Taunt [4]

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It had been a week since slenderman had showed himself at my house. The feeling of being watched had since died down and I could finally go back to some form of normality. That normality being going to work and a decent sleep schedule.

The journey to work today was uneventful like usual. The forest covering the left side of the road was disturbing. So, so many people had gone missing in the span of 5 years. I always had a gut feeling when going near the woods, something whispering not to go further than I had too and always stay on the path. The only time I didn't stay on the path was when I needed to go to the building but after the incident.

After I parked my car in the staff parking lot, I trudge into the coffee shop throught the back door. Ashton is stood with a cup of coffee and eating what looks to be a bacon sandwich.
"Hey y/n where have you been dude you haven't been doing your shifts for a week." Ashton looks me up and down a worrying look crossing his features for a split second.
"Ashton dude I'm sorry, just had a stressful week man, shits hit the fan again" I feel bad for not telling him the whole story, but there are some things left unsaid. Who knows what slenderman would do if I told people. Ashton nodes at the statement and continues to drink and eat.

I put my apron on and go to the till to serve the 2 men that where waiting to be served.
"Hi can I order 2 black coffee's please."
The one that had ordered had fluffy brown hair with sideburns. He wore dark blue jeans and a red buttoned up checked shirt. What im guessing was his friend had blonde hair and a yellow hoodie with jeans. He flashed me a smile showing off a small tooth gap.
"Sure coming right up, what names do you want on the coffee's ?" I asked over my shoulder as I grabbed a pen and the cups.
"Tim and brian please."
I nodded at the names and wrote them onto the cups.

Ashton walked out from the back and looked towards the 2 men waiting.
"Oh hey Tim, brian how are you?" Ashton questioned as he leaned onto the counter beside the till.
"We're alright, lost a hunt though few weeks back so I'm trying to find them" Tim replied. Strange? He's a hunter....he seems so familiar to me. I shook my head as tim, Brian and Ashton conversed.
"Here you go guys 2 black coffee's" placing the coffee's onto the counter, tim and brian grabbed them.
"Thanks y/n" Brian thanked before leaving with Tim following behind.


My heart stopped.

'How did they know my name ?'

Ashton placed his hand onto my shoulder, shaking me out of my thoughts.
"Dont worry there not stalking you, I told them your name!" Ashton knows me to well.


That was fucking close. If I didn't say that to y/n, he would have gone into a paranoid state. I'll have to ask the proxie dogs later why they ,more than likely, made BEN get information on Y/N. I just hopped that he isn't involved in anything about this.
"Hey Ashton, how do you know them guys that came in ?" Lucking I knew how to answer this. Social anxiety makes you prepared for all questions.
"Oh, they sometimes come on gigs with me and such"
Y/n nodded and continued working. Throughout our entire shift we where singing along to the music playing in the cafe and getting high of the dab pen I brought to work. Just like normal. But even I knew something was off with y/n and I pray to the Lords above and below that he didn't get invloved with something thats going to kill him.

The Boy who loved the monstersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora