OBLIVION | lego monkie kid

By _k1rb_

59K 2.5K 3K

✿ "Man, I really should've taken the day off!" ✿ .♡. ✿ : IN WHICH a chaotic adult with crazy water powers wi... More

s1e0 | sorry, not dying today!
s1e0 | i can't believe you've done this
s1e1 | and now, the weather!
s1e2 | and then there were two
s1e3 | its wednesday my dudes
s1e4 | brimming glass of spiders
s1e5 | straight out of the backrooms
s1e6 | the fitness gram pacer test
s1e7 | focus. speed. i am speed
s1e8 | the skeleton appears
s1e9 | we're going to hot topic
s1e10 | the end is here
s2e0 | oh no the spiders are back
s2e1 | we're not cavemen. we have technology
s2e2 | kitchen nightmares
s2e3 | wilbur from charlotte's web has gone mad
s2e4 | shes a runner shes a trackstar
s2e5 | we're really in it now
s2e6 | welcome to my house. as you can see i've knocked over many chairs
s2e7 | cinema sins
s2e8 | nature is beautiful
s2e9 | now we're only falling apart
s2e10 | this is the end
s3e1 | seatbelts, everyone
s3e2 | green is not a creative color
s3e3 | last time on jeopardy
s3e4 | fell down the wrong rabbit hole
s3e5 | how was the fall
s3e6 | somebody once told me
s3e7 | we're going on a trip, in our favorite rocketship
s3e8 | friendship is magic
s3e9 | for all that its worth
s3e10 | the samadhi fire and the mahasi water
EYD1 | this imperfect world
EYD2 | the dark ocean & the corrupted king
EYD3 | time to be warriors
EYD4 | destiny fulfilled
s4e1 | im robbin da store
s4e2 | bendy and the ink machine

s2e0 | we did it! we saved the city!

1.3K 59 145
By _k1rb_

part twoooo!! last part of rotsq before season 2's episodes play out!! super excited to delve into season 2 and all that fun stuff!!

enjoy the chapter!


The unlikely truce had formed between the group and Redson.

Redson was drawing out a large magical seal into the floor, the seal glowing and radiating sparks of flames as the redhead finished.

"I didn't know you were such an artist," you commented.

"THIS IS NOT ART, FOOL!" Redson yelled.

"So, how exactly does this work?" Tang asked.

Redson groaned. "If I tried to explain mystical interdimensional travel to a bunch of peasants, it'd melt your brains!"

"We don't have any other option." MK frowned. "We have to trust him."

"Great speech, Noodle Boy," Redson chuckled. "Super motivational."

Redson turns back around towards the seal, holding his hands out and taking a deep breath before placing his hands onto the glowing seal. The seal was engulfed in electricity as the electric power surged through the jet, before a massive opening formed in front of the jet.

"Uh.. we are sure mortals can travel to the Celestial Realm, right?" Tang muttered as the six of you were standing behind a wall to keep safe.

"Of course they can!" Redson rolled his eyes, continuing to open the gate to the Celestial Realm.

"..Safely?" Pigsy questioned.

"Sure. Probably."

"PROBABLY?" the group yelled.

The jet suddenly blasted forward as the jet was flown through the opened gate to the Celestial Realm, travelling at high speeds and knocking nearly everyone over. Screams rang out at the velocity of the jet as you held your ground, able to keep yourself on your feet until the jet arrived.

When the jet finally arrived, most of the jet was on fire.

Redson crossed his arms. "I did say it'd melt your brains."

Sandy gasped in awe as he pointed out towards the sky. The six of you and Redson walked towards the edge of the jet, looking out at the beautiful sights of the Celestial Realm.

"This place is perfect for pictures!" you grinned, taking out your phone.

"You can't just take PICTURES!" Redson glared, slapping the phone out of your hand.

You rolled your eyes with a chuckle, grabbing your phone and placing it back in your pocket. "Fine, fine.."

"So, some special pills, a fancy peach, and a furnace." Pigsy confirmed as the jet slowly landed at the entrance. "Where are we gonna find these things?!"

Redson didn't answer.

"Red Boy doesn't know!" Mei gasped dramatically.

"I know they're somewhere! I'm a demon!" Redson glared towards Mei. "It's not like I've been here before."

Tang sighed. "Well, in the legend, Monkey King stole—"

"Stole?" Sandy raised an eyebrow. "That's not the Monkey King I know."

"..Borrowed the Peaches of Immortality from the Heavenly Orchard," Tang continued. "..so unless they did the sensible thing and moved them, they'll still be there! The pills of the Great Master Lao Tzu, Monkey King stole— uh, borrowed some of those too, they must be in Lao Tzu's alchemy lab."

"What a total thief." You snickered quietly. "No wonder he annoyed everyone here."

"And what about the furnace?" Redson asked. "I can't make anything without that."

"It could be there in the lab, but my guess is it will be in the Jade Emperor's throne room." Tang explained.

"Wait, what-" MK stuttered.

"Alright, then. I'll be off to grab that peach," Redson stretched, before beginning to hop off. "Toodles!"

Redson was instantly grabbed by the collar of his jacket by Mei, who glared towards the redhead. "What? Like, we just let you wander off on your own?"

Redson quickly escaped Mei's grip. "You just wait here like an obedient, little—"

Mei quickly bit his hand, while you began recording the two struggle, despite Redson's anger towards you.

"I'll go for the pills." Pigsy offered. "Uh, they're just regular-looking pills, right? Round-kind-of-shaped-like pills? You know, like normal pills?"

"I better come, too." Tang deadpanned.

"And I'll get the furnace," MK suggested.

"On your own? I don't know if that's a good idea.." Pigsy frowned.

"I can go with you, MK," you suggested.

"A-Are you sure??" MK turned towards you with concern. "I.. I don't want you to get hurt."

"The throne room's too well-guarded." Tang added. "MK, it's best if you and (Name) go together."

You gave a thumbs up towards Tang, summoning your wings and grabbing onto MK's arms, flying quickly into the air.

"You guys get the items and get back here as fast as you can. I'll stay here and knock some sense into the engines." Sandy chimed in.

With that, the group split up into teams of two, searching stealthily through the Celestial Realm for each needed item.


"Everything in this place looks like an album cover," you commented as you walked with MK up the stairs, admiring the views.

"It's really pretty," MK added. "I think there's the throne room up ahead."

"Great! That wasn't so bad, was it?" you grinned. "Last one up the stairs and into the throne room is a rotten egg!"

You immediately bolted forward, with MK shouting playfully and running after you- the two of you unaware of the lion statue's eyes glowing.

You huffed as you ended up last, with MK chuckling victoriously. "Guess I win this time, huh?"

"Screw your mystic magical monkey powers," you panted.

"This place looks so cool, (Name)!" MK awed, taking a few steps into the hallway with you following close behind.

"Yeah, everything here looks like it costs a fortune.." you crossed your arms, observing the large hallway. "Oh, there's the furnace."

Towards the right was the massive furnace, blue light surrounding the ancient artifact as it was held up by iron chains.

"Well that was easy!" MK grinned.

"You jinxed us," you pointed towards the entrance, revealing two growling lions, aiming towards you and MK.

"Uhm.. nice.. giant, monster dogs..?" MK whimpered as the lions slowly approached the two of you.

"I don't wanna be dog food!" you screamed- MK following your scream in unison as he grabbed your arm and jumped into the large furnace with you.

"Wait- maybe we shouldn't have-" you stammered, looking up towards the top of the furnace, which shut as soon as you and MK had fallen in.

The growls of the lions could be heard from outside the furnace as the cover closed, covering you and MK in darkness.


Meanwhile, Mei and Redson ran around the Heavenly Orchard from the trees, avoiding the path as to not be spotted.

"So, I heard you helped MK and (Name) beat your dad." Mei started a small conversation casually.

"That was one time! My father, the Great Demon Bull King, was... not himself." Redson explained angrily. "But in no other instance would I ever assist that sorry excuse for a hero and his.. lackey."

"But you're totally assisting right now," Mei raised her eyebrow. "You are a hero!"

"Huh?" Redson's eyes widened in confusion.

"Red Son. Red Son! Hero of the city! Saving Dads. Saving the world. Saving spicy barbecue one bite at a time. Buy two, get one free!" Mei grinned, picking up Redson dramatically.

"Would you get off?!" Redson yelled, escaping Mei's grip. "Let's just get this peach—"

Mei quickly grabbed Redson, holding up her phone to take a selfie. "Mei and Red Son, heroes on a quest! Okay. Let's go!"

Mei quickly let go of Redson, running off ahead.

"..I just decided, she's next on my hit list." Redson glared as he followed after the excited girl- unaware of the Spider Demon watching from the trees.


"Every item is just brimming with untold, dangerous power!" Tang beamed, accidentally knocking one of said items over.

"Tang! Stop screwing around!" Pigsy scolded.

"Hmm, Lao Tzu's pills.." Tang pondered. "If I know anything about the legends, they won't be easy to find."

"Is this them?" Pigsy asked, holding up the pills, lo and behold.

Tang screams with excitement, running over. "That's them!"

"Great! Let's get going!" Pigsy grinned.

Suddenly, an ominous chuckle cut the celebration short.

"What's the rush, little piglet?" Huntsman chuckled, slowly approaching the two, throwing a net trap towards the two.

Pigsy and Tang screamed, narrowly avoiding the net trap as they ran off quickly.


"..This is all my fault." MK sighed in the darkness next to you. "..I was right. I can't do anything on my own."

You looked up towards MK, concerned. "What are you talking about?"

"Every time I do things, I end up messing it up!" MK frowned. "And.. almost every time I mess up, you get dragged into my mess, (Name)."

"..MK, that doesn't make you bad." you spoke. "We all make mistakes."

"But I can't stop MAKING mistakes!" MK yelled. "And now we're stuck in this furnace BECAUSE of me!"

"You acted out of surprise, it's not your fault." you explained. "If you hadn't pulled us in here, we'd be dog food by now."

MK didn't respond to that, so you took it upon yourself to continue.

"I understand being Wukong's successor puts a lot on your plate. I get that. However, I can't understand how you feel, because I'm not in the same position as you." you continued. "But everyone makes mistakes. Nobody is a perfect, flawless being incapable of doing at least one wrong in their lifespan. You don't need to put so much pressure onto yourself. I know I've been with you a lot when bad things have happened, but I'm glad I was there."

"Why?" MK turned towards you, confused.

"Because I got to protect you." you smiled. "I know you're fully capable of protecting yourself, but, it makes me happy knowing I can keep you safe. Just like with the others."

MK had small tears in his eyes as he turned to you, his hopeful look returning onto his face.

"You are fully capable of doing great things without needing someone there with you." you smiled. "You don't have to always focus on the negatives. Instead, the best thing you could do in a situation like this is look at the positives."

MK chuckled, wiping the small tears from his eyes. "..You and Monkey King are really good when it comes to motivational speeches."

You grinned jokingly, "Just don't tell him, alright?"


"Hey, remember when you went crazy racing for a fake one of these things?" Mei giggled as she held Redson up as the redhead reached for one of the peaches on the large tree.

"I remember when you wrecked my car." Redson glared, picking off one of the ripe peaches.

"Eh, we wreck a lot of stuff." Mei shrugged as Redson jumped down.

"Oh, well, that was easy-" Redson smirked, only to crash right into Strong Spider. The boy let out a gasp and quickly became enraged, glaring at the spider with flames in his eyes and hair.

"Well, well." Strong Spider smirked. "You and your little girlfriend are coming with me."

"His—" Mei stuttered.

"Girlfriend?!" Redson screamed, aiming his fist towards the spider. "Flaming Fist of Dignity!"

A blast of flames erupted from his fist, hitting Strong Spider right in the face.

"You got me in my favorite eye!" Strong Spider yelled, punching forward and just barely missing Mei and Redson, who ran off quickly- Mei quickly picking Redson back up off the ground. "Hey, get back here with that stone fruit!"

"LET ME DOWN!" Redson shouted, as Strong Spider chased the duo causing LOADS of property damage.

"There's no time!" Mei yelled as she ran as fast as she could.


"Here, Piggy, piggy.." Huntsman smirked as he searched the area for the duo.

"Oh, we gotta do something..." Pigsy glared, taking out a line of sausages from his coat as a weapon.

Tang quickly searched the shelves for something to use as a weapon, grabbing a bottle potion, but ultimately knocking a potion over and blowing their hiding spot.

"There you are!" Huntsman grinned as he appeared.

"You're going down," Pigsy glared, holding up the sausages and turning them into a nunchucks type weapon.

Tang whimpered from behind Pigsy as Huntsman rushed forward. Pigsy prepared to attack with his 'weapon', only for Tang to jump in the way with the mysterious potion in hand. With one fell swing, Tang tossed the potion towards Huntsman, the potion merely landing about halfway before shattering and leaving the substance on the floor.

Nothing happened for a few moments, allowing Huntsman to approach slowly- only for the glass pieces to suddenly sink into the dark puddle. Suddenly, vines formed from the puddle, latching onto Huntsman's arms and legs, beginning to drag him into the puddle.

Tang and Pigsy watched in horror as the spider demon was dragged into the potion's puddle, and out of sight.

"Uh, I thought he was going turn into a little ducky.." Tang murmured after a brief moment of shock silence.

Pigsy groaned, grabbing Tang by the scarf. "Come on, let's get out of here!"

As the two left the building, Huntsman escaped the potion's wrath, growling with anger.


"Feeling any better?" you asked.

"..Yeah, thanks to you." MK smiled. "Still doesn't change the fact we're stuck in here, unfortunately."

"MK, c'mon. Look at yourself," you turned MK towards the reflective surface. "You're the Monkie Kid. You're strong and you've got a big heart. I know you can get us out of here."

MK looked at his reflection, along with yours next to his. With his confidence restored, he picked up his staff.

"..Here.. comes.." you and MK jumped up, MK twisting the staff and slamming it onto the ground. "..Monkie Kid!"

The furnace was surrounded in a gust of golden wind as the cover was forced open. MK had created a small mech resembling the Lion Guardians, with you sitting in the back and MK driving in the front. The mech latched itself around the chains holding the furnace, blasting out of the throne room with the furnace held on tight.

"Sorry lion dogs!" you chuckled. "Not gonna be dog food this time!"

"W-We'll bring it back!" MK reassured. "Once we finish saving the world!"

The mech blasted out of the throne room doors, flying out towards the front entrance back towards the jet.


Sandy had just finished fixing the jet, swiping off small beads of sweat from his forehead.

"SANDY!" Pigsy screamed from below- revealing him and Tang running down the pathway at high speeds, quickly jumping onto the jet.

"Pigsy! Tang! You got the pills!" Sandy grinned as the two fell onto the floor of the jet in exhaustion.

"Uh huh! We also have spiders!" Tang screamed, pointing towards the incoming Spider Demons. "They followed us here!"

"..Oh," Sandy sweatdropped, recalling the odd spider device his cat Mo had found on the jet.

"Where are the others?!" Pigsy yelled.

The sounds of Mei and Redson screaming echoed around as Mei ran as fast as she could, still holding Redson who carried the stone fruit in his hands.

"Start the engines! It's time to go!" Tang shouted as Mei and Redson landed on the jet.

"What about (Name) and MK?!" Pigsy yelled.

"SANDYY!" MK screamed as you and MK quickly approached the jet, the guardian lions hot on your tail. The mech went as fast as it could, dragging the ancient furnace behind.

"START THE DRONE!" you shouted.

Sandy immediately jumped to the controls, activating the jet's systems. The jet began to fly from it's parked position as Sandy maneuvered the lever.

Huntsman growled, attempting to jump after the jet, only for Strong Spider to stop him.

"What are you doing?! I could have made it!" Huntsman growled.

"Aw, sure you could, buddy," Strong Spider looked down at Huntsman. "Huh-?"

The mech containing you and MK jumped over the two spider demons, the furnace trailing behind as the mech made a massive leap towards the jet. With the right amount of velocity, the mech successfully reached the jet along with the furnace, despite a somewhat rough landing.

With everyone now on board, the jet sped off and out of the realm.

Huntsman growled, "The Queen ain't gonna be happy about this."

Strong Spider taps Huntsman's shoulder, pointing towards the massive lion guardians looming over the two demons.

"Uh, nice monster doggy..?" Strong Spider chuckled nervously.


With all items found, the group + Redson huddled together on the jet.

"So uh, what now?" Tang asked.

"We find a place to lie low, make the antidote, and save everyone." MK explained.

"You're back to your disgustingly, enthusiastic self. What happened?" Redson groaned.

MK turned towards you with a smile.

"He went through a character growth moment, obviously!" you joked. "Gotta love character arcs, am I right?"

"That is NOT what I meant you PEABRAINED FOOL!" Redson yelled as you laughed.

"I.. actually got a new power," MK grinned. "The power.. of self-reflection."

MK made some ridiculous anime face, disgusting Redson.

"So! Where we headed?" Mei asked with excitement.

"Set a course... for Flower Fruit Mountain!" MK declared.


Back at the Spider Queen's base, Wukong and DBK were up to their usual bickering.

"What do you think, big guy?" Wukong smirked- his tone sounding a bit strained due to the energy being taken from him. "Enjoying the party?"

"She would never have subdued me had you not given her the power she needed." DBK glared.

"Or it's just that she captured me first 'cause I'm her favorite," Wukong laughed.

The bickering was cut short when the webs recharged once more, taking out more energy from the two.

Spider Queen chuckled, lowering down towards the floor as she watched with amusement.

The doors to the room opened, revealing Huntsman, Strong Spider, and the mysterious girl.

"My queen," the girl spoke. "It seems the Demon Boy, (Name), and the Monkey King's protégé are working together."

"So?" Spider Queen smirked. "What can they do? This city is mine!"

"Perhaps you should—" the girl continued, only to be instantly cut off.

"Enough!" Spider Queen yelled. "I don't need you coming here being a party pooper. You know what we need to do? Celebrate! Bring in the Year of the Spider in style!"

"..As you wish," the girl merely smirked- her eyes flashing a bright blue before the doors closed.


The jet had arrived at the shoreline of Flower Fruit Mountain, the group standing together in the sand as Redson drew another seal with a large stick.

Redson began to laugh- somewhat maniacally, as he poured in the Spider Queen's venom into the "I, Redson, will find the powers of the Celestial artifacts with the Spider Queen's own venom, save my father, and reforge the world as I see fit!"

"Redson, that was amazing!" Mei cheered.

"Such a good hero speech!" MK smiled.

"Definitely nailed the dramatic voice," you chimed in.

"VILLAIN SPEECH!" Redson yelled. "And perhaps my best of all time!"

"Okay, so what do we do now, guy?" Pigsy asked.

"We do nothing." Redson glared. "I add the ingredients in a precise order you wouldn't understand."

"Uh, there's only two more ingredients, Red Boy." Mei deadpanned.

"And I'm already throwing them in," you laughed as you tossed the two remaining ingredients into the antidote.

"WHAT?!" Redson screamed as the antidote turned yellow, creating a large gust of smoke.

"I'm a genius, I know," you cackled as Redson practically threw you away from the furnace.

After the smoke cleared, Tang and MK ran to the furnace to observe the results.

"Ooh, I think it worked!" Tang cheered.

"Alright!" MK grinned. "Time to take the fight back to the Spider Queen and end this nightmare once and for all!"

"How?" Pigsy raised an eyebrow. "Those spider people aren't just gonna line up for a sip."

"And even if they did, are we forgetting about Spider Queen?" Tang added. "She defeated the Monkey King! How are you..."

"We can do this," you reassured. "We'll figure this out."

"Well, I might have an idea." Sandy chimed in, putting a hand in his beard and revealing another remote, pressing the red button.

The jet stirred, before various doors on the jet opened, revealing multiple canon like devices.

"Aww YEAH!" Mei cheered.

"With this, we might have a chance!" MK smiled.

The group jumped back onto the jet once more with the antidote, Sandy getting into the driver's seat and setting a fast course back to the city- the jet blasting off towards that direction.


The city was bustling with infected people, the streets filled with corrupted citizens- as Spider Queen sat down on a throne above.

"This is how you rule the world!" Spider Queen chuckled, before squinting her eyes towards an odd sign in the crowd. "..What is that?"

"I don't know," Syntax looks at the clipboard papers in confusion. "It's not on the approved parade schedule."

Suddenly, the sign flops onto the ground, revealing the jet, which flies into the air.

The mysterious girl watches from the side, narrowing her eyes towards the jet, before quickly vanishing in a cloud of blue smoke.

"If it isn't Spider Queen throwing herself a party," MK smirked as he stood at the edge of the jet. "Prepare to meet your doom!"

"Now THAT's a hero speech!" Redson grinned.

"I'm so proud of my boy.." you dramatically cried.

"Wow, MK, you're handling your spider phobia so well!" Mei cheered.

"I'm internalizing a lot of stuff right now..!" MK sweatdropped. "Release the antidote!"

Tang, Pigsy, Mei and Redson all pulled down on each lever, as Sandy pressed down on two buttons. The canons burst to life, shooting out the golden antidote at high speeds towards the crowds, instantly destroying the Spiderbots infecting the civilians and bringing them back to normal.

"It's working!" Mei grinned. "Let's finish this!"

The group jumped off from the jet, landing down together as a group in attack formation.

"Your reign of horror is-" MK smirked, before Spider Queen suddenly slammed her iron leg down, cackling. "..over-!"

"Oh, Monkey Boy." Spider Queen laughed. "You're nothing without your master. There's nothing that can stop me! Nothing!"

"MK doesn't need him to stop you." you glared. "He has us."

Spider Queen merely laughed, "Oh, (Name)! You ALWAYS know how to make me laugh."

You let out a quiet groan of anger as Spider Queen began to power up the massive mech, shocks of green electricity coursing throughout the city.

MK suddenly charged forward with his staff, running towards the Spider Queen, jumping up and aiming the staff down towards the demon.

You and the others shouted for him as Spider Queen's power was enough to stop the staff just before it hit her. The Spider Queen laughed, knocking MK back into the building at the end of the street.

You clenched your fists in anger as water formed around them, turning towards the Spider Queen. Before you could do anything however, your friends and Redson already ran forward- jumping towards the queen. They were unable to land a single hit on the spider demon however, as her webs were quicker.

Multiple webs grabbed onto your friends, holding them in place. Spider Queen then turned towards you, menacingly looming over you.

You glared in anger as you dashed forward, aiming your water fist towards the queen's form- before suddenly stopping halfway.

'Don't you want to save your friend?' a whisper suddenly brushed past you, causing you to halt. 'Don't be so selfish, go help your friends.'

You blinked rapidly in confusion, narrowly dodging a web before running towards MK, who's vision was blurry from such a harsh knockback from the Spider Queen. You stopped in front of him, leaning down in an attempt to snap him out of his daze.

"(Name), you always WERE an interesting case!" Spider Queen suddenly spoke from just behind you. "Runnin' around, chasing after your friends.. always letting them get YOU in danger!"

"I don't have to listen to a WORD you say," You snapped your attention towards the Spider Queen, protectively covering MK from the menacing demon. "Even when we get in danger, I'm always happy to be there to protect my friends!"

"Friendship, such a gross concept!" Spider Queen scoffed. "Enough with the chit-chat. I have you RIGHT where I want you,"

You immediately raised your hands to summon a water shield around you and MK, before once again, you found yourself stopping.

'Don't.' that same voice spoke in the back of your head once more. 'Just let it happen.'

Webs shot out from behind Spider Queen, instantly throwing you against the wall and keeping you pinned against it next to MK- unable to move. MK looked at you, clearly scared- as webs held him against the wall as well.

The Spider Queen's laugh became muffled as you looked down at the ground.

What the HELL was going on with you?


"It's a shame, really!" Wukong looked off to the side. "You being trapped here, no one to protect poor little Princess Iron Fan."

DBK's eyes snapped open, completely enraged as he yelled. "My wife doesn't need protecting! She will decimate all in her way!"

DBK's rage began to rip at the webs, weakening them. Wukong noticed this, and an idea instantly popped in his mind, a smug grin forming on his face.

"Oh yeah? How about your half-baked son?" Wukong smirks. "Spider Queen's gonna eat him alive all because you were too weak!"

DBK screamed in complete rage, instantly disintegrating the webs keeping him bound together. The sheer power of his shouts tore apart the webs in the room holding other various demons, including Wukong's.

"Hah! It worked! Excellent!" Wukong laughed- only for DBK to slam him into the wall and onto the floor. "..Buddy! I was just getting you angry so you can—"

"I know what you were doing, simian!" DBK yelled, ripping the remaining pieces of the web off of Wukong, before beginning to walk away.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Wukong asked, sitting upwards.

"To find my half-baked.." DBK clenched his teeth. "..s-son."

DBK yelled, destroying the wall and jumping out of the room.

Wukong stood up, rubbing his head with a grin. "I've honestly missed that guy."

Suddenly, a vibration and drop in temperature of the room caught Wukong's attention. She was here.

"So, you thought you had all the pieces right where you wanted them," Wukong's eyebrows furrowed as he sent a harsh glare towards the small girl.

"There are so many moves I have yet to play," the girl, Lady Bone Demon spoke, her tone laced with poison.

"..You should have stayed buried." Wukong snarled, quickly turning and leaping towards the Lady Bone Demon.

Lady Bone Demon's hair flashed white, teleporting out of the way of the incoming punch with ease.

"I will rip the memory of you from this world," Lady Bone Demon's voice echoed throughout the room. "Why don't you go let (Name) know I'm on my way?"

Wukong flinched as the Lady Bone Demon merely laughed, before suddenly vanishing out of sight. The simian looked around the room for the infamous woman, only for no sign of her presence to remain.

Taking a deep breath, Wukong's face shifted into a determined look, jumping out of the broken wall DBK had recently destroyed.


"After all I've won and lost and won again," Spider Queen slowly approached you and MK with a menacing stare. "..you think I was really gonna let someone like you two take it from me? Bye bye, problem children!"

Spider Queen raised one of her sharp iron legs down towards you and MK, ready to strike- before the sudden green glow surrounding her diminished. The queen gasped in surprise, instantly turning towards her large spider mech, which seemed to power down.

"My powers!" The Spider Queen yelled as she felt the power she had just recently received drain from her body.

DBK smashed through the machine completely enraged, flying down towards the street. "I AM NO ONES SLAVE!"

DBK landed just in-between you and MK and Spider Queen, knocking the demon spider back by her machine while the other spider demons were flung into the sky.

The webs had been removed from your friends due to the sheer impact of DBK, as they jumped down from their binds and onto the torn street.

DBK walked over to his son, who was still bound by webs- struggling frantically. His struggling ceased when his father loomed over him, grabbing the webs and ripping them off in seconds.

"..Father!" Redson smiled, relieved to see his father was okay.

DBK's enraged expression vanished at the sight of his son being unharmed- before turning back towards the Spider Queen with an expression full of malice.

Redson quickly lit a flame to free Mei, who was still bound next to him, allowing her to stand up quickly.

Spider Queen merely laughed at the sight, her helmet having shattered and fallen onto the ground next to her.

"All of you together can't beat me!" Spider Queen laughed. "I am the Queen!"

"Oh yeah?" a certain monkey's voice yelled out, walking down the building wall where you and MK were still bound. Wukong lifted the staff that was stuck on the wall just above MK, giving it a quick twirl. "Well, I'm the King,"

Wukong jumped down from the wall, tapping the staff lightly against the wall which instantly destroyed the webs, freeing you and MK.

"Turns out, I'm not so good with spiders either." Wukong chuckled as he handed MK the staff.

"Wukong! You're okay!" you smiled, dashing over towards the simian. "I thought something terrible happened-"

"Since when were you so worried about me, Sunshine?" Wukong smirked ruffling your hair a bit. "Of course I'm fine,"

Sun Wukong, however, wasn't expecting you to suddenly grab him and pull him into an embrace. The simian allowed it, looking down at you with a small frown, a certain woman's words coming back to mind.

"Why don't you go let (Name) know I'm on my way?"

Sun Wukong clenched his teeth as he recalled those words, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you back there," you spoke, despite your voice being somewhat muffled as your face was planted on Wukong's shirt as you hugged him.

Wukong stopped his train of thought as he returned the hug, giving you a small pat on the back; his tail brushing past your leg. "It's alright, Sunshine. Everything worked out in the end, yeah?"

You let go of the embrace, sheepishly rubbing the back of your head. You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder, noticing MK give you a reassuring smile of his own- just like how you did back at the throne room.

With confidence restored, the three of you turned your heads back towards Spider Queen, glaring towards the spider demon. The rest of your friends, along with Redson and DBK stood together in a fighting stance, ready to attack.

"If I can't rule this world..." Spider Queen used a web to jump up back onto the spider mech, beginning to power it up with the little energy she had left. "..no one can!"

The mech activated, preparing to destroy the entire city.

"Alright, kiddo! It's now or never!" Wukong yelled, turning towards you and MK. "You think you can lend us a hand, Sunshine?"

"Since you asked so nicely," you chuckled, your water wings forming behind you as you grabbed onto MK, flying up into the air with Wukong jumping up after you.

"HERE COMES MONKIE..!" the three of you yelled in unison, as you quickly tossed MK forward at high speeds, with Wukong giving MK a quick boost simultaneously. The sheer force of the throw and the boost dealt quite a huge amount of property damage as a large crater formed below you and Wukong.

"..Kid," you and Wukong spoke as the two of you watched MK fly forward, gripping the staff tightly as he aimed it right towards the large mech.

"NO!" Spider Queen screamed as MK landed the blow with the staff, shattering the mech in half, and reappearing on the other side.

MK cheered in victory, only to realize he couldn't exactly fly, as he began falling down back towards the city. You and Wukong prepared for this however, as Wukong shifted into a bird and flew quickly towards MK, grabbing onto him, before you jumped in and helped Wukong, using your own wings to keep Wukong from losing his grip.

DBK watched from the streets, quickly running forwards and leaping up towards the three of you, grabbing you and the other two in one fell swoop, before landing away from the incoming explosion. With the explosion imminent, Redson stood in front of the rest of the group, withstanding the explosions destruction with ease and keeping the group safe from harm.

DBK landed on the outskirts of the city, letting go of the three of you as you reached the ground. You allowed your wings to vanish as MK let out a breath of relief.

"..Thank you!" MK thanked, only to realize it was DBK. "Bull— Demon Bull King— Mr. King, sir?"

DBK only stared down at the two of you, before looking up towards the sky, with Wukong- still as a bird, sitting on MK's shoulder.

The sky was filled with beautiful aurora lights, the colorful lights swaying slightly as small stars followed the lights.

"Hah!" Wukong laughed, morphing back into himself and practically standing on MK's head. "Now those are New Year's fireworks!"

You kept quiet as you watched the lights in awe.


"We should really get better at not smushing the city." MK smiled sheepishly as the three of you sat down on the roof of a building.

"Eh, priorities." Wukong shrugged- the three of you sharing a small fit of laughter from that. "You two did really good today,"

"..You sure you're okay, though?" you asked. "I know I talked about it earlier, but-"

"Don't worry about it. It's dealt with," Wukong reassured. "Want to tell your friends to take it down a bit?"

The rest of the group was preoccupied with watching Sun Wukong in awe. Right- they'd never really seen him in person yet.

"Monkey King!" Tang fanboyed intensely- rushing towards Wukong. "I-I'm your biggest fan!"

You laughed at that, seeing Wukong's completely confused expression.

Redson merely rolled his eyes as he stood next to DBK.

"Hey! Daddy Bull King!" Mei grinned. "Your baby Red Boy did real good hero work today!"

"No, NO!" Redson yelled. "For the last time, I am not a hero!"

Mei merely laughed in response, Redson letting out a groan of annoyance as he turned to his father.

"Father, let's never tell Mother anything that happened today?" Redson suggested.

"Agreed." DBK nodded. "Come along... Son."

"S-Son..?" Redson's eyes widened in delight hearing those words- but quickly composed himself. With a flick of his wrist, he teleported himself and his father away in a quick flash of a flame.

"Well Tang, seems like Wukong's left," you joked- instantly grabbing his attention.

"H-He IS?!" Tang yelled. "Where did he go??"

You looked down at the small tray next to you, filled with small treats, along with a note saying 'Happy New Year! - Monkey King'.

Tang took quick notice, kneeling down to grab one. "Well, don't mind if I do,"

"..Happy New Years, Monkey King." MK smiled off into the distance, where Wukong had transformed back into a bird- flying off.

You walked over to the boy, wrapping an arm around him. "Happy New Year to YOU too, bud!"

You and MK shared a laugh- only for it to be cut short by the sounds of eating.

"Ooh, yummy!" Mei cheered as she bit into one of the treats.

"Wait-! Don't eat that!" MK yelped.

"..Tastes like hair," Tang deadpanned.


Back below underground, the Spider Queen glared a the girl.

"Where were you?!" Spider Queen yelled. "What happened to my destiny?!"

"Your destiny has not been changed or diminished." the girl explained casually, approaching slowly. "Your enemies have done exactly what we needed."

The girl's palm flashed blue, as a familiar ancient furnace floated next to the girl slowly.

"And now, my Queen, the real game can begin."


season 2's special has concluded! its time for... SEASON TWO BABYYY this is gonna be a ride

important notes:

- (name) should get a restraining order on lbd

- wukong is preparing his vacation plans

- mk and (name) get to spend more time together, since this season they will not be having a good time

- redson and (name) are chaotic and need to be supervised

- thank you for reading!! be sure to leave a comment if you enjoyed :]

- hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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