Broken Girl (Book I of Anita...

By Luminisa

213 25 3

Anita Blake never expected to be a mother and never wanted to be, or thought that she never wanted to be beca... More

Chapter I
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Author's Notes

Chapter II

18 1 3
By Luminisa

~ Brittany's Point of View ~

I sat near an officer and a psychologist outside a room where another officer was talking to some people about temporarily taking me in because I didn't have anywhere else to go and I was possibly still in danger.

I sat quietly with my small backpack of what little possessions that I had with me. But I had a book in my hands and a pen and was writing in it because it was one of my journals that I had been keeping since I was 7 years old, in fact it had been my newest journal that I had just started writing in. A gift from one of the people who were forced to work for my captors that was a secret between them and me that I was very great full for.

"You know how to write?" The officer who was named Larry asked me.

I looked at him and nodded saying softly, "Yes. Thanks to my close friend Kindle. She taught both of us to write after a nice woman who was forced to watch over us by my captors taught us to read before she disappeared when I was 8."

"It's nice to know you weren't alone. And who is Kindle because the officers said that there was only you in the cell they found you in." The psychologist named Ms. Fallon said then asked and stated.

I hesitated as I wrote and almost stopped writing to look at them both a bit wearily. Then I slowly while closely watching their reactions, said, "Kindle is my friend who happens to live inside of me. If it wasn't for her I don't know if I could have survived the captivity I was in."

Larry just stared at me as if I was crazy. While Ms. Fallon looked at me with a concerned but also sympathetic look. And she said, "You said that Kindle lives inside you Brittany. Does she speak to you?"

"Yes she does. We can speak to each other." I said.

"I see. Can she speak to others?" Ms. Fallon asked with a curious look in her eyes as she looked at me.

"If she wants to, yes. As long as she's okay with it I am." I said. Then after pausing for a moment, I asked her, "Why do you ask?" Partially because I could feel that Kindle was curious and willing to speak to the woman.

"Would she be okay with speaking to me?" Ms. Fallon asked me. While Larry was watching and listening to both of us.

"Yes. She is fine with it. I can let her now if you want to speak to her." I said as I put my journal away for now.

"Okay. As long as you both are comfortable with doing so. And thank you Brittany." Ms. Fallon said. With that I let Kindle take over and just listened and watched from inside myself.

"Hello Ms. Fallon and Officer Larry." Kindle said calmly.

Larry stared at first not speaking which made Kindle feel like laughing at his rudeness. While she kept most of her attention on Ms. Fallon.

"Hello. You are Kindle correct?" Ms. Fallon said then asked and stated. Her gray eyes were full of interest. And she actually got things as if she was taking notes on someone she was giving therapy to or something, which neither Kindle or I minded.

"Yes. I'm Kindle. My full name is actually Kindle Amara Winters Ms. Fallon. For whatever you are taking notes for." Kindle said then smiled at Ms. Fallon's surprised but impressed look. In fact Kindle almost laughed but held back for now.

"I see. And how old are you Kindle?" Ms. Fallon asked.

"Brittany and I are the same age Ms. Fallon." Kindle said while smiling calmly.

"Okay. Brittany told me that for her and you, you learned to write after a nice woman taught her to read." Ms. Fallon said.

"Yes I did. Although I can't take all of the credit. Because the woman whose name had been Giselle Amara Galatea. She had began teaching Brittany to read at six and seven, then added teaching writing at age seven and eight before she was taken away and disappeared." Kindle said.

Ms. Fallon nodded and was about to say something but then the head officer that brought us here asked her to join him in the office. As she went in, Kindle took the opportunity to look in because we were both curious about the people inside. Inside we say a small beautiful woman with skin as pale as the two vampires who were in the room though she had a bunch of scars, she had brown eyes, and black hair and looked to be about 5 foot something. We assumed that she was Anita Blake who Officer Storr and Officer Larry talked about. Then we saw the Vampires they said were named Jean-Claude and Asher who to us looked like fraternal twins of Vampires. And then the other man with brown skin who was named Richard Zeeman.

While they were talking not doubt about us, Kindle and I were talking to each other as we waited for what was happening next.

^This could be very interesting.^ Kindle say to which I agreed with her.

^I wonder why Asher has his hair like that.^ I said to Kindle.

^I'm sure we will find out soon enough.^ Kindle said. Which I agreed.

^Do you want to take over now?^ Kindle asked me offering to let me take control of my body that I share with her.

I thought about it for a little bit then said to Kindle ^Sure. And you can again if and when needed.^

^Just like we have always done.^ Kindle said laughing inside our head as she let me take over. As I took over Ms. Fallon, the two Officers, and Anita Blake left. Leaving Kindle and I with the two Vampires and the other man who we could sense was not human though he looked human. At first I stayed seated then hesitantly got up and stood in the doorway to the office they were in unsure if I should go in or not.

"You can come in if you want to Brittany. Your safe here. No harm will come to you here. We will make sure of it." Jean-Claude the black haired vampire said calmly a soft look on his face and eyes. Which the other two men shared as well as a look of curiosity and concern.

After hesitating for a bit longer and with soothing encouragement from Kindle I slowly and hesitantly approached them.

^Is it just me or do you feel compelled towards Jean-Claude's and Asher's beautiful eyes?^ I asked Kindle as I approached them and momentarily felt Kindle take over then give control back again.

^It's not just you Bree. I feel it as well. But don't worry, it's not a threat.^ Kindle said calmly and soothingly. Which helped me feel less nervous than I had been.

"You are talking to your other personality aren't you?" The man Richard asked me startling me slightly. However, I nodded blushing softly an embarrassed shy smile, and said, "Yes. It's a habit we have."

"It's okay Brittany. You don't need to be embarrassed. Especially since it's helped you survive." Asher said.

I nodded very slowly while looking at him then at Jean-Claude then back at him. I did that more than once actually.

They all noticed unable to keep from smiling. And Richard asked, "What are you two thinking?"

"Brittany and I were just thinking how Jean-Claude and Asher look like fraternal twins." Kindle said taking over while smiling a calm smile.

At first it was quiet. Then three other men in the room we didn't notice before made their presences known. It was the third man that spoke though while laughing. While the other two fought to be professional looking bodyguards.

"She's actually right about that Master." The man with sandy blonde hair who was also laughing good naturedly. Richard wasn't laughing but he was smiling an amused smile, and said, "It's interesting how she noticed that when none of us noticed until now."

Jean-Claude and Asher exchanged looks and nodded while also smiling amused smiles.

"Others have probably noticed. But she's the first to actually say anything about it." Jean-Claude said while smiling.

"That's not the only thing we noticed." Kindle said while grinning at first then giving a soft smile.

"Oh? What would that be?" Asher asked while looking at us with raised eyebrows his hair hiding half of his face.

"Yes. And that everyone in this room are survivors. Some more than others. Which screams at those who have hurt us or plan to that we won't be taken down easily and they will be the ones on the run if they don't know what's good for them and aren't smart enough to leave us alone." Kindle said and smirked while totally being serious.

They all stared at us after she said that, especially Asher.

"Damn. She's not only right but that's totally badass." The sandy blonde said.

^When did you become badass?^ I asked her while inside my mind.

^I always have been. I have just hidden it for our sakes while in captivity. Now I don't need to hide it anymore. And I can help you become strong as well.^ Kindle said. Then promised, ^I promise to help us stay safe in anyway possible. If our captors come for us I will make sure they regret it.^

"That's slightly disturbing how you do that." One of the other men said, the one with dreadlocks.

All Kindle did was shrug. Then she said, "We kept from it too much or did it where it wasn't noticeable while we were held captive. We must be very comfortable to do it the way we are around all of you otherwise you wouldn't notice...Mr. Dreadlocks." Then she paused letting that sink in while discreetly looking at Mr. Dreadlocks. Though her calling him Mr. Dreadlocks got some laughs and even a laugh from him as well as a blush. His eyes looked sad though as if it was slowly sinking in what we had been through.

We were then introduced to them and found out their names were Jamil, Shang-Da, and Jason. Jason being the sandy blonde, and Jamil being the one with dreadlocks.

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked as I took over. Which made all eyes turn to Jean-Claude.

"We were thinking of spending time at the Circus of the Damned with you. If you were up to it." Jean-Claude said.

"Sure. I haven't been to a circus before. So it should be fun." I said.

After that we left and even rode in a limo. Which surprised both Kindle and me but also felt nice.


I know this was a long chapter. But that's because a lot happened.

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