Property of the Exchange Stud...

By imziamandnarryasf

221K 7.2K 1.6K

Tenoa Amari Silas was just your average sophomore boy at school: thick rimmed glasses, dark chocolate skin, a... More

First of All
fichead 's a h-aon
fichead 's a trì
fichead 's a ceithir
fiche a sé
fichead 's a seachd
fiche a hocht
fiche a naoi

fichead 's a còig

3.2K 117 33
By imziamandnarryasf

Normal POV

Tenoa was practically bouncing out of his skin as they pulled into the school parking lot. He fought to not fidget with the buttons, knowing Tenaya would probably kill him if he started that up again.

He glanced around, trying to locate a familiar rust colored truck. He was excited to see him...and nervous; excited and nervous. Things had changed since their first date that Friday and it was all for the better. They had been texting all weekend but he still missed him terribly. He was his best friend, his confidant...his soulmate?

Tenoa cringed at himself. God he was such a lovesick school girl. No wonder Tenaya always says he has "pathetic puppy-dog eyes" around him. She had even gone so far as to show him a picture!

"Okay, loser, we're here", Tenaya huffed, rolling up the windows and turning off the car, "go on and find your precious Daaaeegaaann before he explodes." She didn't have to tell him twice. With a wave and a swift goodbye, he grabbed his bag and got out of the car, careful not to slam the door. He waved at his sisters friends huddled together nearby, waiting for her to get out the car. Apart of him was jealous, curious as to what it was like to have someone waiting for him.

"Hey, doll."

Tenoa couldn't help but smile at that familiar Scottish accent. He slowly turned around to face its owner, looking up to meet Daegan's eyes, "G- good morning, DD", he greeted happily, cheeks tinged red.

Daegan beamed at the nickname. It was something they agreed upon over his other moniker. Neither wanted others to hear the name that was solely for Daegan's ears. He opened his arms and Tenoa eagerly embraced him. He melted into the latter's arms, enhaling the familiar scent of his cologne.

Neither cared for the audience they had, Tenaya just nodded her head at the latter before gathering her things and leaving. "Don't be late for class, Ten, Aunt Monica would kill you", she called out, leaving the two be.

They bask in the moment a while longer, enjoying one another. Tenoa giggled when Daegan squeezed his sides, kissing his temple before pulled away. "Good morning, indeed", the ginger beamed, "ready to go inside?"

Tenoa nodded, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder before Daegan swiftly grabbed the strap and took it for him. "I- I can carry i- it", he muttered as he weakly reached for it only for Daegan to widen the gap between them.

"I know", he assured him, "but I want to."

How was he supposed to say no to that? Tenoa just ducked his head, cheeks burning before nodding, "O- okay thank you."

"No problem, doll."

With that, they made their way to towards the school. As they neared the groups of teens scattered in front of the school, Tenoa attempted the make himself, both an easy and diffuse with the human skyscraper beside him. He jumped when he felt something in his hand and looked down to find Daegan's hand clasped with his. He paused, following his arm up to his face with a quizzical look.

Daegan just smiled, squeezing his hand gently. He glanced forward before leaning down to his level, "I told you, I wasn't trying to hide it", he whispered in his ear. Tenoa just grinned and they headed inside. He lost all his nervousness as they moved through the halls. He didn't even care about the stares, probably because he was used to it now, but also because Daegan was with him.

They came to an impass at the corridor, looking between Otto on the far right and further on to where Tenoa's locker was on the left. "I- I ha- have to go to my locker", the younger whispered. Even in saying this, he didn't particularly want to part from him just yet. He wanted to enjoy his touch longer. He really like his small affectionate gesture, possibly more than his grandeur ones that made his flush at the memory.

Daegan huffed himself, feeling the same, "I'll see you in English?", he offered, handing him his backpack and kissing his cheek, "Til then, doll" and with that they entered their separate ways.

* * * * * *

After dodging Otto and the other meatheads, Daegan was practically racing to class. He only came to a halt when he entered to see Tenoa in thier usual spot in the far back corner of the classroom. The small boy must've felt his eyes on him, peering up from his new novel and offering him a soft timid smile, waving him over. It seemed his baby missed him.

He couldn't help but smile back before making his way towards him, ignoring all who were scattered in his path. He knew for a fact the other students were staring at him, practically gawking at him, but he didn't care. He was aware that word had spread about their date at Casey's Whitefish which combined with their lack of denial and constant affection marked them as the new "lovebirds" of school.

He was punching air at it too.

Daegan pulled out his chair and sat comfortably in his desk as the bell sounded for class. He smiled at Tenoa as Mr. Finster started class.

Class went by in a blurr and both were relieved when their assignments were taken up and they were dismissed. Tenoa didn't even try to fight when Daegan took his backpack, tossing it over his broader shoulder and offering his free hand. Tenoa took it happily before they headed for the exit.

They went to Tenoa's locker, dropping off his books and swinging by Daegan's to do the same. The hall had thinned in time they had fallen back in class, walking the halls with their hanging swinging as they swapped heart eyes. Tenoa couldn't wait until the next time they hung put, he could think of a few places he could show Daegan. He would have to drive though, he didn't wanna deal with Tenaya's "gas, grass or ass" speech.

They stopped in the hall when Daegan's stomach growled audibly. He frowned at his stomach, remembering the shit excuse for breakfast Mrs. Martin made. He was  6'7 and 256lbz., basically a life-size Kratos as Tenoa and Otto told him; what did he look like having a green dirt smoothie? "Hey doll", he called out to him, pulling him from his book.

He looked up at him, glasses low on his nose, giving him a clear view of his eyes. "Hm?", he replied, thumbing his book closed and holding it at his side.

"Wanna have lunch?", Daegan asked, nodding towards the cafeteria. They usually shacked up in the library, Daegan taking a bit longer to arrive because he had to get his books for  honors Algebra 2, but he could save that trip for later.

Tenoa thought about it before nodding, "I- I could eat", he whispered softly. They headed into the cafeteria hand in hand, ignoring the stares they recieved from their noisy ass school mates asthe moved past the tables. Tenoa got in line as Daegan opted to get them a table before joining him, hold him from behind as he looked over his head at his comic book. He rolled his eyes at the tik tok addicts no doubt recording them. All he needed was for Tenoa to even shift uncomfortably and he'd be like that supermodel bird who threw a phone. They went through the line with Daegan getting a grilled chicken sandwich and Tenoa getting a burger and fries.

They sat down, side by side despite having an entire wrap around booth to themselves. They dug into their food, Tenoa sharing earbuds with Degan as they watched a Dead Meat video together. Their litte bubble was sadly bursted by someone clearing their throats. They both paused, looking up to find Otto, Joseph, Kenny and Ryan standing infront of their table. He tensed immediately, no longer relaxed like before; he knew they should've went to the library.

"Damn Dae", Otto huffed, holding his lunch tray, "I been tryin' to get ya to eat wit' us for tha longest and all it took was little Silas to get ya in here?"

"Yeah, we see how it is, DD.", Joseph added shaking him head.

Daegan growled lowly at the name. They would definitely have to come up with a new nickname now.

Tenoa curled in on himself at the intrusion.There were far too many people surrounding him to be comforting. Sure they all seemed nice enough, but that didn't mean much now that they surrounded them like wolves. Daegan was about to decline rather rudely until a hand was placed on his thigh. He looked down to see Tenoa staring back at him with those soft eyes. "I- it's okay, daddy", he whispered, his hand rubbing his clothed leg in what he was assuming was a comforting manner.

That must've been the magic words -or maybe touch?- because Daegan sucked in a breath and nodded, "Aye, more the merrier", he answered dryly, trying to imply his distain and disapproval without Tenoa's awareness. He'd already called him out for how he treated Otto and other people around school, he didn't need another scolding.

"Y- you can't hate everybody "just because"! They just wanna be friends."

Daegan wouldn't have taken it seriously, but he was just so damn cute, struggling to giving him the fourth degree with his stutter, frowning up at him with his eyes brows knitted and his lip poking out. He distincly remembered bargaining with Tenoa too let him pick the new colors of his bands if he "tried to do better". He could see the blue and white already and he felt vindicated already. The others joined them in the booth, forcing them to scoot to the far end as to not be trapped between them. Daegan and Tenoa didn't mind though, it gave them space and an escape plan if need be.

Tenoa offered Daegan some ketchup after he had stolen a few of his fries. "Y- you can have them", he offered, moving his tray closer to his. Daegan liked to eat and he could eat alot; the least he could do is help him clean his plate too.

"Thank you, doll", he beamed, biting the packet open and spreading it over the pile of starch, "Am I taking you home today?", he asked, turning in on him so theater's couldn't be noisy.

The younger shook his head, "I have tutoring for geometry, m- my a- aunt- tie is pickin' me up", he muttered, clearing not happy to spend his free time this way either. He would much prefer to read his books or hang out with Daegan like he always did.

Daegan didn't know why he wouldn't let him tutor him. Although he was in honors Algebra 2, Daegan could still help him. Tenoa knew this, but he also knew Daegan would not help him get any work done because he was too busy being distracted by him. It made him sound cocky and narcissistic, but that is actually what would happen. His face burned as his thoughts went back to what happened at the drive in. He didn't think he would be able to get away with "borrowing" Tenaya's makeup again.

They soon finished lunch, Daegan snacking on Tenoa's fries as the younger ate his burger as the jocks chatted loudly infront of them. Soon the bell had rung to signal the need to move to their next class for the afternoon. Daegan, almost ritualistically, kissed his cheek before he left to head back to his locker. He smiled as Tenoa walked away, until he heard cooing -childish cooing he might add.

"Y'all mad cute, bro", Ryan squealed making a heart with his hands, "I can see the matching pajamas now!", he teased.

"Couple goals, frfr!", the others added with their hands over their hearts.

Daegan hated how his face burned at the comments. "Oh fuck off, all of ya.", he muttered, although it didn't hold the heat it once did before as Tenoa turned back and waved with a silver and blue smile.

Endnotes: Sup muv'fukkas 😆. Happy Valentine's Day 🌹💐❤ to all my lovely people. This was a light chapter, but hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave any comments as I'm trying to come up with conflict. I prefer little micro-events than the usual Wattpad drama points. Hope y'all enjoy, don't forget to vote, comment and stay weird 🤪

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