan had attached himself to this human, and if I can make them a proxie, they will be under my control and protection meaning I can keep tabs on them. It also means I can kill kozan."

The room was silent, a chill had made its way up my body, causing goosebumps to form on my arms.

"This book is the original bible, it includes incantations that this human would be able to read and spells that they can cast. I have a few jobs I need you to do now that you know."

Brian took out a pen and notepad from his pocket ready to record down the jobs, while me and toby sat and listened.

"First I need you to find this person and report back to BEN to get everything you can find on them, then come back to me, then I need you to talk to jeff and tell him its for a proxie initiation and he is to fight this person, bringing them to the brink of death. I need you to stay in the shadows during this fight and once they are almost dead, bring them to mansion and train them."

This would be hard, harder then recruiting some of the pastas the mansion. This person wasn't willing to come here and would have to forced, the others however welcomed the idea of the mansion with open arms. I know I did doesn't matter. They all had nothing to go back, no family, no home and there mental health was fucked. But this person seemed so...normal.

"I know you said bring them to the brink of death, but even then, there not going to co-operate." I stated I wasn't wrong, never was.

"Leave that to me Tim you just do ask as I ask when I say, then everything should run smoothly."

After discussing a few more details we left slenders office and went to find jeff. He was lazily sprawled all over the couch watching some horror movie. Brian informed him of everything he needed to know, jeff agreed, saying 'he needed a new proxie dog to piss off'. Charming.

It was then me and brian retreated to my room, to take a shower and get some rest before shit went down.


Another week had gone by and I was still waiting for something, anything to happen. It was slowly driving me insane. The only thing that had happend was that this "sickness" got worse. I ended up taking another few days off work, which ended up in Ashton coming round to make sure that im okay and haven't killed myself yet. He would bring round things he has baked and tries to get me to eat without my stomach rejecting it. What would I do without that man. Be dead more than likely.

I had layed in my bed all day and was currently watching studio 666, a horror movie that involved the band foo fighters. A crash was heard downstairs, that suddenly made a chill run up my spine, causing me to shudder. I grabbed the baseball bat from under my bed and slowly trudged to the top of my stairs. I saw something white move downstairs and crouched down to semi-hide myself from the intruder. Gripping the baseball bat I walked down the stairs missing all the loud floor boards and steps.

I knew who this was....He stood facing the TV his black hair tied up in a bun and the back of his hoodie had small splatters of blood. He wore black ripped jeans and white beat up converse. In his dangling hand a knife was held, it was clean, a light shining of the blade causing it to reflect on the wall. The metallic smell of blood was wafting through the air. It was Jeffery  Woods, a local boy who had gone insane after being burnt by Randy Williams years ago. Over that time he had grown, he would be about 25, a year older than you.

"Nice to meet you y/n." His voice was deep and scratchy, he slowly turned around so you could see his face......omg his face.....The news and people involved had never let out any information about what Jeffery looked like after being burnt. The left side of his face had leathery look to it from the burn scars. The scars reached down under his shirt and looked like it covered most of his body. The scar tissue was a slightly lighter colour than his natural skin making it look white. It was said he cut his eye lids off, but he blinked as he stood so turns out the theories where wrong. But the scariest thing was the smile carved into his face. It stretched from ear to ear and looked fresh, like he had reopened the smile just for me. Food that I had just eaten crawled it's way up my throat but I swallowed it down. No. He would not see my fear.
"What like what you see ?" He let out a huff of a laugh and stalked forward like a predator stalking it's prey. I placed my feet into a stance, ready to strike if needed.

He jumped. Trying to land a hit on me, jeff slashed his knife at my stomach as I backed away. I swung my bat towards his head, but before I could hit him his hand came up to the bat at an in-humane catching it. He ripped it out of my grip and threw behind him. I turned on my heels and ran towards the kitchen to grab a new weapon when something pierced into my leg. A scream ripped from my throat as I fell to the floor, seeing the knife sticking out of my thigh. I growled and pulled it out before standing back up to face him. Jeff had pulled another knife out from his hoodie pocket and laughed. It was a laugh that made fear blossom in my stomach, making it cramp up in discomfort. As he laughed, I saw an opening on his right side and dived for it. He never had time to react as I Stuck the knife in his side and ripped upwards. He let out a yell as I grabbed another, sharper knife from the kitchen.

"You should be thanking slender that I can't kill you." He shouted out.

I stopped breathing at the mention of slenderman, and Jeff saw this as his chance to land his hits in. Hedrove his knife into my shoulder and twisted it, before pulling it out as I fell to the floor. I began to feel light headed at the amount of blood I was loosing. He gripped my hair and dragged me to the living room, a trail of blood following me.

"Going to be honest with you bitch, didn't think you would land any hits in, but you managed to stab me, good job" He chuckled lightly at his praise, as he continued to drag my body towards the TV.

He let go of my hair and stood over me, looking me in the eyes before he straddled me. He placed his knife down and rolled his sleeves up, before he clenched his hands.

"Rules was, beat you till your almost, almost dead....I hope you remember this, would love to rematch you when your trained." He again chuckled before he started punching my face over and over. When he finished he looked at his work. I could feel that my nose and jaw where broken. Cheeks and eyes started to swell, due to the amount of damage done I couldn't feel anything. He then grabbed his knife stood up, and stabbed a few areas of my body, minding the main viens and arteries to finish his work.

I couldn't move, the pain in face had dissappeard but I could feel the blood leaking from the stab wounds inflicted. My ears where ringing, like white noise. The comforting voice never showed this time. It didn't hug my brain with its influence. It didn't heal my wounds, didn't help me fight. It never showed. It was like it was hiding, it knew something I didn't. It was then I looked at Jeff and saw his mouth was moving. He was talking. But to who ? I couldn't move my head to see. Eventually another figure came into view. Not again. It was the men from the woods. The white masked one and next to him the other 2 frowny face and goggles.

The one with the frowny face mask crouched down and felt my pulse. The ringing was still echoing in my ears, so I couldn't hear what they where talking about. The white masked man took out a phone and walked off with goggles. The ringing eventually died down and I could make out the conversation.
"Yeah he bashed there face in and stabbed them a few times, still alive and awake"
It was the white masked man, talking on the phone. Jeff looked down at me before walking off leaving me with the frowny face guy. Despite the pain in my body, I sat up spitting blood onto the floor. Everyone looked shocked and I let out a painful laugh. I knew they where going to take me away to slenderman, and I knew they where never going to let me go......I couldn't let that happen. I grabbed the knife Jeff had left next to me and sliced my throat.

I felt the blood flow from the wound, as black spots filled my vision.
"Fuck you, you cunts" I smiled and dropped to the floor, before I closed my eyes a blue masked man crouched infront of and replied,
"Oh your far from dead y/n, your just starting to live"


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